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Recommended Items
Runes: This is good
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
His q and e poke is massive, you cant engage on him unless you are getting a gank from your jungle, in which case you need to bait out his w before you ult him, and get better at timing his barrels, you will need that skill to fight him
Champion Build Guide
You are playing Skarner top.. know this.. and embrace it, YOU ARE UNIQUE, and reading this guide! So thank you! Ok! Onto the actual guide!
If they are a hard matchup, dont fight them, just freeze it outside your tower and farm well and stack up your and use your procs on them with your stacks after hitting them with your , to be able to get away, deal damage, and take no damage in the process.
By 25 mins you will want to have the 3 main items of your build (Including boots obviously ), these items will be your , and your , by now you should be able to fight most other top laners in the game, being that you will have enough health from your and scaling health from your runes, base health, and your 's shield. Now after checking you have all these things, you should be all good to go a fight most top laners!
I will also be making a Jg Skarner Guide (Where he is supposed to be played)
Again, thank you for reading and ill hope to see you guys back on my next guide! Cya!
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