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Champion Build Guide
Speed is your friend
The Speed of it All
-Having noticed that Warmogs is now trash, i used to always run it, but the healing that it does now is really not that great. I decided to move with more speed but still being able to servive, since warmogs is a very good thing to help stay alive i thought why not do something that is on the other side of tanky.
-Having noticed that Warmogs is now trash, i used to always run it, but the healing that it does now is really not that great. I decided to move with more speed but still being able to servive, since warmogs is a very good thing to help stay alive i thought why not do something that is on the other side of tanky.
What we are doing differently
Deadmans Plate
This is the moving part. Since i can't heal myself as well with warmogs this will be my replacement. Since i noticed that a lot of dmg was being taken and i had to wait 6s for it to start healing again, wich can not be the best in a team fight. The stats are nice with armor and speed and hp. all things that i need rn.
Since we only have a limited amount of speed we can get really other than getting drags we need to pick something that will synergys with the plate, and the best part of this itme is the speed. Which is why we are also going with the speed boots and speed runes, to enhance the potential of the item on soraka.
However we don't want to leave out the healing, which is why in normally go with Moonstone Renewer, for that long team fight to heal our buddies. and this is the best thing you can use, since you get more healing the longer you are in a fight. so you don't sacrafice too much healing.
This is the moving part. Since i can't heal myself as well with warmogs this will be my replacement. Since i noticed that a lot of dmg was being taken and i had to wait 6s for it to start healing again, wich can not be the best in a team fight. The stats are nice with armor and speed and hp. all things that i need rn.
Since we only have a limited amount of speed we can get really other than getting drags we need to pick something that will synergys with the plate, and the best part of this itme is the speed. Which is why we are also going with the speed boots and speed runes, to enhance the potential of the item on soraka.
However we don't want to leave out the healing, which is why in normally go with Moonstone Renewer, for that long team fight to heal our buddies. and this is the best thing you can use, since you get more healing the longer you are in a fight. so you don't sacrafice too much healing.
Dont show fear
Having Deadmans Plate makes the whole running in thing much easer for me at least. Since i have armor now, and if you want to you can definetly use two armor mini runes so you can be even more safe. That is actually a good idea (O_O), ill try that too. If you feel like you are the right amount of fast or even faster than you want to be, you can swap Boots of Swiftness for Plated Steelcaps for a little more tankyness.
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