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Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
This BUILD IS HARD TO do, maybe suggestion to make easier! thanks!
Sooooooo, this is my tf build. This build is MAINLY for SKILLED players... IF you aren't a skilled player... YOU CAN LEAVE. I suck... sooo... yeah... umm anyways. I was trying for a twisted fate that was kind of helpful in team fights. This one seemed to do best with a lot of team compositions and such. I think that this is one of the better guides just because I've tried all of the others and they don't do much damage are selfish builds for greedy people who want kills. This one actually does damage and can be extremely helpful... DEPENDING ON WHO YOU ARE ;)
ANYWAys. The reason why I like TF is because I watched x-men origions and I LOOOVVVEDD Gambit. He is now my favorite superhero (don't tell my friends cause they think its green lantern!!). I started playing with him and I loved every single one of his abilities. So... I started trying out different builds posted on this site but i didn't like ANY of them. Instead I decided to mess around and see if I could come up with better builds. In this case I was aiming for a lot of damage as possible while allowing for all his abilities to be boosted by the build. Many of the builds on this site for tf are mainly ability power builds. I wanted a hybrid build that could boost his "W" while also giving his other abilites just as much boost.
ANYWAys. The reason why I like TF is because I watched x-men origions and I LOOOVVVEDD Gambit. He is now my favorite superhero (don't tell my friends cause they think its green lantern!!). I started playing with him and I loved every single one of his abilities. So... I started trying out different builds posted on this site but i didn't like ANY of them. Instead I decided to mess around and see if I could come up with better builds. In this case I was aiming for a lot of damage as possible while allowing for all his abilities to be boosted by the build. Many of the builds on this site for tf are mainly ability power builds. I wanted a hybrid build that could boost his "W" while also giving his other abilites just as much boost.
So the reason why I have the attack damage masteries maxed out is for the maximum possible damage. also it will give him a boost in the beginning which he needs MASSIVELY because you need those two Needlessly Large Rods. OH, And another thing! make sure that you know how to play tf before trying out this build!! I still suck with him compared to the gods, but all in all it takes a while (for me) to become extremely good with champions. BTW thanks for looking at this build, if you like PLEASE rate it up!! THANK YOU
Rune Build
Next, the reason why i chose cooldown reduction for the rune build is because I wanted to have a TF that could deal damage and use abilities as fast as possible... of course, thats what cooldown reduction is for! I love this because i can stun someone and then stun them again in seconds it works great with tf because in team fights WE PWN! I also know that TF is good for 1v4s also (JUST KDDING > i just got in a 1v4 and pwned em all ;) anyways these runes help a LOT becuase nothing else would give cdr.
I love the teleport as a summoner spell becuase it gives you another teleport aside from your ult (which I think is really usefull for ganks and such).
I use flash becuase I love flashing through walls when i'm in trouble and if I see an almost dead opponent i could flash through a wall and kill em... keepen it simple right?
I use flash becuase I love flashing through walls when i'm in trouble and if I see an almost dead opponent i could flash through a wall and kill em... keepen it simple right?
Ability Choice PICK thingy
ANYWAYS, BACK to the story.
I first max out my "pick a card" because it does 100% attack damage and something around 35% magic damage. It helps a lot because of chicken <JUST KIDDING!> but really if you know what you're doing I shouldn't have to explain this, but this is just in case. I try to max my stacked deck second but I really don't think it matters so much as to which comes next because either *(i might seem distracted cause i'm playing LOL while writing this :P) you want to harras with "wild cards" or farm with "stacked deck" or even harras with "stacked deck"... whichever you prefer really...
Next, the reason for my build: I love the needlessly large rod because when you have it early game (like below lvl 5) then everyone is raving mad over it and they hate you so they target you (*which is a bad thing!... but I like the challenge ;). but really I like it because it gives you an edge over other players and you usually get more kills and better games result because of it. The reason why its good that they target you is because of the second rod... they come for you... and all of a sudden they find you having a lot more power than they origionaly thought and BAM you PWN THEM GOOD (btw pwn is pronounced "own") then once you've had your fun with two rods you upgrade one to Zhonya's Hourglass. The reason why is because of the stasis that it puts you in. If you're good, everyone by now is raging at you and now they're like "FOCUS TWISTED!!!" (which ALSMOST NEVER happens in regular games because TF is played by nooobs! so if you're good prove me wrong!) So now everyone is focusing you and so thats where Zhonya's Hourglass comes into play. make sure that you aren't on your own and when the fight initiates USE Zhonya's!! cause everyone is attacking you and their rage is deceiving their eyes and they think they're killing you when really your teammates are destroying them in seconds!!
(CAUTION: it doesn't always work like this)
(another CAUTION: you might have ****py teammates! be careful!)
Next we grab rabidons so that we have a good amount of ability power in our grasp.
Now that we have enough ability power, we now go to the attack damage part of the hybrid. attack damage helps fuel Twisted fates "w" which is his "pick a card" ability. The reason I chose Tiamat is so that when you're farming minions you're doing extra damage to the ones around them and then you get major money and CS!! WE ALL LOVE CS RIGHT?? anyways... i'm sure there's a better option than TIAMAT but of course to know that I'm not sure what else to get you would of have to read all of this stuff... which i'm sure only 1/8 of players will actually do...
Please leave a comment of a better attack damage side to this hybrid if you read this. I'm more of an ap person so.. yeah...
Next: I get two B.F. Swords so that I have a lot of attack damage. Something I noticed was that TF's "W" has 100% usage of attack damage but only like 50% on its ability power. I was thinking of having a lot of attack damage, but decided against it becuase i needed the ability power for his other abilities. Once I have the B.F. Swords I try to ignore the other players and farm major minions to get my "The Bloodthirster"s fast as possible. AGAIN! PLEASE LEAVE COMMENT SUGGESTING A BETTER AD SIDE TO THIS BUILD!! THANKS!
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