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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Who Am I + Thanks

Hi all, I'm jhoijhoi (or Jai) and I am currently an active Veteran here at MobaFire. I love writing guides and I enjoy helping people write their own guides. Currently I had set kind of a trend with my personal spin of formatting, and I always squeal with glee whenever I see my templates implemented.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery :)

Beyond MobaFire (though I do spend much more time here than I should, people get sick of me pretty quick) my life revolves around full-time university studying a Bachelor of Secondary Education (Physics and English). And when I get time, I spend it with my two best friends and roommates in real life, Patch and Warlemming.

When I joined MobaFire I just lurked. I read guides, improved my gameplay and spent some time learning about the site. It was only until I published my own Ashe guide that I learnt the harsh reality of not everyone liking your ideas.

In this regard, Jebus McAzn helped me out significantly, and I owe everything I am today …

Australian Pro LoL Teams

Recently I've been interested in joining a professional LoL team. It all started when my mate Dougly asked me in-game to sign up for a small team he was getting together. He created the team on an Australian gaming site called CyberGamer. The site has 3 League of Legends ladders and we are playing on the 5v5 ladder.

Anyway, after winning our first match I started researching the top 10 teams on the ladder. The team that instantly drew my eye was MiNDFREAK.RAZER, I mean, here was a team that was sponsored by RAZER, AMD, ENERMAX & iPGN. Their team members were all crazy good players and they had won 13 games lost 3, sitting at second on the ladder.

Further down the ladder two other teams caught my eye, Sequential Gaming and Vortex Gaming (Vortex Gaming lost their sponsor today and their name is now in limbo xD).

Being the ballsy guy that I am, I applied for all three teams.
MiNDFREAK- Did not hear from.
Sequential- Already had a full team lineup for the WCG in Korea
Vortex Gaming- Nee…

Welcome on my Blog @


This is a test entry for Matt to see how creative i am and helping him with catching bugs and other butterflies :) yada yada yada yada and so on and so forth :) etc.

The blog will be fancy nancy with italics and such :) i can add diferent colors if you want :)


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide