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Scary fucker. Since Urgot has the worst of the worst ranges of ranged champions, Darius can hook you in your auto range. Nasty stuff.
If you are gonna fight Darius you wanna bait out his hook and his Q. Make it look as if you are going for a creep and then just leave it. taking damage for a minion ain't worth it. You outscale him hard as the game goes on so just sit tight and take what you can.
I hate this guy. If he lands his axes on you he will just run you down and outdmg you hard early on. His ultimate allows him to make you his bitch.
Play early safe, let your jungler help if you wanna fight him. If your jungler can shut him down they should. An Olaf that is behind is weak as fuck.
This fucker is just broken at the moment. Conqueror synergizes so well for him and he can easily take on 1v2s past lvl 6. Be very mindful of Morde and if you wanna shut him down try to do so before lvl 6.
This guy is as safe of a pick as it gets. Long auto range and heavy poke abilities. Super safe dash and he scales well into the lategame. You will not outscale this guy. See if your jungler can help you get a lead, other than that you gotta try play out the teamfights well and hope your team respects him. A ban pick for me in alot of games.
Not as commonly seen since the conqueror nerfs but still a bad matchup for you. Just outranges and pokes you without much
repercussions. Also a ban option.
A unorthodox toplane pick but it can happen. Really nasty to lane against. Get early executiones to stop the conqueror and ask for ganks.
Extreme lane bully. Max Q and build alot of AD. She is squishy so she can take as much poke as she can deliver. Play as a bitch until you got some AD.
Hard counter to Urgot. Her parry works against both your E and your R. I like to take Summon Aery into this and build tons of AD and try to outdmg her instead with just autos and Qs. Even if she counters your kit you can use your ranged advantage vs her more frequently.
A good Akali player can be your nightmare. Because your auto range is so low, she can easily walk in and out and poke you as you try to cs. Because of her playstyle of going in and out frequently you won't be able to get effective trades against her. Get an early Executioners and land those Qs. There is strong outplay potential but you need practice in the matchup.
A strong counter to Urgot yet there is outplay potential. If you time your E in return to his E you will evade most of his damage and you are free to damage him back. That's the reason I won't place Jax on extreme, but still be careful he has strong damage. With the removal of Shojin it's an easier matchup.
Nasty champion to deal with. If she knows her stuff she can dodge all of your abilities with her Q. Stay away from fighting her in minion waves and watch out when she procs her passive. You have trade potential if you can dodge her stun. You outscale her hard so stay calm in the matchup.
Has huge range advantage, can evade your attempts at getting him with his E and can safely farm vs you. It comes down to who makes the bigger mistakes, gnar can fuck up big if he disrespects your damage post 6. He might also fuck up in teamfights, look to counter his plays rather than be on the offensive yourself.
This matchup tests how good you are at predicting poke and counter poking. Her cone ability is very easily seen and is very well made to test you. If you can dodge it effectivly you shouldn't have problems, just respect her passive. If you cannot dodge her poke then you wanna play safe and let her have the lane dominance.
A notorious counterpick back in the days. Gangplank doesn't see much pick in soloQ because he isn't that strong until very very late. He also has a hard learning curve and most people dislike that. But if you get the matchup you wanna be aggressive. Don't let him take over the lane cause then you will have a hard time coming back into it. If he puts up barrels, be confident in taking them down or force him to activate them.
Make use of the minion wave. If she cannot land her E you will always win the trades. Kill her tentacles when you can, they are the source of her strength. Be mindful as her 6 beats yours. An early executioners helps alot, Illaoi relies on getting huge healing to win 1v2s etc.
A skillbased matchup. It can go either way in this fight, BUT if it goes his way he can snowball out of control. Be very careful and dodge his Q. The first trigger of Q isn't dangerous, but the second one is. If he loses his form he is just begging you to R him. Make him your bitch.
Respect his lvl 3, especially if he runs press the attack. You outscale him so there shouldn't be a big worry, be careful that their jungler might try to give him a early lead to dominate the lane.
Strong post 6, make use of level 1-5. Don't let him auto waves for free and build his rage. You easily beat him without his rage. Be mindful of ignite.
He pokes you, so what? Avoid his empowered Q. Push the lane, he can't stop you and he has a harder time csing under turret. You won't outscale him so make good use of the early to mid game and secure drakes as fast as possible. Early executioners is a must!
Pretty weak laning phase, He won't be strong until level 9 when his Q resets very fast. Get an early executioners and you can't lose trades. Bully him as much as possible with your Q and force him to use his Q to cs. Without his revive your ultimate will be his nightmare.
Pretty weak at the moment. Auto him as much as possible and don't use your mana when he has his W active. If he wants to walk up just continute autoing and kite him. Let him do the aggressive plays and play of that.
Pretty weak as a toplaner, if he wants to auto you, answer with Q. Build alot of AD and show him who is the real poker here. Stay behind creep waves to avoid his Shockblast. Don't get overconfident, if you go aggressive he can kite you.
Safe pick, just a tank who scales his teammates. Not the strongest soloQ pick, more seen in Flex. Respect his early damage and just build a cs lead.
Rarely seen picked. Just a brute tank who has a strong 1-5. Consider just taking Conqueror and scale. Poppy scales poorly and her kill pressure is low. Don't fight, just farm.
Weak at the moment. Dodge Qs, early executioners to deny healing of minions and just outscale. Respect the enemy jungler as cho can set up very well.
With corrupting pots and inspiration tree she just has a ton of sustain. Early executioners and bully her from creeps. She will outscale you but not until late late game. Even if she R your R you can still get a easy pick if you drag the person away from their team.
Usually seen if you got full AD team. Which sucks. Avoid fighting if he gets bramble vest and just powerfarm.
Respect his early levels, the flamespitter can burn you hard with comet if you don't pay attention. Easily ganked and suffers hard from jungle pressure. Build a lead early and start denying.
The one who has something to prove in the matchup is Riven. Hold your abilities as long as possible and wait her E to be on CD before fighting hard. You can cancel her Q with your E if you predict it. Other than that just poke and cs.
Only a big counter if you max W. Pressure his lane with autos and Qs and force him under turret. Then he has to make the choice of ulting a fight and missing chunks of gold and exp.
Dr. Mundo
Can't do much against you. Stay behind minions to avoid cleavers. Get an early executioners and just proceed to win.
Champ is pretty weak. Save your W for when he uses his minions on you. Your W takes care of them quickly. Do not lock your Q on him before his minions are dead. Then your W will focus him and not his minions.
An easy report just for picking the champion itself.
Rarely picked, your ranged autos is the strongest in this matchup as he litterally has to run on top of you to do anything. If you use your E right before he flings your E will override his fling and instead you fling him. If he proxies just farm under turret. Build early AD so you can take cs under tower w/o losing any.
Strong synergy for you. Urgots liability is that he is as slow as a snail. Karma speed removes that and allows you to run around the battlefield as a racer car. If she builds ardent for you that's just icing on the cake.
Also a support that can empower you to make that 1v9 capability easier. Don't hate your supports, they are your biggest source of 1v9.
Good R setup, Strong heals and can help you turn around dicy 1v1s or 1v2s in your own lane.
Lux can make strong setup for your ultimate with her binding. Her combo + your R can make for an easy kill before a fight breaks out giving you the advantage.
Empowered W and autos, another great champion. Combine that with ardent and you become a monster.
As with Lux has strong setup, and you don't have to worry about blackshield on the enemy team denying your R :)
His ultimate causes distortions amongst the enemies as they can't see their allies. Urgot thrives in chaotic fights and Noc just helps with that.
Nunu & Willump
A big character with strong engage and slows to advert attention. They won't notice you killing their backline, shush.
Creates alot of lane pressure even if she is not nearby. Can make for pretty easy kills early on.
Also a huge unit that can soak attention from the enemy team. Anything that adverts attention from Urgot helps.
He can lock down targets which makes it easy for you to get a free ultimate off. But if the enemy team sees you have two suppressions they are more likely to buy QSS, which nobody wants!
Pyke is made to execute targets and give gold to his teammates. Your ultimate works against that and more often than not will you either deny him resets or he will deny you your ultimate.
They usually get angry when you take their kills and breaks down mentally. Avoid that.
Strong synergy for you. Urgots liability is that he is as slow as a snail. Karma speed removes that and allows you to run around the battlefield as a racer car. If she builds ardent for you that's just icing on the cake.
Also a support that can empower you to make that 1v9 capability easier. Don't hate your supports, they are your biggest source of 1v9.
Good R setup, Strong heals and can help you turn around dicy 1v1s or 1v2s in your own lane.
Lux can make strong setup for your ultimate with her binding. Her combo + your R can make for an easy kill before a fight breaks out giving you the advantage.
Empowered W and autos, another great champion. Combine that with ardent and you become a monster.
As with Lux has strong setup, and you don't have to worry about blackshield on the enemy team denying your R :)
His ultimate causes distortions amongst the enemies as they can't see their allies. Urgot thrives in chaotic fights and Noc just helps with that.
Nunu & Willump
A big character with strong engage and slows to advert attention. They won't notice you killing their backline, shush.
Creates alot of lane pressure even if she is not nearby. Can make for pretty easy kills early on.
Also a huge unit that can soak attention from the enemy team. Anything that adverts attention from Urgot helps.
He can lock down targets which makes it easy for you to get a free ultimate off. But if the enemy team sees you have two suppressions they are more likely to buy QSS, which nobody wants!
Pyke is made to execute targets and give gold to his teammates. Your ultimate works against that and more often than not will you either deny him resets or he will deny you your ultimate.
They usually get angry when you take their kills and breaks down mentally. Avoid that.
Hi, my names Karnan and I am a Urgot one trick who reached Masters playing ONLY Urgot and a few autofilled picks. I have never before been a one trick type person and always got bored playing champions more than 3 times in a row. I played Urgot a few times back in the days before the rework but the ADC style wasn't my thing. I prefer bulky champions who thrives in the thick of it. I started playing the game somewhere around season 1 and it has been my ''main'' game since. I have been playing it on and off from times, certain seasons was just hard to enjoy and some others were better. I think the Urgot rework sparked a new enjoyment for me in the game. I liked his kit the moment I saw the spotlight, a simple kit yet very different from the current champions. While I think most other players didn't find anything really good about him at his release, I picked him up as soon as available. I immedietly found enjoyment playing him and before I even knew it I had kinda become a one trick. I enjoyed playing the champion so much I just stopped playing other stuff. I haven't lost my interest in the champion ever since.
My highest winrate with the champion was 61% in 380 games in season 8. Prior to the Urgot rework my highest elo achieved was Diamond 2 playing every role. I reached Diamond 1 playing only Urgot in season 8 and I reached Masters playing only urgot in season 9.
I peaked at top 5 Urgot EUW and top 17 worldwide according to LeagueOfGraphs. Of course I take that website with a grain salt and I don't consider myself a big thing but I still like to say I achieved something for my efforts!
I'm always open to help people improve with the champion, I play on the EUW server only and you can reach me most easily through the client or on the Urgot subbreddit: where I go under the nick ''URGODOTP''.
The first thing to understand when playing the champion is that he doesn't fall in line with the other bruisers. I am more so inclined to not call him a bruiser since he can't take advantage of Sterak's or Titanic Hydra. The prefered word of role I'd like to describe Urgot as is ''Disruptor''. He is a champion that causes havoc and chaos in teamfights, where a fight can look lost, Urgot can easily turn it on it's head. Your ultimate is vital to your teamfight capability. The strong point of the R is not the execute itself, but the fear. Getting a 3-4 man fear of in a teamfight is crazy strong. The enemies will likely lose their focus on who to kill and that is where your team bounces back. I categorize Urgot as such since he can't be a stronger bruiser than bruisers who build Steraks can. Your survivability can't come from an item with a huge shield, but rather how you perform with Urgots kit.
Urgot is a ranged champion, but doesn't really play like one. Urgot being a ranged champion is a strength but mostly a weakness I'd say. Urgot can not 1v2 or 1v3 like a Darius or Mordekaiser can during lane. Your strength comes from your plays alone, if you **** up, you got nothing to rely on to salvage those mistakes. Urgot has the worst range amongst ranged champions aswell linked with Rakan. Most melee matchups can perform their abilities on you if you try to poke with your autos. The champion doesn't make you strong, you make the champion strong.
Runes has always been a variation for me on this champion. I have never felt that Urgot has a keystone that is crucial or increases his strength tenfolds. I know of the Arcane Comet times, but that was mostly due to his Q being to strong. Spellbook was something taken since Urgot couldn't find strength in other keystones.
I have played with every single keystone for Urgot and tried to valuate the strength of each one. Yes I have played with the Guardian keystone in toplane.
Going in to season 10 I had hoped that the reworked conqueror would satisfy my choices. But alas it was nerfed for the abusive strength other ranged champions had. With the nerf of healing I don't find Conqueror to be that strong unless going in to the heavy late game. Press the attack and Fleet Footwork will gives tons more value through out the early to mid game.
I will be combining three different picks of runes going in to season 10. As seen earlier, I find picking runes based on matchups is stronger and more suitable for Urgot. Make sure to read the notes on the runes I listed earlier.
Pros and Cons.
Safe pick, can hold his own in most blind picks.
Easy learning curve.
Useful in most situations.
Sustained damage.
Ranged champion, can't use Steraks or Titanic Hydra.
No strong keystone.
Lowest attack range of ranged champions.
Has 3 abilities that can miss.
Low mobility.
Low item variety.
Final verdict.
Should you pick up Urgot? Both yes and no. If you are not a top lane player and you don't play alot of those bulky champions, Urgot is easy to learn and even if you don't know what you are doing you can still be useful just toggling your W on.
If you range between Iron-Platinum he is a strong pick and can easily destroy people who don't know how to counter him properly. If you range in Diamond+ he is gonna get considerably harder to perform with and you will find it way harder to carry a team with him.
Last words.
This is my personal take on the champion and I don't think anyone should follow a guide blindly. Maybe it helps a few people out and if it does that's good enough for me. This is how I will play the champion going in to season 10 and I won't change anything until I see any news in patch notes etc.
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