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Jarvan IV Build Guide by nnhoang



Updated on June 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nnhoang Build Guide By nnhoang 74 12 212,230 Views 52 Comments
74 12 212,230 Views 52 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nnhoang Jarvan IV Build Guide By nnhoang Updated on June 24, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Jarvan IV
  • LoL Champion: Jarvan IV


This is my first guide and I hope you guys find this useful ! I'm glad you're actually reading this because this guide will be very helpful to you guys instead of just getting the items and voting down because it screwed you over.
Jarvan IV is a great champion to play and at the moment, he's my favorite due to his ability to deal awesome damage and still survive. His passive also allows him to dish out amazing initial damage!

Latest Update :
2.01.01 | 06/24/2011 | Updated rune page & added Nunu into 'Awesome team combos' section.

General Tips
- You will NEED to have 'Map-Awareness', which is basically to know at all times what is happening around the map ALL THE TIME or you will die.
- ALWAYS call 'mia' (aka Missing In Action) to let your teammates know so they're a little more prepared for ganks.
- WARDS WARDS WARDS WARDS. These will save you from ganks if teammates forget to call 'MIA' and are a must if you're up against a team with assassin type classes.

Patch Updates :
Martial Cadence damage reduced to 8% from 10%
Demacian Standard
Armor reduced to 10/13/16/19/22 from 10/14/18/22/26
Attack speed reduced to 10/13/16/19/22% from 10/14/18/22/26%
The gold per 10 component of Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Avarice Blade is now unique to itself
Philosopher's Stone health regen per 5 reduced to 18 from 22.5 and mana regen per 5 reduced to 8 from 10
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Pros | Cons

Jarvan IV is quite the solid champion. The pros and cons I've seen while playing him will be here.


- Solid laning champion
- Perfect for initiating fights
- Great harassing with his Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike
- 1v1 other champions should be no problem
- Golden Aegis, an AoE shield can slow down enemies
- Able to knock up 5 people with two abilities, Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike
- Demacian Standard has great buff for teamfights and taking down turrets
- Cataclysm great for trapping
- Solo lane is great


- Because you initiate the fight, you will be targeted (This can also be a good thing since you are, after all a TANKY dps
- Cataclysm can be rendered useless with flash and some champion's moves that jump out
- If built full DPS, can be quite squishy
- Low mana pool
- Cataclysm can trap your own teammates
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Jarvan Abilities

Martial Cadence:
[Innate] Jarvan IV's first attack on a target deals 8% of their current health as bonus magic damage (max 400 damage). This effect cannot occur on the same target for 6 seconds.
Jarvan IV's Martial Cadence is amazing for harassing. Using your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike then auto attack for the 8% hit is a great combo for harassing.

Dragon Strike:
[Active] Jarvan IV extends his lance, dealing physical damage and lowering the Armor of all enemies in its path. Additionally, this will pull Jarvan IV to his Demacian Standard, knocking up enemies in his path.
Great for last hit on minions and poking enemies for harassment. Combine with Demacian Standard to knock up enemies.
Range: 770
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 Mana
Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 Seconds
Physical Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+1.1 per bonus attack damage)
Armor Reduction: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 %

Golden Aegis:
[Active] Jarvan IV forges a shield for 5 seconds, which slows surrounding enemies for 2 seconds upon activation. The shield has more health for every enemy champion nearby when activating.
Once you use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo initiating a fight, ALWAYS remember to activate Golden Aegis right after to slow enemies down, plus it's a free 210+ HP to soak up damage. Great for slowing down targets that are trying to escape as well.
Cost: 75 mana
Radius of AoE: 600
Cooldown: 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 seconds
Shield Strength: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210
Extra Shield Strength: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 per nearby enemy champion
Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 %

Demacian Standard:
[Passive]: Grants Jarvan IV bonus attack speed and armor.
[Active]: Jarvan IV throws a Demacian flag to a nearby area, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and granting his passive bonus to nearby allies and again to himself for 8 seconds.
One of Jarvan IV's best AoE abilities since it affects his teammates as well! The Attack bonus and Armor bonuses are great in teamfights and while taking down a turret so always remember to put it down! Combine with Dragon Strike to knock up enemies.
Cost: 60 mana
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Range to Center: 830
Attack Speed Bonus: 10 / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22%
Armor Bonus: 10 / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22
Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+0.8 per ability power)

[Active]: Jarvan IV heroically leaps to an enemy champion, dealing physical damage and creating a circle of impassable terrain around them for a 3.5 second duration. Jarvan IV can destroy the impassable terrain by activating this again.
AWESOME Ultimate in my opinion. Great for escaping enemies and trapping others. You can also use it to trap enemies that are chasing you. Use your Dragon Strike, Demacian Standard combo to get out of your own Cataclysm. Remember that some enemies can jump out and/or use Flash so keep that in mind.
Range: 650
Radius of Wall AoE: 300
Cost: 100 / 125 / 150 mana
Cooldown: 120 / 105 / 90 seconds
Physical Damage: 200 / 325 / 450 (+1.5 per bonus attack damage)
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Standard Items

What I call Standard Items are items that are used early game and I always get.

Philosopher's Stone
Health regeneration and Mana regeneration are great, and the extra gold is a bonus.
NOTE : A Philosopher's Stone is always the first item I build because it lets me stay in my lane longer. Due to patch, Philosopher's Stone health regen per 5 reduced to 18 from 22.5 and mana regen per 5 reduced to 8 from 10. It isn't a major change, but it does reduce it's effectiveness slightly.

I get one Heart of Gold early game because with Jarvan IV's passive, Martial Cadence, early game he already does enough damage to offset not getting attack damage items.
NOTE : Due to patch, stacking 3 Heart of Gold's isn't viable anymore. It'll only add health and the gold bonus is gone when you stack them.

Mercury's Treads are awesome boots because of the 25 Magic Resistance and 35 Tenacity which reduces crowd control effects by 35%.
NOTE : Best boots for survivability.

Jarvan IV will benefit from all of Trinity Force's attributes except maybe ability power. 30 Attack speed, 30% Attack Speed, 15% Critical Strike, 12% Movement Speed, and 250 Health/Mana make this an item that Jarvan IV just cannot do without !
NOTE : A lot of people seem to think that Trinity Force is useless on Jarvan IV because he -has- to be built a tank. They are just downright wrong. Jarvan IV is NOT a full tank like Amumu or Rammus. They, unlike Jarvan IV have abilities that can lure enemies away from your squishies and on to themselves.
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Situational Items [Tanky]

Remember to grab at least one Tanky item so when you initiate you don't die instantly. The only reason you have to go full DPS is if your opponents are idiots.

Force of Nature is sometimes the first item I get after I finish my 'Standard Items'. I would replace my Philosopher's Stone for the Force of Nature. You also get 76 Magic Resistance, 8% movement speed, and a bunch of health regeneration with 40 HP Regen/5 sec plus the passive ability of restoring 0.35% of your champions maximum health every second.
NOTE : Only get a Force of Nature if your opponents have some ability power champions. A Force of Nature would be useless against an all attack damage team.

Thornmail is a great item if you're up a team that has a lot of attack damage based champions. 100 Armor is an amazing amount, but that's not the best part about the Thornmail. The best part about the Thornmail is the awesome passive ability when you get hit by standard attacks, it returns 30% of damage taken as magic damage. Remember that the damage returned by Thornmail is calculated before the damage reduction from armor which means you can be taking less damage than Thornmail is returning.
NOTE : Only get a Thornmail if your opponents have some attack damage champions. A Thornmail would be useless against an all ability power team.

Guardian Angel has both 68 armor and 38 magic resistance which is a good amount of both. The awesome thing about the Guardian Angel is it's passive ability. It will revive you when you die with 750 health and 375 mana. It's like a mini Zilean's ultimate Chronoshift. I can't tell how many times this item has saved me !
NOTE : Remember that the reviving effect can only happen once every 5 minutes.

Banshee's Veil is an awesome item in that it gives 375 Health and Mana PLUS gives 50 Magic Resistance. It also blocks a negative spell every 45 seconds.
NOTE : I get a Banshee's Veil most of the time if I'm planning to get mostly DPS based items.

Warmog's Armor is an all health item that gives 920 Health plus 30 Health Regen/5 sec. A Warmog's Armor gives you the passive ability of permanently gaining 4.5 health and .15 health regeneration per 5 seconds per minion kill. Champion kills and assists on the other grant 45 health and 1.5 health regeneration per 5 seconds. The bonuses cap at +450 health, and +15 health Regen per 5.
NOTE : 1370 (920+450) HP and 45 (30+15) health per five seconds is the maximum potential of Warmog's Armor. Remember that even if you have high health, without armor and magic resistance, health is useless. An awesome combo with Warmog's Armor is to have an Atma's Impaler with it's passive ability of your physical damage being increased by 2% of your maximum health.

Sunfire Aegis is a great item if you're up against a team that comprises mostly of attack damage based champions. The 45 armor is great and 450 health is a good amount for any tank. The great thing about the Sunfire Aegis is that it deals 35 Magic Damage a second to nearby enemies.
NOTE : As the Sunfire Aegis's passive effect is always in effect, whenever you pass by jungle monsters they will start to attack you so watch out for baron/dragon.

The Frozen Heart is an awesome item if you're up against a team that deals a lot of attack damage because of the 99 armor. The great thing about the Frozen Heart is because of it's passive where it reduces ability cooldowns by 20% and reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 20% (1000 range). The 500 mana is always good since you'll be spamming your skills more often due to the ability cooldown.
NOTE : More abilities smashed down on enemies is always a good thing. Your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo can be used more often for it's crowd control while your teammates eat away at their health !

Great for a team that's more ability power based since it gives 30 magic resistance and no armor plus it gives 250 health. The great thing about the Spirit Visage is that it reduces cooldowns by 10% and it increases all regeneration effects by 15%
NOTE : I don't get the Spirit Visage often since I find other items more useful. However, you might find it useful yourself.

350 health, 25 health regeneration per 5 seconds and 350 health make it a great item if your opponents are attack damage based. It's passive is a 5% cooldown reduction, 20% chance on being hit to slow the attacker's movement and attack speed by 35% for 3 seconds which is a great survivability item combined with the active effects. The Randuin's Omen's active is much like your Golden Aegis where when you activate it, it slows down movement speed and attack speed of targets around you by 35% for 2 seconds PLUS .05 seconds for each 100 armor and magic resist.
NOTE : I personally don't get Randuin's Omen all that often because while in a teamfight, you have to use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo and Golden Aegis combo in quick succession and I forget to use Randuin's Omen's active effect sometimes. However, the armor, health, cooldown reduction and slow effects are awesome to get.
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Situational Items [DPS]

I always grab at least one DPS item to do some decent damage in a teamfight and 1v1 fights. DO NOT go all DPS as that will leave you very squishy

Black Cleaver is a pretty good item for Jarvan IV because of it's stats. 55 attack damage and 30% attack speed is great, but where it truly shines because of it's passive. Physical attacks reduce your target's armor by 15 for 5 seconds (maximum 3 stacks). Everytime you attack a target, it will reduce their armor by 15 up to a maximum of 45!
NOTE : In a fight because of your Martial Cadence ability, you'll want to attack everyone to use that passive of yours and with Black Cleaver's passive, you'll also be reducing their armor by 15 each time you hit making it easier for you and your team to take down your enemies !

Bloodthirster has a modest increase attack damage at 60, but it also gives a 15% lifesteal. The great thing is that for every kill, you gain 1 attack damage plus 0.25% lifesteal.
NOTE : There is a limit to the passive ability of 40 damage and 10% lifesteal. The maximum potential of Bloodthirster is 100 damage and 25% lifesteal which is AWESOME. Remember that minion kills count for these bonuses and 40 kills is easy for Jarvan IV! Bonuses are lost when you die however.

Frozen Mallet is a good item for Jarvan IV because of the 700 health it gives and the passive which slows down your target by 40% for 2.5 seconds (30% for ranged attacks). It also gives a bonus of 20 attack damage as well !
NOTE : I don't normally grab a Frozen Mallet, but if I see that enemies are getting away from me a lot, the passive ability is invaluable. The health is also great and the small attack damage boost doesn't hurt either.

Atma's Impaler is a good item only if you have the health for it's passive of increasing your attack damage by 2% of your maximum health. The 45 armor is a decent amount to have and 18% critical strike as well !
NOTE : ONLY grab an Atma's Impaler if you have high health.

Madred's Bloodrazor is an awesome item to get because of the well rounded stats it gives. 30 attack damage, 40% attack speed and the 25 armor is great! The passive is where the Madred's Bloodrazor shines. Every attack you do, the Madred's Bloodrazor deals magic damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum health.
NOTE : The Madred's Bloodrazor is great to have when you're up against a team that consists of tanky champions because of the passive ability that deals magic damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum health.

Infinity Edge gives an awesome attack boost of 80 attack damage. Infinity Edge also gives 25% critical strike plus critical hits deal 250% damage instead of 200% once you get the Infinity Edge.
NOTE : I don't get this item as much because it's a pure attack damage item with no other benefits. Jarvan IV also doesn't have a great critical strike percentage.
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Early Game | Laning Phase

Normally between 1-30 minutes in the game
NOTICE: This is just a guide, for more information on the items, go to the item's section.

Ability Sequence
I get Dragon Strike as my first skill due to the 'poking' abilities to harass. Secondly, I would get a Demacian Standard as I can use it to check bushes incase the enemies are there, use the combo with Dragon Strike and the armor and attack speed bonuses are great. Third would be the Golden Aegis to get all the skills Jarvan IV has plus it's great for slowing down enemies. The next two levels would be Dragon Strike since it's Jarvan IV's main attack ability. Level 6 is when you get your awesome ultimate, Cataclysm. This is also when you're able to roam around (only if you wish) to gank with Cataclysm. Remember to check if the target you're about to gank has Flash or abilities that are able to escape your Cataclysm arena.

Beginning Items

What you should start off with is a Regrowth Pendant so you can outlast most lane enemies. With your remaining gold, get a Health Potion to remain in the lane longer and to heal faster after/during a battle. You could also take a Mana Potion if you've noticed that you run low on mana faster then you do health on previous games. Jarvan IV has a low mana pool so be careful with spamming your abilities.

Other Early Game Items
Philosopher's Stone
Your first return to base, you should have enough gold to buy a Philosopher's Stone. With the Philosopher's Stone, you'll have health and mana regeneration for the ability to stay in lane even longer ! If you have the money, also grab a Boots to have some more movement speed to chase/run away. The next item to get is a Heart of Gold to get yourself more tanky to be able to take all that damage. When you have enough gold, grab a Phage to dish out some damage plus it gives health and some a 25% to slow them. If you find that your opponents have too much crowd control or need more movement speed, go ahead and get Mercury's Treads before your Trinity Force.

Trinity Force

By the time you have your Philosopher's Stone, Boots, Heart of Gold and your Phage, you'll be tanky enough to take damage while also dishing out a decent amount. Most of the time, I'll already have a few kills and assists before I have my Trinity Force. After you get your Trinity Force, you'll be a walking death machine. ;)
I aim to have my Trinity Force before 20 minutes, but on average I get it around 25-30 minutes. The Trinity Force will also be your first permanent item !

By the time you get your Trinity Force, laning phase will be over. You'll be strong enough to be walking around ganking.. which is the next section
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Pushing phase | Ganking phase

With your 'Standard Items', you'll be able to gank with ease. This is also the time where you assess your opponents and how they play to see what items you need. The Pushing phase or Ganking phase is called so since this is the time where you push the opponents back and take down their towers. You also 'gank' which is basically surprising the other team to kill them off. NOT a teamfight however... but ganks can often lead to teamfights.
Normally between 30-45 minutes in the game
NOTICE: This is just a guide, for more information on the items, go to the item's section.

Ability Sequence
You should focus on maxing Dragon Strike to improve your offensive capabilities. Go for Demacian Standard next because of it's AoE attack speed and armor to help your teammates in teamfights and taking down turrets. Golden Aegis would be last since I find it to be the least useful (although, still a very useful skill) compared to the other skills. Remember to put a point in Cataclysm when avalible.

If you're up against a team that outputs more damage then you can handle, you'll want your next item to be a tanky item.

For any type of team, you can go for a Warmog's Armor. If you do decide to get a Warmog's Armor, also get an Atma's Impaler for it's passive which complements Warmog's Armor. If they're an attack damage based team, go for a Thornmail. If they're an ability power based team, go for a Force of Nature. Replace your Philosopher's Stone with the Force of Nature. If they're a mixed team, go for a Banshee's Veil. I wouldn't recommend getting a Guardian Angel right after the 'Standard Items' because the passive ability of the Guardian Angel just isn't as great as the other items's passive abilities. The Sunfire Aegis is a great item if your opponents are an attack damage based team. The extra damage output is also great. Get a Frozen Heart if your team needs more crowd control as the reduction on enemy cooldown and attack speed are great. Remember only to get a Frozen Heart if your opponents are an attack damage based team to not waste the 99 armor. The Spirit Visage is a great all around item because of it's health, magic resist, cooldown reduction and health regeneration. Get the Spirit Visage while facing an ability power based team to make usage of the magic resist. The Randuin's Omen is a great item to have when facing an attack damage based team due to it's health and armor, but also because of it's survivability effects.

If you're up against a team that's more tanky, you'll want to output more DPS.

Black Cleaver is great for a team that has a lot of armor because of Black Cleaver's passive. Bloodthirster is most of the time, the first attack damage item I get after Trinity Force because of it's amazing stats after getting 'fed'. If you are up against a very tanky team, the Madred's Bloodrazors is a great item because of the passive ability that deals 4% of your target's maximum health. The attack speed, damage and armor are great too. The only downside to Madred's Bloodrazor is that it costs 1000 more gold then other items. I don't get a Frozen Mallet that often because Jarvan IV trapping abilities are already there. Also with Trinity Force and Mercury's Treads, your movement speed will already be fast enough to chase most champions. I don't get an Infinity Edge much because of the high cost and that relying on critical strikes isn't a good strategy. I would rather get Bloodthirster because after it gets 'fed' it will have more attack damage at 100. The fact that unless you get an Atma's Impaler, your critical chances aren't that high makes me only get it if I go the Warmog's Armor/ Atma's Impaler direction
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Late Game

By late game, you'll have your Mercury's Treads and Trinity Force plus one or two other items depending on the situation. I will list some of the combinations of items I've seen success with.
Normally 45+ minutes in the game
NOTICE: This is just a guide, for more information on the items, go to the item's section.

Warmog's Armor | Atma's Impaler | Frozen Mallet
Warmog's Armor is a pure health based item so the best combination to go with it is the Atma's Impaler due to it's passive ability where your physical damage is increased by 2% of your maximum health. The Frozen Mallet is also great in combination with Warmog's Armor and Atma's Impaler due to the bonus 700 health. Remember that the Frozen Mallet is optional because other items might be more useful.

Infinity Edge | Atma's Impaler | Trinity Force
As I've said before, I don't get Infinity Edge much due the only benefits are the high attack damage (which is less than Bloodthirster when 'fed') and that critical percentage isn't a main stat on Jarvan IV. It is a viable option when you have an Atma's Impaler and Trinity Force because when combined with an Infinity Edge, the critical chance is at 43% which makes virtually every second hit to deal 250% damage.

Madred's Bloodrazor | Frozen Mallet
AWESOME combo for chasing down targets. They won't be able to get away with Frozen Mallet's passive ability to slow them down while Madred's Bloodrazor will knock down 4% of their health with every hit!
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Team Fights

Remember your job and do it well. You are one of the best initiators out there! Try to warn your team that you're going to start so they don't wonder off in the middle of a fight. What I normally do is dash in with my Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo, launch a Golden Aegis to slow everyone down, then trap some people in with Cataclysm. Use Cataclysm to it's advantage. Don't target tanks and champions that have abilities to jump out/ have Flash. Cataclysm's cooldown is 90 seconds so it's best to use it in the beginning of the fight so near the end when your enemies are running away you can pop it again to catch running targets.
Basic Tactics
Use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike every time it's available. The knock-up effect is awesome and dropping down the Demacian Standard will help a bunch due to it's passive. Also remember to pop your Golden Aegis whenever possible as well so it absorbs some damage plus it slows down enemies.
Awesome team combos

Use Cataclysm to catch a target in while Miss Fortune uses Bullet Time. They won't be able to run away while Bullet Time smashes their health. Miss Fortune, as a squishy will be safe from any damage since they can't reach her too!

Use Cataclysm to catch a target in while Fiddlesticks uses Crowstorm. They won't be able to run away and Fiddlesticks will be safe from harm. I've laned with many Fiddlesticks and this is one deadly combination.

Use Cataclysm to catch a target in while Nunu & Willump uses Absolute Zero. Nunu & Willump is tanky enough survive in your trap and after a chunk of your opponent's health is taken from both Cataclysm and Absolute Zero, you and Nunu & Willump can finish them off easily!
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Escape Tactics

You can use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike to jump through walls so try leading enemies to a place they can't easily go across then use your combo! One place I found this combo useful is running into the Dragon or Baron Nashor's 'den', then using the combo leaving them in the 'den' forcing them to walk all the way around if they want to get you.
If you really need to escape or are trying to save a teammate, use Cataclysm onto enemies, then use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike to get out leaving them in there unable to chase you!

Of course, if you have Flash you can use it the same way you use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo.
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Farming is one of the most important parts of this game. That's where you'll be getting your gold ! Jarvan IV doesn't look like it, but he is one amazing farmer. Not the best out there, but enough that he can make a lot of gold out of it.
His innate ability, Martial Cadence deals an initial 8% damage so use it to your advantage for last hits early game. His combo, Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike if used correctly can clear a whole mob when you're around level 10. For the most part, Jarvan IV's abilities have such short cooldowns ( Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction helps here) so every mob that comes you'll be able to use your combo.

Try to aim for 150+ minion kills by 30 minutes
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Jungling | General

NOTE : Jarvan IV is a Tier 3 jungler so he isn’t the best jungle champion out there, but he IS capable of doing so. I would recommend ONLY jungling if noone else can jungle and you're 100% sure that your teammate can solo a lane.

- The teammate that has the solo lane will level faster.
- When you reach level 6, ganking will be easy with Jarvan IV

- You can't gank until you're level 6
- You lose one of your Summoner Spells for Smite.

Summoner Spells

Smite | Deals 420 + (lvl x 25) true damage to target enemy minion or pet.
This is pretty much a must if you want to jungle with Jarvan IV. With this skill, you'll easily be able to kill Ancient Golem for blue buff or Lizard Elder for red buff.
For a jungling Jarvan IV, check Summoner Spells for your choice of a second summoner spell. I would recommend taking a skill that you can use to escape with such as Exhaust, Ghost or Flash.
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Jungling | Items Guide

As with most jungler’s, you should start off with a Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potions. The Cloth Armor will provide you with 18 armor to survive jungle monsters. The 5 Health Potions are also for survivability and you should use them the instant you start receiving some damage.

When you have enough gold, get Madred's Razors as it's passive of a 15% chance of hitting a minion or monster to deal 500 bonus magic damage is a great tool for junglers.

This should be the first item you get. It's an amazing item to get for Jarvan IV as a jungler because of the 23 attack damage, 30 armor, and 18% life steal. It retains the awesome jungling passive of a 20% chance on attack to deal 500 magic damage to a minion. The awesome thing about the Wriggle's Lantern is it's active ability of placing an invisible ward with 1100 range sight and lasts for 3 minutes with a 3 minute cooldown.

Check out Standard Items for more information about why you should get Mercury's Treads

Check out Standard Items for more information about why you should get Trinity Force

The rest of your items are situational so you should check out Situational Items [Tanky] & Situational Items [Tanky].
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Jungling | Monster Killing Order

1 : 2 Golems : There are two golem monsters with 800 health each which gives 30 gold each. The first skill you should get is Demacian Standard because of it's similar damage and the increased armor and attack speed. Respawns every 100 Seconds
Total : 60 Gold

2 : Wraith & 3 Lesser Wraiths : The Wraith has 350 health and gives 35 gold along with the 3 Lesser Wraiths that have 220 health and gives 12 gold each. Initiate the battle with your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo and take out the big Wraith first as it does the most damage/lifesteal. Respawns every 100 Seconds
Total : 66 Gold

3 : Giant Wolf & 2 Lesser Wolves : The Giant Wolf has 550 health and gives 25 gold along with the 2 Lesser Wolves that have 400 health and gives 16 gold each. Initiate the battle with your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo and take out the Giant Wolf first since it does the most damage. Respawns every 100 Seconds
Total : 57 Gold

4 : Ancient Golem & 2 Young Lizard : The Ancient Golem has 1275 + (175 x highest champion level) health and gives 60 gold along with the 2 Young Lizards that have 350 health and gives 10 gold each. Initiate the battle with your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo attacking the Ancient Golem until he has around 1/3 health left so you can use Smite to kill it. Killing the Ancient Golem gives you the Crest of the Ancient Golem buff. Respawns every 5 minutes
Total : 80 Gold

5 : Back to Base : After killing the Ancient Golem, you should be low on health and mana so return to base. If you have the gold, grab a Long Sword for the 10 attack damage and some health potions if you have the gold.

6 : 2 Golems : By now, the two Golems should've respawned so use your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike and kill them. There are two golem monsters with 800 health each which gives 30 gold each.Respawns every 100 Seconds
Total : 60 Gold

7 : Lizard Elder & 2 Young Lizards : The Lizard Elder has 1275 + (175 x highest champion level) health and gives 60 gold along with the 2 Young Lizards that have 350 health and gives 10 gold each. Initiate the battle with your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo attacking the Lizard Elder until he has around 1/3 health left so you can use Smite to kill it. Killing the Lizard Elder gives you the Blessing of the Lizard Elder buff. Respawns every 5 minutes
Total : 80 Gold

By now, you'll be able to kill any jungle monster so run around jungling and gank whenever possible!
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Exalted with Baron Nashor : This buff grants 40 Ability Power, 40 Damage, 3% of your Max Health in Health Regeneration and 1% of your Max Mana in Mana Regeneration. Always make sure some of your opponents are dead or you know exactly where they are before you attempt to kill Baron to gain this buff. This buff is very powerful in that it can totally change a match.
Buff lasts 4 minutes

Crest of the Ancient Golem : This unit regens 1.5% mana (or energy) per second and has (16 + Level*0.5)% cooldown reduction on their abilities.
Buff lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds

Blessing of the Lizard Elder : This unit's physical attacks slow the target's movement speed and deal damage based on their level. The red buff slows (10/20/30)% for melee characters and only (5/10/15)% for ranged characters.
Buff lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds

Dragon : Dragon isn't exactly a buff, but because it gives 190 gold globally to all your teammates, if you can control dragon you'll be greatly rewarded.

Items Buffs

Elixir of Agility : Grants +12-22% attack speed, based on champion level, and 8% critical strike. Great on Jarvan IV since he's a DPS champion. NOTE : Remember only use item buffs when the opponents have Baron's buff or you're finished with your build
Buff lasts 4 minutes

Elixir of Brilliance : Grants +20-40 ability power, based on champion level, and reduces cooldowns by 10%. Decent buff for Jarvan IV because of the 10% cooldown reduction. NOTE : Remember only use item buffs when the opponents have Baron's buff or you're finished with your build
Buff lasts 4 minutes

Elixir of Fortitude : Grants +140-235 health, based on champion level and 10 attack damage. Great buff for Jarvan IV due to the 10 attack damage. NOTE : Remember only use item buffs when the opponents have Baron's buff or you're finished with your build
Buff lasts 4 minutes

Oracle's Elixir : Grants 750 radius stealth detection to champion until death. NOTE : Only get one if you're up against opponents that have stealth capabilities. Late game you should get one as well so you can kill wards.
Buff lasts until user dies.
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Summoner Spells

I mainly use the Exhaust/ Flash combo.

Exhaust | Reduces a target's Attack Damage by 70%, Ability/Item damage by 35% and slows its Movement Speed by 40% for 3 seconds.
In my opinion, it is a spell that should always be on Jarvan IV. Great for an enemy 1v1. Demacian Standard than Dragon Strike to a target. Cataclysm afterwards to trap them and finish them off. If you aren't able to finish them before your Cataclysm ends or you have a feeling the fight won't end in your favor, Exhaust to reduce attack by 70% and movement by 40%. ALWAYS remember to use this spell during a teamfight, it can mean the difference between a win and a lost.

Flash | Teleports your Champion to target nearby location under your mouse cursor.
Escaping over some walls is what I've used the most for. Remember that your Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike combo can also bring you over walls so use the combo if you can. Another common use for Flash is when you do your combo, Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike then Cataclysm and things aren’t going your way with abilities not yet cooled down, you can always flash out of your Cataclysm and run away while they’re still trapped.

Other spells that could be used are :

Ghost | Your Champion ignores unit collision and moves 27% faster for 10 seconds.
Could be a replacement for Flash. Great for more movement to run or run away from a fight. Great if combined with Exhaust since there would be no way they'd escape with Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike. Also remember to take Haste in your mastery skills if you decide to take Ghost.

Teleport | After 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target friendly minion or turret. 3 minute cooldown if canceled.
It's a good spell to have if you're solo'ing a lane. If noone else on your team has Teleport, it's good to have for pushing and defending towers.

Ignite | Targets a single champion dealing 50 + (lvl x 20) true damage over 5 seconds. Also reduces the target’s healing and regeneration by 50%.
Since you’re tanky, Ignite isn’t needed quite as much as other spells such as Flash, Exhaust, Ghost and Teleport, but if you like getting kills, go right ahead and get Ignite!

Smite | Deals 420 + (lvl x 25) true damage to target enemy minion or pet.
Great for a Jungling Jarvan IV. Refer to the Jungling section for more information.
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Quintessence [Strong all-purpose runes]
Greater Quintessence of Desolation
+3.33 Armor Penetration | Best overall damage stats you can get that'll be useful throughout the game

Mark [Offensive runes]
Greater Mark of Desolation
+1.66 Armor Penetration | Best overall damage stats you can get that'll be useful throughout the game

Seal [Defensive runes]
Greater Seal of Armor
+1.41 Armor | Jarvan IV is a tanky DPS and more armor doesn't hurt
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration
+0.065 Mana regen / 5 seconds per level (+1.17 at level 18) | The 'per level' runes are better than flat mana regen runes in my opinion because the 'per level' runes at level 7, gets better than the flat runes. If you find yourself starving for mana, I would get Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration runes, but with Jarvan IV, as long as you don't spam skills early game and get blue buff late game, you should be good on mana.

Glyph [Magical runes]
Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction
-0.65% Flat Cool Down Reduction | You get to use skills faster and who doesn't want that?
Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration
+0.055 Mana regen / 5 seconds per level (+0.99 at level 18) | The 'per level' runes are better than flat mana regen runes in my opinion because the 'per level' runes at a low level, gets better than the flat runes. If you find yourself starving for mana, I would get Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration runes, but with Jarvan IV, as long as you don't spam skills early game and get blue buff late game, you should be good on mana.
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Here's a winning streak I had near the date I made this guide on.
I'd love to get some feedback on using this guide so if you have any screenshots you'd like me to put up here, then just leave a comment with the screenshot :)
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Final Words

Looks like you've finally reached the end of my guide. I hope this helps you become a better player when using Jarvan IV!
Remember that although Jarvan IV is a strong tanky champion, he is still more squishy then full tank champions. I love him for the fact that he deals insane damage while still being able to survive almost anything! As this isn't a guide for one set-in-stone build, I urge you to try out combinations before you downvote/flame.
If you have any suggestions or see any errors, go right ahead and tell me in the comment section, any help would greatly be appreciated!

Good luck!
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Version | Changes Log

1.00.00 | 06/01/2011 | Made the guide
1.01.00 | 06/03/2011 | Added Masteries/Runes, Items, Pro/Cons, Spells section
1.04.01 | 06/05/2011 | Added Runes,Early Game and finished Spells section
1.04.03 | 06/07/2011 | Started Introduction, fixed grammar mistakes
1.04.04 | 06/09/2011 | Finished Introduction
1.05.02 | 06/10/2011 | Finished Situational Items [Tanky] & Situational Items [DPS]
1.06.00 | 06/12/2011 | Finished Early Game / Laning Phase, Started Pushing phase / Ganking phase
1.06.01 | 06/13/2011 | Made changes to 'Jarvan Abilities', Early Game, Laning Phase, Pushing phase. Added Escape Tactics, Final Words, Farming and Team Fights sections.
1.07.00 | 06/15/2011 | Final check and 'Published'
1.08.00 | 06/18/2011 | Added Screenshot section
1.09.00 | 06/19/2011 | Jungling section : Added Pros/Cons, Summoner Spells and Monster Killing Order & Added Buffs section
1.09.00 | 06/20/2011 | Separated into Jungling | General, Jungling | Items Guide and Jungling | Monster Killing Order sections & Added Fiddlesticks in Team Fights section
2.00.00 | 06/21/2011 | Published with new Jungling & Buff sections
2.01.00 | 06/23/2011 | Updated guide with patch v1.0.0.120 updates on Jarvan IV. Because of HoG update, reduced the amount to get to 1. Updated Philosopher's Stone's effect.
2.01.01 | 06/24/2011 | Updated rune page & added Nunu into 'Awesome team combos' section.
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