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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Vayne is typically played as an ADC bot lane, however is occasionally played top lane. This guide is for playing her in the top lane.
Buildings Vayne as a tank allows her to do damage, because of her Silver Bolts, as well as being hard to kill.
Buildings Vayne as a tank allows her to do damage, because of her Silver Bolts, as well as being hard to kill.
- can be a huge lane bully if against champions with little all in potential and/or range.
- also does very well in a farm lane, her range allows her to farm freely.
- If the enemy laner is weak and does not have a lot of range Doran's Blade is a good start.
-However if the enemy is strong and have a lot of sustain I recommend building a Doran's Shield first.
- can be a huge lane bully if against champions with little all in potential and/or range.
- also does very well in a farm lane, her range allows her to farm freely.
- If the enemy laner is weak and does not have a lot of range Doran's Blade is a good start.
-However if the enemy is strong and have a lot of sustain I recommend building a Doran's Shield first.
-When playing
top lane you should at least have about two core items not including boots before you teamfight. One of these items of course being Blade of the Ruined King
- During teamfights can relatively easily dive their squishies if she is tanky.
- It is most efficient to ult in and use the Blade of the Ruined King active on their main target damage.
- has very strong chase with her passive Night Hunter and using the Blade of the Ruined King active makes it even stronger.
- During teamfights can relatively easily dive their squishies if she is tanky.
- It is most efficient to ult in and use the Blade of the Ruined King active on their main target damage.
- has very strong chase with her passive Night Hunter and using the Blade of the Ruined King active makes it even stronger.
Hard to gank if Tumble + Condemn are used wisely
Able to reach late game faster in a solo lane
Ranged Top Lane!
% Based TRUE DAMAGE with
Hard to gank if Tumble + Condemn are used wisely
Able to reach late game faster in a solo lane
Extremely weak early game
Doesn't have a support to help
Countered by strong all-in champions such as
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