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Recommended Items
Runes: Resolve Grasp
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Level Up Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pyke from my experience is the hardest Counter. Of course he has a hook, but he has a Dash that can also Stun. He got some Healing, and his R is an other Dash along with extra Gold. But when you start getting items the only thing he can do is try to set his Team up to try and kill you. So you got to do it better.
Has a Slow/Root with W and Slow and long range Damage with R so he can help set you and his Team up. And in laning phase his W can lead to your E which will be a massive combo. But anyone with CC is pretty good in most cases.
Has a Slow/Root with W and Slow and long range Damage with R so he can help set you and his Team up. And in laning phase his W can lead to your E which will be a massive combo. But anyone with CC is pretty good in most cases.
Champion Build Guide
The Threats page and Synergy page are both very small because I did not play a lot of games. So this is just something you are going to have to learn from experience. But it should be the same as normal Veigar support. Its just that late game most of the Threats fall of because you become so Tanky.(Hooks, Hard CC, etc...)
But in the end playing this game is for fun. So have fun first. Then win the game. And if you lose at least you had fun.
"Why does no one go
In Season 10, I remember going Half Tank Veigar build in one game going Spirit Visage in a full AP Team I remember it being fun as they could not hurt me and me having a lot of health with this one item. \\\\\\\\\\\\
The first reason I'm making this guide was there was no Full Tank build for Veigar. I asked Reddit first for a good Full Tank Build. But the answers I got where not satisfactory for me. So here is this guide that I created.
The other reason is with Veigar, as of now, is one of if not the weakest mid laner in the game right now due to the fact that Rabadons death cap got nerfed hard. Before the nerf if you could buying as a 3rd/4th item for Veigar would be good. Now with increased price and lower percentage Ability Power makes it a 5th or even 6th item. Also as newer champs are being released more of them have Dashes that can help them get out of Veigar Cage making him weaker generally. Look at Yone, Samira and even Viego.
The final reason and probably the main reason is I remember getting stomped because the Cho'Gath from top lane got so fed and Tanky that I could only damage to him to around 1/10 of his max health even with Liandrys and Demonic Embrace, Rabadons, Void Staff and a full combo I was also a mid laner that game and was not even behind.
All I could think about was how broken Tank Items are. But then I thought, "What if I was a Tank as well?"
Forgive any grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes in this Guide I'm sure there is going to be a lot but I tried my best and its been around 3/4 days since is started this guide so if it does not come out now its never coming out.
But what I can say is this build is pretty fun, so I hope for the people that do try this build I hope you find it fun as well. And I hope Veigar gets a new buff soon.
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