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Rep: Renowned (672)
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DuffTime's Mobafire Blog

11 Mar
Hey guys, it's DuffTime here, and I'm looking to start doing some commentary.

If you have any small tournaments or anything and you've got a free spectator spot open and whatnot, let me know and we'll see if we can't set up some commentary.

I'm just getting started out here, so I can assure you my commentary is free! :P

If you're willing to have me, chances are I'm willing to participate if I have time.

Here's some samples of a recent small tournament that I did commentary for. It was my first time, so bear with me, hahah....
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02 Mar

Views: 2238 A moment of venting.

I don't often complain about these sorts of things, but that's mostly because I am keenly aware that my frustration or thoughts on a subject will probably do nothing to change these events from occurring the way they do. There's no use crying over spilled milk, as they say.

However, there's something to be said about a reoccurring event here. It's inevitable, it happens to every guide ever written, no matter how complete or well written. I'll give you the perfect example of what I'm hinting at.

You write the biggest best longest guide ever about "X" champion, you've been...
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27 Feb
If you were going to abandon the meta game, and take a team with no AD carry, how would you set up your comp?

Would you run Assassins? Offtanks/Bruiser/TankyDPS? Double AP? Kill lane bot? 1v2 bot 2v1 top?

How would you challenge the meta game if you took the AD carry role out of the equation?
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide