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Ranged Top Laner with a dash and % health damage. Just dodge this matchup or ban it.
Pretty broken champ at the moment, and builds Sunderer which destroys tanks like Amumu. Try to bait out her W or E and look for poke with your W and E.
Skill matchup mainly based on the skill of the Riven. Shouldn't be too hard in low Elo's, but if facing a one trick you could get stomped.
Another skill matchup that probably slightly favours Wukong. However, you beat him early and can look for kills levels 3-6. Try to engage with Q, bait out his clone and run around with your W on.
You should be able to just stick on him after level 3, and kill him providing you dont walk into all his knock ups on his Q.
Skill matchup based on if Cho hits his Q. Careful of his ult as he can eat you from half hp is you haven't based for items and he has.
Very hard matchup due to Darius' potential as a lane bully. Don't trade before 6. Try to bait our his Q or E before looking for an engage. You want to be on the inside of his Q when trading to take minimal damage.
I haven't played too much of this matchup, but I feel like it slightly favours Amumu. You can't do much early, but there is kill pressure once you hit 6. Try to dodge his barrels and not walk up too much early, as his early poke could force you out of the lane.
The problem with Garen is that you can't fight him when he has his E up. This is because his E outweighs your W and E damage when you're fighting. Therefore you have to try to bait out his E by walking up and poking with your E. Then look for an engage with Q if he uses his E. His ult is also broken AF, so be careful about that.
Another busted new champion that destroys our little mummy. Her Q outrades your Q > E > W combo, and her dash makes it hard to engage onto her. However, not commonly picked in lower elo's and hopefully will be banned soon.
Similar to Riven, this matchup depends mainly on the skill of the enemy. If Irelia lands her stun with full Q stacks, you are probably dead. Her Q also allows her to dodge your Q. However most Irelia's are average at best, making the matchup winnable she messes up. Dodging her E will usually allow you to win the trade.
Skill matchup that usually is decided in the early game. You can still damage him with your W and E when he is using his E. This means you can engage with Q > E > W, he will use his E. Then stay in his E for a bit so he thinks you will tank the stun, and try to walk out at the last second. This will guarantee a good trade.
Should be a free lane, as you can fight her pre 6 very easily. The only was you lose is if you let her farm to level 11, without killing her and she 1v9s the game. You want to kill her early and then completely prevent her from walking up for cs.
Kled is a terrible matchup as he can easily engage onto you with his E > Q combo, due to Amumu's lack of mobility. His W and Q damage will always outweigh your E and W. You can't even engage with your Q, as it allows him to get a free Q or dodge with his E. Probably just dodge this TBH.
Honestly no idea. Who even plays this champ top anymore?
Mordekaiser is hard, as his passive counters our W. Try to poke with your E and dodge his Q and E. Only engage with your Q if he misses everything and you have corrupting potions available.
You have to try and kill him before he scales out the roof. Try to deny him as much farm as possible pre 6, and engage with Q if he ever walks up. The problem is you can't afford to roam and teamfight that much, as Nasus will just be infinitely scaling in lane. He also builds Sunderer which shreds tanks, and you can't kill him solo late game.
Haven't played this one much either, but Ornn has more health and early damage than Amumu so it's very hard to win. Just try to dodge his abilites and look for poke when you can. He also outranges your E poke with his Q and W.
Similar to Jax in that you can use your W and E inside his W zone. Can be difficult if he cheeses with ignite, and he outscales you in the 1v1 late game. The matchup is mainly about baiting out each others abilities. You should usually win long trades, because of conqueror.
Just save your Q to cancel his Q, and you shouldn't have a problem. Try to stay away from the minion waves too much, as he can E > Q and his minions will block your Q. You should be able to win trades with him pre 6, and poke him out of lane.
Tahm Kench
The reworked fat frog stomps Amumu. He out damages you with his autos and Q, when you try to fight him. His new ult means your burst damage all but disappears. Just try to not fight him, and you will be far more useful than him in the late game and teamfights.
Braindead champ just auto's you to death. Try to bait his spin out and look for poke. Can't really win after he hits 6, and just try to out farm him. You can also try to CC lock him under your turret if he tries to dive you.
Skill matchup based on who lands their Q or E respectively. Don't engage with your Q unless he has already used his E. If he lands his E, your will probably die. You have to get close to him to trade, as his W outranges your E and W.
You can't really do much in this matchup, as sticking on Yorick will allow him to cage you and use his minions on you. He also builds Sunderer, which destroys Amumu. Just try to roam and teamfight as much as possible, as you won't be able to do anything to him in lane.
Great CC and teamfight potential
Can surprise many top laners with his damage
People forget to take MR into him
A tank for your team
Good waveclear with his W and E
His Q hitbox is so ****ing broken
Weak before level 3
If you die early the lane is often over
Laning often relies on baiting out his enemies
Mercury Tread's hard counter him
Quite a low mana pool
Conqueror: Conqueror is great for Amumu top, as it stacks so easily with his W, E and Bami's. All you need is the Q > E > W plus a few autos combo and it will be almost fully stacked. This allows Amumu to take extended trades and punish enemies if they stay close to him for too long.
The rest of the Primary Runes: Triumph and Tenacity are standard for top lane and a no brainer. You can take Coup de Grace or Last Stand (I always take Coup de Grace), to increase your final bit of burst damage to the enemy.
Domination Secondary Runes: We take Domination Secondary, because Resolve Secondary is for people who are bad lol. Also Cheap Shot, Taste of Blood and Sudden Impact are all really good on Amumu. I usually take Taste of Blood, but Cheap Shot can be better if you are looking to engage with your Q > E > W then back off. ToB is better with the E poke playstyle I like to play. Ultimate Hunter is a no-brainer secondary as - although it can be hard to stack in top lane - it is Amumu's ultimate that really makes him a viable champion.
Tips and Tricks
Use your E to farm the first 3 melee minions and try to hit the enemy top laner as they go for cs.
Save your second Q and ult for the last bit of burst.
Always combo ult > Q in lane, as it guarantees your Q landing.
You can Q > E > W, and then run away to get free damage and bait the enemies abilities.
If your low HP, try to bait enemies under your turret then use W > E > R > Q to clear the wave and CC lock them.
Tell you bot lane to get a deep ward so you can TP, and try to hold your TP for teamfights.
Thanks for reading my guide on Amumu top! I hope you have fun trying out this playstyle and it enables you to climb the LOL ladder (although it may not). If you have any questions or things you think I should add, let me know in the comments and I will check it out.
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