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Is there a possibility for an update to the guide to account for changes in newer patches?
First off, would you deal with mages with ranged poke like Vel and Lux similar to Xerath or would it be slightly different given how their kits work? And second, would you consider TP a viable summ option? I've heard people say they always take TP on Cassio, and I can sort of see why since it helps with roam and getting back to lane early.
Finally, are there any situations in which you'd go sorcery secondary (e.g. Manaflow and Scorch) on the Conqueror build?
Thanks so much for the guide!
2. You can take teleport against long ranged match ups since you will never be able to solokill them if they know how to play their champs. You can also take teleport if you're toplane.
3. On conqueror cassio i would never swap out domination secondary because it's a big part of why she's so strong. The sustain is crazy in fights, and it let's her heal back up fast because of her E that's single target, so the healing isn't reduced from ravenous hunter.