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Recommended Items
Runes: Support Blitz
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Avoid Pulling her. Your gonna have a bad day if you don't. I would ban her since she does a better job at tanking and catching out an opponent than blitz.
You give him a free knock up and your r will shred shields, and generally great at grabbing a target and one-shoting them.
You give him a free knock up and your r will shred shields, and generally great at grabbing a target and one-shoting them.
Champion Build Guide
Passive: While low health blitz gets a shield = to a portion of his mana.
Q: is his most powerful ability that allows him to snag a enemy champion or jungle camp for his team. Always max this first.
W: is for closing a gab between him and the target he wants to q.
E: is a knock-up that can be cast before the q pulls them in to automatically knock them up before they can do anything.
R: is a AOE silence that does magic damage that I believe is the only magic damage source that shreds shields. Very good against a team with a bruiser going sterik's.
R Passive: After a second or so of aa a target they are struck by lightning for a portion of his ap. Great for stealing adc's kills/cs.
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