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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Katarina fun?


  • BuGzYY

    Is Katarina fun?

    So iv played katarina recently and found her to be farely hard and intersting kit, but i kinda get bored with her but my freinds are telling me she is very fun. idk if im doing something wrong with her but is she worth learning?
  • Answers (1)

    Remmehkube (8) | June 9, 2018 10:19am
    Its worth knowing what she can do if you want to main midlane champions simply so you know what to expect should you ever face her as an opponent.

    There is a guide on here that guided me trough all her combo's when I never played her and it helped me learn how to play her at a basic level.

    Just because your friends like champion X doesnt mean you will too though.
    If your legit already bored with her and you yourself feel like you havent really learned how to play with her I would sugjest picking a champion that you understand better at a basic level.

    I saw your other post about Katarina aswell and with that in mind it sounds like your having way to much doubts for you to enjoy actually learning her.
    So whats the point into learning her? Just because your friends say shes fun?
    Try other champs and pick someone you actually enjoy playing. who gives a crab if thats Janna, Bard or any other champion thats not considered ''hot'' to play.
    As long as your having fun. Thats what games should be about.. Fun.
    BuGzYY | June 10, 2018 8:16am
    well been playing her just normally and doing pretty well with kills and is very fun too, will keep learning her now
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