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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Burst damage, cc, will be bad to fight him.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune
Champion Build Guide
In this guide I'll be talking about how to play
. My name is Vodka and I main the support role. One of my mains are: Sona, Lux(in mid lane, I play her as support in normal games) and Leona. I hope you have fun with this guide and it will be useful to you.
I've been playing league for over 6 years now but only recently decided to play it a bit more seriously. On that note if you ever want to play together you can always DM me and we can play a few matches.
Sona is great for playing support but I thought I could mix in a bit of AP in it as well. I took some ideas from other amazing guides as well and I hope this helps you play better or just pick her up.
Sona is one of the best supports out there right now. She provides a strong heal, a shield even movment speed, stuns and a slow. I decided to mix in AP for a little fun but I suggest you don't play it in ranked to not get flamed too much.
WHY SONA? Sona is a great support that's fairly passive, but valuable. Plenty of auras to heal, increase movement speed, or damage, she has a lot of utility that gives brilliant sustain. Her AOE stun in Crescendo is also fantastic in a team-fight. She is also a support that outshines pretty much every other enchanter in late game teamfights. Her heal is strong once you have items and mana regeneration and few enchanters have such decisive power as Crescendo. Sona isn't hard to play but is still viable and is one of the most played supports ever. |
It's not my video but it is very educational and I suggest watching it if you want to get into playing Sona or you're just bored and want to watch something.
It's not my video but it is very educational and I suggest watching it if you want to get into playing Sona or you're just bored and want to watch something. It informs about combos and useful tricks to do with her.
HYMN OF VALOR | ★ We take Hymn of Valor (Q) first to get poke at lvl 1. It pokes 2 enemies, gives allies bonus magic damage on next auto-attack and even more poke once Power Chord is up. I personally always take Hymn of Valor (Q) first for these reasons and I suggest always taking it first. We also max Hymn of Valor (Q) first to always have poke and some dmg then we start building into other important abilities. This ability will help you and your ADC poke enemies out way faster and charge your Power Chord faster so I suggest always maxing it first. Unless you're against other mage supports that poke you out first (eg. Karma, Lux, Xerath), then you may max your Aria of Perseverance (W) first (NOT AT LVL 1 THOUGH!) to heal back up, but I don't always recommend that because most likely you will have more range than them and it's easier for you to hit your ability and not them. |
ARIA OF PERSEVERANCE | ★It is very useful to take Aria of Perseverance (W) second for healing and shielding. It also reduces damage if Power Chord is up. We max this ability before Song of Celerity (E) in almost all match-ups. Why? I feel like it is more useful to have healing/shielding first before having a good escape option. With Q and your W you can poke out and heal/shield your ADC out of trouble in early game which is very important. Most likely, the enemy jungle will not even gank you pre level 4 (when you take your Song of Celerity (E)) so you will not need any escape options. But, if you prefer it instead of giving another point into your Hymn of Valor (Q) at level 3 you can put it into your E. |
SONG OF CELERITY | ★At level 4 you can finally take your Song of Celerity (E) to either catch-up or escape. It is a great speed buff for you and your allies (but it does get cancelled if you take damage) it also slows enemies if Power Chord is up. We max this ability last because it is not as powerful as her other abilities, you will not use it as much as your other ones and it can be considered a situational one. Most of the time it will not save your dying ADC unless they also have Flash up, but it makes it way easier to catch up to enemies or roam if you want to. |
And of course, you take your Crescendo (R) which gives more damage and less cooldowns on abilities and CC. You take it at level 6, 11 and 16 when it is possible to take it.
K E Y |
I N S I G H T S |
FIRST INSIGHT // Sona has a fairly mediocre laning phase and will usually resort to simply poking and healing to prevent all-ins. SECOND INSIGHT // Her E movement speed buff can be cut short if she takes damage. THIRD INSIGHT // Keep your R for times when the enemy team isn't spread out. |
O W E R |
P I K E |
FIRST SPIKE // Lvl 1 can be strong due to her Passive. Lvl 6 is her big spike in skirmish power. SECOND SPIKE // Her lvls 11 and 16 are also important as R passive reduces basic ability CD. THIRD SPIKE // Ardent Censer and Athene's Unholy Grail are important item spikes for her: boosts her protective and offensive capabilities. |
T H E |
W E A K N E S S |
FIRST WEAKNESS // She's pretty much vulnerable all game as she's inherently squishy. Without R, she has very limited peel. SECOND WEAKNESS // She can almost never (unless late game) go into lane herself and not die. THIRD WEAKNESS // Lack of CC before lvl 6. |
Future's Market | ★ This is one of the most unique runes and it provides a lot of help to you. This rune lets you go into debt in the shop. This is super beneficial for Sona. |
Cosmic Insight | ★ This is one of the most useful runes in the game right now, giving you 5% CDR (cooldown reduction) across the board. |
The other runes are the same as the runes while you're playing support. The only difference is that instead of Resolve I personally use Inspiration. This might seem like a small change but it does provide a difference for Sona.
Ardent Censer Heals and shields on allied champions (excluding yourself) enhance you and them with +10%-30% (based on target's level) attack speed and 5-20 (based on target's level) bonus on-hit magic damage. Ardent is a good support item all around, but it is especially good on Sona. Athene's Unholy Grail allows you to gain stacks for poking(100-250 based on level). Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges equal to 100% of the heal or shield, to heal them, up to the original effect amount. Sona is too good without this item not to take it. Redemption is the most influential in teamfights if you can use it correctly, healing your team up for a good amount, which can change the direction the fight is going in. |
Other items are valuable as well. For example: Locket of the Iron Solari which grants a shield on yourself and your allies. Morellonomicon for situational reasons. Mikael's Blessing if enemies have a lot of cc.
Luden's Tempest if you want to build heavy AP, provides a very useful passive coming along with it. Rabadon's Deathcap it provides OP heal and OP damage. Rylai's Crystal Scepter if the enemy team is super mobile, you will also get a slow on your Q, R, and auto attack if it is empowered by Power Chord |
Other items are valuable as well. For example: Zhonya's Hourglass if enemy has high burst damage, it can save your life a lot of times. Twin Shadows provides AP and MS. It gives a really good synergy with Sona's Song of Celerity empowered Power Chord.
LANING PHASE Who you poke however highly depends on the enemy support and ADC. If the support is tanky, for example: Alistar, Shen, Leona or Braum you should focus the ADC instead. No matter your MO during lane phase, Sona transitions into a powerful healer that can, with certain luck, outheal Soraka. Make sure you use your empowered auto attack on the enemy ADC as well. If you get ahead earlier than your enemies you should be more aggressive and bully the ADC as much as you can. If however, it was a bad start I suggest playing more defensive and watching yourself while waiting for mid-game. However, no matter how the beginning ends up you should still be poking and supporting your ADC. If you take Ignite don't worry about taking a kill (don't steal your ADC's kills though, it's only if the enemy is running away). But you should always remember one thing - as a support when fighting an enemy, recognize if your ADC can pick up a kill so you don't accidentally take it yourself trying to help take down the enemy faster. A great way to engage in kills in bot lane is to take advantage of your ultimate. It should go like this: Crescendo (R) at least one of the enemies and follow up with a combo using Hymn of Valor. Though, always make sure your ADC is nearby so they can actually take the kill. |
I recommend finding some sort of streamer that is highly ranked and plays Sona and see what they do to pick up good habits. The sooner you pick up and apply good habits, the better you become at playing her. Also, always remember not to get titled or shy away from using certain abilities not at the right time, practice makes perfect.
MID GAME However, if you went for a more AP build it will be way easier to do more damage now. Make sure you provide yourself some items for mana regen and items that help boost your Aria of Perseverance (W) and Song of Celerity (E). Make sure you haven't forgotten to upgrade to an Oracle Lens, bought Control Wards and any sorts of boots. You should now be very valuable in team fights and provide helpful healing and shields. Make sure to help your team out by taking out the squishiest champions though. Usually (based on my experiences) it is either the ADC, Mid or Support. Remember that your Q is relatively low mana cost so you should use it as often as possible. |
Do not shy away from taking kills mid game (don't steal them however) since it's a great way to get money fast.
Also, don't forget you are still playing as a support and you should take care of the wardning.
ADDITONAL TIP:If an enemy assassin dives on your carry you can use Aria of Perseverance (W) > AA.
LATE GAME Now you can just focus on getting kills, helping out your team and winning teamfights. However, if you are losing the game or it's even I suggest you rush buying Redemption since it can turn any teamfight into a closer victory for your team. |
Don't hesitate to use your abilities. Your Hymn of Valor (Q) should do quite a lot of damage by now and you can take care of some champions your team is dealing with. Your Aria of Perseverance (W) can save lives by now, your Song of Celerity (E) can help your team rush for a destination or run away from an unfortunate fight.
Also, do not hesitate to use your Crescendo (R) at any given time and follow up with combos afterwards.
It's not my video but it is very educational and I suggest watching it if you want to get into playing Sona or you're just bored and want to watch something.
O M E |
T R I C K S |
FIRST TRICK // If an enemy assassin dives on your carry you can use W - Aria of Perseverance + auto-attack. SECOND TRICK // If you want to catch an enemy use E - Song of Celerity + auto-attack. |
O M E |
I P S |
FIRST TIP // You can charge your passive even before going back on the lane. SECOND TIP // Your spells have an AOE secondary effect, get close to your allies to buff them. |
D D I T I O N A L |
I P S |
WORTH KNOWING // before leaving pool get your Power Chord up that way you don't use any mana and you get the extra damage poke right off the bat. WORTH KNOWING // when playing Sona you want to save your Crescendo (R) for game changing moments (but don't be afraid to use it if you aren't sure when yet). |
All of this is what I personally noticed while playing as Sona if you don't agree with me please leave a comment why because I am not the best player out there and I just made this guide for fun. Thank you for understanding.
I'll add an image to the most important places to ward and where you should be in control of the vision. Also, if you're starting with Spellthief's Edge do not forget to change your Stealth Ward to an Oracle Lens because it is not only important to put down your wards, but also deny vision for the enemy team.
CONTROL WARD Grants sight over the surrounding 900 units. But a Control Ward also: Reveals enemy traps. Reveals camouflaged champions. The Control Ward is exposed to enemies while it is revealing one of the above stealthed units, or granting vision of a Prophet of an Elder God Tentacle. Life span: Indefinite. Limit: 1. Visible: Yes. Health: 4, regenerates after 6 seconds of not being attacked. Bounty: 30 Gold and 40 Experience. |
STEALTH WARD Grants sight over the surrounding 900 units. Life span: 150 seconds. Limit: 3 placed, shared with Totem wards. Visible: Stealth. Health: 3. Bounty: 30 Gold and 40 Experience. Source: Targon's Buckler/ Bulwark of the Mountain. Runesteel Spaulders/ Pauldrons of Whiterock. Frostfang/ Shard of True Ice. Harrowing Crescent/ Black Mist Scythe |
The dots show where to place your Control Ward while you're playing on Blue Side. The light blue squares show where the warding is a must and the dark colored ones are optional.
The dots show where to place your Control Ward while you're playing on Red Side. The light red squares show where the warding is a must and the dark colored ones are optional.
The blue squares represent the Blue Team's Stealth Ward and the red squares for the Red Team.
The darker colored squares are optional Stealth Wards for each team.
The darker colored squares are optional Stealth Wards for each team.
The blue squares represent the Blue Team's Stealth Ward and the red squares for the Red Team.
The darker colored squares are optional Stealth Wards for each team.
The darker colored squares are optional Stealth Wards for each team.
Final words Hopefully you enjoyed this guide and will leave a rating and/or a comment, I'd really appreaciate it. This is only my second guide ever so if you have any suggestions or tips please let me know. Thank you for reading and good luck playing Sona! |
Sona is the type of champion that a lot of people would enjoy playing. She provides great healing, shielding and even stunning abilities. You also help your team to stay sustained. So if you like all of that go play a match with Sona!
Sona is Demacia's foremost virtuoso of the stringed etwahl, speaking only through her graceful chords and vibrant arias. This genteel manner has endeared her to the highborn, though others suspect her spellbinding melodies to actually emanate magic—a Demacian taboo. Silent to outsiders but somehow understood by close companions, Sona plucks her harmonies not only to soothe injured allies but also to strike down unsuspecting enemies.
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