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He will abuse you while you are last hitting. Try and juke his Q's wait for your 6 to pull combo him undertower.
She is a very agressive lane bully , and wins every trade. Try to bait out her E and W so she won't have any escapes. Try to pull combo her once she's out of escapes.
Try to juke her E , otherwise you always lose to her. Try to bait her E then pull combo her. Other than that you can't even against her. Every stage on the game , she beats you.
Try to not get in a fight him since he wins, he cant abuse you that much if he misses his Q. Wait 6 and pull-combo him. When you are about to use ult , try to not misclick him in teamfights since he's so big.
He beats you in every stage of the game. Try not to get into his E range. At 6 , work with your jungler to CC chain him and kill him before he kills both of you.
Dr. Mundo
Just dodge his Q , or W it so you won't take any damage. You can't kill him but he can't kill you too. At 6 , pull combo him to get a pick to get ahead.
Try to bait her W with your E auto. Cancel your auto so she uses W then go for a trade. If you want to pull combo her , you need to bait her W again.
He can abuse you with his ranged attacks and armor penning barrels. Bait his W like Fiora then go for a pull combo.
Try to not take extended fights with him since he can execute you with his ult. His W gives him tenacity so , you need to wait him to use his W , then pull combo him.
He can abuse you in early game , but other than not big of a problem. Without his E you can just pull combo them to your tower.
You can't lane against him. You need your jungler to do something against him. Stack MR for the mid and late game.
Try to dodge her tentacles and her E. At 6 you can pull combo her to your tower but you need to be careful since she can actually kill you under your tower.
Try to not get in a fight with her when she's full stacks. Try to dodge her E before going for a trade. Pull combo her only when she doesn't have her E.
When he jumps on you , E him and W away to get as low poke as possible. Only go for a pull combo when he doesn't have Q and E.
Jayce can abuse you pretty hard , try not to go for a trade when he's at his ranged mode. You can pull combo him in his melee form before he uses E.
Before 6 , you can win some trades. At 6 she starts to harass you pretty hard. Try to not get in to the late game because Kayle outscales you hard.
You can't catch him because of his E. If he overextends without his E , punish him with your pull combo.
Don't try to go for a trade against him , you'll lose. When he's unmounted , try and pull combo him undertower before he gets Skaarl back.
You can start W to make his Q poke obsolete. You can't kill him before 6 and he can't kill you too. Wait your 6 to pull combo him.
He can't do nothing to you but you can't do nothing either. Just pull combo him undertower to get a free pick.
Try to dodge his E , don't go for a trade since he hard wins against you. If he ults you , try to run him around his ult , then pull combo til his ult ends.
At early game , he can't do anything to you. Try to freeze the minions under your tower so he has to walk up to minions. You can call your jungler to abuse his early game.
Don't even fight him , never. His ult is just a counter to you. Never ever take fights with him.
Just an another tank matchup. Try to dodge this abilities with your W movespeed to win trades. You can pull combo him when he doesn't have his E.
With his E not tanking the tower shots anymore , you can punish him at lvl 6. Before 6 , you just need to farm under your tower.
Try to not give him a position so she can't stun you with his E. If you ult as she ults you away , she will come with you. So try to abuse that.
She can abuse you but your tools outmatches hers. Without his E , you can just rush at her and kill her.
Try to not fight him with his Fury bar full. When he misuses his E and his Fury , pull combo him to get a free pick.
Just wait under your tower , he punishes you for even walking up to farm because of his passive. If he doesn't have his empowered W , you can pull combo him.
Take boneplating to make her obsolete. You outscale him as a tank so use that. Use your pull combo at 6 to get your free pick.
Just take Second Wind , Doran's Shield to survive his constant damage. Stack MR , pull combo him at 6.
Pick Phase Rush against him , always. He is too big of a lane bully for you to do something. When he doesn't have his W and Phase Rush , punish him with your pull combo.
Just don't fight him early. At 6 if you can bait out his W , you can pull combo him to kill undertower. And try to position yourself away from your team so Sett can't RKO you in your team.
Try to dodge his E. At 6 , if you see him ult in front of you , you can just proc your E on him to stop him. Without his E , pull combo him undertower.
Not big of a deal. Just try to be careful of his E . At 6 , pull combo him to get him low since he will ult and get out of tower range.
Just a tank matchup. He outscales you in the matters of health so , try to get ahead in the early game.
Tahm Kench
Try to dodge his Q , otherwise you lose the trades always. You can pull combo him but his E makes him impossible to kill so , call your jungler to get a pick.
He can abuse you pretty hard. But if he doesn't have Phase Rush as a rune , you can pull combo him. Stack MR and you win.
Not a problem at all. You outscale him , just pull combo him at 6.
Try to hit 6 before him , since his ult makes all of your tools obsolete.
He abuses you hard , try to pull combo him when the time is right for you. Without his E , he doesn't have a escape tool so , call your jungler to get a free pick.
Just don't walk up to her , wait your jungler and abuse her squishyness.
Just stack MR , focus him on teamfights so he can't kill your whole team.
Don't go for trades since he wins , bait his Q and pull combo him.
He outheals you in every way , at 6 bait his E and try to stay in front of him so he can't ult out.
Do not get baited by his W , wait for him to use his W then go for your pull combo.
Not much of a problem , wait your 6 , stack armor and you win.
Yone is a bigger problem than Yasuo since his E gives you a hard time. Without his E and his 3rd Q , pull combo him.
Do not fight him unless you have a jungler around. His maiden and ghouls makes him so powerful. Try to pull combo him when he doesn't have W.
Bring the victim to the Samira so she can stack his Passive.
You can run really fast with Yuumi so you can pull someone really fast to the danger.
Bring the victim to the Samira so she can stack his Passive.
You can run really fast with Yuumi so you can pull someone really fast to the danger.
I'm just a Plat-Dia player who loves to play Skarner top. There's just a lof of potential to Skarner Top. Riot tried to kill him with the new items at Season 11 , but its still here. But, you need to know how to handle a lane and how to handle your champion.
Flash is an essential spell for you. So always keep it. Teleport is the nicest one you can take aswell. Like i said at the top , you only go Ghost when you have Spellbook. You can make the Ghost very useful with Spellbook if you know what are you doing. But i dont recommend you going Spellbook if you are not that confident.
Maxing E after W is essential for you. Since you are a tank , going Q max first is not worth it for you. E's cooldown reducing and W shield increasing is much better for you.
Laning Phase
Playing as Skarner Top , you need to realize that Skarner Top's laning phase is bad. So most of the time , you just need to wait under your tower to farm easily. If you need to take that short trade no matter what , you need to hit your E first. Hit E and run at them to auto your enemy. As you auto them , you use Q to add up to your damage. You can auto one more if you need to but , you will give your enemy time to use their tools. So just damage them when they are stunned with your E.
LvL6 Powerspike
When you hit 6 , it is time for you to shine. Bait your enemy to come close to your tower , E them then Ult them drag under your tower. Once they are out your ult you auto so you proc your E. At the time you applied your E stun , they are already dead. This is the only way of getting ahead in lane since you don't have kill potential without your ult.
Mid and Late Game
Once you're out of laning phase , you need to work with your team to gain picks and objectives. Try to get a pick with your pull combo before any fight breaks out so enemy team is forced to 4v5. In teamfights , you should focus the enemy carry. Try to pull them to danger like your team fed mage. Or if you think your team cant kill them , try to pull the enemy fed carry away from the fight so they have to deal with you. Your damage output doesn't matter so while you occupy the fed carry , your team can win the fight.
Pros and Cons of Skarner Top
-Your CC chain can make any enemy obsolete in fights.
-Try to fight around your Crystal Spires , you will become much stronger than ever before.
-LvL6 powerspike is unexpected and can tilt enemy team is you can do it more than one time.
-Your kit is kinda fun , and easy to learn.
-You have a such weak early game and laning phase because you don't have access to your Crystal Spires.
-You can get kited very easily since other than your W and Passive you can't reach to people easily.
-Your pick can frustrate your team since its not a common pick.
Extra Notes
You will realize that i didn't talk about Crystal Spires that much. Since its Skarner Top , most of the time you don't even have an access to your Passive. Passive gives you so much power but you don't have access to it in lane , unfortunately.
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