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Runes: if your team has some cc
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
dumb stupid dummy face. my personal favorite ban because you cant really build against her if she's fed and knowing my suicidal adcs there's a high chance of that happening.
I LOVE WHEN A PANTH IS ON MY TEAM. all he has to do is be near the enemy laner and free kill or flash. 90% of the time its a free kill if hes support.
I LOVE WHEN A PANTH IS ON MY TEAM. all he has to do is be near the enemy laner and free kill or flash. 90% of the time its a free kill if hes support.
Champion Build Guide
Conq: if you have a lot of river fights and want to invade the enemy and overall just be a fighting powerhouse use this.
in clash or other premade games id recommend phase rush because of the utility it gives.
Sterak's Gage - Ideal 3rd item to build if you can afford it
Titanic Hydra - good to build with Steraks also another good 3rd item
Black Cleaver - If the enemy has a lot of armor ( Or you could build this with steraks and hydra and be massive behemoth but its really expensive)
Death's Dance - good for stacking armor if you dont want to build a tank item
Wit's End - good for stacking magic resist if you dont want to build a tank item also good for attack speed (dont ever build maw over this its just a **** item)
Silvermere Dawn - good against Mordekaiser and Malzahar other than that you wont be needing this item much
Guardian Angel - if you are really fed and want to have insurance for when you feed.
Hullbreaker - If you have given up and just want to split push the whole game or if you just want cheap stats
Chempunk Chainsword - if you dont want to build thornmail for whatever reason this exists.
Tank items:
Randuin's Omen - good against adcs if you can get on them then use the slow.
Warmogs - if you just want to be a tankier asset to your team
Anathema's Chains - if enemy has a fed carry
Gargoyle Stoneplate - if your team doesn't have a good frontline and you're getting focused with cc (Warmogs with this is cracked btw)
Abyssal Mask - if your team has a lot of cc or if you just want to stack magic resist
Thornmail - build against life steal or if you just need armor this is a solid item
Force of Nature - pretty much only useful if the enemy has a lot of magic damage not really good otherwise.
Dead Man's Plate - only good if you want to stack armor other than that there are better options
what i usually do:
- Red
- Blue
- Gromp
- Gank
- Blue
- Gromp
- Red
- Gank
Whatever side you clear on depends on which lanes can give the most value if you gank them. Example: you have a pantheon support? clear down to bot easy forced flash or kill.
4 camp clear:
- Blue side
- Red
- Gank
if you feel more comfortable with a 4 camp clear then here is the way to do it.
situational clear to use when blue is on top side and enemy top/mid is pushed:
- Blue side
- Gank
If you want to make the laner very very mad at you this is the clear to do it with.
Level 2 ganks
- Blue
- Gromp
When you level 2 gank get E second and go behind the enemy laner and wait for them to flash away then you E stun them with a minion so they cant escape. Also the reason i dont list a red side version is because sett cant really do raptors without w early so its not good to do.
After you clear and murder the enemy laner you want to get scuttle. If the enemy jungler tries to contest you, E them into crab to stun, then you punch them until they are gone. DO NOT FIGHT FOR CRAB IF YOU DONT HAVE LANE PRIO the enemy laner will just roam and kill you.
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