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Runes: Engage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Janna and champions like Janna can thwart Jarvan's engages and make him useless.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune's ultimate has insane compatibility with Jarvan's.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune's ultimate has insane compatibility with Jarvan's.
Champion Build Guide
Why play Jarvan?
Jarvan provides reliable engage for your team and many other utilities that go unseen. You can also provide good peel and zone control in team fights. In addition, Jarvan has the added bonus of being a safer option than some of the other engage supports in the game. Jarvan brings good base damage to the table, which can surprise enemy laners.
What else does Jarvan do?
Jarvan fills a similar role to Leona. They both have strong engage tools in their EQR, and both have survivability built into their W. However, there are things that Jarvan provides that Leona doesn't. Leona is a simpler champion, and because of that, her W makes her a lot more tanky than Jarvan's. However, Jarvan has many more nuances in his kit that make him very useful if you're good at him. Unlike Leona, Jarvan's EQ can be used to engage AND escape. It's not held back by hitting an enemy champion which by itself makes Jarvan's mobility a lot more versatile than Leona's.
Jarvan Tips:
Jarvan's Q shreds armor, and it scales as you level it up until it reaches 26%. This can help your ADC do a lot of quick burst during the three second period that the shred lasts.
Jarvan's W shield scales with max health and based on how many enemies are hit with the slow. This makes it worthwhile to build a lot of HP items and hit as many enemies as possible with his slow.
Jarvan's E gives sight for scouting and grants a passive aura that gives his allies 20-30% attack speed based on level. This makes his E one of the most versatile abilities in the game. Don't be afraid to use it for taking early plates, and remember than your ADC will have bonus attack speed while the flag is out.
Sorry, this is a little short, but check the notes for each section for more information.
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