Kassadin is a no brainer, if you want a mid laner champ that dominates late game this is it. Orianna is great, she scales and her ultimate is awesome for team fights. Viktor has an insane late game greatly thanks to Perfect Hex Core which will give 180 ap. Veigar since he stacks. Vladimir, Ziggs, Anivia, Azir Ryze Cassiopeia, she doesn't need boots and that means she can actually get 6 items. She builds Tear of the Goddess and she scales very well with items.
All the champions that SirDrPotato and Corki. He scales with the items. When you buy his core items he deals ton of damage. He can even one-shots the squishes!
Orianna is great, she scales and her ultimate is awesome for team fights.
Viktor has an insane late game greatly thanks to Perfect Hex Core which will give 180 ap.
Veigar since he stacks.
Vladimir, Ziggs, Anivia, Azir Ryze
Cassiopeia, she doesn't need boots and that means she can actually get 6 items. She builds Tear of the Goddess and she scales very well with items.