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You can take exhaust. Rappel if he ults you to avoid his q and e damage to reduce his death mark damage. Pretty easy overall. Rush a zhonyas if you don't think you will win the matchup.
High burst damage and high mobility make this matchup pretty hard. She can dodge your e with ease and can burst you much faster then you can burst her. I recommend getting abyssal first and just playing passive until you get atleast one full item. Make sure to ward as her roam are powerful. You can bring a defensive summoner spell to mitigate her burst.
You out range her so poke her early. If she ever tries to engage on you pre 6 just cocoon her and back off. You can also rappel her 3rd q to dodge her knock up and kite back. Post 6 be a little more careful because she can all in you and kill you. You can try to dodge her windslash with your rappel but skilled riven players will know to wait. But who has ever seen a skilled riven player in low elo. Pssssh
E out of his stun. You get abyssal before rylais and you should be good. You can also rappel his ult if you're skilled enough.
This lane is pretty annoying because she will be the one with lane dominance with her high damage combos and low cd q but if you get a cocoon in you should be able to get half her health off even with shield with you're full combo. But be careful for her ultimate while you're all inning, pay attention for the animation so you can dodge it with your rappel.
She's kinda like LB but without the mobility, in replace she has a point and click/aoe stun. This matchup is also an abyssal rush. Go in when her "stun stack" is below 3 and
you should be ok if she doesn't instantly burst you with her combo. Just slowly sidle her down with your q and w. Note that you can rappel her q stun.
This matchup is all about dodging them skill shots. Mainly his q and e because one does a lot of damage while the other is a stun which can easily setup for all his other abilities. If you can dodge then this matchup will be easier but let's be honest you're going to get hit by everything so just get that sweet abyssal after your liandrys to make your life easier. Boots is also important in this matchup too. Rappel when he ults.
Lul? Who plays this guy? Dodge q rappel when he ults to avoid damage ez pz.
Another dodge them skill shots matchup. If she get one q on you she will unleash everything on you. You also can rappel while snared sooooo you're basically cucked if you get hit by her q post 6. But other then that you can burst her down with one combo if you land your cocoon because she's pretty squishy. You can get a abyssal if she's a problem and rappel into the air once the stun duration on your cocoon runs out because she'll most likely will try to snare you.
Brand. He does a lot of damage if he land a q stun on you. So try to stay behind minions when you get hit by one of his abilities. He does have high poke so be careful of that. I recommend getting abyssal after liandrys so you can survive his combos. One thing to note is that is ult can bounce off of your spiderlings sooo be aware of that. But you can rappel his ulti if you're fats enough. Play aggressive only if he uses his q to get minions or somthing. No stun, no danger.
This lane is relatively easy just dodge his tuna and go in on him. Although he does have high poke so be careful for that. Just rappel when he tries to ult you for that juicy bounty of yours.
Morgana isn't scary because she has high mobility like Leblanc or high burst like Annie, she's scary because you won't be able to kill her. She will push in the wave and and poke you under turret, she has a spell shield that immune to your cocoon and mitagates a lot of your damage. And if you get hit by a q from her your health will disappear in a few seconds. Her snare also lasts for like 3 years. Just play safe and roam whenever you can. Note you can't rappel away from her ulti as it is a "leash" same with LB e, karma e and fiddlesticks w.
Aurelion Sol
Cocoon will stop is activated q. Dodge his q or ulti with rappel. Don't get kited and win.
Careful there try not to kill your self yet. High sustain and builds mr early? Annoying af to. Play safe and roam or he will kill you if you ever try to all in him. No explanation needed. Just leave your lane and help out your team when you can.
Not that hard of a lane. Just poke him down until you can all in him. His poke and his blind can be annoying tho. But make sure to watch out for shrooms.
this build is a lil trolley and is meant to be fun and different so don't take it into ranked. Actually I don't really care, do whatever you want with this build that I've only played 6 games with. But those 6 games went pretty good. PS I'm s5. Lul. This build is a work in progress and is the first ever build guid I've made. No hate .-.. if you're wondering why I don't play her jg is because I hate jungling. But mid and top is pretty fun to. If there are any mistakes in this guide let me know :) I might fix it if I'm not feeling lazy.
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