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Choose Champion Build:
- Shred Single Target and Teams
- Lots of Damage
Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order R -> Q -> W -> E
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
As you read the previous paragraph, you may have wondered to yourself: "Wouldnt practice just make a great Vayne player, not some secret trick or method, like these other guides condemn? (Ha)" Well, in response, I would say you are half right. Practice can contribute to the development of one's self into a great Vayne player, but only if it focused on the right techniques.
Techniques, an interesting proposition if I ever wrote one, right? Do I mean mechanics? Such as kiting/orb walking, last hitting, and positioning? No, at least not entirely. While these listed mechanics, as some may call them, may contribute to the key facets that make a great Vayne player, alone, a great Vayne does not make.
By this point you are probably screaming at your monitor as you take a puff from your electronic vape machine, saying: "C'cmon explain how I can be a great Vayne player already, quite yanking my chain and get to it". Well, Alright you convinced me. Here are the three keys to becoming a great Vayne player, which when combined, will make you almost as good as me. As the title may have already given away ( at least if you are keen on such things), the three keys are Walls, Rings, and Late Game. Master each one individually, and you may be considered amazing by your boring highschool/college friends who struggle to get into, let alone out of, Silver. However, as you can master two of the three and finally all three of the three, you will be considered a great Vayne players, by even the likes of me: TheRealVayneGod. This entire intro may have sounded like some sort of explicative tease (if you catch my drift), but in due time you will see the power these three keys hold.
Continue to the following sections to see real game examples, explained by someone who has worked on mastering these three keys so much, that they still have not learned how to embed pictures and videos to add to their descriptions. So, you are left with just that... description.
The Runes are the Standard ADC Runes. However, this does not mean you can not experiment. In fact, I encourage you to experiment with all aspects of this guide, except of course the three key principles. After all, once these principles are mastered, everything extra will be gravy added the potatoes, nacho cheese dip added to the already nacho cheese filled pretzel, ranch added to already delicious pizza, a nice note paired with the gift card received for Christmas, an extra terabyte or two of RAM added to the already fully stocked computer, the prize money when combined with satisfaction alone of winning a fantasy football championship. Ah, you get the point by now. Basically, the runes add to your already great base. Think of them as you would think of your support: good helps, but can do without.
Teamwork is cool and all, don't get me wrong, but not that important in the grand scheme of things. When the Final Hour strikes, a great Vayne will be enhanced to even greater heights by a semi-competent team, but will not be swallowed by the eternal depth created by feeding and trolling. When the three keys are fully mastered, Vayne cannot be stopped. A force of nature is created and regardless of any outside attempts, can not be slowed down.
The part you have all been waiting for... When one is in control of a mastered Vayne, one will do and have at their disposal the following:
Walls: You are on a different plane from everybody else. You will see walls when there seem to be no walls to mortal eyes. Enemies will be stunned by your ability to locate, and seemingly spawn, walls out of nowhere.
Rings: Ah, great relief for you, great agony for you enemies. Three rings, once accumulated, will pull from another dimension a power so great that it will make those who oppose it tremble, those who fail to acknowledge it shocked, those who do not entirely fear it humbled. When coupled with a wall, one is but two auto attacks away from deleting thy enemy, but two auto attacks away from instilling fear into thy enemy, but two auto attacks away from showing complete and udder dominance over thy enemy.
Late Game: You are Late Game. By this I do not mean that you are a late game champion, I mean this in the most literal sense: You ARE in fact the late game. You control it, you embody it, you define it, you bend it to your will, and any outsiders' feeble and vayne attempt to tap into the late game when you are controlling a mastered Vayne will be squashed. The game will end, as the only destiny of an enemy team faced with your mastered Vayne is imminent surrender
Walls: You are on a different plane from everybody else. You will see walls when there seem to be no walls to mortal eyes. Enemies will be stunned by your ability to locate, and seemingly spawn, walls out of nowhere.
Rings: Ah, great relief for you, great agony for you enemies. Three rings, once accumulated, will pull from another dimension a power so great that it will make those who oppose it tremble, those who fail to acknowledge it shocked, those who do not entirely fear it humbled. When coupled with a wall, one is but two auto attacks away from deleting thy enemy, but two auto attacks away from instilling fear into thy enemy, but two auto attacks away from showing complete and udder dominance over thy enemy.
Late Game: You are Late Game. By this I do not mean that you are a late game champion, I mean this in the most literal sense: You ARE in fact the late game. You control it, you embody it, you define it, you bend it to your will, and any outsiders' feeble and vayne attempt to tap into the late game when you are controlling a mastered Vayne will be squashed. The game will end, as the only destiny of an enemy team faced with your mastered Vayne is imminent surrender
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