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Katarina is like all other blinking champions, but this time her blinks reset depending on how she uses her abilities, effectively rendering your cage useless. Focus on dodging her abilities and farming until you can kill her with one combo. You can poke her down as well, but since she's really mobile, hitting abilities will be more difficult.
Nocturne's E is a literal counter to your abilities. Depending on the abilities you hit, miss, and what order you use them in he might completely destroy you. When it comes to your prison use it as a way of preventing him to walk somewhere, and not to trap him inside otherwise he'll escape easily.
LeBlanc can easily blink out of your cage, poke you a bit and place another blink somewhere else with her ultimate. This way, you probably didn't deal damage and she won the trade, which is a very bad thing when they are able to do it consistently.
Lux outranges and outpokes you. Her burst is dangerous, specially after level 6. You should go barrier, and if you want an extra bit of protection go Crown or rush Banshee's.
Ezreal is the absolute epitome of an annoying adc to go against due to his E blink. If you're in the botlane, at least think about banning him.
Gangplank eats cc's left and right. This champion can instantly ignore the stun effects of your E, so you need to be careful when using it. Play safer in the early game, focus on farming and poking him down at the same time. Efficiency is key here. When he's low enough to be killed go ahead and ult him.
His passive is annoying but you should be able to farm his ability made minions well to get stacks, which technically means free ap. So in actuality he's just a friendly dude in the enemy team trying to give you ability power :D.
Fizz can jump out of your prison with ease, besides being able to slow you with that same ability. Be wary of it.
Ekko can escape your prison easily due to his blinks. Try to use your prison when his cooldowns are up.
I recommend rushing Zhonya's against Zed. It's armor completely counter's Zed's assassin items lethality and his ultimate, due to the item's active ability. Take ingenious hunter in your runes so your Zhonya's cooldown is lower. He also has some blinks due to his shadows, but since the positions are predictable it shouldn't be that big of a problem.
Cassiopeia makes you basically play a whole minigame inside the game. You either space well, or you take damage. Besides that, you need to incentivize Cassio to play passively, so try to punish her whenever you feel like it's safe to do so.
A pain in the ass before you can leave lane. If you can force him to setup his mini turrets near his mid turret I would recommend taking predator as your rune so you can roam and actually impact the game in laning phase. Otherwise just focus on not being poked and surviving whilst farming well for 14 minutes. After that it's your time to be the bully.
Master Yi
Since master yi can now pick the position he's gonna appear in after using his Q, lining up your cage to instantly stun him after the Q animation ends doesn't have a 100% success rate, but you can still try.
As a tank, she's not that much of a threat. The problem with Leona is her cc. When going against her, try to dodge her skillshots as best as possible. If she has no abilities up, you can absolutely destroy her. In the late game 2 or 3 "W + Q" combos should be enough to kill her.
Reduces the magic damage she receives by using her W and heals like hell, but shouldn't be too much of a problem unless she's fed.
Morgana can use her E to bypass yours. Make sure to break her shield before using your prison.
Be sure to only use your ultimate if her passive is off.
Annie's burst is something you should be aware and careful about, specially after level 6.
I'm using Leona to represent basically all characters with cc, specially area crowd controls. It's way easier to setup a cage if someone's not moving and can't use their abilities.
Yummi gives you that bit more of stats which might be the difference between one shotting someone or not.
AP nasus E + veigar E = blink burner
Miss Fortune
Ap miss fortune E + veigar E = blink burner
Swain R + Veigar E is a really good combo if you wanna have swain tanking all the damage and healing while you absolutely vaporize the enemies.
I'm using Leona to represent basically all characters with cc, specially area crowd controls. It's way easier to setup a cage if someone's not moving and can't use their abilities.
Yummi gives you that bit more of stats which might be the difference between one shotting someone or not.
AP nasus E + veigar E = blink burner
Miss Fortune
Ap miss fortune E + veigar E = blink burner
Swain R + Veigar E is a really good combo if you wanna have swain tanking all the damage and healing while you absolutely vaporize the enemies.
The off meta builds in this guide have not yet been thoroughly tested, so take them with a grain of salt.
Who am I
Hi! I'm BC, a 150k+ mastery points Veigar main. This guide was made to help people that are relatively new to the game/champion. If you have anything to ask/add, please leave a comment and I'll try to answer as fast as possible :]
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