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MOBAFire Season 13 Mini Guide Contest #4 Winners!

Creator: Hades4u October 16, 2023 1:53am
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2023 1:53am | Report

Hey everyone, it's finally time to reveal the winners of our fourth and final Mini Guide Contest of the season! 🥁

There were a lot of fantastic guides that qualified for this contest, but we could only pick five winners and three honorable mentions. We would like to thank everyone for taking part in this community event, and for sharing valuable educational resources for everyone to enjoy. You're the best!

Finally - let's move on to the best guides of this Mini Guide Contest!

Author: @ V1kt0r555
V1kt0r555 secures their third mini guide contest win thanks to their mindblowing Malzahar guide! As with all of their guides, it's very in-depth with a huge focus on enemy matchups and how to best play against them. It's going to be a lengthy read, but you'll be leaving with a lot of useful info to secure more victories in the rift as Malzahar!

Author: @ Shark of Void
Shark of Void is back to the podium, this time thanks to their top rated Naafiri guide! The favourite choice of both mid and jungle players, this Naafiri guide might be one of the most comprehensive learning resources available anywhere online. Learn everything from the basics of item building up to the mental aspects of the game!

Author: @ Aerenax
Aerenax blesses our community with a brand new guide for Braum, we really needed some fresh content for him! The guide covers everything you need to know from itemization and runes, to roaming and warding, meaning any Braum player has something new to learn no matter their skill level. Make sure to give it a proper read!

Author: @ Gedrah
Gedrah's guide has been maintaining the top position among Sejuani guides for quite some time. The guide is very informative and well formatted, and convenient to browse from mobile devices too. If you plan to build up your Sejuani skills and knowledge, then this guide is what you need!

Author: @ garbocan
No one better to learn from how to play than from a Challenger! garbocan has recently joined our community and have already created an amazing learning resource for Ivern. Neatly formatted and straight to the point, this guide will teach you how to properly play Ivern against a multitudine of different enemy matchups. Make sure to welcome garbocan to our community and let them know if you want them to create more guides!

In addition to the guides above, we would like to congratulate our honorable mentions, who are authors of amazing guides but didn't quite make it to the top this time. Make sure to check out their guides and let them know what you think of their content!

Thank you once again to everyone who participated in our fourth and final Mini Guide Contest, and please let us know what you think about this community event and what you would like to see in the future! Special thanks to @ Silverman43 and @ Fruxo for judging this one, and we'll see you all in the next Mini Guide Contest in September! 😊

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