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// Introduction Hi. I'm Kinesis and I'm a diamond support main on EUW. In this guide I'm going to give some insight into playing ![]() ![]() Although he has fallen out of flavour in both soloq and competitive play due to a string of nerfs and power creep in other support champions (see ![]() ![]() I would recommend you're at least level 30 with an understanding of League of Legends before reading this guide, as I plan on avoiding basic gameplay mechanics. |
+ Reliable targeted stun + Decent healing ability + Naturally tanky + Incredible aura carrier + Strong dueling ability + Great at securing objectives + Easy to play |
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- No strong initiation/disengage - Melee - vulnerable to poke - Slow base movement speed - Little peel outside of stun - Benefits little from AP/mpen - Easy to fall behind in levels - Mana hungry |
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// You deal additional damage in your next basic attack after casting a spell; lowers cooldowns.
// Think
// Heals your target as well as yourself.
// Your sustain tool. Unless you're being heavily poked, you typically level this 3rd and max it last.You can heal yourself as well as your ally by targeting them. Alternatively you can heal yourself for a larger amount by self-casting.
// Armour aura. Activate to shatter and lower nearby enemy armour.
// Argaubly your most important ability. Level it second and max it first. Each level increases not only the amount of damage the ability does but also the armour it grants you and nearby teammates. Using it nearby enemies will shred their armour, but will also shred yours. Be careful.
// Targeted stun that scales with rank.
// Your primary form of CC. A very reliable stun that increases with rank as you level it. You typically take this first, and max it second. It's good to note that the ablity does more damage depending on how close you are to your target, so it's a good idea to be close by.
// Does damage to nearby enemies. Grants additional stats.
// Adds to your insane burst at level 6. Level this at 6, 11 and 16. Deals magic damage in a nearby range and grants you bonus AP and attack damage. It also grants nearby allies half. Use this first in your burst to empower your other abilities!
0 Offense. 16 Defense. 14 Utility. (Recommended)
0 Offense. 21 Defense. 9 Utility. (Alternative)
O F F T A N K |
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// This page is, in my eyes, the perfect mix of defense and support utility that is appropriate for melee offtank supports, such as
![]() ![]() ![]() Q: Could I run 0/21/9 for extra tankiness? // Yes. You can invest points into ![]() ![]() Q: Why the point in ![]() ![]() // I feel the gold income from the mastery is underwhelming and I value any additional health regeneration to make me stronger in lane. It scales with your mana pool and synergises with items such as ![]() ![]() Q: Why invest in ![]() // The mastery improves upon your health regeneration and self-healing when you're low on health. This will help out tremendously in engagements - saving yourself with clutch ![]() ![]() |
0 Offense. 9 Defense. 21 Utility.
U T I L I T Y |
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S U P P O R T |
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// I get asked about this alternative build a lot. I personally don't like it on tanky melee supports but it does work. (I feel it is more appropriate for passive casters such as
![]() It means that you will have access to the full movement speed offered by ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Q: Is there any pages worth investing into Offense on ![]() // I honestly don't believe so at this point. |
Greater Quintessence of Armor: // These are my go to quints on tanky supports including
Taric as well as
Blitzcrank and
Alistar. It really lets you go for those level 2 all ins and keeps you less vulnerable to poke. It's also the most cost efficient way to gain armour, more-so currently than seals.
Greater Mark of Armor: // More resilience. Armour is just excellent and it's obvious as to why. Your
Shatter and
Gemcraft scales from it, and you probably don't need any offensive marks to play
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: // Flat magic resistance will help protect you against the strong AP supports that are common in bot lane today. (Especially you,
Karma) They also provide defense against magic-based junglers such as
Elise and carries that deal great amounts of magic damage; such as
Corki. You don't need scaling. You can always itemise for it, and the early game is most important for support.
Greater Seal of Health: // These have now dethroned
Greater Seal of Armor as the go-to yellows. Having plenty of HP during the early game will keep you alive longer and help you survive all-ins and burst damage. It also makes your defensive stats much more cost effective.
Alternative Runes
Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration is a common sight on support runepages. Typically you take 3 to grant an extra 1 mana regen per 5, without sacrificing too much magic resistance. Since
Taric is quite mana hungry, you can invest in these if you want.
- Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration is your best offensive bet in marks. You combine both physical and magic damage at great effect. These are better than
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, but they're also not a bad choice if you wish to invest into offense.
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed They're not bad for roaming, lining up skill shots and making plays. Not bad support quints. Ask yourself whether you can just wait until you get
Boots however.
Greater Seal of Armor and
Greater Quintessence of Health can be used together if you have not yet purchased the more effective rune sets, but I recommend changing as soon as possible for cost efficiency.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power and
Greater Glyph of Ability Power can be used for more beefy offense, but at the cost of defense. I don't generally recommend them on
Greater Quintessence of Gold I have to mention them, but I don't recommend them. Their gold income is negligible. Early game stats are much more important. Stay away from
Greater Seal of Gold.
Recommended Spells
[+]Exhaust can cripple the enemy AD carry, helping you make the most of ganks early game and slowing the opponent so you can cast
Dazzle. In the current meta, this is the best spell for crippling both carries in laning phase and assassins/bruisers later.
[+]Flash is your free getaway card. It lets you jump over walls and towards your tower when things go pear-shaped. It can also let you get into range to drop your
Dazzle or your entire combo on an enemy as an effective initiation
[+]Heal, thanks to its more recent buffs is much more suited as a support spell, and you should consider it, if your ADC is not taking it. It's a lifesaver ability in teamfights and 2v2 engagements. Especially thanks to its movement speed grant.
[+]Ignite adds to your burst in lane, helps secure stragglers and thwarts both healing and lifestealing. Forget the whole 'it might take kills from your carry' argument. If they die, you both get paid, and it sends them home, denying them experience.
Poor Spells
[-]Clarity restores mana. You would think this is nice with mana hungry carries, but it really isn't and wastes a valuable summoner spell slot. You only generally see this in really low level play.
[-]Barrier could be used to shield yourself and stay alive longer in 2v2 dogfights, but it's selfish and will probably put you at a disadvantage. Take
Heal instead?
[-]Clairvoyance was made redundant by
Scrying Orb and is outclassed by other summoner spells. I suppose it has an extreme niche but I wouldn't bother.
[-]Ghost is your main alternative to
Flash. Except it won't help you escape over walls and initiate with
Dazzle. You only really see this in pre-30 play, so don't.
Starting Items
Your starting items are important. For
You can start with
Alternatively, you can start with a
Another popular choice is starting with a
I do not recommend starting with a
Early Game
Let's understand early game items.
Tier 2 Boots
Boot choice isn't too complicated!
Support Considerations
These items make up the majority of your build. They provide great overall stats and provide important utility that helps you support your team.
Face of the Mountain is the fully grown form of
Talisman of Ascension is arguably the most important engage or disengage item in the game. On top of the great mana regeneration and cooldown reduction, its Shurelya's Reverie boost of movement speed can help you catch up with the enemy or flee a stronger team that wants to fight.
Zeke's Herald is much more niche and isn't commonly seen. It's great on very heavy AD compositions, but make it one of the last items you pick up.
You can upgrade your
You should upgrade your
Tank Considerations
These items are more for selfish defensive stats to help you stay alive. Nevertheless, they do provide forms of utility that directly affect enemies who try to fight you.
Niche Items
Much more niche picks, but I will explain what utility they do provide.
As previously mentioned, I do not recommend starting with
I will be brief in explaining elixirs and enchantments. I generally go for
The placement of your wards is also quite important. Some people place their wards in the river bush, others further up more towards blue entrance /
As seen here ward the bush closest to the enemy tower for improved brush control, especially against kill lane supports who can punish you easily, such as
Also remember to ward the Tribush on blue side to prevent the jungler or midlane champion getting at you. Especially against those who can knock you towards the enemy, such as
Remember counterwarding is equally as important as warding. Pick up that
This map is helpful in deciding where to place wards:
As support it's important that you always carry wards and ward crucial areas but encourage others to also ward. You only have three plus one
- Your jungler should carry wards to ward his blue and red buffs, the enemy's if he so chooses and objectives such as
Baron Nashor
- Your mid carry can also ward their river bushes to help prevent ganks
- Solotop should always ward their river bush and tribush to prevent ganks
Even as the game moves into its later stages, keep on warding. This should be easy if you have your
In teamfights and skirmishes (small fights for objectives), you should be looking at staying close to your carry/carries and attacking incoming bruisers and carries. Stunning them with
This is why items such as
When it comes to picking and ambushing, having plenty of movement speed will allow you to stun out of position enemies (why
tl;dr Stay close to your allies, heal them, provide auras, stun and shred enemies
He is however currently suffering from power creep, and is somewhat weaker than most newer support champions.
I hope you've enjoyed reading this guide as much as I have writing it. Please don't downvote simply because there's something that you don't like. This guide should only show you a glimpse of how he can be played.
If you have any constructive criticism, please feel free to share. I'd love to hear from you in the comments and I'll be writing guides on other support champions, both common and uncommon, in the future.
Feel free to drop me a message here on Mobafire, or catch me on my channel:
Keep on supporting!
Note: Thanks again to leagueofcoaching for the warding map and to jhoijhoi for the guide creation tutorial.
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