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MOBAFire Special Christmas Giveaway!

Creator: Hades4u December 21, 2020 6:04am

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<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:04am | Report

Hey everyone and welcome to our Special Christmas Giveaway! ❄

Our favourite frosty holiday is finally here and there's no better way to celebrate together than sharing stories and creations, and of course, receiving gifts! Not physical gifts in our case as we're all over the world and shipping would be tricky, but we've got some RP that's just as good for you to enjoy (and it fits under any Christmas tree)!

It's been a tough year for everyone and some of us won't get to celebrate Christmas with our dear ones. That doesn't mean we cannot have fun together as a community and enjoy ourselves, as it's a great part of the year that we should enjoy to the fullest!

Find out below how to take part in the event, and remember, we all need a moment of peace and fun after a difficult year! :)

Frosty N' Jolly Rewards!

Grab yourself a hot tea or cocoa mug and let's see what we've got in our Christmas sack for this event. There will be 20 winners that will receive a $10 RP Code each. In addition, their replies will be featured on the front page in the winners announcement post.

To spice things up, the winners won't be randomly picked for this event. All the entries will be checked by the MOBAFire Team and we will pick our favourite ones. Before the panic sets in, we will pick the ones that we've enjoyed the most, not the longest or the fanciest or anything like that. It's important to have fun while sharing your stories and Christmas spirit and we will as well! :)

If you're not a fan of writing and you prefer sharing your Christmas creations instead, we would also like to see your own Christmas trees and snowmen. We could look at them all day long!

We're not done yet - everyone who takes part in the event will receive a special Christmas badge! Take part now and add this unique and merry badge to your collection!

Now The Fun Part!
Pick your favourite and reply to this post until the 27th of December at 23:59 PM PST. πŸ•’

Share a fun Christmas story - If you have memory of a fun occurrence during past Christmas celebrations, we would like to read about it! Can be a real life story or something that happened during an in-game Christmas event, it's up to you to share your favourite one! Make sure it's your own story or Santa πŸŽ… won't fit through your chimney this year!

Tell us about your favourite Christmas food or dessert - We play together from all over the world and our cultures are different in their own ways. Tell us about your favourite Christmas food or dessert and maybe show us a picture as well! It can be something traditional or a comfort food you simply enjoy, you know best what makes you happy for Christmas! πŸ₯£

Share your favourite Christmas movie - The special time of the year when we rewatch our favourite movies, it's almost like a tradition of its own. Tell us about your favourite movie while avoiding spoilers and see how many other community members share the same taste! If you have a tradition of watching non-Christmas themed movies around the holidays, tell us about it! Anyone else doing Lord of the Rings marathons? 🎬

Tell us about your dream Christmas gift - There's always a dream gift we would like to get for Christmas! While we can only fulfill your RP dreams, we would still love to hear about your wishes for the most magical time of the year. Feel free to also tell us about perfect Christmas gifts you've received in the past, happy stories are always great to read! 🎁

Share a picture of your Christmas tree or snowman - Our Christmas tree has been ready for more than a week already, in anticipation for our favourite holiday. Show us a picture of your own Christmas tree or maybe a snowman you've built and let us marvel at your creativity! If you're not having a Christmas tree and this year didn't bring any snow to you, show us your Christmas decorations or anything that lifts up your holiday spirit! Merry Note: Make sure to also include in the picture a piece of paper with your username! πŸŽ„β›„

Thank you all for being here and we're very excited to see your replies! Please let us know what you think about this community event and our Christmas themed changes, we have more cool ideas planned for you. :)
AngryAngrier's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:27am | Report
The best gifts are the sudden gifts, the kinda gifts you never expect that you'd get in the first place, the gift that you simultaenously didn't even wish for and still want, despite never thinking about it yourself. It's weird, I know, but having someone figure out precisely something that you never even thought before you wanted is one of the happiest feelings in the world.

And usually that's just the nice, warm cocoa in the morning right before Christmas.
Ir.Defender's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:27am | Report
I Wish the world a happy new (upcoming year), with piece and respect for everyone.

Even though we don't have Christmas here, i remember watching Home Alone series in out new year ceremony, that movie, specially the first one is something that you enjoy to watch at least once per year :D!
sashadidntwalk's Forum Avatar
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Jun 15th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:29am | Report
My favorite Christmas food will for sure be a traditional dish from my country. They are small, slightly sweet pastries made from leavened dough and poppy seeds (Kūčiukai, can't find how it's called in English). Everyone in my country has them on their table during Christmas and you can buy them at stores or easily make some yourself. What's great about them is that they all have different sweetness and tastes and you can eat them dry or soaked in poppy milk! Honestly, the best part of my Christmas is always eating them freshly made.
minervatheory's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:35am | Report
My favourite Christmas food is chocolate salami. There are so many different ways to make it - my preferred way being without nuts - and they're all good. It's not the kind of thing you can binge on because it's really sweet but the chewiness and the cocoa flavour is amazing and I look forward to it every year.
ToHadesWithYou's Forum Avatar
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Dec 27th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:45am | Report
When I hear or see something about Christmas, the first movie that comes to my mind is Home Alone. Even though Δ± born years later when this movie was released, it was still on TV around these times. It always reminds me of my childhood. I had always spend my time with my family. But ever since I got to college, I was away from my family. I was with my friends, but I still missed them. But this Christmas, I am with them due to Covid-19. I am happy to spend my Christmas with them, however I can't say I am entirely happy. Cause I have concerns about my career, about my future and stuff. However thinking about that movie puts a smile on my face. I remember the good childhood I had. I wish things were simple like in my childhood, but it isn't. However I will not let those concerns and the complicated things to consume me. Even I become sad, even I lose my hope, I will keep trying. While rewatching the movie of my childhood, remembering my good old times and doing my best for later Christmases.

Have a nice holiday!

Kazumo's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 6:48am | Report
Alright, I believe I'll tackle the dream Christmas gift which right now would probably be to receive a bug-free and feature complete Cyberpunk 2077, Teemo to get removed from League (or only be kept as a mascot) and Valve to turn community-friendly entirely. I can keep dreaming, right?

And since we're also able to talk about our most memorable gifts we've received in the past I'd say the copy of Half Life 2 from my dad is one of my most treasured gifts. Back then on the good ol' PC I had, I only had a CD rom (not even DVD, so the game came on 5 different CDs) and a 32MB gpu which somehow managed to run the game and kickstarted my gaming passion that it's still going strong even nowadays.

Happy holidays, everyone! And thanks for the chance!
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 7:02am | Report
Favorite christmas movie has to be Home Alone.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
xXShadowGRXx's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 7:09am | Report
My favorite Christmas movie is Jack Frost. Its about a kid named Charlie, that lost his father from a car accident but his dad's spirit was transferred on the snowman Charlie made. In the beginning Charlie had a bad time understanding how this happened but after he stopped being afraid. The movie has a lot of snowball fighting scenes with Charlie and his dad (the snowman). Its family friendly and I would totally recommend it !

Happy Holidays
Happy Christmas πŸŽ… β˜ƒοΈ πŸŽ„
OptimalSk's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2020 7:17am | Report
My favorite chrismas film is Charlie Ánd Chocolate Factory
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