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Why You Should Boycott Mass Effect 3

Creator: caucheka February 24, 2012 2:32am
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 2:32am | Report
i'm going to put a lot of time into this so i don't want any tl;dr ********.

first off, we all know that mass effect 3 is an upcoming game by bioware and is indeed, the third in the series. but don't let that fool you.

1. Nothing that happens in ME1 or ME2 matters

Bioware have gone on record as saying that "mass effect 3 will be the best for newcomers." should that not be the first one? The entire part of this being, you know, the third part of the series, is that it is the end of the series for those who have invested in the storyline see it end. The end is NOT for people who have never played the first 2. It's like if the first Star Wars movie you watch is Return of the Jedi, you will have no idea who anyone is or why the empire is bad or anything.

Don't worry though, as there is a simple solution for this. The first is that, if you do not import a character save, the game will literally treat the story as if the first 2 never happened and will never reference anything. Not only that but we have our new character Flint Ironstag who is undoubtedly in the game to explain some things to newcomers. Makes sense right, introduce a new character who has to have things explained to him.

2. Day 1 DLC cut content (minor spoilers)

Recently it was leaked and confirmed that the day 1 dlc planned for mass effect 3 is going to be a new squadmate. Unlike previous bioware games, where if you buy the game new you get the dlc code for free which is more or less, acceptable. In this game, the new game code is for the multiplayer, and the only way to get the dlc character 'for free' is to buy the special super deluxe edition for 20 more dollars us.

Before i get onto why this specific dlc is ******ed, i might as well mention what is wrong with day one dlc. DLC that is released the same day that the game is released is being developed while the game is still being made. It is time and money taken from creating the actual game that is put aside to make extra **** that you have to pay for. Now, if this is something that is purely cosmetic it would more or less be acceptable, as the art team has little to do the last few months leading up to release, and they would barely have to code in anything. But a whole character means they have to include his actual model, animations, art, voice, EVERY LITTLE PART OF HIM, on disc. yeah, on the same ****ing disc you bought the game on, locked away under key. And this character had been part of the leaked script from last summer, meaning that yes, he has been planned to be in the game for a while.


so whats the big deal then? what kind of character could be included, who is supposedly supposed to be a nod towards fans of the series since it first released back several years ago? would you believe this character to be a... prothean? just think for a second, how much this characters ****ing existence, affects the story. but he was cut out of the release and pushed to the side, a character who has been known to exist for nearly a year because of a script leak. and he gets sold as extra to you, for 10 dollars, when he was completed with the game.

3. minor grievances that don't really deserve their own point but are important enough to mention

1. why the **** is jessica chobot in this game?

for those of you who don't know, jessica chobot is someone who works for IGN. and she's getting to voice a minor character. What does this mean? That IGN is going to say this game is the best ****ing game ever and you should all buy it 10/10 please give EAware your wallet. Movies don't put the guy who owns rotten tomatoes in the movie just so he'll give it a higher score, so why is this being acceptable in games?

2. Jennifer Hepler

the whole incident with one of their writers, jennifer hepler. For those who don't know, Hepler is infamous on the internet for being the main personification of their terrible writing. Why her you ask? because she doesnt even want to play video games. She tried her hand at writing a book with enough forced homosexual characters to make actual gay people insulted, and was promptly regarded as a terrible writer who should never write again. not being one to be chased away from her dream, she somehow got a job writing stories for video games, and has gone on record saying that she hates playing video games and that they should have an option to skip combat or something. hepler got her wish, but we'll get to that in a minute.

This doesnt seem like a good person to have working in the gaming industry, is it? needless to say, she handles people trying to troll her by saying that 'they are just jealous that i have a vagina and work for video games'. oh boy, someones sure in a lot of **** now. but don't worry, shes still a woman and will have thousands of white knights and biodrones at her side to defend her for her statement that was completely out of line.

3. remember the gay thing in dragon age 2? its baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

not to be content with forcing homosexual relationships in dragon age 2, hepler is once again doing the same in mass effect 3. i can't actually say anything about this but you can have this entire forum post.

i can't find the image but heres the quote.
I don't think having a military background makes Shepard any less likely to be gay. We're actually working on a coming-out storyline in Mass Effect 3. You can choose to have Shepard be the one confirming his sexual identity. If not, it will be one of your crew. It's an entire chapter in the game based around how people respond and react to it, and it will be up to you to reason and educate the members of your crew who are prejudiced against homosexuality.

We've put a ton of work into these sequences. I highly recommend having a homosexual Shepard in ME3, but even if you don't, you won't be left out - even straight Shepards will accidentally observe an intimate homosexual encounter aboard the Normandy, though obviously you'll have much more fun with a gay Shepard. I think there will be four to six different possible gay relationships, and I'm pushing the animation team to give them all a unique lovemaking scene.

at least in dragon age 2 you could be an ******* to anders and he stops coming onto you. straight shephards beware, the gays are everywhere.

4. Who Needs Combat/Why the story doesnt matter anyway

So just a bit ago i said that hepler is a woman, who writes for video games, and doesn't want to play them because she can't handle a bit of combat. well no worry, as mass effect 3 is the perfect game for her! now including 'story', 'regular', and 'combat' modes.

story is where the combat becomes super piss easy for those people who want to play video games but don't actually want to play video games. because the last thing that you need to worry about in making a video game is actual fun gameplay.

regular mode is regular and nothing changes. move on.

combat mode is where a game thats been advertised as having super important story decisions decides that they have to also include the opposite of what hepler wants and make a game where the story becomes a cutscene. none of your decisions actually matter because there is a technical right answer, because the computer will decide for you. this is the part of the game aimed at cod kiddies. because if cod kiddies don't want to play a high fantasy setting game they sure will rather play a science fiction one. at least then they can talk about headscopes.

all serious, actually read this **** *******s.

bioware obviously doesn't care that they are ruining their games, ****ting on their older fans, and just generally trying to earn more capital off the game through some questionable business practices and ******** marketing schemes. this is not acceptable and you should not purchase this game or its dlc, should not rent or borrow it, and definitely as hell should not pirate it. because the last thing we need is more excuses for bioware to make more casualized games because 'the hardcore market pirates everything'.

heres the demo for those still interested. you still sicken me.

ok i have to see that one more time.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
omagma's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 2:42am | Report
Why are you always like this?

Anyway, have fun with your little boycott, i will be saving earth while you do that.

The dlc did not take any time out of development

EDIT (Again):

So you complain about a person being in a game? whats next? are you going to boycott certain movies because certain actors are in them?

And you complain about a writer. Who writes for the game.... a game THAT YOU ARE YET TO PLAY.

Jesus, its whiny *****es like you that ruin games.
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Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 2:54am | Report
So the single player WILL be meh then?
Tri lane for life.
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 2:55am | Report
but thats ********.

"It takes about 3 months from 'content complete' to bug-fix, certify, manufacture, and ship game discs. In that time we work on DLC,"

they are still taking development time out of the game and into the dlc. so maybe you'd buy their defense, if you're stupid.

the point of jessica chobot being in the game is so they get a great review no matter what without earning it. they are paying her even, shes not going to then go up and say 'oh this game is terrible' shes going to say its great.

and i'm ruining games? no, you are ruining games. by telling us to just 'sit back and accept it' because 'thats how things are'. things are this way because people have been sitting back and ignoring it. we could of ****ing stopped this a long time ago when the elder scrolls came up with the first dlc, we could of said no we wont have it. but we didn't, we let them slowly take our rights away as consumers and allowed them to sell us things that should be in the game in the first place. you are the cancer killing video games.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Zoki's Forum Avatar
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Dec 28th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 3:03am | Report
It's just a game. o.0 If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
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caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 3:07am | Report
im not buying it, i never said i was. the problem is that other people are buying it and telling ea that it is ok to do these unethical business procedures because people are willing to shell out the money for it.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
omagma's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 3:13am | Report
I am by no means just "sitting back and accepting it"

I am just pointing out the stupid reasons you have to hate the game.... before you even get it.

Some of them are justified, like anyone else, i think that SELLING day 1 dlc is bad, not just for the industry but also for the developer.

And of course they getting Chobot in the game for a great review, makes logical sense, no?

Can we really blame them for wanting to make more money? And its not like its actually hurting the game, worst case scenario is, that fan-boys scream out like little girls and deny to buy the game due to Chobot being in it.

caucheka wrote:

you are the cancer killing video games.

I have never been called cancer before. Must feel real good thinking that you have any idea what you are talking about.

What does that make you? Aids?

caucheka wrote:

they are still taking development time out of the game and into the dlc. so maybe you'd buy their defense, if you're stupid.

You cant prove that you are right, neither can i (even though that article proves it)
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caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 3:22am | Report
omagma wrote:

Can we really blame them for wanting to make more money?
And its not like its actually hurting the game

but it is. because they are taking the finished game, snipping away a part of it, and then saying 'if you want this you ahve to give us 10 bucks. but hey, its still a complete game'
I have never been called cancer before. Must feel real good thinking that you have any idea what you are talking about.

but i do. bioware, ea, activision, all cancer. look at gaming as if it is a physical body. these ideas of day one dlc, and other related ********, start very small. and people defend it, and ignore it. and it grows bigger. it continues to grow bigger and bigger, consuming gaming as we know it because we as gamers, as the white blood cells, did not realize the problem soon enough and rise up to stop it.

its not a perfect analogy, as no analogy is perfect, but it gets my point across more than you think it does.

You cant prove that you are right, neither can i (even though that article proves it)

an article that looks at what bioware says and then throws the issue out the window because lol problem solved.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
omagma's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 3:33am | Report
I just realized that you are going to remain ignorant and stupid whatever i say.

i feel sorry for you.

So have some pony to cheer you up:
Thanks to me and Elleeeeeka (love that name) for my sigs.
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caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2012 3:36am | Report
i just realized that you are going to remain ignorant and stupid whatever i say.

so heres nothing. now get out
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
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