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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Monthly Raffle

Posted in General 2,331

  • kiranezio

    Monthly Raffle

    How do they select the monthly raffle winners? As i checked with previous list monthly raffle winners and the points table it doesnt match. Most people with more raffle points are not nominated as winners. Can anyone tell me why is that?
  • Answers (1)

    Hades4u (559) | May 5, 2020 4:48am

    You need at least 50 points to participate in the raffle. From there, it's all random!

    However, the more points you have in that month, the more chances you will have to be picked as a winner.

    For example, if you have 50 points while someone else has 500, they have 10 times more chances than you to be picked as a winner.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, I'm happy to help!
    kiranezio (10) | May 5, 2020 4:55am
    Why doesnt the players with more raffle points in previous month is not nominated? I have like 200 raffle points now because i needed to win this competition very badly. At the end if im not nominated though im in top 25 whats the point in even spending hours and hours in helping others and creating guides?
    Tauricus2017 (120) | May 5, 2020 5:28am
    Well you should not think about mobafire monthly raffle as a way to instant skin machine provider. It is more of a small encouragement for people here to be rewarded for their hard work. If you will be periodically creating content and helping others across multiple months you eventually should get a skin you want. If you are here just because you want skins for free, you may have come to the wrong place. You should create guides for others so that you help others in need or to spread your knowledge to as many people as possible. That should be the reason why you spend hours and hours in helping others and creating guides. The positive feedback, rating and comments of those you helped should be the real reward - monthly raffle is just a cherry on top. Hope I helped, If you found my comment offensive then I am sorry, but you quite misunderstood the point of this website in my opinion... Wish you luck next time <3

    EDIT: Gosh, while writing this the answer already arrived, bad timing for me I guess XDD
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    Hades4u (559) | May 5, 2020 5:17am
    We would like to also reward people that visit our site daily and post a comment every now and then, that is why the minimum requirement to participate is 50 points. They all deserve even the slightest chance to participate, and from there it's all based on their luck!

    I want to say that you're doing a great job so far this month with gaining points, as 200 in only 5 days is very impressive! Whenever we draw the winners I always notice winners with over 200 points in that specific month, while only a few manage to win with 100 or less.

    For April we had more than 10 winners with over 200 points while the other ranged mostly between 80 - 199 with only a few that had lower points than that.

    To answer your question about what's the point in helping others and creating content, the main point is to help the other League players become better players and to create a friendly community that everyone can take part in. Skins are just a fun bonus we're offering every month to show our appreciation for being part of our community. :)

    We're always accepting feedback on our monthly raffles. If you have any interesting idea, please feel free to let me know through a PM and I'll make sure to make good use of it! :D
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