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Ahri Build Guide by xoBunnihime

Middle ♥ 13.01 ♥ [DIAMOND] (WIP) xoBunnihime's IN-DEPTH Guide to Ahri ♥

Middle ♥ 13.01 ♥ [DIAMOND] (WIP) xoBunnihime's IN-DEPTH Guide to Ahri ♥

Updated on February 4, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xoBunnihime Build Guide By xoBunnihime 28 2 92,840 Views 2 Comments
28 2 92,840 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xoBunnihime Ahri Build Guide By xoBunnihime Updated on February 4, 2023
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Runes: Personal Favourite

1 2 3
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Ability Order Skill Leveling Order

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Guide Details
Why Pick Ahri?
Skin Display
Pros / Cons
Abilitiy Combos
Summoner Spells
Team Comp
Ahri's Role
Tips and Tricks
IGN: xoBunnihime
Region: North America
Peak Rank: III Diamond
♥ ♥ ♥
Hello everybunny! I am a Season 3 Veteran and my primary roles include Mid Lane and Support.
♥ ♥ ♥
Ahri joined my Champion pool in Season 4 and has been my main go-to Champion ever since. My Mastery points for Ahri weighs in at 2 million points.
Why Pick Ahri?
Aside from being our Nine-Tailed Kitsune Queen and having an interesting lore, Ahri has a very unique kit that allows her to be very versatile and can be played in any almost any situation.
She is known for making picks with her Charm; her mix of assassin-mage and insane mobility creates such a unique Champion.
I love being able to activate the playstyle that best fits our team comp/enemy team comp, and Ahri does just that. Some games you will carry the game through bursting and solo-kills, other times you will be more of a utility mage that your team just relies on your Charm and picks during team fights.
k/da ahri prestige edition
Literally a Queen
Extremely mobile with Fox-Fire and Spirit Rush
Great roaming
Exceptional Waveclear
Great at making pick
Good 1v1
Very versatile playstyle
Fits well with any comp

Ahri’s Passive, Essence Theft is her only sustain in lane. Although the healing isn’t the greatest, it can still be impactful. Utilize her Essence Theft by throwing out her Orb of Deception through an entire healthy wave to receive maximum benefits. Thanks to Ahri’s Charm she has great pick potential throughout all stages of the game. Ahri's mobility in team fights is also very impactful. With her Spirit Rush you’re able to flank the enemy from the side, secure a kill and then escape.
Vulnerable when Spirit Rush is on cooldown
Immobile without Spirit Rush
Weak early game
Mana hungry
Most damage input comes from landing Charm
Skill-shot Champion

Ahri is quite vulnerable when her Ultimate Spirit Rush is down. Play safer and avoid committing aggressive plays while it is on cooldown. Ahri has multiple skill shots which makes her somewhat harder than many champions. Additionally, her Charm hitbox isn’t the biggest, so it can be difficult to land.Ahri can be difficult to play into team compositions with heavy CC. While she does have tools to help her dodge these abilities, she will be limited on how and when she can use her Ultimate Spirit Rush. For example, she may have to wait for the enemy to use their CC tool before using her Spirit Rush aggressively.
Essence Theft
When Ahri kills minion or monsters, she gains an Essence Fragment. When Ahri obtains 9 Essence Fragments,she consumes the Fragments and heals for 40-120 (+25% AP).
When Ahri claims a takedown against an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them, she absorbs their Essence, healing for 80-200 (+35% AP).
Orb of Deception
Ahri pushes her orb in the designated target area and pulls it back in to her, dealing magic damage to any enemy, monster or minion it passes through.
Orb of Deception deals magic damage when Ahri send it out but deals True Damage coming back.
Base Cooldown: 7 seconds. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 mana. Range: 970
Ahri summons three flames that orbit around her for a maximum of 2.5 seconds. After 0.25 seconds, each flame targets a visible enemy, or after 0.4 seconds it targets the closest visible enemy in range.
Ahri gains 40% bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds.
Fox-Fire prioritizes it's target in the following order: Charmed target/last enemy, monster or minion Ahri auto-attacked. -> Last enemy Champion, monster or minion that auto-attacked Ahri -> Closest enemy Champion, monster, or minion depending on the location the flame is around Ahri.
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds. Cost: 25 mana. Range: 700
Ahri blows a kiss in the targeted direction. Upon hitting an enemy, they are Charmed and harmlessly walk (slows enemies by 65%) towards the direction of Ahri for a maximum of 3 seconds.
Base Cooldown: 14 seconds. Cost: 50 mana. Range: 975
Spirit Rush
Ahri dashes to the targeted location and sends out projectiles up to 3 visible enemy Champions, monsters or minions (similar priority as Fox-Fire. Ahri is able to recast her ultimate 2 additional times in the span of 15 seconds.
Consuming an enemy Champion's Essence with Essence Theft during the duration of Spirit Rush extends its recast duration by up to 10 seconds. Ahri then gain an additional cast of Spirit Rush, storing up to 3 at a time, and at no additional mana cost. Ahri is able to have a maximum of 8 charges of Spirit Rush.
Spirit Rush can be used to dash over walls and is Ahri's main tool for mobility and repositioning.
Cooldown: 140/115/90 seconds. Cost: 100 mana. Range: 450
Flash is an essential summoner spell for the most obvious reasons. Having Flash with Ahri allows for better positions and an extra "dash" along side her Ultimate, Spirit Rush. Flash also allows animation cancelling and is known to be used with a quick surprise Charm onto an enemy.
Taking Ignite on Ahri is the most common summon spell with Flash. Ignite counter effects of Heal (cuts the effects in half)) which is extremely beneficial when you are roaming into the bottom lane. Ignite aids in securing kills after bursting an enemy champion with her full combo or even in duels.
I recently picked up Barrier to run with Flash and the results were impressive. Barrier is strong when laning against bursty champions like Lux, Vel'Koz or even Nunu & Willump. It also counters Ignite and pair this with a Zhonya's Hourglass, you are almost unkillable. After taking Barrier for a few test runs against any matchup, I noticed an improvement to my k/d/a/ as I don't die as much. The best thing you can do for your team is not die. That being said, Barrier is definitely my go-to summoner spell.
♥ As I said earlier, I play Ahri more as a utility mage, so running Barrier over Ignite allows me to focus more on staying alive than taking kills for myself (it's hard to solo-carry as Ahri let's be real).
♥ I take this laning against Yasuo (It's so funny for Yasuo to full combo you and you live, thanks to Barrier because Yasuo mains are try-hards), and also against Katarina, Zed... pretty much any champion.

Electrocute is the most commonly used keystone for Ahri. Electrocute deals 30-180 (40% bonus AD)(+25%AP) bonus adaptive damage based on level, and is proc'ed after 3 unique consecutive attacks (auto-attacks or by ability) within 3 seconds. Pair this with Corrupting Potion, auto-attack and Fox-Fire in the early game you will win most trades. It is very easy to proc in the early laning phase and during the entire game. When Ahri lands her Charm, her full combo including Electrocute and even a Luden's Tempest will result in massive damage output.
To assist with Ahri's passive, Essence Theft, Taste of Blood aids with sustaining the laning phase. Taste of Blood heals Ahri when damaging and enemy champion, healing 18-35(+20% bonus AD) (10% AP) health, based on level with a 20 second cooldown timer. Sudden Impact and Cheap Shot are also great alternative runes that you can select based on your matchup. Cheap Shot deals bonus true damage to enemy champions that has impaired movement or actions, which pairs extremely well with Ahri's Charm. Sudden Impact provides 7 Lethality and 6 Magic Penetration for 5 seconds after using a blink, teleport or dash, which would pair with Ahri's Spirit Rush.


♥ I like to take Summon Aery when I am against a melee Champions such as Zed, Galio, . Although Electrocute does produce more damage in the long run, Summon Aery allows more procs as the "cooldown" for it is shorter than Electrocute's, as that cooldown is 25-20 seconds (depending on level), and Summon Aery's cooldown is whenever Summon Aery returns back to Ahri.





Ahri's typical starting items will either be Doran's Ring with two Health Potion, or a Corrupting Potion depending on the matchup and your playstle.
The Corrupting Potion is my go-to starting item when I am laning against AD or melee champions such as Yasuo, Zed, or Irelia for example. Since Ahri is ranged, you can do some great damage poking down the enemy laner using Corrupting Potion -> auto-attack -> Fox-Fire, as the Corrupting Potion applies a "burn" of 15 bonus magical damage over the next 3 seconds while healing 5.208 health and restoring 3.125 mana over 12 seconds.
Doran's Ring and 2x Health Potion with Stealth Ward are the most common go-to starting items for Ahri. Doran's Ring allows 5 extra damage specifically to minions which is essential for maintaining cs and consistent farming. Doran's Ring also restores 6 mana upon killing a minion; restores health instead if mana is full.


The Million Dollar Question: "What Mythic Do I Buy?" Ahri can utilize any of these three Mythic items. The best part is all three require a Lost Chapter, so depending on the matchup and how the game is going, you can decide which one will have the most impact and choose accordingly.
Everfrost guarentees your Charm will land (granted you land the item..), providing plenty of CC. Everfrost is a good item to pick up if your team is lacking crowd control. This item is the only Mythic out of the three that will provide extra Health stat.
Luden's Tempest provides strong bursty damage and extra movement speed. This item is the only Mythic out of the three that will provide extra Magic Penetration.
Liandry's Torment has been my go-to since Ahri's rework launched, pairing with Cosmic Drive. This Mythic is strong versus tanky enemies such as Galio, as it burns enemies, causing them to take 60(+6% of AP) depending on the enemies Health.




Before we get into the Gameplay, let's talk about Ahri's role in the game.

Ahri is a mage assassin with high mobility. That being said, roaming is the key to snowballing and winning the game.

That being said, Ahri players should be identifying their "Win Conditions" - meaning what players on your team will win the game.
For example, you have a 0-3 top lane, and a 2/0 adc. In this case, your bottom lane is your win condition. If you're top lane is 3-0 and your bottom lane is losing, your top is your win condition. If both lane are doing well, or doing poorly, play your jungler maybe be your win condition.
You "Win Condition" players should be who you want to play around - or roam to - to get them ahead and snowball them and yourself.
Laning phase is the most important time for Ahri. If you can stay ahead of your enemy laner, your outcome will definitely point towards Victory.

Understand how to wave manage. If you can learn when to freeze, how to farm under turret when your enemy laner is shoving, and understand the concepts of the wave pushing towards you, when to push your wave into enemy turret, and how/when it will bounce back, you will be in control of the game.

♥ Early Game/Laning Phase
In the early game as Ahri, you will want to prioritize farming to maximize your gold income so you can buy an early Lost Chapter. Don't be afraid to use her Orb of Deception or even her Fox-Fire (lower cost mana. Be sure to auto-attack the minion so your Fox-Fire will prioritize that target) to last hit the minions; try to aim her Orb of Deception to hit both the wave and the enemy laner to maximize the ability.

Ahri is not the best laner - play safely and only take small trades you know will work in your favor (auto - w - auto + walk away)(charm + q + w + auto).

Ahri is not mobile pre level 6 without her Ultimate, Spirit Rush. That being said, you need to play it safe. Practice learning how to track the enemy Jungler. If you shove your wave and stay in your lane, chances are the enemy will gank you and you have no escape without your Ultimate.

When you unlock Ahri's Spirit Rush, look for chances to roam. To decide which lane to roam to, identify your "Win Condition" - is top lane ahead? Roam there. Bott lane ahead? Roam down there. Notice where your jungler is pathing and hover around them and assist them on ganking a lane. If you notice your top laner or even your bott lane stuck under tower, shove your wave in to the enemy turret and start roaming to help your team. Keep an eye out for your enemy laner to follow you, and keep in mind you may be cut off by the enemy jungler as well. If you notice your enemy laner begins to follow you but they do not have vision of you, hide in a bush and secure a Charm and kill them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xoBunnihime
xoBunnihime Ahri Guide
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♥ 13.01 ♥ [DIAMOND] (WIP) xoBunnihime's IN-DEPTH Guide to Ahri ♥

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