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Kindred is really good at invading and will look to cheese you. She can easily do one of her buffs into yours so be sure to ward the buff you're not starting so you can see if she does that. She will later cuck you with her R so do your best to either kill her in the charm or hold your R until her R is over.
This is an extremely hard matchup. The only way you can beat this matchup is by pathing in such a way where he can never find you. Look to start either Wolves or Raptors. It is always better to give up camps than to die to him because once you die once to him the game is almost always lost.
Reksai can often invade you which isn't too hard to deal with, but her passive makes it impossible for you to ever flank or get a good engage on. Just play safe and outscale or dodge.
Nunu & Willump
A good nunu can make your life hell. He can very easily invade you and can safely get out due to his movement speed and tankiness and you don't really outscale him. You can beat him, but just know your life is going to be really annoying, just make plays on the other side of the map.
Extremely hard matchup if he plays it correctly. You can only ever 1v1 him if you get stupid far ahead and can just outright one-shot him. Look to just avoid him and only ever choose fights where he can't get isolation on you.
Ungankable mid lane champ and can make your life living hell trying to kill him or his teammates because of his R and W. Obviously he's not a jungler and definitely not dodge worthy, but just keep in mind he's going to make your life really annoying.
Pretty much the same thing with Galio, just have to keep in mind that anytime you're looking for a pick you might need to deal with his R. Nothing to be too scared of just have to keep that in mind at all times.
A good Nidalee will perma invade you and make your life hell. She can easily buy MR and make it really hard to one shot her and on top of that she farms just as fast as you if not faster. But you will eventually outscale her. Just don't be afraid to let her take your camps in front of you, just remind yourself that you will outscale her.
Xin Zhao
Not too hard of a matchup given how awful the champion is you just have to acknowledge how strong he is early and that he can fuck up your flank if you're not careful. You will outscale him after 2 items so don't be scared to let him have a camp or two, it's not worth dying for.
This champion can actually be so annoying to play against. His blood-sense can track you and you can literally never 1v1 him until you are either really fed or the game goes to late. Just play on the opposite side of the map and try not to meet him.
You both just want to powerfarm, he's not hard to kill at all you just can't fight him pre-6 alone. As soon as you find him post-6 you will just one shot him and he'll cry himself to an FF vote.
Can be annoying since she's a tank but you just outscale and outfarm her so it's a super free matchup.
Can be an absolute fucking terror despite not being a counter. His kit is extremely obnoxious and it's super hard to actually shut him down and kill him. Good news is you can scale for free for the most part and he can't really invade you so just ignore him as best as you can until mid-late game.
Kayn wants to just powerfarm early-on and scale as do you, however Kayn is really good at invading and cheesing camps away so you need to make sure you start on the same side of the map with him. Post-buff Evelynn will beat the 1v1 against him on crab. If your laners won't have any prio you can skip Krugs and just run to the opposite side of the map's scuttle so you don't get double-crabbed.
This doesn't get played outside of low-elo, but some people struggle with this. Post-6 you will hard win the 1v1 just kite out his Counterstrike and make sure you land the charm on him. He can't really push you off your camps much so just let enjoy the free-scaling.
Jarvan IV
J4 can't really do much to shove you off your camps short of being really annoying pre-6, but other than that you just outscale him by your farming speed. He can't really do anything except try to win the game within the first 10 minutes.
Like other tanks Amumu is pretty useless when it comes to stopping Evelynn from scaling. He can be really annoying and build a bunch of MR which makes him unkillable, but as long as he isn't getting 5-man R's in teamfights then you will autowin. You win at every stage of the game as long as you don't get hit by the stun and even then half the time you will win it.
This is a joke of a matchup, you do everything she does infinitely better and there's nothing she can do about it. Literally the only way you lose the game is by disconnecting.
This matchup is pretty hard given the fact that she farms just as fast as you do and she gets tanky in the process. On top of that, if she times her R she can cancel out your charm's CC. Look to just get fed on other sides of the map or force a skirmish early on where you can kill her before she is tanky.
Both champions are looking to power-farm and scale, though you farm faster. If he gets ahead he can one-shot you just as much as you can to him. Look to charm him and kill him within the charm duration so that he can't R your damage away. Typically speaking whoever dies first in this matchup will lose.
Hecarim is pretty scary in SoloQ given how strong his ganks are and how strong he is in the early-mid game. Look to avoid him early on, scale and counter any ganks you can see coming. Typically speaking whoever dies first in this matchup will lose.
Lee Sin
A good Lee Sin will just make your life miserable. He will permanently invade you and kick you away from his team whenever you go for an engage. This matchup is literal hell and if you play in an elo where players are good at this champion (Master+) then consider banning him or dodging him. Do your best to just powerfarm and avoid him at all costs. You will eventually outscale him, the way you beat him is mostly looking for picks before teamfighting.
Dr. Mundo
Scary matchup but beatable. You can never 1v1 him at any stage of the game, just powerfarm and play around your AD champions so that they can kill him for you.
Graves can easily shut you down and make your game unplayable and ontop of that he can very easily buy MR making him unkillable. However, if you get ahead early he can't play the game at all, so just try to avoid him and path safely so you can find a kill without dying. If you die even once the game is most likely over.
Master Yi
You beat him at virtually every stage of the game unless he has 6 items. If there's a Taric on the enemy team and it's funnel then just dodge.
Horrible champ and he can't even do his job of running you down because you're invisible. Can't really shove you off your camps and can't even come close to how fast you farm. Enjoy the win.
Out of the 600 games I've played I've literally never played this matchup above Silver, but you literally just powerfarm and then one-shot him. Don't fight him on a crystal.
This champ can be really obnoxious especially if she gets ahead, but you can pretty much one-shot her at every stage of the game unless you get super behind.
He beats you for the first 15 minutes of the game and then he falls apart and is no longer a champion. Path opposite of him so you don't see him and then enjoy the win.
The pressure is on Elise to make something happen in this matchup. It's really hard for her to shut you down, but if she can find you then you will probably die. Look to just outscale her and avoid fighting until you have your items.
You outscale and outfarm him and as long as you have decent mechanics you can kite most of his kit. Just look to charm and 1 shot him. Make sure your E isn't cancelled by his dash.
Unironically this champion can be pretty scary with the new Phase Rush AP build. He can pretty much just run into your jungle and make your life hell. Just avoid him at all costs and then one shot him later when you have items.
He technically farms faster than you early on, but you outscale him really hard. Just don't die to him early on and post-6 you can kill him pretty easily. Even though he won't be charmed make sure to try to get your W off for the MR reduction.
I think this champion is one of the strongest in the entire game and personally I perma-ban it. Her entire kit fucks you and can interrupt your E with her R.
He can steal your R and his skirmishing ability is pretty good. In skirmishes focus more on dodging his stun and then doing your combo so you don't get one-banged. Later on when you have items you can just one-shot him.
Teemo even though it's not played in the jungle (unless you're Manco) can be really annoying with his Shrooms. Look to keep your sweeper and try to walk in weird paths where you don't think Teemo would put Shrooms down.
Absolutely gross matchup - he farms just as fast as you do and his wards give his team true-vision meaning they will act as pink wards. Look to charm him into a one-shot and not to pick fights with him until later on.
Champ can be obnoxious sometimes especially if he takes one of your buffs, but realistically it doesn't really matter. Just scale for free so you can one-shot him later. Alternatively if you want to try to confuse him so he doesn't know which of your buffs is up, you can start Raptors or Wolves so he might not go for a buff of yours.
Super free matchup just powerfarm. He beats you pre-6, but other than that you win it. Look to charm him but use smite when he pops his spellshield so you can get the charm off.
Insanely easy matchup that you win after level 3. You outfarm him, outdamage him, outpace him and you are just better. Only way he can win is thru lane kingdom or if you disconnect.
Twisted Fate
Can be kind of annoying to see in the mid-lane as his R can easily fuck a flank of yours. However you can buy Banshee's Veil and it'll just negate his R whenever he uses it. Would look to rush that item when he's on the enemy team.
Truthfully don't know if this will be played in Season 11, but it did get some attention in Season 10 so I'll put it here. He beats you pre-6 but you outfarm him and outscale so just farm and then kill him later on.
For some reason there's a YouTuber going around saying that this champ is Evelynn's hardest matchup, but she is super easy. You outfarm her and you're literally invisible so she can't even get the jump on you. You don't win pre-6 unless you are confident enough to dodge her Q, otherwise just powerfarm and enjoy the free win.
Talon is an AD assassin who can easily roam and help shutdown the enemy jungler meaning he can make your hard early-game a joke. With his stupid early damage you can get some free ganks off mid.
Probably Evelynn's favorite mid lane champion. Qiyana is a roaming champ that has extremely high AD damage, strong AOE damage and reliable CC. Feel free to just camp her and get 25 mejai stacks for free.
Another AD assassin mid champ that roams and has reliable CC. Just like Qiyana, Pyke is one of the best mid lane champs for Evelynn to be complimented with.
AD mid-laner with a strong laning presence and decent late-game. With his R he has decent AOE CC for gank setup and teamfighting.
Can very easily setup 4 man ganks or plays around the map because Shen's R is hidden by Evelynn passive much like Yuumi.
Best support in the game for Evelynn as she becomes literally invisible with Evelynn and buffs Eve with some crazy AP and MS. Beware Ashe hawkshot will see the Yuumi on an Evelynn though.
Absolutely illegal champion, not sure how she will be in S11, but one of the best champs in the game in S10. Extremely good CC and split-push potential.
Really strong AD split-pusher. Doesn't have much CC, but if you get her ahead it's really hard to lose with a fed Fiora.
Another AD split-push top laner. Doesn't really have hard CC, however he has insane dive potential with his R. Look to spam dive enemy top laner to build Mejai stacks.
Extremely strong top-lane champion with good split-push & teamfight potential. AOE CC and AOE ultimate which can be complimented with your CC + ultimate.
Extremely free gank-setup post 6 and unless enemy team picks something unkillable then you can farm Mejai stacks really easily. Also super good AOE CC + dmg (if he goes AP) for teamfights.
Dodge or your life will be miserable. Kassadin wants to do the same thing you do: play safe and farm for late. Enemy jungle/mid will just run you two over and there's nothing you can do about it.
He's another AD assassin with big damage, but without any CC. Other champions like Qiyana/Pyke & Talon are better versions.
Twisted Fate
If he can go AD/Crit it's really strong as he has extremely useful CC and map-control along with a decent early game. If he's AP the synergy drops to OK/Low.
Pretty strong AD bruiser with good CC. He'll fall off later, but you can abuse him to feed yourself a quick 25 stacks that you can use to easily win.
AD split-pusher with good CC as well and super strong scaling and decent team-fight due to his CC being AOE.
This champ snowballs super easily if it gets ahead at all. With super strong skirmishing and good teamfighting with an execute for an ult and AOE damage with his Q Darius is a really strong pick to synergize with Evelynn.
Like Tryndamere, Kled has really good dive potential meaning you can easily snowball your lead by farming Mejai stacks off the enemy top laner.
At least it's not on the enemy team :)
Talon is an AD assassin who can easily roam and help shutdown the enemy jungler meaning he can make your hard early-game a joke. With his stupid early damage you can get some free ganks off mid.
Probably Evelynn's favorite mid lane champion. Qiyana is a roaming champ that has extremely high AD damage, strong AOE damage and reliable CC. Feel free to just camp her and get 25 mejai stacks for free.
Another AD assassin mid champ that roams and has reliable CC. Just like Qiyana, Pyke is one of the best mid lane champs for Evelynn to be complimented with.
AD mid-laner with a strong laning presence and decent late-game. With his R he has decent AOE CC for gank setup and teamfighting.
Can very easily setup 4 man ganks or plays around the map because Shen's R is hidden by Evelynn passive much like Yuumi.
Best support in the game for Evelynn as she becomes literally invisible with Evelynn and buffs Eve with some crazy AP and MS. Beware Ashe hawkshot will see the Yuumi on an Evelynn though.
Absolutely illegal champion, not sure how she will be in S11, but one of the best champs in the game in S10. Extremely good CC and split-push potential.
Really strong AD split-pusher. Doesn't have much CC, but if you get her ahead it's really hard to lose with a fed Fiora.
Another AD split-push top laner. Doesn't really have hard CC, however he has insane dive potential with his R. Look to spam dive enemy top laner to build Mejai stacks.
Extremely strong top-lane champion with good split-push & teamfight potential. AOE CC and AOE ultimate which can be complimented with your CC + ultimate.
Extremely free gank-setup post 6 and unless enemy team picks something unkillable then you can farm Mejai stacks really easily. Also super good AOE CC + dmg (if he goes AP) for teamfights.
Dodge or your life will be miserable. Kassadin wants to do the same thing you do: play safe and farm for late. Enemy jungle/mid will just run you two over and there's nothing you can do about it.
He's another AD assassin with big damage, but without any CC. Other champions like Qiyana/Pyke & Talon are better versions.
Twisted Fate
If he can go AD/Crit it's really strong as he has extremely useful CC and map-control along with a decent early game. If he's AP the synergy drops to OK/Low.
Pretty strong AD bruiser with good CC. He'll fall off later, but you can abuse him to feed yourself a quick 25 stacks that you can use to easily win.
AD split-pusher with good CC as well and super strong scaling and decent team-fight due to his CC being AOE.
This champ snowballs super easily if it gets ahead at all. With super strong skirmishing and good teamfighting with an execute for an ult and AOE damage with his Q Darius is a really strong pick to synergize with Evelynn.
Like Tryndamere, Kled has really good dive potential meaning you can easily snowball your lead by farming Mejai stacks off the enemy top laner.
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