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Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
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-Do you like never dying?
-Do you like doing tons of damage?
-Do you love Assassin champions?
So what are the pros and cons of Tank Talon?
-Massive burst damage
-Spam all day never run out of mana
-Nearly impossible to be killed
-Not as sustainable after burst as other talons.
-On par damage early and mid game but falls of later
What is a mana tank?
A mana tank is a character that builds either an Archangles or a Manamune, and then builds tanky mana items for damage. The point of this is to still be as tanky as a true tank while doing damage as high as a DPS. Another bonus us the extreme amounts of Mana. I first developed this build around Blitzcrank, utilizing his shield passive. I found though that this build works for many characters.
Why go mana tank on Talon?
Talon is an Assassin character, meaning that he is good at killing one enemy and then getting out. The problem is that the NA Meta is currently large teamfights, making it difficult for squishy Assassins. The point of this build is to examine the possibility of a tanky Assassin. Allowing you to dive into a team fight and kill more then one person.
The build
Now that we got the why out of the way, let's go to the how.
First, like any smarter-than-a-fork summoner, you will start with Boots of Speed, two Health Potion's and one Mana Potion. Once you get enough gold take the blue pill and buy Mercury's Treads. Also if you are taking heavy damage, of course don't be shy, go ahead and buy more potions.
At this point in the game you should be farming pretty well, go ahead and buy yourself a Tear of the Goddess. This will allow you to farm all day arryday. After you get enough money go ahead and get the Manamune.
First variation
At this point you have a choice. If you are winning your lane, and just want to stomp more pubs, buy a Triforce. If you are losing though then build defensively according to what champion is giving you trouble. Take a Banshee's Veil if you are having trouble with a mage, or a Frozen Heart if you are having trouble with an AD DPS.
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