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Choose Champion Build:
- Sup
- Funnel Mid
- Jungle build (guide coming soon)
Recommended Items
Runes: Survive
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Her Disengage can mess up your all in bot lane
Jhin biggest weakness is his lack of survivabilty and taric covers that for him
Jhin biggest weakness is his lack of survivabilty and taric covers that for him
Champion Build Guide
For Those who are looking at the funnel you should know funneling is not a respectable thing so if you get flamed don't be surprised now it will be after the Jungle chapter
After shock is something you would run if you want to play a little more aggressive as it takes away the shield but puts more dmg in taric's kit
For secondary you typically take precision as it helps taric dmg and sustain more but in poke match ups you would take inspiration to help with the mana lose due to shielding and healing more in lane. in the poke runes you can always select magical boots instead of the cosmic insight as that is also a good thing to have into poke.
For the core you still take knight vow and zekes since it helps with taric's kit like with the last season.
Spirit visage passive has been changed as now it give 25% increased shield and healing with can be great with taric as it helps him heal and shield in the frontline
with the more situational it comes down to team comp if you want to be more of a front line into a burst team take more healing as you will win the sustain but if they have more sustain take more survivabilty items and with the change of grievous wound thorn mail will be even better to healing champs
Randuin is a great item to go into crit champions like jhin tristana and more. take this when they get fed or they start to do dmg
Frozen heart is a great mana and armor item while it has that it also has a slow which can be great into champs like jinx vayne ect. take this when they're team is heavy on ad.
Frostfire gaunlet is a great item for chasing and fits well with shurelyias it has armor and magic resist great to comps with high mobility
Ardent censer redemption and mikael are all great healing items it just comes down to comp to pick if you want primary healing and shielding for one person take ardent. redemption is great for aoe so if you want more aoe take redemption. finally mikael is great for heavy cc comps.
Make sure to take control ward whenever you can because vision is great to win
Mikael is good for cc heavy teams
Redemtion: For more healing
Zeke: For extra stats
Thronmail: enemy team has good healing
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