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Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Pyromania (PASSIVE)
Annie Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Miss Fortune
Really strong adc. She can follow up your stun with her ultimate for free kills.
Miss Fortune
Really strong adc. She can follow up your stun with her ultimate for free kills.
Champion Build Guide
I really like annie support and I want to show you the best way to play her in season 10.
Annie is a pretty simple champion with really high burst.
Playing support annie can be quite tricky since tank supports are pretty dominant in this meta.
W-Incinerate: ACTIVE: Annie releases a cone of fire in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area. |
Cheap Shot: It gives a little bit extra true damage into your quick burst trade combo. It also sinergize really well with Rylai's crystal scepter applying this rune pretty much permanently. |
Eyeball Collection: It's the best rune in this section and the easier to stack when ahead. |
Secondary Tree - Inspiration:
Cosmic Insight: The best rune in this Tree. Lower Flash and Ignite cooldown. |
Secondary Tree - Resolve:
Bone Plating: The best rune to prevent yourself to get oneshot. whenever it's up is really hard for the enemy team to burst you. |
Overgrowth: Really good rune that synergize with your HP stacking build. It makes you even tankier while also dealing a lot amount of damage. |
Flash: Always take Flash no matter what. Flash+Ult is the best Playmaking tool for Annie. |
Ignite: Take Ignite into 90% of your games. Into healing support is the only tool to reduce their healing before buying Morellonomicon . It also does a really good amount of damage. |
Exhaust: Take exhaust into burst oriented enemies such as Zed or Talon . If not just take Ignite . |
- Stack your passive in base and after start cover your botside jungle.
- Early game play passive and try to get lvl6 as fast as possible.
- Just go for short trades with your stun up for an easy Electrocute Proc.
- At lvl6 you and your adc can start to watch for kills.
- Your full combo + Electrocute + Ignite can pretty much solo kill the enemy adc.
- Killing the midlaner pretty much secure the dragon for your team if It's up.
- Look for Flash + Ult combos on the enemies if they missposition.
as Annie in the LateGame.
- A good Combo on the enemies can pretty much secure baron or even the game.
- Try to not feed early tho since Annie when behind is pretty useless.
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