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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Clan Tag with Draven ? (eune)

Tags: Draven 5,241

  • RufusnikCZ

    Clan Tag with Draven ? (eune)

    Hi guys i finding some DRAVEN CLAN. I am draven main (147k,EUNE) thx for info guys.
  • Answers (1)

    Draven main | April 18, 2019 5:27am
    I've got one (I'm silver[/color btw) called - Let me go draven /ČEŠI/ with tag AXE®
    But there's only one draven main, and that main is ME.(Nick: ImG0nnaK1llYou)If you have some other draven mains, you can invite'em. (Btw I'm 12 but others think that I'm not 12 y.o., they think that I'm older)
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