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Choose Champion Build:
- Azir Aery Build
- Azir HoB Build
- Azir Electrocute Build
- Azir Lethal Tempo Build
- Azir Comet Build
- Azir Aery Top
- Azir Electrocute Top Build
- Azir Top Tank Melter Build
- Azir Top/Support Tank Build
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Ability Order
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Introduction Pros & Cons Runes Summoner Spells |
Abilities Sequence Items Gameplay |
Laning Phase Teamfighting Summary Credits |
Hello! I'm Sozzoh and this is my guide on Azir. I'm an Azir one trick on PBE, (currently M7 with 111k mastery points) and on live servers (M4 lol). I play both Azir mid and Azir top, using about 3-4 rune pages for any situation. If I get autofilled support, or if I feel like playing support I will go Unsealed Spellbook Azir, running a full tank build with the occasional Nashor's Tooth. In this guide you'll find tons of runes to go for what situations, detailed matchups, pros and cons of Azir, and what to do early-mid-late game on Azir. I hope you enjoy my guide! Enjoy! |
+ Extremely strong siege + Good interactions between opponents + Insane zone control + Strong engage/disengage + Game changing ult + Strong play potential + Strong pushing power Azir is perfect against strong melee picks such as Yasuo, Darius, or Fizz. He's also extremely good in teamfights because of his zone control and ult, which is able to either peel for ADC, disengage a teamfight or engage a teamfight. Azir is extremely good late game and has terrific sieging. Azir can quickly setup ganks by shuffling the enemy away from his/her turret, resulting in a kill. |
- Extremely hard to play decent - Has only one means of mobility - Useless without soldiers - Extremely squishy - Hard matchups - Bad early game if played wrong Azir is a great champion, but he is probably the hardest champion in the game, and takes a lot of mechanical skill and good positioning to play decent. He can be absolutely destroyed if he's against a somewhat decent Zed, LeBlanc, Ahri, etc. His early game is "eh" due to his mana problems and high cooldowns on his Q and E. Corrupting Pot and Time Warp Tonic (and Biscuit Delivery) will help with this. Azir is hard countered by very mobile champions and long range mages, and once he wastes his Q or E, he's pretty much dead if he's caught out. |
Mandatory/Most Needed SS
Flash: is an amazing summoner spell on a 300 second cooldown. You should always take this, as it will help you escape any situation imaginable, help Azir with his low mobility issue and is an important part in your W - E - Q - R combo (if needed). |
Ignite: is amazing on Azir, as it can help with finishing off your enemy laner, steali- I mean, getting a kill on a low health enemy, or anything else related to killing a champion. I take this summoner spell almost 99% of the time, as it helps with early kill pressure immensely. |
Exhaust: is a decent spell against champions like Zed or LeBlanc to try and prevent them from one shotting you, or it can also help with extremely mobile champions like Ahri or Riven. Take this spell if you plan on playing a passive laning phase, only using it to prevent one shots and outscale everyone. |
Situational SS
Barrier: is good against champions like Ziggs or Jayce (or any poke champion). You can also use this spell to annoy the **** out of your opponents to give them that slight sense of hope, in killing you but instead barrier gives them a big old middle finger. |
Teleport: is good for getting around to objectives or teamfights quickly. It's also pretty good for roaming either bot or top behind them, instead of walking all the way to bot or top. I would recommend this against heavy wave clear champions or hard counters that require you to roam to pick up a lead. |
Cleanse: is pretty good against CC champions like Zoe or Lissandra, or hard CC team comps. I personally would never take it unless I'm against 5 Lissandra's, but it's always helpful in any situation where you're, you guessed it, CC'd. |
Questionable SS
Heal: surprisingly this spell isn't too uncommon for many Azir players, since it can give you that little MS boost along with the obvious restored health trying to escape a chase, or it can help your whole team in a teamfight, possibly turning the whole fight around. Heal can also save you if you're about to die from Ignite, or red buff's burn from the enemy jungler. I still wouldn't recommend this at all, but if you feel the need to grab it, go ahead. |
Ghost: I honestly don't see a situation where Ghost would be good on Azir unless you're about to be creep blocked by a huge horde of minions, being chased by an angry enemy team. If you grab this you're 110% trolling. |
Smite: The only situation where I could see an Azir grabbing Smite is if their running Azir jungle cough Yusefu's guide cough. Go check out Yusefu's somewhat outdated but still informative Azir jungle guide! <3 |
P: Shurima's Legacy: Azir's Passive is Shurima's Legacy, where every 3 minutes, Azir can click on the ruins of a destroyed turret, both allied and enemy turrets to summon a Sun Disc. A Sun Disc functions like a normal turret, but will give any gold it earns, as well as kills. |
This passive is amazing for sieging, protecting, or even trying to set up a teamfight in your favor. This passive has granted me so many free kills and has helped me with so many 1v2's and teamfights. Try to use this passive wisely, as it has a long cooldown and can impact the game in either a good or bad way.
Q: Conquering Sands: Azir's Q is Conquering Sands, where it orders all soldiers that are currently up towards the target location dealing 60-140 (+30% of AP) magic damage and slowing all enemies that they pass through by 25% for 1 second. |
This ability is extremely important, as you can use this to dive deep into a fight paired with your E, to poke down your enemy laner, to farm safely from a distance if in a hard matchup, etc. Your Q is very useful, but extremely mana hungry in the early levels. Try to use this ability sparingly, or else you go OoM and die when you have no way to fight back because you are out of mana. This ability is fantastic for repositioning your soldiers in a teamfight to really poke at the back line, possibly picking up a kill. This ability also resets Azir's autoattack timer, very useful for poking and trading in lane with the combo W-AA-Q-AA.
W: Arise!: Azir's W, Arise! is the bread and butter of your kit. Azir summons an untargetable soldier for 9 seconds. These soldiers replace Azir's basic attack with their own, dealing 60-160 (+60% of AP) magic damage in a line. Azir stores up to 2 soldiers at a time, but there is no limit to how many soldiers can be placed on the field. Azir gains 20-60% scaling attack speed for 5 seconds whenever he summons 3 soldiers. |
This ability is literally the only thing you can start with as Azir, because all your other abilities (besides your R) can't be cast without your W. This ability is perfect for zoning off enemies in laning phase, it's 3 soldiers attack speed proc is perfect in teamfights and taking objectives such as Dragon or Baron. In the early game, try to only use one soldier at a time for farming, as this will help you get used to your mana pool and conserving it.
E: Shifting Sands: Azir's E is Shifting Sands, where Azir dashes to one of his soldiers, dealing 60-180 (+40% of AP) magic damage to enemies he passes through, shielding himself for 80-240 (+70% of AP) for 1.5 seconds. If Azir hits an enemy champion, he will stop and gain an extra charge of Arise!. |
This ability is Azir's only mobility spell, with a very high cooldown throughout the game, Azir must use this spell sparingly and wisely, or else it could mean his life. This ability can be used to setup a gank, combined with your R, it can be used to get out of sticky teamfights, it can be used to close a gap between you and a low health enemy, the possibilities are endless. A little tip, if you're about to die from ignite in lane or want to sustain yourself in a duel, place down a soldier and E to it, giving you a shield and bonus health to wait out the ignite or to get an edge in a 1v1. You can also use the extra charge of Arise! for a steroid 1v1 combo. W-W-Q-E(into enemy champion)-W this combo will give you 3 soldier's and your extra AS proc'd, which is amazing for 1v1'ing an enemy champion in the jungle or in lane. It really gives you an advantage.
R: Emperor's Divide: Azir's R is Emperor's Divide, where Azir calls forth 5-7 soldiers who push forward, knocking all enemies back and dealing 150-450 (+60% of AP) magic damage. When the soldiers finish the charge, they stand as an immovable wall for 3 seconds, blocking enemy champion movement. These soldiers can not be affected by your other spells. |
This ultimate ability is a game changer and live saver. You can use this ability for endless uses, such as peeling for ADC, disengaging/engaging a teamfight, setting up a gank, duels in laning phase, etc. I love this ultimate ability, and it can be used to pull of some nutty plays. You'll primarily want to use this ability to knock the whole enemy team back into a turret or your own team. If used correctly, this ultimate can change the whole game.
Ability Sequence
R > Q > W > E
Maxing your Q Conquering Sands first is vital because it is our main transportation of our soldiers and main source of poke/damage. Maxing out your W Arise! next is great because it lowers the CD, and increases the damage each soldier deals. Lastly, maxing out your E Shifting Sands is good because early on in the game you won't need it as much, but later in the game when more teamfights break out, you'll need all your abilities to be up to be able to W - E - Q - R and then be able to E out or E towards a low health enemy escaping the fight. If you feel the need, you can put a few points into E earlier into the game. |
More Items Coming Soon!
Gameplay Coming Soon!
Laning Phase Coming Soon!
Teamfighting Coming Soon!
To conclude, Azir is a high DPS teamfighting god, and is extremely overpowered in the right hands. May I wish you luck in your journey of mastering Azir, and I hope I helped.
I will be updating this guide whenever possible, and it may take a while to update this when Azir gets his upcoming rework(?), but don't quote me on that.
I would love to credit Jovy for helping me out with the graphics, advice and a bit of code for this guide. Without her this guide would look like complete trash and I'm very thankful for the work that she has done willingly for me. You should go check out Jovy's Signature Shop where you can order either a signature, banner(s), or both! She's extremely friendly and responds quickly. Her work is amazing!
Good Luck!
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