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Recommended Items
Runes: for a bit more damage
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order top
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
too much poke that's hard to heal and if you MR then your passive and ability don't scale as well as off armor.
Xin Zhao
you can heal him and since he's front-line stuns can be hit easier and he doesn't need to be all that stealthy and bursty so when he ganks you. you have time to W him.
Xin Zhao
you can heal him and since he's front-line stuns can be hit easier and he doesn't need to be all that stealthy and bursty so when he ganks you. you have time to W him.
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