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Lane survival runes, hard, full of poke, boring lane to be in, at least she can't true stealth poke us under our own turret anymore, that's cool right? She keeps getting nerfed which is really nice, ur only chance to trade is level 1, when get she shroud just chill unless she wastes it, dont even try to ever get cocky and do stuff like diving even if you are really ahead, so risky cause of all the stuff in her kit, spam Q and farm, tiamat rush, later on split away from her.
Scaling/mixed set up, El cocaracho, he is a fat champion, has no dashes, you can get fury and spin on him lvl 1 and beat him up especially if he doesnt start Q, later on just dodge his Q and you good, in mid game all u need is to watch out for his ulti, and use ur ulti sooner than usual, cause he can suprise u with his burst sometimes, outside of that, a fun matchup
Scaling set up with doran's shield/long sword start, A boring ass lane if knows what he is doing, if he has no ignite you can trade lvl 1 with fury, its just about punishing his cds especially if he misses E, but over all a hard lane cause you get punished by half of your health bar if u mess up while his mistakes goes on unchecked mostly, the higher you get in elo the worst it gets, cause any gank/disturbance in wave which causes the lane to push for him could be fatal, and darius players learn to wave control well and punish there over extended enemies, just scale and farm if you see no chances of a kill, especislly if he rushes tabies like a rat, if the wave starts pushing into him you can look to trade some of your hp to make him push the wave, which is by letting him auto you or Q the wave to make him push you in, a very good way to get back the wave into your favour if it gets messy.
Scaling/mixed runes with long sword start, a very abused/highly over tuned champ, can beat u up hard early, till level 6, farming is all what is recommanded, cause you scale harder than her into the 1v1 mid game, in the late game its kinda evenish... usually what l do to get a kill, is past level 6, if she over extends and try harrase me and messed up a Q or something, she will turn around after she Q so l ghost W "or ignite" to run her down, but remember, patience is KEY in this matchup, give up what u habe to from farm to stay high up early and sustain by Q, most fiora and agro af and looks to get every passive hit they can get, do not randomly spin into her cause she can parry and rip you, if her parry lands its a large size oof, basicly a 2 sec stun cause all what trynda do is AA and move, if she ever wastes parry while over extending, if u got fury go in, fury is a must while trading with her, and if u get good in the match up u can play around her passive in fights, like staying next to walls or moving as she moves, works wonders too when she ulti, hug a wall.
Conqueror/grasp set up, long sword/doran's blade start, jax match up can be played in different ways, there is the grasp build, which relays on abusing grasp early and getting as much of a lead as possible early by trading with him in using ur grasp to win trades, this kind of set up starts doran's blade into a tiamat but there is a problem, grasp falls off big time and doesn't scale, you play to win lane only, and get as much of a lead as possible cause of jax E, he will out scale you anyways if the game goes long enough, and there is the conqueror build with ravenous hydra rush, l really feel much more comfortable while playing it, let me tell you why, l'm not forced to do pull out plays on jax early/kills or get giant leads, l can also take nimbus for extra over all speed in 1v1 or teamfights, and l have conqueror which scales heavily better than grasp, extra damages and all, but there is some downsides for sure which is:
This lane is EXTREMELY sensetive early, you do not want to take ANY bad trades into jax, he will chug on his posions and get back full hp and pressure you and make you loss farm, so be very careful early and dont force trades, full focus on farm and getting your tiamat as quickly as possible, once you get tiamat you will be in amazing position to start hurting the jax, take trades carefully and don't walk next to him without fury to AA trade if he has E up or he has an item/lvl/hp lead, he will win, just get agro when you hit tiamat spike and try to get a kill, a very good jax will go very even with you in lane if you don't play it perfectly, care for level 2 rush and counter strike leap combo on you, it can doom your lane in two minutes in the game, if you reach the hydra point while having a kill and cs lead, if the jax doesn't have tabies, he is doomed, you can do AA tiamat spin away twice into a dive if he gets around 40% hp, if you get a huge lead on jax or take herald, DO NOT take his turret down earlier than 13+ minutes, keep him under pressure, keep him away from farming, kill him and repeat killing him, don't let him free farm cause he will outscale, so try to set him behind as much as possible so he can't come back...
If the jax gets a lead/kills on you, try to farm as safely as possible, and relay on your team to carry, if your team is lossing then just Alt + F4, ignite is highly recommanded, second option is teleport.
Scaling set up, doran's shield/long sword, its all up with how the morde plays this matchup out, if he agro and walks up for minions early on u can punish him by spinning into him with fury level 1, try to fake going for minions to bait Q from him, if you feel uncomfortable and u think his jungler is top side just try to make him Q u with the wave so u get pushed in, over all not an easy matchup if the morde rushies tabies plus seekers armguard cause its a 2200 gold, god mode power spike, if he does that, just chill and scale, later on you can beat his ass with ghost/ignite plus good items, running ignite gives you a very high kill pressure early on, you outscale by the mid/late game.
Phase rush setup, doran's shield, believe it or not, she is actually a fine matchup if you take phase rush into her! She is the first champ who l test phase rush on and the results were mind blowing, her kiting abitlity drops so much cause she can't slow you with her W, and u get that nasty speedy steroids when you go for trades, what u want to do is the following, get fury level 1 and spin into her if she over extends abit, or rush level 2 and trade, u can harashly chunk her early, and sustian back up cause she has no sustain in mana or hp, after rushing tiamat you can even do better trades cause your tiamat active with spin and one AA will insta active your PR and make you run her down, she will have such a hard lane vs you, dives are extreamly easy after few short trades to drop her lower than 50% hp to ensure an easy dive, in the mid to late she will scale for sure cause she is the broken cass that we all know but your 1v1 vs her isn't so bad you just need to suprise her from fog of war so you can get on top of her quickly, consider taking tinacity if her team has so much cc.
lane survival kit set up, she hurts in early level, she will state check u hard pre level 4, what camille wants to do to win this match up is to abuse her shield passive early on by trading harashly into you, try to get a kill pre 6, get CS lead and depending on how much of a lead she has, she will stall till she gets her power spikes, usually level 13/triforce, by that she outscales you and makes sure to not play into your power spikes, so what you need to do, is avoid trading pre 4, bait her shield passive by AA her and letting her AA you then you spin away, do it away from walls cause she can re engage with her E quickly, her shield has a 16 sec CD as l know, so u have a window to trade with her if u bait it, post 6, she is really weak, her ulti doesn't help her much as you are not the one who is trapped with her, so look for harash trades post 6 and forcing all in's as she is weaker than you, you will destroy her in 1v1 till she gets triforce/tabies so till then, abuse her, later on the matchup becomes more into her favour as she scales well, but there is still rooms for outplay etc, like if she misses a E, u land a W slow, stuff like that, not a very bad match up, a fun one.
lane survival/conq set up, I play this lane every too often, cause ppl usually just pick malphite as the ultimate counter for tryndamere, which is not exactly how it goes, u don't auto loss the game if they pick malphite vs you, there is different ways of how this match goes, depends on how both of u want to play it, on the malphite side, he can pick grasp and straight up go tank, or he can go comet for poke and go ap, on ur side, you can go sustain with fleet and doran's shield, or u can go conq, and rush ravenous hydra, if i see him picking comet, i must start doran's shield, if i see him picking grasp i just go long sword and reju bead, how i used to play the match up before is going aggressive early with my sustain and kill him in the end, but the problem always is we both drop in hp and the enemy jungler comes in and one shot me before i kill malph and i loss the lane, so what i do now is chill till tiamat, and simply never trade, just spam Q on CD and relax, on tiamat i start trading abit but nothing too forcing, just harass to see if I can pull something out, once l reach ravenous hydra point, i start dominating cause he can't poke/outsustain me anymore, and my trades can be healed all back up with one wave from 20% hp so simply i will harass him to death this way and make him loss his mind, thats what worked out best for me, its a nice rush and a way to deal with malph cause its a really common pick against you, be careful from his level 6 cause he can easily combo it with a jgl gank to kill you, if u stay high enough hp u should be fine in a 1v1 from his burst.
Scaling set up, dorian blade start, its a free lane if you dont mess up, if she ever starts Q early and goes melee to the wave just beat her ass up if you have fury, the only time u got to respect her is when she hits lvl 3, after 6, if u are even with her she is easily donzo, just watchout for two things, her 5 stacks passive, and the possiblity of her kiting you with your minions, its hard to find good irelleas, over all, easy lane
Scaling/mixed set up, you gotta respect his early damage, past level 4 you can trade with him but not with spinning into him randomly cause he can take strong short trades with you, extended ones is where you beat him, dont ever go under his turret while him being around for any reason cause he will taunt you and kill you, in mid to late game if he too tanky just ignore him and always shove him in if he splits against you then take his jgler camps
Scaling runes with ghost and shield start, he is broken right now, but u can abuse him hard in lane if you manage the wave well, the way you set up kills on him is by staying high hp, getting fury and letting him shove you in and over extend, when you have the wave in a good position, you can make the all in easier if you can bait out his phase rush by giving him a free combo "early on" on you if he is dumb enough to bait his phase rush out, then u good to go to ghost on him, W then beat his ass, in the later stages of the game he can be very annoying to deal with him, he scales super well,
even if you shut him down hard, he will farm till 2 items and he will Q E Q you and randomly 70% of your healthbar disappers, balance of course, and to make it worst, he will be kinda tanky too, u can kill him if he doesnt have zonia and u catch him in a bush or suprise him.
Lane survival kit, he is a pretty annoying match up, considered a counter, but he is nothing more than a rat, stay high in hp and wait for tiamat before u start trading if u want to play it safe, u can run him down if u have good hp/ fury and u know where he putted his shrooms, sweeper is cool if u struggling with his shrooms, if he goes grasp/ignite don't go hard pre 6 cause he is tankier than usual and could kill you suprisingly fast, nowdays its easy to see his blind as it changes the color of the whole screen, if u split against him u can beat him if he is away from his turret.
Fighty lane setup, a good ban option, he is a strong lane bully and a counter, in early levels u are stronger than him with the fighty set up, cause u have bone plating to counter his burst when u spin into him, so whenever it is up, look to fight, there is different ways to play this match up, you can go for fighting set up with dorian blade and try to ur way in the lane, but its a skill based match up then, u might fall on ur face few times before u figure it out if u fail, especially if he running PTA ignite, or you can run doran's shield and try to farm and accept that the lane isn't yours, its a weak way of playing the lane but he might be dumb so he get bored and do stuff that leads into him intting his ass off, but i recommand to pick fighting set up and follow the build that i gave, really good way of sustaining ur way against such a champion like rene, if you prevent renekton from snoeballing on you, he is really really weak when the midgame comes, cause he is that type of champs who really needs to snowballs to be useful, one problem, if he gets jungler pressure in this matchup, it could turn into god mode dives survival game, that's why this matchup is considered extreme.
You outscale him later in the game if you don't fall so behind and reach around 3 items, ER and IE with boots, even then he is pretty annoying to deal with... PRO TIP : if you find him splitting in a sidelane alone away from his turret and you both are even in items "u both item and half for example" and u got your ignite up, you can kill him if you do a trick that even good renektons fall for, which is spinning abit below him "with fully fury for sure" his normal reaction will be stunning you, AA, Q, E away, but what you want to prevent is his double dash from his E, he got 2 parts "dashes" on his E, he only gets the second dash if he uses E through an enemy unit, jungle camp, or anything the E can actually do damage for, if you prevent him from stepping close to you and double dash away, and make him fail by giving him only 1 dash, that gives you the chance you need to run him down, land a W slow and lay down the hammer on him, you will 100% get him this way.
Lane survival set up, he is a lane dominant, can beat u up so damn hard if u play into his hands, but if u keep chill and farm and ignore him, he is a joke, he doesn't scale, just keep your hp high and rush tiamat, and spam ping ur team if he is missing post level 6
Scaling/mixed set up, whenever someone picks my trynda l pick the dawg, l consider him a counter, yes you beat him early, but he is the dawg and he scales like the dawg, once he gets a shen plus tabies, you gotta respect him, cause if you keep doing bad trades into him he will beat your ass, the good thing you have is he is fat and slow and can be bullied early the best way to kill a nasus in lane is by wave management which you should know very well as a toplaner, plus you can disengage from him easily by spinning over walls, mid to late game, if you didnt shut him down hard, he screw u over in a 1v1, so just shove him and steal camps plus look for kills on his team, getting a merc or tabies is nice so u can deal better with him
Scaling set up, riven is a broken champion if used by people who one trick her, they take her combos to a level where you get insta killed from 60% hp to 0% by a flashy combo where you can't even move your champion, but don't worry, diamond and below does't have that many riven hardcore OTPs, so you have the upper hand mostly in this matchup cause your champion is much more stright forward to do and ur combos are easier to pull out, basics of this match up is to hold on to your fury and keep high hp, level 1 get some fury and walk towards her to AA trade, if she uses her Q to farm level 1, and u know it is on CD, spin into her even if you have 20% fury, cause riven can't win AA battle with you, she needs her abilities to beat you, this matchup heavily relays on which summoner spells both of you runs, if she runs TP, you can be more dominant, if she runs ignite, give her alot of respect, if u run ghost, look to scale and get 6 before going too hard on her or look for CDs windows, once she reaches level 3, u to wait her to waste her abblies before going in, if you spin into her, she can disengage very easily.
Her Q is her main ability, so the best time to go in is when she wastes that one, and wave control is VERY important in this matchup cause if she ever freezes the wave on her side, u wont be able to farm plus ahe harras you for free, post 6, care for her burst, stay high hp and wait ur chance for all ins, ulti on 20% hp if she has ulti, or 25% if u want it safe.
In the mid game she will rush 45% CDR, so punishing her CDs becomes very hard "cause she won't have ones" so ghost becomes EXTREAMLY strong in this stage of the game, cause if you catch her away from her turret you run her down with ghost, she will have very high burst so respect that, she still annoying to deal with at all stages of the game tho.
Lane survival, its all about playing around his empowered Q and trading around it, he is weak early so u can abuse that, trade with him when u has good amount of fury, if he plays super safe just keep shoving him in and make him loss cs, run ignite into him and wave control well, its an easy matchup unless it gets for the very late game when he goes god mode.
Any set up you want, depends on how comfortable you feel into this match up, doran's shield, it is my fav ban even if l don't really see her top often, l hate vayne as a champion, her kit is so overloaded with melee destroying tools and uncounterable damage makes her such a disgusting champion to deal with, a dash/AA reset, max health true damage, disengage, stealth and she is a top tier late game hyper carry makes her my most hated champ ever, the thing that favours you in this matchup is her early game is not the best, she struggles early to do much, but she still plays really safe into you, if you get no pressure from your jungler while she shoves you, wait for your chance to go in on her if she ever slips, what l like to do in this matchup is take scaling setup, take ghost and wait for level 4 while keeping my hp high with some fury, in that way l will be waiting on the tips of my toes for her to even make the smallest mistake while being over extended to run her down by popping ghost, land a W, she will E you away, you flash, she flash, and you catch up to her and beat her down, if you do so, that's really good, on level 6 it favours you more, cause her damage output is still low to deal with you, rush tiamat too in this matchup, in later stages of the game 1v1ing her becomes super hard and it is not recommanded to do so.
Scaling/mixed set up, doran's shield/long sword start depending on how aggressive you wanna be, he got poke early, but not much else, he cant poke you out as his range is pretty low, trade around levsl 4 and keep high hp/fury to keep up the pressure, dodge Qs and if you dodge e too it could be a kill, play around his passive by sticking into one side of him while all'in, the lane surely favours you especially the intractions between your ultimates, just get him to over extend, u just need to wait, he will push the wave anyways cause of his passive, if u want to play it safe, when you go for all ins, go in with nearly full hp, he cant deal with you then cause u will force him to ulti before you, which means an automatic loss for him for most of the time.
Scaling set up, easy money for the most part, all u need to do is bait him to go into you, not for you to go into him, so u can advantage of your super sustained damage against him, like, for example walk near him, let him for confedent to Q you, kit him abit, let him hit you, hit him once to active your lethal tempo then wait his ilence to end so u can spin and lay down the hammer on his head, level 1 and 2 u can be agro with fury, u scale way too hard on first item plus boots that u run him down so hard he cant do much, after that when he stacks armor he becomes harder to kill, all over its an easy matchup, can be rough if he gets a lead.
One last important tip, if u want to stop his healing "passive" you can land a W slow on him if he ever turns his back for you, it will stop his healing just like attacking him.
Scaling setup, Dumbass toplane pick, he is really strong early levels, personally l farm till level 6 then l just, stright up beat his ass even if lm behind abit, over all an easy matchup just dont get cheesed by getting cocky ever early, he is stright up stronger level 1, 2, 3 so please no all in's before u at least reach level 4.
Scaling/mixed setup, Easy matchup, dodge E and spin with fury, u beat him up all game long, just care about his ulti, it can do good damage if you dont pay attention for it, if you get trapped in his wall, remember that critting his wall will reduce your spin cd by 1 sec, so u spin again on him
Lane survival setup, Well, he is kinda broken, but not for trynda, go lane survival and survive early by spamming Q as he spams his Q, no need to go hard early, you can go hard on him with trades after level 6 with your tiamate, when he is low, ghost and beat his ass up, if you beat him up in the barrel games thats even better, you will destroy him with style, another thing to keep in mind before going on him early, u can wait him to waste is passive on minions by auto attacking them, so u can go in for a trade, cause his passive is pretty annoying as it slows u, does damage, and makes him zoom around.
Survival kit, another toplane rat, he is harder than temmo to catch out thanks to his 0 cd lightening rush, just stay high in hp and try to take trade with him if u have fury and u know u wont take too much damage, he got no sustain so ur trades can get u somewhere even if they are bad, later on in the game it can be annoying to 1v1 him if u have no MR, but if u catch him away from his turret it can be an easy kill
Her being a wife is enough to make her an EXTREME threat, she can beat us all game long while we can't even fight back!!!... jokes beside, just farm early game and don't trade, post like 1 item she can't face u in a 1v1 without being ran down, she has no mobility what so ever, if she for some reason runs phase rush just to kit you, u can bait it out, then go in when it is on cd
Scaling runes, its just a free lane, nothing much to say about it, she is melee early on, you can turn those first 6 level into a living hell for her, zone her off cs, beat her up, freeze the wave, then beat her ass with ghost if she ever over extends, later on she still struggles big time dealing with you in a 1v1, one of the easiest matchups out there
Scaling runes, doran's sheild start, its kinda annoying if the gnar plays well and safe, you can punish him early pre level 3 before he gets his jump, when he gets the jump it becomes tricky, you need to know how to trade with him without being ran down with him AA you after you disengage, you only trade with fury, and you should trade when he misses a Q or comes close to you to the point where you can spin behind him, and trade into mini gnar, mega gnar has too much states to trade with and stuns, you should get a double crit buy *50% crit* if you get an early lead on him, cause that will make you snowball harder and run him down even easier, ghost is very recommanded
Scaling runes, ignite, Illaoi is a strong champion vs melees, but you are the melee that illaoi does't want to face, you have a huge upper hand vs her pre 6 if she ever over extends and misses a E, you can spin with fury to lay down the hammer on her, she is not a champ pre 3, so u can shove her in no problem and let the wave shove into you and freeze it on her, also if illaoi is bad and stands in the middle of the lane, even if she lands an E on you, you dont have to worry, cause her tentacles will be so far that they wont slap you, post 6 just respect her, you can't just spin into her anymore, she can ulti you and kite, which can lead to your death, you can spin into her if you have fury plus ignite, if you play it right she dies easily, you just need to learn to dodge her tentacles so u can win every trade, or spin in, bait her ulti then walk away, heal up, and set up a dive on her, later on it becomes very hard to 1v1 her if she stacks tons of armor, you can let your adc deal with her or flank her team, over all a very easy match up, but give her respect and dont turn your brain off while playing against her.
Scaling runes, doran's shield/long sword, ornn is a strong melee bully, he has a very strong trading combo on level 3, pre 3 you can take good trades into him, you can dodge his combo if you avoid being around the thingie that pops off his Q, so he cant E combo you and knock you up, over all, just sustai n his poke, and make him run low on mana then all in, you can look for kills till he stacks too much armor, then you can just farm and ignore him , tiamat is recommanded as you will be just clearing waves vs him later on and to help you snowball better, ignite is recommanded if you looking for early lead.
Scaling runes, ghost highly recommanded, doran's shield, its a cheesy matchup, its there to counter you, she got very good poke, and very good disengage, plus she builds lethality to annoy you even more, tabies rush is quite nice if you dealing with a high ad damage based team, the way you beat her is by farming while staying high in hp, getting fury, let her over extend, and run her down after landing a W and ghosting, if she wastes her E by any chance to just harras you or to farm while being over extended, just beat her ass up, if she goes full kiting cheese with the slowing rune * I forget the name* just ignore her and farm, you wont be able to do much in a 1v1 vs her then
Tahm Kench
Scaling runes, ignite and doran's sheild, oh well! He was a juggernut and a states ball before they decided to kill his ass, used to be a nightmare matchup, but now its just cool and you scales way harder than him, just take harash trades with him level 1 and 2 before he gets his E "grey health" so you can set him up for a hard laning phase, just dont let him AA you 3 times cause it could go pretty bad if he do so, if you feel you cant kill him just scale and kill him later, he is not a big threat, just a cheese match up, or troll honestly.
Scaling runes, ignite and long sword start, vi is a cutie, that won't help her against a states ball like you, her level 1 and 2 is SUPER weak, she doesnt have a good way to trade with you beside poking you with her E and try to all in you, she has a good peel for her jgler but alone, she cant do much vs you ESPECIALLY post 6, easy match up, just avoid her E poke, thats all
Lane survival, you E, he E, he Q, you Q, tell me a more enjoyable lane to be in? All ins are possible early, if u can bait his E, or if he wastes it, u can also out sutstain his mana too, but once he gets around 20% cdr just leave him and farm, no all in is possible post that point, DO NOT harras him close to his turret especially post 6 cause he will pull some woody fruity wombo combos on you and poop on you, mid to late just split and rotate away from him if he splits vs u, tax his jungler, do trynda stuff you know.
Lethal tempo resolve set up, an extreme match up, volibear has a really strong kit that if played well all what u will get is pain and lossing 40% hp in a single combo while u can't answer him by anyway, the match up goes as following, early on you are stronger, before he gets armor, so look for solo kills, a good volibear will sit back and just farm safely, a bad one will try to fight you level 1 so u can know easily if that player is good or not, his Q is a stun, his W is AA reset that if used on marked enemy it heals and heals massive damage if he is maxing it "which he mostly is" plus his E is his shield thingie, what u don't wanna do is spin on him post lvl 3 when he has his abilities up, he will E on top of himself, Q W AA you and walk away while you simply loss 30-50% of your hp bar, once he gets armor its over and you can't do anything, try to farm safely and don't get into trades, he will try to force trades on you while you farm under turret, try to don't get into those cause he will take no damage while you get massively chunked just like what a poppy does, you can fight him at like 4 or 5 items, but splitting against him is not fun at all, he will get ability haist, kit you around while spamming W on you, so u will loss, play smart or get destroyed.
lane survival, doran's sheild, He is known as the ultimate lane bully who shoves u under your turret and forces u to stay there all laning phase while poking you, but as a tryndamere, u have so much sustain and u can destroy his turrets while out sustaining his mana pool, he has alot of skill shots, so dodging is important in this matchup, he will try to throw stuff at u when u go for his turrets, but u can dodge it and destroy them, he is nothing without his turrets, when the game starts u can also head to the lane right away to prevent him from setting up turrets, if u let him set up too much he can poke u out, dives and kills on him is easy if u take out all turrets and stay high hp high fury, his base states are nothing compared for you.
Runes depends on how safe you wanna be... any set up is possible just pick doran's shield start, kata is a highly abused assassin, she is strong over all but she struggles big time vs tryndamere, what she wants is poking you till you are low enough for a kill combo with ignite, which u can spam Q and not step on her daggers to prevent that from happening, her level 1 is dog shit so if she ever walk for a minion just beat her ass, her level 2 is a very strong spike so care for that and respect it, if u are around 50% hp she can combo kill you, outside of that she isnt much of a threat, if u want to kill her make sure there is no minions around for her to kite, or take her low enough for a dive, she struggles vs u in all stages of the game.
Survival set up/ mixed, doran's shield, swain got pushed out of solo lane completely, so finding him vs you is kinda troll, you can take harash trades vs him especially if he misses his E "pull", with ignite you will have so much kill pressure on him, plus you can out sustain his mana pool early, just watch out for one thing, swain can get really tanky with his ultimate so he can actually suprise you with the tankness he can pull out, so if u want to play it safe, dont dive him full hp if he hits 6, outside of that, he is an eaay matchup.
Scaling set up, attrox is a melee lane bully but he got nerfed hard and that match up now favours you, his level 1 is pretty weak, so if u see him starts dorian blade, you can take a very harash trade with him level 1 with fury, and by dodging his Q's, cause he has no sustain outside his passive, and landing his Q on u heals him abit, early game he kinda has the upper hand on you, around level 3 till u get first item, then u outscale hard, tips about dealing with him is waiting him to use his passive on minions before going in, dodging his most important Q "third one" is important to make trades good for you, u can all in if he over extends while u are high HP high fury, your sustained damage is way too much for him with lethal tempo, you can dominate him or outscale him, if u look for the outscale pick ghost, if u look for early kills pick ignite
Dr. Mundo
Scaling set up, u dont see him much top, but he is a really weak and abusable champ early, you take ignite for early kills and to stop his healing, he STRUGGLES big time if u ever extend a trade vs him, but his short trades are pretty nice, he scales well and when he stacks armor he becomes pretty annoying, early game just look for kills and to freeze on him, dont let him get cannons by blocking cleavers, later on if u split vs him, before commiting to kill him, bait his ulti before going, cause he can kite pretty well with it.
Any set up you want, doran's shield start, how did you get up here gurl? Its a very simple match up, chill in the first few levels, post level 4 if she over extends beat her up, if u run ghost u can run her down very easily, she doesn't have mobilty beside a tiny dash and her ulti, the more the game goes, the harder times she have against you, she cant hold you 1v1 even under her turret by the mid game.
Scaling set up with doran's shield, the biggest mistake ever that a kassadin can do is laning against you, its unfun, horrible, unlanable match up for kass, all what u should do is shoving him early "by the second wave" let the wave bounce back, and freeze it on him next to your turret, thats all, he cant even step up for the wave, he is screwed, thats how it goes till he gets level 16, if he somehow reaches that point after all the beating he got early, he can then match you in the 1v1 very well, outside of that, this lane is F R E E.
Scaling set up, some dumb singed players tend to Q in the first wave and shove it quickly, if they doesnt run ignite, and you are running ghost, look for an all in if he extends alot and tries to rush level 2, just get fury and kill him, outside of that you mostly look for him to waste his flip, his sticky thing, and over extend to go for an all in, short trades are mostly even cause of how dumb this champion is, and kinda favours him, if he rushes tabies just chill and farm, he gets really annoying with his ulti cause of the pure states it gives him, mostly its a farm lane unless he messed up badly, later on you can run him down no problem cause you will be super sticky, you can even bait his ulti and leave him, without his ulti, he is not even a champion.
Scaling set up, long sword start, he will bully you early with how strong his early game is, u mostly looks to farm pre 6, you run ignite in this match up and you wants him to shove you in all the time pre 6, you can bait him into Qing you with the wave to make shoving you easier task, cause he can run you down if you over extend, post 6 you start to outscale super hard cause of your ulti, with ignite and by staying even with him, you can kill him no problem, just survive the early game.
Survival kit, doran's sheild, a free lane, shaco just looks to poke poke poke his laner till he can push them out, but poking you out? Huh, please. U mostly can't kill him, but you can keep shoving him in, it does win you the lane hard cause he sttuggles big time farming under his turret, so take that and abuse it vs him, free lane no matter what he does.
Survival/mixed set up, doran's sheild, he has a good poke, but early on he is sooooo damn weak, abuse that, you can shove him in, let the wave bounce, freeze it, he can't do much about that, you can side step his stun thingie when you trade/all in him, if you take scaling set up you can run ignite, cause u have nimbus to help you in all in's, if u take other set ups, take ghost, easier time running him down post 6, he just cant deal with you 1v1, in mid to late, just run him down if he is away from turret, mercs are nice buy in this match up if his team has good cc.
scaling set up with doran's shield start, she was giga broken on release, but now? she still broken, but she can't handle you in lane very well, her damage is pretty strong, but your sustain in trades/hp is way too much for her to handle, u can rush level 2 and take a harash trade into her, as her level 1 is pretty weak, you can out sustain her mana pool too, in the mid to late, her one shoot can be annoying, buying a single armor item can prevent that, her ulti is pretty strong too, especially in team fights, to avoid fighting her in jungle, as she can pull out so very strong ulties, an easy match up for trynda if he doesn't get behind.
Any set up you like, doran's shield start, she is a simple champion, very predictable, she looks for trades by bulling you with her range, but her range is pretty low early game, her only escape tool is her jump, which is a high mana cost and long CD, you can just get some fury, and keep high hp, and look to spin into her, she will jump away, lossing mana, hp, and keeping her away from the wave, look for trades when you get lvl 3 or 4, an easy matchup, you run her down for the rest of the game, she mostly can't deal with you in a 1v1.
Mixed/scaling set up, cloth 4 poition start, an ugly laning phase, like his face, as most adc, range abusers, PTA works really well with this guy its busted, you need to farm for as little damage as possible, give up farm if it costs too much hp, if the enemy jungler is agro ex. Elise, lee. Care for being dove, ward behind you and try to out play or something, this lane is pretty hard but if you get out of lane being at least even in XP you good to go, running this guy down will be easy with ghost, he will stand no chance once you have 40% cdr, just survive early then you good to go.
Any set up you want, depends on how you want to play and how good you are in the match up, "dropped from even to minor after the nerf he got cause now you outscale him on tiamat if u didn't get killed early" with doran's shield start, set has a very strong trades if it is longer than 3 seconds trade, His W makes trades turn horrible really quickly, expect alot of bullying in tye early game, so what we need to do is only trade very short trades by few AA and spin away, if you get in his pull range, most of setts will pull you in and start a trade, its okay, just hit him once or twice then spin away, he over all has a stronger first levels than you, so mostly you look to farm till you get tiamat, then you can trade harashly into him, keep spamming your Q unless you have fury and u looking to trade, keep your hp high so if he pulls you while u r spinning away from him, he won't kill you/force your ulti by that, sett can go normal build "phage or tiamat" or he will go full armor and try to stone wall the lane, if so, just shove in and ignore him and get a demolish on his turret and go away, later on in the game u can run him down if u are ahead, if not check his items, if he has too much armor, you can ignore him and shove, or take short trades to set him up for a kill, dodging his W is useful too, over all he is sticky and has no escapes, so all ins on him is all about out damaging his W shield and killing him quickly.
Scaling set up with long sword start, He is abusable early, trades are all about dodging/waiting him to waste his E "thing he throws in a line" cause it sturns you, gives him extra damage and attack speed plus slows you, so dodge it or wait him to waste it before trading, careful post 6, if you fight around his turret he can pull a E R E combo to lock you down under his turret, tenacity/mercs are very recommanded especially if his team is cc heavy too, it is a farm match up post level 7 if you didnt get a good lead, a good way to play this lane is by freezing the wave cause he has a hard time breaking freeze if you do it on him, if you split vs him later just shove waves, its not worth to chase him down as he has alot of crowd control to work with.
Scaling set up, doran's shield/long sword start, talon has a very good all in level 2 but his level 1 is kinda not the strongest, you should look out for his burst cause he will try to take his chance to stack his passive 3 times, ignite you, and burst you down if he could find the chance, but he is kinda mana hungry early on, so if you can dodge his W, or out heal his poke, you will be good to go and out sustain him, trades are easy with talon if he uses his Q or W to farm, look to spin and trade into him if you high health/fury, rush tiamat so you can harras him even better, if you find him annoying you with his burst, you can buy a thornmail as 3th item, that way talon won't be able ever to 1v1 you for the rest of the game.
Scaling set up, long sword start, this match up could be super easy, or could be even, all up to the kled and how good he is, if he keeps landing Q's, trading well into you and playing around his W, the lane could turn for his favour, his Q has a 60% healing debuff if it pulls you, for some godly unknown reason, so u need to hold on your Q till the 5 seconds of debuff ends, how y want this lane to go is by trading level one with some fury if he misses his Q or uses it to farm, and u play around his W "empowered 4 attacks", what a good kled looks to do is hold on his W till he demounts, then level it up so he mounts over again, you dont want to get cheesed this way, so watch out for that by keeping track if his W and if he leveled it up or not yet, if u want to set up a kill on kled, try to get him to a point where you need to auto/spin damage is enough to dismount him, so by the time, you will get ur lethal tempo attack speed going on plus ignite, so u burst him, do not ignite him while he still in mount form, mid to late game you kinda still even, who ever is ahead will dominate the other one, still, play around his W.
Lane survival, doran's shield, he is all about his funky outplays, he will look to try poking u with Q and brursting you with his full combo, you are pretty strong with ur base states and all the healing u get from your set up, shove the first two waves in and let the wave bounce back to you, and hold a freeze, there is little to nothing he can do to break it, if he walks up to melee the minions just kill his ass, u win hard if u wave control well, in the mid to late, he can one shot you, so getting one armor item is recommanded to shut him down and stop letting him trading ultimates cause his will be on a shorter cooldown, gotta outplay him with the shadows too tho, best of luck on that.
Lane survival, l have no fucking idea what he does, broken as shit, especially the random root plus the slashing thing that makes him auto attack WHILE hovering away, which is completely balanced don't mind me.
Scaling/mixed set up, long sword/shield, He is kinda weak nowdays, he doesn't have the poke or the burst to deal with you, u outsustain him, out trade him if u extend it, and scales better than him, if you want to trade, don't spin into him, walk and AA him, cause if u spin he will knock u up and walk away like gentleman, he has a punchy AA passive so try to avoid it and don't get poked by it, later on if he stacks hella armor just shove him and ignore him by rotating to ur team and farming jungle camps.
Lane survival, it's.... such a boring match up, thank god they gutted her solo laning, she is "balanced" in such an annoying way, her kit screams "you can't all in me", she has a shield which is a nutty speed up, she has a root which could be a LONGER root and heals for god sake 40%+ missing hp which blows my god damn mind, and she is ranged with a good Q poke and rushies tank/CDR to make it impossible to solo kill her before 5 items, very annoying, if you don't get a kill before her first or second back, buy a tiamat and wipe the map clean from anything that is farmable.
Scaling set up, need more games to see about him, but he is clearly an easy matchup.
Scaling set up, his early damage is pretty cool but it is not enough to deal with you, as usual with every tank, bully them early and beat them up, he rushies armor and becomes annoying to deal with, try to start trades with AA rather than spin cause he can Q combo you if u waste spin, careful from buff cheese too, they love that shit for some reason, or the mid bush top Q cheese, he has good burst and CC chain poat 6 so watch out for that, in mid game when he becomes unkillable for few minutes just shove and ignore.
Lane survival, doran's shield, you might seen alot of sona top lately on patch 10.2 and 10.3 cause supports top like soraka too became dominant pick to be a safe lane bullies who scale super hard to the mid/late game team fights, she has a good poke but not into tryndamere cause he is such a strong laner who rarely get pushed out of lane with all the sustain in his kit, you can spin into her with no fury level 1 cause sona as a champion is insanely weak and can't handle you if u ever goes on top of her, its a free lane to do whatever you like in, you can freeze, dive, rotate to enemy jungle or mid, whatever u want, she can't split again you later on in the mid/late game.
Survival runes, doran's shield, she got some good poke early, her spike is only around early game, the more u get into the game, the weaker she is, look to farm early and scale, if she goes full ap, dive her, if she goes hp and ap, take it slow, proxy waves, take enemy camps, before going into her remember that she gets a bonus movement speed by entering and leaving bushes, she kits you with it, just play safe early.
Survival set up, doran's shield, he doesn't have enough mana to poke you out before his first back, if he walks in your spin range, spin on him if u got enough HP, his kill pressure is super low, if you shove a big wave under his turret, look to dive post 6, later on he can't deal with you 1,1 without being dove.
Scaling set up, doran's shield/long sword start, new diana is not different from the old diana, she can't deal with you, stright up, your level 1 is stronger, rush level 2 and spin on her to ensure dominance, her Q poke is not enough to poke you down, try to avoid her empowered AA *her sword shines* and her shield can be abit annoying to deal with but you can bait it by AA spin away, post 6 its even easier, when it gets to late game, get spirit of visage so she can't one shot you, and u good to go.
Lane survival set up, doran's shield, she is very easily abuseable, what she looks for is a melee immoblie laner who she can poke for free, but we are a big D daddy tryndamere, good luck poking us out, once she step in spin range, go in with some fury, once you hit tiamat, spam wave clear and try to chunk her out to set up for dives, be careful from her root, and she has a silence so watch out for that.
Scaling set up, doran's shield, ugh, idk how dumb you can be to even think about picking pyke top, or basicly to any solo lane, he is completely pushed out of solo laning, yet if you see one, be careful about his short trades, don't get hooked under turret and stunned, care for ganks that he can set up, ping your teammates if he is ever missing, once you hit tiamat just perma shove and look for plays around your lane/camps to take, very simple matchup.
Lane survival set up, doran's shield, Her laning phase is not that bad, but what comes after is the bad part, you can out sustain her mana pool, keep her stuck in lane as long as you can, her wave clear is so bad so you can abuse that to the limit and rush tiamat, after her first back her mana sustain becomes much higher but keep shoving waves into her, ur kill pressure on her is VERY low as she has a "zed like" clone which she can switch between, a root chain with such a mind blowing range, a ulti whoch doubles the pain of what we said above, the cherry on the top of this is a mind game passive, thanks to that kit, dueling her 1v1 is impossible by the mid/late game even with an extreme advantage, shove waves, out rotate her as dueling is not an opition.
Scaling set up, doran's shield/long sword start, Yes, he is broken, yes, he is over tuned, but as a laner and in the early game vs you, he can't deal with you, you can simply right click him to death and you win every trade, shove the first two waves in or let him farm from range by Q, he will auto push the wave in which will result a freeze and his death, just if you don't have an advantage on him, don't go ballzy on him and spin randomly cause he can punish you by trading quickly and disenage or using his shield thing, just freeze and wait him to loss his mind and AA a creep so you hammer his head, in the mid to late he can be hard to be dealt with thanks to his over tuned passive which gives him increased movement speed that makes him zoom around with a 800 MS, and his damage and his ulti, just buy a spirit of visage and anal him, he has no sustain so you can short trade him few times before diving him or forcing his ulti, ignite is recommanded in this matchup to keep up the highest early game pressure and cut his ulti healing.
Survival setup, doran's shield, it's a farm matchup, u can look for kills early on and out sustain her mans pool, her kit is full of cancer, first of all it's passive, which is a second life if she fuckup, makes dives nearly impossible, her q, a stun, and a wall, plus a ulti which is a huge aoe stun, and that champ is a mage so it scales so hard and becomes super tanky with so much damage later on, rush tiamat and farm, out farm her and out rotate her, no need to go hard on kills in this lane cause it's not work the effort.
Xin Zhao
Scaling/mixed set up, long sword start, this has a good early levels, you can just wait for level 4 before trading into him if you feel uncomfortable, he has good short trades, but your sustained damage destroys him, post level 6 he falls off really hard cause his ulti doesn't help him so much in killing you, he falls off hard and he is weak if he doesn't get a lead, so even if he hugs turret, keep shoving and ignore him or keep short trading for a dive, just keep in mind his ulti could disturb your dive abit.
Scaling set up, long sword, he got reworked so l'm not sure how he does, he is weak to deal with tryndamere, he got a new form of clone that's more annoying than the last version, you can stack fury and be agressive against him, if he goofs around and tries to jump on you and clone then walk away you can punish him by spinning into him, his ulti can be casted twice now which is questionable, but it seems like it does less damage, you can build tiamat as it helps in seeing where is he going while stealthed, or get red trinket.
Scaling set up or phase rush, doran's shield start, veigar is weak early with high cooldowns, what stops you from destroying him is just his cage, you can run lethal plus ghost or phase rush and ignite into this matchup, whatever makes you feel more comfortable, l found stacking tenacity against veigar works really well, so you just walk into his cage like a gangsta without worrying about the stun at all, just wave manage, zone him off cs, if u force him to farm by abilities thats a huge win for u cause he will go oom very quickly, abuse wave management and destroy him, dives are possible after you bait out his E.
lane suvival kit setup and doran's shield, yo ever heard of cancer? this is cancer, its one of them most "if not the most" anti-fun champions in the game, so tanky, high early game damage, E grounds ppl who is dashing, passive gives shield thingie that u can step on to prevent her from taking it.
the match up has abit interactions in the early game, but once she gets abit of armor just forget it and look to farm only, a silver poppy can shut down a diamond tryndamere, its that one sided, so get a lead early game or u will never get any later on, pick ignite if u want a lead or pick ghost if u want to scale/look to kill her around 6 or so.
Scaling setup, long sword start, he is still new but u see him everywhere, he is kind like a yasou, same Q, same early game strength, pretty good early levels and hard to tread into early on, cause his combos plus his Q dash can be pretty annoying to deal with, early on he has his W which is a shield, which is good early cause it does reduce the damage he takes when u go for a trade, but falls off pretty hard later on, his E is the soul thingie, it leaves his body behind and let his soul or something chase you down, 5 seconds or by him pressing E again, he goes back to his body and deal 35% from the damage he dealt on u again, his R is a huge dash that deals damage, the way this lane goes is u chilling early, it doesn't look like u can do much for him early on, he has a good early game but u scale way harder into the midgame if u keep even/not far behind, if u want to trade try to do so post level 4, what he looks to do is poke with Q or charge his dash thing, put his E "soul thing" behind and run at u and Q you, so he can spam all his abilities at u, damage u for a good chuck of your health bar and back off, and repeat, so once u see him charging his Q and hear weird noises, try to wait for his E, if he does, just E away and u good, his E has like a 23 second CD early on, post 1 item, things are much easier but the all'ins are pretty hard into him, cause its really hard to kill him in a one, cause he got disengage by Q and disengage by his R which means its really rough to kill him even if he over extends alot, so what u need to do is to keep ur pool high all the time, and force an all in "after he wastes E or his Q is not on dash thing" so u exchange some of his health bar for yours plus his R, so he will be without ulti, and he has to play extemely careful or u can force a kill/dive into him, he scales well in damage and all, so ur late game is kind of even cause he does alot of damage which will burst u and force ur utli, fight him when there he doesn't have his dash "Q" available and u should be ok, but mostly it will be ulties trade and u both won't kill each other.
Scaling set up, its pretty one sided early on.
The champ is extremely cancer VS melees without hard CC to keep her in place, her kiting power is way too much to handle for a champ like tryndamere.
early on all what u do is farming, don't look to fight or trade, scale and get ur items, once u get around 1 item, if she got no such as tabies/seekers you can play and fight her or even all in her, you can pick ghost or ignite, either one works, you can trade till u get her abit low, land a W and all in, careful from all in under her tower cause her R could easily completely waste urs, later on in the game she won't have enough damage or mobility to handle you anymore.
All you need is yourself, go and carry the game.
A very known support champ that could help you do what you do normally but even better.
An amazing backline to help you out when your ulti runs out or to keep u from burning it early.
Makes you zoom and saves you if you die, but most importantly zoom.
All you need is yourself, go and carry the game.
A very known support champ that could help you do what you do normally but even better.
An amazing backline to help you out when your ulti runs out or to keep u from burning it early.
Makes you zoom and saves you if you die, but most importantly zoom.
Oh well, is a very beginners friendly champion, he is very simple to learn, but also a very powerful pick, which doesn't have a lot of super hard counters beside the ones l putted in the threats section
You can learn his basics easily but its pretty hard to master him and to know his macros well, he is one the "if not the" hardest snowballers and strongest split pushers in the game, if he gets ahead, there is really not much you can do beside spamming for your teammates to help you, cause you will be ran down/dove at any point if you over extend or go low on hp.
He is a top tier diver cause of his ultimate , he scales hard and by the mid game he spikes really hard when he gets 2 crit full items Navori Flickerblade Infinity Edge
If you know your limits as u will surprise your enemies with the damage you do, thanks for which gives free AD the lower you are and which does give u extra vs champions when u are low in hp.
About me
I'm Womskys, a Tryndamere main who is playing on EUW, l'm currently ranked around plat, l enjoy playing and hope you do too, lm on the passive side of a player, yes! We passive tryndameres exist... hope u find the guide helpful, you are free to text me or comment if you have any kind of question, much love for everyone and enjoy your lol games.
Ranged lane bullies with self peeling ex. Vayne Lucian
Early game
Early game as , you want to perfect your CS as much as possible, he is one of the easier champions to CS with cause of his high base attack damage, just try to get used for CSing while missing next to no minions in practice mode.
Next step is knowing your match ups, and knowing how much respect you should give your opponent "if any" like respecting a and not messing around him too much cause he can be really punishing, while not giving some other opponents any respect in lane like cause they have no kill pressure on you what so ever, you can find every match up you want to learn about in threats section, explained with details.
You NEED to know how to freeze/wave control as Tryndamere cause your business is running them down, which needs to keep your enemy away from there turret, which means u need to keep the wave next to your own turret, but how? that's by wave control... you can learn that by watching some youtube videos, I it is not possible for me to make my own videos right now ^^ so hope you understand that. Tryndamere already has an upper hand in most match ups in the early game just cause of his base states, so building up your lead can be something possible more often, it's up for you to play the way you want, aggressive or passive, when you pick up Tryndamere you mostly look to play safe, know your champion then start to test limits, go aggressive on your enemies.
Also, tips about diving will help you out cause you are a Tryndamere and diving your enemies is something you do on daily bases, you can dive your enemies with different set ups, for example...
Setting up slow pushes, getting level 6 first and diving your opponent.
Getting them low enough to the point that you can afford a dive with what sources you have.
Calling the jungler for a dive, and you can lead by hitting your enemy *depending on the jungler that you have* because you have Undying Rage which is simply the BEST diving tool that ever exists.
Mid game and split pushing
When you get for the mid game, your job mostly is about split pushing and taking towers in a side lane where you can 1v1 the enemy that is splitting against you, cause as we said, Tryndamere hates team fights cause he gets focused by all the enemies cc and they shut him down, things like are a severe danger threats for Tryndamere in team fights cause they can lock him down for good if they get into him with there CC, so by splitting you ensure to annoying the enemy, take towers, and make a good impact on the game.
At this point of the game, usually you can run down a lot of champions straight up, for example Ashe Draven Olaf Pantheon Yasuo if they split against you while being away from there turret, even if they are kinda close for there turret you still can 100-0 them easily cause they are squishy.
on the other hand, some champions you never want to split against them, for example Akali Vayne those champion has self peeling or has a very overloaded kits that counters you and makes you useless in 1v1ing them. Macro plays comes in handy especially in the mid game, for example, baron nashor is up, you want to split botlane so you can draw pressure towards you while your team slowly gets baron control while the enemy team are trying to stop you, so they can get picks or get baron for free without the enemy team being able to contest it.
Also splitting deep into enemy side of the map without your team drawing pressure/playing around an objective like cloud drake or siege an enemy turret, that could be very dangerous, cause the enemy team could collapse on you and pull a 1v3 and kill you while your team is not in a position to get anything else done in return for the kill that the enemies got on you.
Map awareness is very important as a split pusher, cause you need to know where are the enemies, and who is a threat on you and could kill you if you get collapsed on by, for example, if they enemy team has a Sion Master Yi Cassiopeia Draven Nami, and you see the map, Sion and Nami are missing, but you could keep on splitting, as both of them can't stop you at all, you can tank them a bit, and spin over a wall to disengage from them, in the better cases you can pull a kill on Nami, but if you check your map while splitting and you see that Cassiopeia and Sion and missing, you need to watch out, cause if they surprise you they can CC lock you down, and kill you easily, it's all about knowing who is missing, and who is the threat you to to fight. Tryndamere spikes really well with his 2 items power spike, which is Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge, cause it grants you next to 100% crit chance. REMEMBER
Your Battle Fury gives you 0.35% crit chance per fury, when it reaches 100, it gives 35% in total, that's all level 1, it scales on level 6, 11, 16, giving you extra 5% crit on every scaling level, so a full Battle Fury bar at level 16 gives you 50% free crit chance
An important thing to add is if the enemy team has a very strong engage like Malphite you must keep very close eye on your team and keep back pinging them if there is no one stopping you on the split push or if you still didn't draw pressure yet, it could loss the whole game if your team gets engaged on and loss a 4v5.
Late game
The later the game gets, the more reliant on team fighting it becomes, the heavier the CC, the higher the damages, which makes Tryndamere struggle in there, what you look in the late game is to get picks when objectives is up, cause one kill could give you a free baron nashor, and so, if you get picked, it could be very bad for your team, look to split, but keep a very close eye on your team, and make sure the enemies doesn't pull a 4v5 that losses you the game, its critical in that phase cause the death timers goes as high as 65 seconds, which is more than enough to end the game, over all, Tryndamere doesn't fall off lane game, just the team fights gets nasty, but his dueling isn't any less threatening.
If you sit on too much gold while being full on items, you can look to buy Guardian Angel cause of how useful the passive it gives is, when you die, just sell it and buy something else, nothing much to say about the late game, its like mid game but be more close to your team over all.
What to do while snowballing/being behind
Tryndamere is a very snowbally champion as we know, so getting a lead and taking advantage and knowing how to take advantage of it is very important
While snowballing a match up, you need to know few things
Can you dive your enemy safely and without risk dying.
Where is the enemy jungler position at the moment you are taking your decision
Is it possible to help your mid laner by the lead you have
Some enemies are very hard to dive like Darius Maokai, so if you find them hugging there turret, just let them be, farm waves and spread your lead by taking the enemy jungler camps, taking rift herald and using it in your lane or other lane before turret platings falls. Playing from behind
You are a strong champion, but sometimes it is rough, u get camped, u mess up, you tilt for a second and u threw your lane, and now you are forced to play from behind, the first thing to do if you know that you are going to be behind is buying a Tiamat.
It is a super good item when you need to farm as quick as possible and get back in the game, what you need to do to get back in the game quickly:
you can farm while splitting.
take your jungle camps if your jungler is on the other side of the map.
take the enemy jungle camps if possible.
BUT you relay heavily on your team having control on the map, cause you can't split safely without your team pressure on the map, if you are behind and your team got 0 vision/pressure on the map, its probobly going to be bad and rough to get back or even win the game.
conqueror build "outdated"
After the new buffs for Ravenous Hydra on patch 10.5, the life steal that you get from the complete item has been increased to 18% from 12%, this buff was massive, the item became an amazing rush item to do in alot of matchups, cause it gives an outstanding wave clear, a mind blowing amount of life steal, a very good way to stack Conqueror faster *by using the active from the item* and also a very strong harass in lane and short trades.
Tryndamere has no mana pool, or energy, so think about giving him infinite health sustain... you just breaks the champion, you can take HARSH trades into your enemy laner and heal back to full from a single wave, you can usually get your item on 12 minute mark, if you are doing well in lane, its even earlier than that.
You almost always want to start lomg sword with this set up so just remember that this set up is extremely greedy in the early game, you don't have high damage, or attack speed or sustain, so don't get full of yourself and fight alot early, just scale to your first item then kick ***.
Here is some matchups that this setup is amazingly good in:
This build is EXTREME against shen, he gets knocked out of lane if you come for him with Ravenous Hydra, most of shens look to get Ninja Tabi Bramble Vest and to be annoying to trade with and to keep harassing you and sustaining,but if you come in with 18% life steal and tons of damage and wave clear, u can completely ignore Shen and perma shove him in, he can't all'in you, he can't trade you without hard lossing, poking you is meaningless,and his wave clear sucks cause he rushed armor, what he will do in this situation is turtle under his turret and farm what he can,in this case, if he ever uses his Stand United or Teleport you take his whole turret down, if he plays agro and takes trades with you outside of his turret range, outsustain him and kill him, if he turtles you can perma shove and get complete control over the enemy top jungle, you will be huge, full hp full fury all the time ready to beat ***, take the enemy camps and feast on anything you can take, set yourself severely ahead so you can impact the game heavily in the favor of your team.
This turns Wukong life into a living hell, he is the kind of champion who looks for outplays and going stealth and stuff, a baby version of Akali, the difference is he can't do enough damage and the sustain in his kit is low, you beat him up hard all game, just scale early and don't get low, cause he can burst you with his funky new kit, once you get Tiamat u can harass him hard and push him out, once u get your Ravenous Hydra, its over.
She is a bully early game, so playing safe is all what u need to do, let her shove you in, sustain with Q, take few Q harass so you can get pushed in, and chill, get your Tiamat and start short trades with her if you want to, you out sustain her easily, at that point you can get kills, and once you reach the 1 item point you can reliably get kills without risk of you dying, just couple short trades into an all in.
Read the jax matchup to have full understanding of whats going on, sustain is huge in vs jax, and Ravenous Hydra gives u all the sustain and harass you could ever want.
The thing is, good irellias can abuse there AA long range to kit you while attacking you back and wasting your lethal tempo, which will cause huge troubles and making u loss trades heavily, but with Tiamat and Ravenous Hydra gives you a HUGE short trades power and sustain, simply Irelia won't have a chance to all in you with this setup without dying herself.
Pantheon is an early gamr bully and this set up requires you to play passive early, which is exactly wh at you do in this matchup, you need to buy Doran's Shield as your start item cause a long sword start is extremely greedy into pantheon, by tiamat point you can trade very well into Pantheon, and on Ravenous Hydra you hard out scale.
Very stright forward, what u want vs shaco is sustain andshoving waves, Ravenous Hydra gives it all, wnjoy the free win.
Sustain and heavy short trades into all ins, destroy all temmos with this set up if you get out of the early game, still a Doran's Shield start tho.
Exactly like teemo, but his early game is way less stressful, doran's shield and rush ravenous, then you are golden.
Ornn is tanky as **** like a Malphite, both of you can be pretty even in lane, what makes ornn annoying is his ability to take extremely good short trades and poke with his Q, and he can turrtle under hia turret for good if he can't deal with you, so you just shove waves and farm perfectly so u can beat him up this way, if you get a kill early game with this set up, good luck for the ornn.
Singed is the kind of champion which is weird, its hard to force anything into him, if u both trade you goes even, and whenever he doesnt want to trade he just flings people away, with Ravenous Hydra his mental will BREAK DOWN when he sees you healing back to full after every trade while also poking him for free, highly recomnanded build vs singed.
Tanks, just ignore them and push your lead forward by farming everything you can with Ravenous Hydra and getting a complete top aode enemy jungle comtrol.
Will keep adding information for this section and explain this build by the detail.
Jungle tryndamere
You might wonder why l dont have any tips about how to play tryndamere as a jungler, my answer is l think tryndamere sucks in the jungle, he is kinda like a master yi, but the problem is he doesn't scale hard enough and he is bad pre 6 plus he spikes at around 3 items rather than 2 like master yi, which is a huge deal, he is more comfortable in lane than jungle, but if you like me to make a tryndamere jungle guide to help you out, you can drop me a comment and tell me so, over all he is not recommanded as a jungler.
There is some tips that is worth to be mentioned about Tryndamere which is:
If you have life steal, and you are low on health, you should auto attack the wave/camp rather than spinning, cause you will build more Battle Fury and heal more.
Krugs camp are very easy to do if you have Tiamat, so consider doing it when you are going back to lane while the wave is pushing for you for example.
Spinning Slash and Flash combo can be a good way to execute your enemies, abuse it when you can.
If you want to carry your team when you are ahead, improve that mid-game macro, and get a good decision making, most teams loss cause they have no good leader who can give them the right decisions and calls for them, and no one is better than that fed Tryndamere who can pull 3 people just to stop his split push and let his team take free baron/ cloud drake to give calls for his team.
PRESSURE PRESSUREPRESSURE whenever you are ahead, after taking the enemy toplaner turret, DO NOT waste time in your comfort zone, go in your enemy jungle, take camps, keep pushing waves/pressuring turret, you need to step it up so your team can stay safe/take objectives, keep pushing yourself ahead always by gold/XP whenever it is possible, snowballing is KEY.
If you are in a hard lane like Renekton and you can't do anything to kill your laner, you can rush Tiamat and take waves quickly, and go find something else to do on the map while the next wave is approaching.
In the very close early fights, you can use your Bloodlust when you are one AA from dying to give you one extra AA to survive , it could be the difference between getting first blood or first blooded.
If you just picked up Tryndamere and u got no clue about him, start every match up with a Doran's Shield so u can take bad trades and let it pass, so u can slowly know and start feeling your champion.
Currently in season 11, everyone is rushing mythical items, cause of the huge stats they give, but sadly there is no good mythic item for tryndamere, so what you do is bum rush a Navori Flickerblade and an Infinity Edge for the maximum spike possible in damage.
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