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Foxy's Reviewing Factory

Creator: Foxy Riven September 16, 2014 5:33am
Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2014 1:59am | Report
Emi's has been done :)

Starting LyteChai's Shyvana one now.

I'm waiting for TehGrazzhopper to reply and improve on Utopus' review.
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2014 7:15am | Report
Mobafire Name: The_Nameless_Bard
Summoner Name: amandamonium
Summoner level: 30
Server: NA
Link to your guide:
Review style: whatever you feel like doing
Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2014 4:10pm | Report
Thanks Emikadon for the sig!
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
PenileStampede's Forum Avatar
Nov 27th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 27, 2014 10:38am | Report
Hey Foxy.

I just realized the Ryze build I've been using for over 2 years was yours.
Who would have known? Didn't pay much attention to authors back then, sad to say, but people change :)

Could you review my Kalista build, see if it is helpful and understandable for both new players and seasoned veterans?

Mobafire name: PenileStampede
Summoner name: Penile stampede
Summoner level: 30
Server: EUW
Link: This one
Review style: Short review, I spent hours writing it, and I will be updating it along with incoming feedback as time progresses.

Cheers :)

Click pic for a magical Kalista guide.

<Bullets may have your name on it.
Grenades are addressed "To whom it may concern".>
Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 27, 2014 4:30pm | Report
Yea sure. Im a lil behind though (sorry Nameless, progress is slow but steady), kinda stopped playing for a while and still gotta get used to the s5 changes.

Ill get to it when I get to play Kalista :)

Good luck with your guide!
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
Seth346's Forum Avatar
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Sep 20th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2015 5:52pm | Report
- Mobafire Name:Seth346
- Summoner Name:Deceived Crown (was Crs Dekar)
- Summoner level:30
- Server:NA
- Link to your guide:
- Review style:In depth review

- Champion:Riven
- Guide Link:
- Splash art preference: Redeemed or Elite preferably

I will take absolutely everything you say to me and implement it into my guide. I would really love the art for my guide considering I have none. I would love absolutely everything and anything you do for me :)
If I helped you, I would appreciate a +rep
BladeBattler's Forum Avatar
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Sep 23rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2015 6:02pm | Report
- Mobafire Name: Bladebattler
- Summoner Name:BladeBattler
- Summoner level: 30
- Server: North America
- Link to your guide:
- Review style: Advanced please :)
ty natulee for the sig!
Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 22, 2015 4:22pm | Report
xPolarbear, I finally finished Raitundoo's guide. Your review is now on top of my list!

@ Bladebattler, I see you already asked for about 5 reviews. You should spread those out as everyone will be pointing out your same mistakes anyway. I'll let the other reviewers handle your guide :)
Thanks Emikadon for the sig!
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
Sandrino Rhys
Sandrino Rhys's Forum Avatar
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Dec 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 27, 2015 4:26pm | Report
Mobafire Name: Sandrino Rhys
Summoner Name: xDarkwind
Summoner level: 30
Server: NA
Link to your guide: Here
Review style: In-depth, if you have time :)

I recently revamped the formatting of the guide with help from your table coding guide, but I feel like the formatting could still be better, same with the art. I can't tell how many are in front of me in queue, but I appreciate your help, whenever you are free!
Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2015 3:46am | Report
Hi Sandrino, I'm working on xPolarbear's now, but I am quite short on time atm, but you're next in line!

I already like the ToC, and there are some gaps to be filled, so I'll definitely be able to help you there.

I'll send you a message when I finish xPolarbear's guide :)
Thanks Emikadon for the sig!
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^

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