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MOBAFire Special Christmas Giveaway Winners!

Creator: Hades4u January 3, 2024 4:25am
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2024 4:25am | Report

Christmas Giveaway Winners!
It's time to reveal the winners of our Special Christmas Giveaway! ❄

Many community members celebrated together by sharing stories and beautiful pictures during the Christmas holidays. We've enjoyed going through all of them and we're finally ready to show you our favourites!

We would like to mention that everyone's stories and pictures were wonderful. They made our Christmas better and we hope you've also had a great time taking part in this event. We've received good feedback once more and we look forward to future community events!

You can find all the winners below. Make sure to click on the images to view them in full size for the best experience! 😊

@ Doody_tco:
Wish you all peace and joy <3

@ Nightmare5436:
Hello Everyone! Here is my Christmas tree, its not as large as some of the others bit fits perfectly in my room. Hope you guys like it!

These bao buns also arrived fresh today for Christmas dessert. Cant wait to eat them!

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and all the best for next year!

@ Levi 99:
I received this AWESOME Poro plushie from my friend.
They made it themself and it's my favourite Christmas present of all time!

@ Karinutsa:
Hello everyone! Happy Holidays!

Every year I am becoming more and more of a Christmas lover myself and so I would like to introduce you to my huge natural decorated Christmas tree right here

As for sharing a nice Christmas related memory, just last week I visited the amazing Christmas Market organized in my city and you will never guess what they had there. Spoiler, it is a star in an iconic Christmas TV advertisement. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself here

Did it jog my memory? Absolutely. This ad has been on TV for so so many Christmases and the famous jingle just gets me in a festive happy mood, exactly as it did after I saw these Coca-Cola trucks with my own eyes.

I wish you all a wonderful time and may Santa leave you under the tree all the gifts you have always dreamed of.
Merry Christmas,

@ Betolas9:
Hey, festive friends! 🌟 This year marked my first Christmas with my sister and her adorable son, and let me tell you, it was pure holiday magic! ❤️

The unexpected Christmas magic unfolded when people gave my nephew a present! He did something truly unexpected, we asked him to put the present in the tree and he tossed the gift right into the Christmas tree (not under it, as we expected)! 🎁🎄

And you know what? It turned into the most charming DIY ornament we've ever seen! I think next year we will do it intentionally!

See you all next year! Happy holidays! 🎅

I've included a picture of the tree with the gifts on it which I took before we opened them, but because it did not have my name on the picture I took another one that has my name on it!

@ N.I.:
Thought that I would try something fun this year and went for a Prestige skin for my Christmas tree.

Prestige Christmas Tree

I reckon it turned out pretty good with a chic look and modern feel.
It kinda lacks the cozy warmth of the green base skin, but still manages to generate some sleek frosty vibes.

Might try a new chroma next year, depending on what is in the shop rotation.

Cheers and enjoy the New Year!

@ Eskimoccino:
My favorite Christmas food is paella. For those who don't know about this wonderful dish, it's a Spanish rice dish that has lots of saffron, peas, seafood and/or meat in it, usually decorated with pickled red peppers and mussels. Paella is a big deal kind of a dish, a special event kind of a dish. It takes a lot of time, effort, and love to make a good paella--to get the beautiful, golden crust of rice at the bottom of the pan called "socarrat". There's a kind of magic in the preparation of paella, the kind of magic that Christmastime amplified when my Yaya would make paella on Christmas eve.

My Yaya (my mom's mom) was from Spain, and she made this dish every Christmas eve for my entire life up until she passed three years ago. My Spanish heritage was a huge part of my life growing up, with my Yaya going to Spain for 6 months out of the year and bringing back all kinds of goodies when she'd return. In a way she was like Santa two times a year. She absolutely loved Christmas and decorated her house more than anyone I've known. She exemplified generosity, especially around Christmas, and loved to belt out Christmas songs with the strongest Spanish accent and most incorrect lyrics you've ever heard. She was always a joy to be around, and one of my best friends. She is dearly missed, but I carry her memory with me always, especially this time of year. I am no where near as good at making paella as my Yaya was, but hopefully one day I'll be able to call it one of my own traditions, too.

@ Purrrfect Kitty:
I love Christmas and this year is going to be awesome. Firstly, my husband made a mistake and bought a HUGE christmas tree and I love it!! He said it looked smaller in the store, but yeah it is 3m high and absolutely gorgeous.

It is a bit sparsely decorated because we have a cat. I think that is enough said, haha.
Secondly (and most importantly), I moved to the other side of the world when I was 18, leaving my parents who I love dearly. This year they moved to the same country as I live in though which means we will finally spend Christmas together again.
I am not a very good baker, nor do I enjoy baking stuff, but I do have this Christmas goody that I make every year; cake batter truffles. I know they dont look like much (specially when I made them) but they're so amazingly good.

This is the recipe if anyone is interested; I highly recommend them.

Here's to a beautiful holiday season and a year filled with moments that sparkle with joy.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

@ Belami:
I don't know how funny is my Christmas story but it's one of my favourite parts of this holiday and this happens every single year ever since i got my little demon of a cat, Ashe. Every year i would use to do my tree, as everyone does, making sure it looks perfect and aesthetic. Ever since i got my little gray cat, Ashe, 3 years ago, that changed. My Christmas tree is never (and will never) be again perfect looking. Every time i make the tree, the same thing happens: Ashe comes in the room, her eyes glow brighter than the fairy lights, the pupils become huge with excitement and she runs in a sprint right into the tree, most of the time knocking it off. No one can keep her away from the tree, she will find a way to enter at least one time into the room and literally ram into the tree, knocking it off and then looking very proud of herself, chasing a tree globe or some other decoration. So now this had became a tradition and it's part of my Christmas to have a not perfect tree, a tree a bit roughed by my cat and we both enjoy this holiday: her by running into the tree and destroying it and me by watching her doing that.

@ AD Cannon:
A non-traditional Christmas movie that is worth recommending is the “Hogfather”.
And before you ask.
No, this isn’t about some mafia boss from Zootopia. 😉

Based on the Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, this movie takes place in a fantasy world whose equivalent of Santa Clause (aka the Hogfather) has gone missing in the lead up to their festive winter holiday of Hogswatch.

It raises the question “If Santa were in trouble, who would you root for to come to his aid and save Christmas?”

Perhaps the Easter Bunny? The Tooth Fairy? What about Sandman? Or Jack Frost? Or maybe, just maybe Death and his granddaughter!?!

With the premise set, the movie follows our protagonists as they investigate the disappearance and try to save their holiday hero.

Featuring equal parts fantasy and comedy while having a casual pacing with out-of-the-box humor that makes you think (typical style of Terry Pratchett).

It’s a bit of a long movie, split into two parts with a 3hr total runtime, so if you can’t watch it in one sitting it’s easy to split it over two nights.

If you are wanting something different to watch this Christmas break and you haven’t seen this yet, then I hope you give it a chance and enjoy it!

@ jihminen:
I remember when we were younger and me and my sisters used to always run to the sauna in the morning, trying our best to escape the cold winter breeze, kicking our shoes off and quickly getting in the sauna to warm up and relax (it's a tradition where I'm from) and afterwards taking a nice long soak in the outdoor hot tub while our parents set the table, listening to familiar Christmas songs while enjoying the feast consisting of all sorts of side dishes, cheeses and meats, my favourites being the smoked salmon, Christmas ham and of course my favourite of them all, 'maksalaatikko' (a Finnish food made out of liver, rice, raisins and onion) topped off with lingonberry jam

Once we are done eating, it was finally time for the best part; heading to open all the gifts we got. Everyone smiling, playing with the new toys we got and enjoying the atmosphere. Singing our favourite songs and just talking with everyone. Once we were done, we always went outside to make a big snowman together with the whole family. Afterwards topping the night by playing boardgames together & watching Christmas movies (Home alone was always my favourite).

Christmas is still my most cherished event of the year. Although we don't build snowmen anymore or sing together, just enjoying time with the family is lovely and a nice change of pace. Although everyone lives far apart from each other and have entirely different lives. It's always lovely that we can have at least this one moment every year where we can all have fun and enjoy each other's company, chatting together about everything that pops into mind while enjoying the amazing food. Just the nostalgia and memories alone make it an amazing experience every time.

@ XTheRageGodX:
I want to share a story of the past when I was a kid.

I remember the are I lived was actually a very snowy location, every year there would be a snow storm and the hills after shoveling would be very high. One of the years as a kid, me and my friend climbed to separate hills next to each other. We climbed the snow mountain like it was mount Everest and putting all our effort to reach the top. Once we reached the top we had the most epic show down, a bey battle. Standing on the opposite ends with a small stadium between us we launched our Beyblades with all our might as if we were putting our life on the line and it was intense. The end result was obviously my win (I honestly don't remember).

Nothing beats the good old days when we have the chance to have fun doing the smallest of things.

@ Hazardist:
I'll tell you about my favorite Christmas food and one Christmas movie that I have fond memories of 😁

Every year at home we prepare hallacas (tamales stuffed with meat and veggies) and sweet ham bread. We only eat them at this time of the year but they're a core element of the decembrine feeling for me

And a Christmas movie that might be found surprising for me to like is Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, given that I'm from Latin America and this is a soviet era movie that despite being very popular in Russia and nearby countries, you would hardly ever hear of it here. But some years ago I watched it with a Russian friend who is a doctor and that was during the pandemic, so a tough time for her with all the heavy work that came with it. But we both enjoyed it and I could feel how it helped her reconnect with memories from watching it as a kid, and it's also a very picturesque and interesting movie so I totally recommend it to anyone, it's available on Youtube

I wish a Merry Christmas to every user and the staff of MOBAFire, here's to another year!!

@ Aireszita:
A dream gift that I would love to receive this Christmas is actually related to League of Legends... A cosplay of my main and favourite character, Ahri! Ahri is one of the reasons that made me play league (i've always loved kitsunes and foxes in general, being able to play the game as a kitsune character is pretty cool!) and since I started getting into cosplay earlier this year (which is also one of the things I've always wanted to do, I'm so happy that I was finally able to get started on this new hobby), the one character that I need to cosplay is for sure my beloved Ahri! That would be such a dream come true. 😊
The other day I went shopping and actually found a Christmas ornament, a big transparent ball, which I will paint and put some LED lights inside in order to make Ahri's Orb of Deception out of it! I'm excited to start working on it after my exam season ends, around late January.

Oh, since I'm talking about Christmas gifts, I think I have to mention this one - chocolate! Who doesn't enjoy receiving some chocolate for Christmas? I do, for sure! Every year my grandmother gifts me a box of my favourite chocolate brand, Lindt. I think it is very cute that she remembers exactly which ones are my favourite, and I believe that it was also her that introduced me to those chocolates when I was still a little kid. She used to call them "suicinhos" because it's chocolate from Switzerland (Suiça in my language). She also gives me a cute, cozy pajamas every year, which I always make sure to wear when I go to sleep on Christmas night! My grandma is such a sweet person, and I am very thankful that she is still with us. I hope we can continue this tradition for many years to come!
Here's a picture of the pajamas I received last year. I love how cozy and Christmas-y the pattern is! ❄️

Thank you, and I wish everyone a very merry Christmas, with lots of yummy chocolate! ❤️ 🎄

@ Tauricus2017:
Are you tired of boring family-""comedies"" with the most predictable plots? Would you want to watch a movie that doesn't try its best to put you to sleep with its happy-go-lucky vibes while still featuring the sense of wonder and amazement that Christmas is all about? Then you have a lucky day, my friend, for I present you, The golden compass!

The golden compass features a fantastical world full of magic and wonders: intricate zeppelins flying through the air, beautiful landscapes, and fantastical beings. Remember the time you saw a Christmas tree for the first time? That's exactly the vibe! A sense of courage, spirit, and friendship is ever-present. Cold arctic plains with nordic hunters and noble sentient polar bears ruling the North Pole may send a chill or two down your spine, but that is nothing a good ol' cup of hot chocolate couldn't fix ;) On top of that, every person in the movie has it's own Yuumi?! While keeping the jolly themes, this movie, however isn't afraid to reference important topics as well. Religious supression, censorship, evil dogmas, and organised crime are what will keep your braincells on edge. You may argue that this is what kills the Christmas vibes and you may as well be right, but I believe the opposite. In my opinion it makes the motives of innocence, wonder and friendship between main characters ever so more meaningful.

The golden compass is not for everyone, but if you want to watch something different from the constant streams of Home alone(s) and Muppets Christmas carol(s), this movie is for you!

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