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Rex's Journey: Getting Carried To Gold

Creator: Re4XN July 30, 2015 3:59am
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2015 2:11am | Report
Teemoshy wrote:
Glad to see you're climbing so quickly when you like just started this year. And the fact that you already understand that you aren't a God is super good :) (one of my best friends still hasn't figured this out even though he's been playing for like 2 years). Good luck getting back up to promos and stomping them.

Thanks :) Getting back to promos shouldn't be too hard. I was left with 74 LP, so two more games should suffice. The million dollar question is, however, will I jump another division? My friends were already WTF when I told them I jumped Silver IV xD

Anyway, thanks for the incentive.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 1:53pm | Report
Game 7, Silver III (100)

Champion Select: Ahri is picked by the enemy and so is Mordekaiser. Since everyone thought Mordehuehuehuekaiser was going top, I decided to go Mid, since Jungle was taken and I had no decent counter vs Mordekaiser. Galio it is.

In-game, I saw someone ward a bush at level one and PINGED 9000 TIMES so that people would know there's someone waiting. Guess what? Gragas dies and Ahri takes the kill, meaning she's going back to lane with 2 Doran's Rings, bad start for me. Moreover, Gragas decided to gank and we both barely managed to escape (I managed to do it with a mere 15 HP). Early game was quite rough, Galio is a melee champion and farming wasn't easy: I had to farm AND poke at the same time with my Resolute Smite. Anyway, Ahri reached level 6 and engaged on me, completely forgetting I was level 6 too. She engaged me UNDERTOWER and Idol of Durand did the job for me. eZ kill. She started flaming me the whole game afterwards. Winning this was a breeze, we just pushed all day long, the enemy had no chance whatsoever, we had too much damage and waveclear for them to handle.

The Good:
Won my lane relatively fast.

The Bad:
Missed Idol of Durand one time, not that it matters (the guys still died), but still...

The Ugly:

Game 8, Silver III (V _ _)

Not much to tell, our mid laner decied to go Jayce despite the fact the enemy picked Yasuo and it didn't turn out very well. I ganked him at level 2 and burned his Flash, but moments after he managed to kill Jayce, dying to me. This was pretty much the game: Yasuo is winning, I am ganking him, Jayce dies, I kill Yasuo... no one else seemed to have trouble so mid was pretty much the only lane I could gank (not counting the 2 times I ganked top lane, the 1st one resulting in a kill). Graves (with whom I was premade) snowballed super hard and dealed absurd amounts of damage, so yeah... nothing special.

The Good:
Strong level 2 gank, burned a Flash and managed to kill the guy a couple of minutes after.

The Bad:
Jayce had a rough time, I couldn't do much for him, but I feel like I could've done more.

The Ugly:

Game 9, Silver III (V X _)

This game went really bad, our top laner didn't know who to pick and ended up playing Fiora against a Swain. I got killed by Wukong at my red buff, but he had to burn his Flash, so Fiora managed to get him. Swain got super fed and the only thing we were able to do was delay the game. I am pretty sure if it wasn't for Swain we would've won.

The Good:
Don't think there was anything good I did this game...

The Bad:
Every time I ganked Swain I died (2 times). His drain was too powerful and I should've realised sooner.

The Ugly:
Lost the game, I am now FORCED to win the next one, or else I don't get to Silver I/II

Game 10, Silver II (0)

MUNDO. GOES. WHERE. HE. PLEASES! Also, he doesn't die, like... ever!

This game didn't start the best way, I completely missed champion select, only having time to insta-lock Dr. Mundo (it is my safe champion) and RUN to the bathroom, because I really had to go take a shiet. No joke, I really couldn't hold it anymore and ended up missing champion select and 30 seconds of the beginning of the game (lucky for me, I sh*t pretty fast).

Jax got disconnected, more on that later.

Anyway, sad things aside, when I got to lane imagine my surprise when I see a Lee Sin. eZ deal for Dr. Mundo, I just kited him all day long and ended up burning his Flash at level 6. Jax reconnected about this time and decided to babysit top lane, giving me the First Blood and picking a kill himself on the 2nd gank. He managed to comeback very quickly and that proved invaluable, he helped me push my Top Turret at around 10-15 minutes and I was ready to gank ALL THEM LANES. This game ended up pretty fast, everyone got ahead and there wasn't everything the enemy could do. Bodyblocking skillshots with Dr. Mundo is easy as pie and it saved some lives. Again, I duo queued with Senpaj and we won ;)

The Good:
0 deaths, nurf Mundo.
Bodyblocked lots of skillshots.
Won lane.
The Bad:
Farm was pretty bad. Then again, I couldn't farm a whole lot because we were always pushing and engaging the enemy.
The Ugly:

YAY! Silver II! I was kinda sad, since OP.****G said I was likely to climb 2 divisions, but hey: I won my promotions and that is good already. Getting to Silver I shouldn't be too hard, 4-5 straight wins should seal the deal (I hope I do win this ASAP, climbing to Gold won't be easy, I think and I'll need time).
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2015 6:59am | Report
Games 8, 9, 10 and 11 Silver II (5)

First of all, it was a really, really bad idea on my behalf to play ranked on that day. I had a really bad headache, I had had a completely shiet day and my scores reflect that.

1st Game, Pantheon (2/12/4):

Early game wasn't actually bad for me, managed to gank Heimerdinger at level 2 and got his Flash. Problem started when Lux and Vayne started losing their lane and flaming one another, then flaming me for not ganking a losing lane. Eventually, their turret was wrecked and Jinx, along with Leona started ganking everywhere, stealing my buffs and I couldn't do anything. I literally have no idea about what else I could've done to win the game... ganking mid lane was impossible, because Gangplank wasn't able to clear Heimer's Turrets. Ganking top wasn't worth it since Irelia was winning her lane and it was always pushed in. Ganking bot lane was a huge mistake on my part, I died every single time. Terrible game.

2nd Game, Pantheon (5/7/12):

This game is all about how much of an idiot can one person be, and I am talking about Fiora. How DUMB, I repeat, HOW DUMB can someone be to test champions in ranked games?! ON THE VERY SAME DAY Fiora got reworked, this moron picks her, MOREOVER against a Nasus. More on this later.

Corki was actually getting poked to death by Jinx's rockets, dying 2 times because of it, but he managed to come cack quite hard in the mid game. I ganked LeBlanc at level 2, killing Diana and snowballing her lane to oblivion (her final score was 23/3/XX if I am not mistaken). All I did that game was camp mid-lane: Nasus was too much of a threat to gank by myself, bot lane was actually winning after the early game disaster and I was hoping that we could finish the ******* game before Nasus began participating in team fights. I was obviously wrong. A 5 man gank top lane resulted in 2 deaths and everyone else barely escaping, all thanks to our Fiora who fed that guy kills and farm... it came to the point where Nasus could one-shot Fiora with one Siphoning Strike. ONE. DAMN. STRIKE. He proceeded to tank two turrets, destroy them, destroy the inhibitors, all by himself. He didn't survive, but he crippled us hard, and it was enough to win the game. Everyone on Nasus' team had negative KDA but him, he single-handedly carried the game.

3rd Game, Nunu (4/3/18):

Finally a game that was winnable. Didn't choose Pantheon because we actually needed a tank that game, since Yasuo was going top. Early game didn't go well, Fizz was trading 1 for 1 with LeBlanc, which definitely favoured her more than him, but it didn't last long, I ganked her a couple of times and managed to shut her down. Bot lane wasn't doing very well, but after a gank, Jinx got a double kill and they managed to hold their lane through the early game. I made the mistake of staying bot during a LeBlanc roam and winded up dead, because apparently, towers don't target LeBlanc while she is distorting...

Anyway, this was a REALLY, really long game and it was soooooooo unnecessary... Yasuo was getting on my nerves farming my entire jungle and he was never there for teamfights, he just kept farming like a dumbass until late game. I decided to get a Sightstone and try to delay Sejuani, which worked out pretty well, I was 3 levels ahead of her at one point and her jungle was lit up like a Christmas Tree.

I was really surprised how much damage I was able to output with a full tank build and I managed to get some important kills, saving some of my teammates. Yasuo decided that 40 minutes was enough time farming and joined teamfights, in which we completely melted through the enemy base. eZ win.

4th Game, Mundo (7/8/14):

Queuing up for this game was a huge mistake, I was really tired, my eyes hurt (not that I had been a lot of time on my PC, but I had to get some rest and didn't), but I promised myself it'd be the last game of the day.

It started really, really bad for me. I managed to get an experience advantage over Riven, she was playing way too passive and I got level 6 before her, engaged her, and guess who shows up? Tryndamere ganks. Nothing I wasn't expecting, since Riven was fighting back at level 5, really suspicious. What got on my nerves during that gank, was the fact that I managed to escape, but as soon as they stopped chaing, Riven hit level 6 and Wind Slashed me, resulting in the first blood. Geez...

It kept going on and on like this, at one point I actually felt like Dyrus if you know what I mean... that Tryndamere bought a tent and set it up top lane. So, eventually, I was 0/6/1 (I got flamed a little bit for picking Dr. Mundo because he is an "off-meta champion"). Really bad KDA, but my farm at 20 minutes was actually pretty good and I managed to come back quite hard, picking up kills everywhere (I left my lane, only coming back to defend the inner turret). We crushed the enemy in 3 teamfights, got a Baron buff, and it looked like we'd able to pull off a victory. Imagine my surprise when Yasuo, the most fed guy on our team made the call of killing drake when all members of the enemy team were going that way. We could've baited it, but we all died and that was game for us. I ended up doing the most damage, after Yasuo.

So, wrapping up the post, bad day, it was a mistake, I was left with 5 LPs after that and I am ready to climb once again.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2015 12:44pm | Report
Just a quick update. Altough I haven't played ranked for almost 2 weeks, I will have next week completely free and if all goes well, I'll be Gold V by Saturday. The ideal situation is to blaze through Silver II as quickly as possible and recover from my loss streak; when I get to Silver I, the goal is the same, go full 420 blaze it and reach promotions. I only have 5 days to do this, because after day 7 I'm going off to college and I have no idea when I'll be able to play again. Wish me luck!
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2015 11:12am | Report
Good luck! Don't forget to take breaks!
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2015 4:17pm | Report
Good luck! Don't forget to take breaks!

Taking a break tomorrow... Game of Throws, you know? For every good game I have, a bad one follows. Not sure of I'm reaching Gold this weekend. Maybe with some luck. Also, my MMR dropped by 200, so I am now losing more LPs (though still winning 24-26), so yeah... I appreciate the luck you wish me.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 6:34am | Report
Overhauled main page, I will have a completely different approach to this thread now. Here's a game I played last week:

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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2016 7:12am | Report
Front page updated, I will try to keep this thread going (unlike last year).
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2016 2:03pm | Report
what a beautiful front page, good luck in your games!

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
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Apr 12th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 13, 2016 12:37am | Report
Nicely done, good luck on your journey!

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