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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why is kassadin pick up so much interest as of late?


  • Fat_fast

    Why is kassadin pick up so much interest as of late?

    As far as I know, he was available for quite a while with rather few changes to his kit. Is it a new fad or the season changes somehow make him more powerful/viable compare to the past? If so please tell me about it specifically if you will, thanks in advance.
  • Answers (2)

    DKitten (78) | February 18, 2014 3:42am
    It might be because Talon hasn't gotten back on his feet, so his biggest counter is missing. Any AD assassin performs moderately against him, especially if they can deny him CS (like Pantheon with Crystalline Flask), but AD assassins have fallen out of favor since Zhonya's Hourglass came about.

    He's a VERY hard to champion to balance because of the 7-5s Riftwalk in his kit. He can get into a fight easily despite being melee-range, and ignores any attempts to kite him. So Riot can only make him completely underpowered in a fight or leave him as is, where he can actually deal damage, but always be in a favorable position with little effort.
    Embracing (353) | February 19, 2014 2:48am
    Kass has been permabanned in all elos since season 2(?)

    His main issue is his early game, but once he gets a kill or two, you just simply can't stop him. He abuses uncoordinated teams like no other with his insanely low cooldown ultimate.
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