First customer!
IGN: theWarchief13 / EUNE
Tier and Division: Silver 2
Link: In my signature. Btw can you review both my caitlyn and kog maw guide?
Things to note: Idk exactly. Up to you!
IGN: theWarchief13 / EUNE
Tier and Division: Silver 2
Link: In my signature. Btw can you review both my caitlyn and kog maw guide?
Things to note: Idk exactly. Up to you!
IGN and server: Emikadon, NA
Ranked Tier/Division: Gold V
Anything Else: I had a couple of complaints on the builds/build paths, as well as the presentation of what an ADC should do during laning phase/teamfights. Since you're wayyy higher rank than me, it'd be great to get some feedback on that ^_^
Thank you in advance~ I +Rep'd :)
Ranked Tier/Division: Gold V
Anything Else: I had a couple of complaints on the builds/build paths, as well as the presentation of what an ADC should do during laning phase/teamfights. Since you're wayyy higher rank than me, it'd be great to get some feedback on that ^_^
Thank you in advance~ I +Rep'd :)
Made this sig myself :)

- In game name and server: Mergoat EUW
- Ranked Tier/Division: Platinum 3
- Link to your guide: Leona Guide
- Anything I should pay closer attention to or any special things about your guide: Nothing particular, I'd just like to hear thoughts from a fellow support main.
Tyvm, looking forward to the review :)

In game name and server: OTGBionicArm, NA
Ranked Tier/Division or Amount of Normal Games on Summoner's Rift: Gold IV
Link to your guide: Jayce Guide
Anything I should pay closer attention to or any special things about your guide: Any and all information.
Ranked Tier/Division or Amount of Normal Games on Summoner's Rift: Gold IV
Link to your guide: Jayce Guide
Anything I should pay closer attention to or any special things about your guide: Any and all information.
IGN and Server: iSpark, SG/MY Garena (would play on others but ping too high)
Ranked Tier/Division: Plat 5
Anything in particular: Would like to receive feedback from a fellow support main :D
Ranked Tier/Division: Plat 5
Anything in particular: Would like to receive feedback from a fellow support main :D
I've completed the reviews for both TROLLing1999 and Emikadon and hopefully I will be able to do at least 1 more this evening, so thank you for your patience.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
You need to log in before commenting.
I'm LevasK a Diamond 4 player on EUNE server and this is my guide review thread 1.0.
I mainly play Jungle and Support, but I have a fair bit of experience playing Top lane and ADC with only Mid lane being a place where I lack practical experience, however I believe I can still give you some useful feedback concerning Mid lane.
I will mainly focus on the presentation of the information and whether the information is correct and up-to-date or not. The structure of the guide and the overall appearance of the guide are important as well as they make the guide easier to read and understand.
I will review any guide so long as the author is level 30 and fills the generic review request form bellow: