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Pre-6, Jayce should be able to trade rather easily as you are able to knock him back when he uses E to get near you. After 6 is where things start to get a little tricky. If you didn't get a lead in the earlier levels, it becomes much harder to win this matchup as his ult lasts long enough to rip you apart
Darius is one of the easiest champions to lane against as a Jayce. If you go Phase Rush against him, there is no way he'll be able to kill you (unless you get hooked). In this matchup, I would recommend that you build Phage as soon as possible as most good Darius players will time their hook to grab you as soon as you trade. Going phage ensures that you move out of hook range as soon as you finish trading.
Jayce has the advantage throughout the game as his kit allows him to kill the teemo before the teemo kills you. Just make sure to constantly poke him and all in once he gets low enough
Fighting an Akali could get pretty tricky. Similar to the Tryndamere matchup, you should be able to trade well pre 6. After she gets her ult, you might want to play a bit safer and make sure not to get any bad trades as she could 100-0 you with her ult.
This is an interesting matchup as it could go either way. In the early game, Jayce has the advantage but make sure that you save your abilities for after he uses his counter strike. Jayce shines in the midgame but will inevitably get outscaled by the Jax if you don't get any strong leads.
Lee Sin
When you're playing Jayce, chances are you'll end up pushing the wave because of your nature. When there is a lee sin in the enemy team, make sure to have proper river vision before pushing. It is also good to know where Lee starts as this allows you to time your trades better and prevent overextending when he is around topside.
She does get quite tanky which is why its best to run Conqueror into this matchup. Like any other tank matchups, I would focus on getting Black Cleaver ASAP.
She can get really annoying. Jayce naturally gets countered by someone that has a gapcloser and the potential to all in. When fighting a fiora, make sure to trade when her Q is down and play smart. Due to her healing, she would win most duels if you don't poke her down before engaging.
Rengar toplane isn't really seen much but he could 100-0 you very easily. The trick to winning this matchup is to ward your bushes and stay as far away from them as possible. This is because your range advantage makes it easy for you to poke him down but he could easily kill you if you allow him to jump onto you.
This matchup can be tricky to learn. Most renekton players tend to just build up rage and then go for their standard E-Q-W trades. Make sure to avoid him when he has his rage as he could 100-0 you. However, Jayce has the advantage as long as you're able to keep distance away from the Renekton and prevent getting stunned by his W.
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