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Lillia Build Guide by Ashookaa

Top ♥|Lillia Top|♥ Look who's blooming now!

Top ♥|Lillia Top|♥ Look who's blooming now!

Updated on August 25, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ashookaa Build Guide By Ashookaa 9,632 Views 0 Comments
9,632 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ashookaa Lillia Build Guide By Ashookaa Updated on August 25, 2020
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Runes: Fast and Rich Bambi

1 2 3 4 5 6
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
[ Normal ]
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

♥|Lillia Top|♥ Look who's blooming now!

By Ashookaa
Starting items
Lillia has Aoe dmg so Talisman is a great start for her
Core items
Because you Build Runic Echoes Fiendish Codex is a must :D
OK as i said you build Runic Echoes,Liandrys has a great synergy with your pasive AND Frozen Heart Attack speed slow Aura works with Liandrys so your dmg is insane
Flash is obvious,you can Flash Q to finish kill or Flash Q + Ultimate to engage a teamfight and than follow up with Zhonya's Hourglass so you wont get focused.Teleport helps you with getting to lane faster or gank botlane or even Teleport back Toplane after killing enemy mid and bot

Flash is obvious i said it earlier.But Ignite is more agresive than Teleport and helps you get 1 blood but you lose the ability to just tp back into lane like and act like nothing happend

Still testing this one

Quick Tips For Lillia

- To Push Wave very fast use your and try to hit caster minions on the outside for extra true dmg and than use and try to hit melee minions in the middle and than use on minions that are still alive

- In trades dont use your too fast because you have to wait for a perfect moment so you hit your oponet in the center of it for max dmg output

- In lane pay attention to your mana.Keep spaming your beceause it only cost 45 mana save your mana for trades

- Start your combo with Q than use and when they are asleep hit them with the center of your W and than use your E for slow and than use your Q because it should be up again,after this combo your oponent should lose some of there hp and when you have a bit of ap you can kill enemy adc with it

Why Lillia Toplane

  • Lillia scales great and she can be a back up ApCarry when your APC or Ap Mid is behind you can bring some Extra Magic Dmg
  • Lillia is a JUNGLER so you can 1 pick Lillia Top and than enemy jungle will usually try to counter pick you because you pick a jungler but little did they know you are a Toplaner
  • Lillia can win most Top match ups because of her midium range she can win agaist melee lane bullies like Sett Darius or Renekton and have a bit of trouble with range toplaners like Teemo or Quinn or Vayne but you outscale them
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