Asked by paokgr on June 28, 2020
So when your team hits an ace what you should do? Baron, push dragon (elder or if it's for the soul). This struggle me and I don't know what should I do and call so I do what the others doing at the moment. I would like to say me what I must do when my team hits ace.
Before I get into that: Although some calls will be better than other calls (in theory), you'll get the best results if you move as a TEAM. Split calls are bad calls, you can try spam pinging baron but if your team doesn't want to then just go with your team.
When you ace the enemy team the fight obviously happens somewhere on the map. Teamfights usually happen around one of the objectives. Therefore it is logical to take the objective next to you and if the death timers are long enough, take the other objective as well. If you however are not even close to dragon soul it is probably better to take Baron instead.
But sometimes that is not possible. Some teamcomps are better/worse at killing Baron than other comps and if your main damage dealers died during the fight you might not have enough damage to kill the Baron quickly enough. Then you should definitely go for the drake, even if the fight happened around Baron.
What if the fight doesn't happen around one of the objectives? Let's say it happened in midlane (if it happens in a sidelane you should still go for the nearest objective). Think of it as follows: Elder and Soul help you in combat whereas Baron helps with sieging. Therefore taking Elder/Soul will help with fighting over Baron! Especially in the case of Elder Dragon it is almost impossible for the enemy team to fight over the Baron and their only hope will be a steal.
There is actually another option besides Baron/dragon: taking turrets/inhib. It is not uncommon to take a turret or even an inhib (if the wave is pushed up) and then rotate to Baron/dragon. In the end it all depends on the game state.
Unfortunately this is probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is the best I can give. I hope I at least managed to give you some more insight...
it its not up u should look for deep wards and taking the jungler camps this put him so far behind
and u will gain vision control over their jun
Early game ace (unlikely, but possible) -> usually team kills simultaneously on different lanes: push for tower plates -> if you are closer to the drake pit, you should consider rushing to the drake just before the enemy jungler respawns (advice against doing the rift herald unless you outnumber the enemy team on the top side of the map)
mid game ace usually when a couple of towers have been lost and taken down by either of the team, this is usually a messy stage and objective control depends on what objectives are available. You should try your best to usually force fights just before getting the objectives. So once you get the ace you have a clear goal of what must be done next. If it happens that, there are no objectives, push up the lanes as much as you can and reset.
At this stage as well depending on your team comp, you can usually rush baron after pushing up the minion wave to the enemy towers, reset and then push lanes again (1-3-1 or 1-4)
late game ace Once you get the ace, if two lanes are pushing in your favour, split the team and take down multiple towers and/or inhibitors. Depending on your current position:
This is what I try to do usually, however most games, you have to wing-it, make up a new plan and that comes with experiencing the different scenarios (winning/losing). Any comments are welcome if I have said things wrong. So I can fix my shtuff as well haha.