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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Playing against Aatroxs is extremely difficult. You have to be able to mechanically outplay his Q's or you stand no chance. Generally you want Aatrox to push you in. The trades you take is by dodging his first Q and afterwards taunting on him to dodge the 2nd Q. Do 1 or 2 hits and dodge the 3rd Q as best as you can. When going for minions it's important to not go in a straight line to take the minion. If you go in a straight line it's extremely easy for Aatrox to hit his Q or W on you. Try to do some cheeky sneaky moves around the minions before going for the last hit.
I have been Challenger every season, peaked rank 1 world, played professionally for 6-7 years and I've been to Worlds twice. |
Last time I made a guide was back in season 1 and I thought it's about time to make another one. After I retired from professional play I started doing educational content on my stream and youtube channel, now I would like to use the knowledge I gathered over the years to share with you guys, in the form of guides. If you find my content helpful and consider supporting me you could always drop by my Twitch and Youtube channel or if neither is something for you, you can always help me out by enjoying the Mobafire Guides |
First Base Item You want to get Phage on your first back as it's the best early game item for Shen due to how well it synergises with him. |
Second Base Shen is extremely powerful from lvl 1-5, but generally weak afterwards until you get your first fully completed item. That's why you often tend to skip boots and rush Divine Sunderer |
Boots You obviously need standard boots as movement speed is extremely crucial and they're relatively cheap. Only upgrade them right away if you aren't ahead. |
Upgraded Boots You have to upgrade boots now if you haven't already. Both Plated Steelcaps and Mercury's Treads are amazing. Buy whichever counter the opponent team the most. |
Abyssal Mask Now you have options in your build path. You build Abyssal Mask against Magic dealing enemies, and you buy Thornmail if your enemies are Primarily Physical. |
Thornmail If you got Abyssal Mask earlier it's now time to get Thornmail. If you got Thornmail earlier it's now time to get Abyssal Mask |
Randuin's Omen Finish up your build with a Randuin's Omen as it's an excellent last item for Shen. Especially due to how many crit champions there are in the current meta |
First Base Item Goal is to base on wave 7-9 depending on how well you CS. At that time you will be able to buy which will increase your damage by a lot |
Plated Steelcaps With Shen's tank build your goal is generally to survive and allow your team to carry. That's why you don't need to rush your Mythic Item, and it's completely fine to upgrade your boots early. |
Boots Now it's finally time to upgrade your Mythic Item. You will be decently strong, but remember to focus on playing around your team since you are their tank. |
Titanic Hydra Shen's Wave clear is decent with Sunfire Aegis, but with Titanic Hydra is becomes excellent. You can clear waves extremely fast and quickly get back to your team mates. |
Abyssal Mask Now you have options in your build path. You build Abyssal Mask against Magic dealing enemies, and you buy Thornmail if your enemies are Primarily Physical. |
Thornmail If you got Abyssal Mask earlier it's now time to get Thornmail. If you got Thornmail earlier it's now time to get Abyssal Mask |
Randuin's Omen Finish up your build with either Randuin's Omen or Gargoyle Stoneplate. Randuin's is a excellent last item for Shen. Especially due to how many crit champions there are in the current meta |
Gargoyle Stoneplate Finish up your build with either Gargoyle Stoneplate or Randuin's Omen. Gargoyle Stoneplate is an item that you only build if you're against few crit champions and a lot of burst from the enemy team. Generally I would go with Randuin's Omen, but there are definitely situations for a Gargoyle. |
If you want you can opt in for instead of and instead of
The rest of the runes shouldn't be changed.
If you are weaker you let the opponent push you in and focus on farming safely.
If you are stronger you now need to figure out where the enemy jungle starts. If he starts top side you want to slow push and focus on trying to damage / kill your opponent. Try to be 2 hits ahead of your opponent in the push. That way you don't end up pushing too fast and your wave manipulation will end up being excellent. Your goal is to push third or fourth wave into the enemy tower.
However, if the opponent jungle is starting bot side. Prepare to get ganked on the third or fourth wave. You want to let your opponent push you in. If your jungle also started bot side you can choose to push again and try to get a 2 versus 2 fights going at the third or fourth wave.
If your jungler started top side and their jungle started bot side. Prepare to be weaker and allow the enemy to push you in even if you are stronger than him in a 1 versus 1 situation.
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