Shaco is your number one fear. Not as a Jungler. As a Supp. This counterpick is worst than anything you can imagine. He'll put his boxes near walls, This will cancel your E when you go for a stun, and fear you near your ennemies on top of it. You have no answer. And thats without mentionning his invisibility, AP or AD build, clone, all those things making it even worse to go into him. Ban him, dodge him, or start red trinket, play safe, farm and roam. This is my perma ban, you have no counterplay if he knows his champ.
Maokai Support is your bane. He will break your spine. Perma keeping you from bushes with his E, his W goes through yours, he is too tanky to kill and has too much CC for your ADC to follow you. You got counterpicked and Its gonna suck a lot.
Senna is broken against you. With her E she counter yours, she has CC, slows and heals.. Either you manage to one shot at lvl 2, or you'll have to play safe. Rough lane, good luck.
Vayne is the same 1v9 in late no matter what champ you play. Her E takes priority on yours, so if she cancel you, she gets a kill and game's over. If you dont snowball her ass... She scales. No pressure. You got this. Ignite and Antiheal will help with Invisibility and Lifesteal. Frozen Heart too.
Kassadin is everything you hate. One shotting your ADC, blink dash (W wont work) silence, huge lategame no matter what. You need to get your mid ahead by ganking early, or snowball bot fast to end the game asap.
Trundle is a dodge for you. If for some reason you're playing the game, if he R you, just assume he cannot be killed and R him. He can cancel your E and R with his pillar. Frozen Heart, Antiheal, and pray for a miracle snowball in your team.
Vlad feels wrong when you play Poppy. Just run and R when he comes out of the pool, hoping his R wont kill anyone. By the time you can CC him, your whole team will probably be dead. Thornmail is useless, he wont ever auto attack you. Try Anathema's Chains. Good luck.
GP is too solid lategame. His oranges counter your only way to deal with him (E) and he deals too much damages. Ignite counters his heal, but really, you should wait your team to deal with him.
Olaf is the last face you want to see in ennemy champ select. He does not stop. His R counters your whole kit, and if he wants to, your ADC is dead. I would say R him, but nope. Just run. Antiheal and Frozen Heart are a start, but only snowballing him in early will save you. And Its Olaf. So good luck.
Dr. Mundo
Just run.
Your CC wont be of any help.
If he's in the middle of your team and you can ignite, go and tank him as long as you can, die if needed, if it allows your team to kill him. R as soon as you can see he lost his CC immunity.
Cassiopeia is a true menace for you. Her R can cancel your E, her W is terribly strong cause he keeps you from E in, E away, and flash. You'll have to waste W to go out and run, while she chase and E you, dealing tons of damages. She's extremely fast too so you likely wont escape her. You need to group to take her down, a good flash in when she wasted W can do it. It is hard though, and if she R, you're dead meat.
Soraka is way harder to deal with than Nami or Sona. Her E is instant, so you cant really outplay it. If she put it on you just before you E, you're in a terrible spot. Add heal and poke to that, and laning is super hard. Then again, all you need is a kill to snowball. If you are behind, antiheal takes priority on anything else. If you are ahead, finish boots and mythic first.
Taliyah is a menace. Her E stun you when you E, and her damages and slow will surely finish the job. But what was still is: If she is Mid and ult Bot, stun her on her wall, she wont have the time to E. Focus on dodging her W and you wont die.
Anivia is pretty strong on a Poppy Support. Roaming on her is almost impossible post-6, she will slow you with R and laugh. With that, she also deals massive damages and often will shred you if you went armor. You need to pick her when your team is near. She is pretty easy to R away.
Little girl wont kill you but she will kill your whole team. Can't cancel her, she can stun you anytime she wants and cancel your E with her W.
Wait her to waste her stun, or try to surprise CC her with a E.
R her wont be very usefull since she will still have everything up.
If you catch her, she should be dead though.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol is nothing to laugh at. He can cancel your E both with Q and R, so be very carefull or you'll end up in a very bad spot.
When he E's, he is often a free stun against the wall he's flying above.
If doubt, press R.
Blitzcrank can and will likely mess you up. Thing is, your pathing to stun is pretty easy to read, and he can cancel your E both with Q and E, and later he can silence you at the wrong timing with his R.
You need to play safe and go in only if his Q is down. If your ADC can dodge his Q, you probably wont give any kills either, farm, roam, just care about invade and facechecks.
Azir is a threat mainly because of how easily he shreds you late game. You can cancel his W, but you still need a plan after that, cause the damages of his soldiers are his R are others things to think about. Right after he R, if the wall pushed you and he didnt move himself, you can E him right through the wall. Huge when you can do it. The perfect frame allows you to pass it while he creates it.
Hecarim's R cannot be canceled. His E can be, but it doesnt cancel his damages or the bump.
So overall, W is useless. Need to CC him and kill or R him while you can, if you mess up the timing his R will cancel yours.
Malphite R (unfortunately) cannot be W'd. He is super tanky and will poke in lane. He's just annoying. Try to snowball on a gank, roam, or let your ADC poke/farm and counter them when they want to dive.
Liss is tricky to deal with. She cant be canceled with W and her R keeps you from one-shotting R. If you cant R her, just wait your team.
Malzahar is a pain cause of his R and spellshield. Break the shield asap with your passive AA (it works) and cancel his R on your team. If you are still alive then, you should be able to kill.
Darius. I hope your ADC is good cause it's mainly his time to shine. Ttake no risks and peel, E him away during his Q or Ignite to reduce his heal. Protect your ADC and pray the Noxian dies before you do.
Karthus scales no matter what, and one shotting him doesnt fix the problem since he can still slow you and land Q's. Snowball him without dying and cancel his R if you can. I hope you know how to dance.
Master Yi
Yi is about dodging CC with Alpha Strike. Well. Reverse Uno that shit. Wait for the Alpha Strike, then E.
Ta daa. He dead. Once fed with a Yuumi he will 2-tap you though. You can break his W with E and R. Rush Antiheal and Frozen Heart might be nice if you see him snowballing.
Ezreal is not easy to deal with in lane. He pokes a lot, and his E is a blink, so you cannot W it. That said, stunning him leaves him dead if your ADC can follow. Wait for his E to be in CD then go in, or W and run alongside him until he E away, then flash E.
You can also go for the support or roam. In any case, igniting and baiting his E is easier than you think.
Lulu is strong against you, no question. Her polymorph just when you can E, her poke, and shield are all very annoying tools. But she is too squishy. Target her first if you can. If you snowball, you'll dive her ADC when she's dead.
Janna is a real coinflip. If you can E her, she's dead, but a double Q will cancel your E and slow you, you'll be dead in seconds. Her R can also cancel your R. Overall, she has a lot more tools to counter you but if you snowball you snowball hard.
Karma is strong against you. Shield against your engage, W to sustain and more important stun you since you will be melee. And her poke.
Hard lane. If she wasted R on a Q you have a shot at killing her early, but its a do-or-die.
Garen's whole thing is silencing you, and running towards you while spinning and destroying your HP. Can't argue that logic, can't R him either cause of the silence. Your Q barely slows him. W and pray. If he's going for your ADC -as he should- your job is easier. E him away, and wait for your ADC to help kiting him.
Draven is like you : a do-or-die. He can cancel your E with his, if he does, you probably lost the game. If he doesnt, you probably snowball his ass. Tabis Antiheal ASAP.
Rammus is a terrible threat to your carries. You can E his to tank the bump. He can counter your R with his, but kicking him after it and stunning his carries can do thé trick.
Orianna wont ever let you get close, slowing you and cancelling your E with her R. She can shield herself and often have Zhonya. Wait someone to poke her down or catch her unaware.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is a pain. You can cancel his R with E and R but he mess up your early by being bot so fucking much. He will gank again and again and again, negating your snowball potential. Play safe and your jungle might powerfarm, or catch him on a bad drake.
Rumble has too much damages for you to deal with it, and his R will slow and burn your ass. He has Zhonya. Someone else need to deal with him, just protect your ADC.
Ryze will melt you in late, better not miss your gank. Never underestimate his damages and always all-in him with backup if he is ahead.
Shyvana cannot be canceled with R. Her splitpush and raw damages in midgame makes her a pain to deal with. R her Dragon Form on sight. Take her down with backup when she is in base form.
Nilah's not fun to play against botlane, since her EXP advantage and anti-AA negates your pressure in lane. You can easily block her dash in, though it's super fast so try to predict it. Tricky lane.
Mr.EdgeLord is a bit annoying. You cancel his dash but not the stun. You can burst him down and chain CC him if he focus your team (dont E when he R, he becomes untargetable) but the thing is, if he becomes Poppy, he WILL double kill. His damages after yours are beyond unfair.
Yorick makes Poppy Top struggles.
You are not as strong as a Poppy Top, and he has no dash. R him if he's on your ADC. Your W can stop his ghouls, and you can E out of his cage if there is an ennemy in range.
Vex and Poppy have a lot in common. For exemple, try to E her and you're dead! Just like ADCs with you. R her R arrival if you can. She deals massive damages so keep an eye out for her roams.
Viktor is very scary cause he scales like crazy. You need to land successfull ganks Mid or he will be able to melt you. Roaming game!
Jewels actually counters you pretty well. His E counters yours, he can shield and heal and he wont die.
Your R can counter his pretty well, but its a hard matchup overall.
Thresh is a skill matchup, slightly favored for him. His E and Q cancel yours, your W cancels his lantern.
Bait his Q or E lvl 1 and you can get a fast kill. Most of the time it goes like: Dodge Q, Bait E, stun his ADC, ignite, cancel the lantern.
Very good lane to practice Poppy. Have fun!
Udyr is fast. Udyr is tanky. Udyr is strong.
Poppy is smart. Be like Poppy.
Ult his ass and deal with his team first. If he is behind, dont be afraid to face him.
Twitch is very easy to kill early, but we all know it does not matter at all. As a Supp, you should be able to snowball him. Dive his ADC if he roams. As a hypercarry, if he is ahead, rush Frozen Heart and E him as soon as he appears with R to take most of the damages on you. You wont have time to press R.
I hate this champ.
Fiddle will be a massive problem for you only if you can't maintain vision on him. It's a jungler that does not dash, but blinks above a wall and fear if he wasn't seen before doing it. You can instantly E himon the wall afterwards or to break his W. If he's fed, it becomes way harder. If you can manage to predict his R, just R him away. He will go cry in the jungle a bit and come back later.
Amumu is a bit of an issue, since he can Q twice, and he doesnt actually have to be in close range to press R. You can W one Q, and stop his dash, but his target will still be stunned, and he can still press R or even Q again in a few seconds.
If you can R him before his R, or R his team it will be fine, but mess up your timing and you'll R him after his R, and your team will still be stunned.
He should not be a problem... Except he is. He scales way too much even when behind, he will be able to melt you. You cannot cancel his package, only his regular dash. If you manage to hit the E, he's dead.
Gwen is... Weird. I mean sure, she deals damages but she's not that frightening. W when she gets close to your ADC, be inside her zone when you R her so it works. Your E has to be in melee so she cannot cancel it, and she is squishier that it seems.
Cho is relatively annoying, but he is slow as hell. Your ADC has to dodge his Q's, as long as he does so, you can E Cho away when he gets close, and kite him with Q. If he's fed and turns on you to one shot you, you'll probably have to R.
Aatrox will delete your ADC but you can E his AOE away. If he W'd you, you can break free via W or E an ennemy target.
He has only one dash but it's fast and his CD is short, so be carefull.
Antiheal fast if possible.
In doubt, press R.
Brand is surprisingly ok to deal with if he's not smurfing. As long as he doesnt hit Q you wont die, and like all other mages, he is squishy. If his E and W are on CD and you're not burning, he cannot stun you with Q, so feel free to go in. Dont let him live in that case, once you went it, either you snowball or he does.
Heimer is not that hard to kill. Just dodge the grenade, or he'll deal enough damages to make you useless for a while. His poke is good so do it fast or stay safe until you see a window. Be carefull, he often rush Zhonya so watch out for the stopwatch.
Akshan is a pain due to his invisibility near walls, his dash is predictable since you can see the grappling hook be thrown, and he is pretty squishy, but he can surprise you with good damages and passive shield, and ofc, the revives. He is often your first priority after saving your carry.
Ivern is kinda rare those days. His shields are annoying, but Poppy deals too much damages for him to expect most of the time.
You can block the dashes of his team following his Q. R him and he's useless once his team died.
Ekko's a problem if he's fed. He's mobile, but you can cancel his E first part (the roll before he blinks) with your W. It is huge because it's usually what he does just before positionning to blink in his W. So if you can predict it, he wont be able to reach his W to stun and shield himself. Your R will bait his pretty often, since he will press it to come back. That's where you E and stun to kill.
If he's fed and already on your team, just R and your ADC should be able to go to safety
Fiora is way less of a threat to a Poppy Supp than she is to a Poppy Top. Sure, it's the same matchup, but your goal isnt the same. You're not supposed to 1v1 her, just to cockblock her as much as possible. W her Q, bait her parry, R her if it's your last option. Do NOT get parried. Or everybody dies.
Oh and if she R you, just press W and run. You're safe.
Diana is a 50/50. Either you can cancel a dash and E her, either you wont be able to stun, she'll dash again and R your ADC. Remember that your main move is not to block her dash but to E her so her R is moved with her, far from your team. Do it right and it's often a kill.
Kled R is not cancelable with W, but his other dashes are. He deals massive damages. Kite him when he's on Skaarl, all-in his ass when he's alone.
Gragas's whole kit is about using his R and E to CC people on his Q. Predict when he E's your team and cancel with W. If he R, W so he cannot chain CC you, and if it's not on you, dont hesitate to flash to cancel the E on his target. You can shut him down pretty bad, even if his damages are insane.
Illaoi is dangerous, but she's manageable as long as you dont bathe in her R.
You can cancel her W, but the damages stays. When you E, she can press R, which makes her immune to CC for a split second. Which makes you very dead.
So if she press R, either wait or R her away. Then you deal with her.
Shen is not a threat to Poppy Support. Your W counters his E so his R should not worry you. If you see them engaging or counter engaging with his R, just R his target, nullifying his TP while your Top farms.
Sert is not that scary anymore. Care his pull will cancel your E, his R too. You can push his W with E. If he is Supp, just look out for his hextech flash and all is easy.
Jinx does a lot to annoy you, be it her E to keep you from retreating after you damages her or her W to slow. That said, you can make her disappear before she does. If she's fed, a Frozen Heart can help.
Jayce is good to one shot ADC's. You can cancel his predictible dash and its damages, which is pretty nice. Carefull with his poke.
Leblanc is a fair threat will a few kills. You can cancel her and wipe most of her HP even in late. Try to tank thé chain if she targets your ADC, stun her when she goes in.
Pantheon's stun is super fast, its one of the few spell you need to predict more than react to. Take W lvl 2. If you can manage to stun Panth, keep W as he will try to stun your ADC to stay alive. R as soon as he lands from R to negate the impact.
Kata is annoying. Blink dashes, huge damages. You can sometimes guess when she will be and land a E stun but if you fail or if she blinks before it, your E will be on CD, and she will be able to R without you cancelling her.
Morde is a decent opponent. He Can cancel your E with his, but you Can survive his R by E him when he Q's. Or just R him. If ADC doesnt buy QSS, welcome to solo queue.
Seraphine is annoying cause of her sustain, but her poke and CC wont do much (so slow). Look for a one shot opportunity. Her R bounce of you since you're in melee most of the time so carefull not to give her a 5-man ult.
Morgana often doesnt see Poppy coming, as dumb as it sounds, so dont fear her E that much. If she does, just dodge the cage and retreat. Push or R her to break her R on an Ally or E on an ennemy to escape it.
Dodge Q. Dodge Q. Dodge Q.
Poppy is a broken ass champ. She can cancel your E, and remove you from a fight with her R...
Luckily you can do the exact same.
Whoever cancel the other Poppy's E wins ! Oh and dance battles are insane. Or jokes competition. Or AA cancel show-off A.K.A Beyblades of Orlon.
Be carefull: She deals insane damages.
Rek'sai's dash is easy to block, but right after comes her prowler's claw, flash, bump and R. My advice? E her and force her to commit on you, its better than seeing your ADC take it. Remember, you cant W her R, but you can flash it.
D cane is strong, but slow AF. If your ADC can kite, it shouldnt be too hard but if things go south, just press R. Especially if he used his R.
Renata Glasc
Renata is painfully unbalanced once she got her R, and she can still slow, shield and cancel your E, everything that you hate. But she doesnt excel in anything. Bait her W and run her down.
Nocturne R is not cancelable, and his spellshield is not fun to deal with.
Break it with Q or R then E him far from your ADC, or wait a little and R him. Frozen Heart and Antiheal are a plus.
Qiyana is a bit annoying. Her R cancel your E, and even if she has two dashes she doesnt really mind if you cancel it. Try to oneshot her with help but she might just R or turn invisible and deny you the kill.
Singed is Singed. His pool keeps you from E which is annoying. Just dont chase him and E or Q him when he goes for your Carry.
Sej wont hurt you that much, you really just have to avoid taking her R and you should be fine, without her dash she's not very scary. Her chain CC is annoying if she manage to E your ADC.
Lilia is not hard to deal with since you can see where her E came from. If she landed a R, channel your own R and launch it just before falling asleep to kick her. She won't expect the ability to hit since you're asleep, and she will take a very predictible path.
Takes a little practice, but works very well. You can also cancel her W with yours.
Sivir has good damages, and if she has reflexes, she will cancel your E. Bait her shield. Her shield does not block your passive btw. You can bait her to be oom if she use her E while low in mana.
Neeko is always fun to lane against. Catch her, she's dead, she catches you, you're dead. Good Times.
You can E away or R away her ult.
Nautilus is not that simple to lane, unless your goal is only to stay alive. You can cancel his Q, sure, but not his R. He's tanky AF and the hook hitbox is so huge. Try to bait his Q then all in his ADC. If he R, you can R his ADC and kill him 1v2 for free.
Sylas is surprisingly easy to deal with, you cancel his two E and his W which CANCEL HIS HEAL. So cancelling his W should be what you aim for. Care of his many R's of course.
Syndra is annoying cause her E cancels yours, but apart from that, nothing worth noticing.
Tahm Kench
Tham is too slow to annoy you that much. Unless he goes for your carry, dont mind him. You can cancel his W channeling with your E or your R. If he is paired with a Senna in botlane, play safe and roam when you can : nothing will happen anyway.
Teemo Supp will be dealt with when you buy a sweeper lvl 1.
Teemo in general is not hard to kill, your Q is not affected by blindness. Sweeper is still good. Damn shrooms.
Yuumi. As a Support player, you are of course formally invited to taunt and trashtalk her as hard as you can.
That said, you counter her very hard in lane, canceling her W if she comes out. Do it but focus the ADC even if she is out, as she basically doesnt exist anymore. Your lane should be won but then she will start to camp on her Jungler shoulders. You can E or R her mount when she R to diplace it. Oh yeah, ofc buy Antiheal.
Twisted Fate
TF's R is too fast, most of the time you wont be able to R him before the gold cars hits.
If you keep an eye mid to back off when he is looking to ult, you should be alright.
Veigar scales, so not good for you. You have a lot of mouvement speed, dodging inside his E shouldnt be a problem. Unless he is fed, dodging his W is enough to survive. You can flash and one-shot him with your ADC most of the time.
Vi's dash is cancelable and the second most easy to predict after Zac. But her R compensate. If she is fed she will kill your ADC no matter what you do. Try a perfect frame R. The ADC can buy Zhonya, as dumb as it sounds, it makes the game a thousand times easier.
Yone's R cannot be canceled, BUT you can push it with E while he channels, which can make him completely miss your team. Do it right and he is dead most of the time. Also, you can cancel his Q, but it will still do damages and bump you.
Warwick Q used to be cancelable, until Riot decided otherwise. His R cant be canceled with W, but you can E him instantly so Its okay.
Antiheal is a priority after Mythic.
Zoe's blink cant be W'd and you cant stun her during it. Her E is string against you but catching her should be doable. Vision is a huge part of fighting a Zoe.
Wu is annoying, even if you can cancel his W and E. He often use his very fast and short dash to exit stealth, and even if you cancel it, he will still be in range to cast his R most of the time to bump you, then do it a second Time CAUSE WHY NOT RIOT.
Press R on him or his team if he is too huge.
-Pls give Poppy a second R too-
Voli is usually not a threat, apart from the games he decides to go 10/0. His R cannot be cancelled, his Q can but it doesnt cancel the stun nor the damages so its litteraly useless.
Xayah R can mess you up if she avoid your stun with it, but if she do it After your damages, its usually no biggie. In lane she is a free kill, you can also push her to make her E miss, changing the path of her feathers.
Pyke is your best nemesis. The matchup is favored for you, but if he knows his champ, he can still outplay you. His E is too fast: you need to predict it, not react to it. He often E right after his Q so W when you see the Q is about to hit either you or your mates. Always ignite him he is super squishy once you stunned. Whoever kills snowballs. Extremely good lane to learn the pick.
Also, you outdamage him in early, so if he wants to play the ''who kills the ADC first'', you'll win.
Bard is not countered by Poppy, but it's almost the case in my opinion. He is way squiqhier than you, and will position near walls for the same reason you do : stunning. But you're a tank, and he's not. Be carefull of his poke and Q on your minions, and be ready to roam. Whoever kills in bot, next move will more than likely happen in midlane.
Miss Fortune
MF is not mobile enough to escape you. Wait her E to be down and run her down with W as soon as you have an opening.
Elise is not that strong on you, you can cancel her Q (spider form) AND its damages, which is always the first thing she does after landing a cocoon. When she E, she almost always land near a wall, which is, well, your favorite place for an ennemy to be.
In the rare case she run away from you with low HP, you can E her spiders following her to get close.
Samira is not good against you. You cancel her dash and are even more aggri than she is, and you have your E and even your R to cancel her R. If you take antiheal on top of it, she wont have a lot of options.
Graves is not a threat on you. You can cancel his dash, you're tanky enough to block his autos, and your ADC will shred him if you CC. Only problems are his R range and the smoke. Exite the smoke with W as fast as you can, your main task is to CC him, and you need vision to E.
Galio is fairly easy to deal with. His dash is very telegraphed and easy to read. Cancel it and focus his damage dealing allies, he'll die later.
His R can mess up your lane, but your damages are huge, you should be able to kill before he lands. If not, W before being bumped to avoid the chain CC on you.
Braum is very usefull to peel his ADC, but he's not used to massive close combat damages. Dont let him stun you with his passive, and if your ADC is in trouble, go on his. He cannot kill yours, and you'll just have to back away and tempo his E so your ADC can finish his ADC. You can also cancel his W, and R him away if he blocks spells with his E (like Jhin R for exemple.)
Aphelios is scary... Unless he's 0/10.
In lane, he doesnt have any escape, and he's squishy as hell, you should be able to farm him. If things go south in late, work to assassinate him with your jungler.
Gnar can 1v9 with his R we all know that. That's why you need to make sure he can"t.You have your W to keep him from repositionning, and your R to simply kick him from the fight.
Your E can also mess up his momentum pretty good, but Mega Gnar in melee will probably avenge his wombo by killing you.
Akali had very predictable dashes. and you can cancel all three of them. Remember that you can still E her when she dashes too. A good W or a E should block her enough for your ADC to get in safety or oneshot her.
Ashe R is huge, but it's predictable, and if you force her to waste it on you, and flash or dodge it, it'll be a free kil later.
In lane, she has no escape, so any time you can E her should end in a kill. Carefull for her slows, Swiftness boots can be huge.
Arhi will try to go on your ADC, but she is pretty fucked if you manage to land your E. Focus on dodging her E, your W will keep her from dashing around.
Ganking her is pretty easy if you dodge the charm. Just get close, W, and E towards your ally.
Bel'veth is not a scary foe. You can cancel her main damages (W) with your E, and cancel her only escape with your W. She's squishy as hell if you can CC her, aim for it. If she is fed, Antiheal, Frozen Heart and Chain CC while praying.
Kaisa's R can be canceled with W, but she will keep its shield. Her Q will hit hard since you are melee. You should not have too much trouble killing her in early.
Jhin has good damages but he's so painfully slow and have no escape. You can go in and out before he can fire the 4th shot. Once you start snowballing, his life is miserable for the rest of the game. You can R to cancel his R if needed.
Evelynn when fed is as much a pain as she is a joke when you sucessfully land your W. She has the likeable courtesy of telling you when she is about to engage, just go near the targeted ally, and when she goes in to charm, she'll Q. Then, she will E. That's when you press W, seeing where she is. Do it right and her burst is canceled. E her on a wall right after, and if she doesnt die instantly, she'll panic R.
Irelia is the same as Fizz: No matter how fed she is, if you can cancel the right E, most of her combo will be over and she'll be free to be CC'd. If she's turning up a fight, press R asap. Antiheal is huge when facing her, buy if you can.
Talon jumps above walls and dash on ADCs.
You cancel jumps and dashes.
You stun on walls.
Do the math.
In doubt, press R.
Camille will probably hate you. Since you're not Toplane, you can focus on blocking her, without searching to kill yourself. She can shred you so be very carefull since her damages ignore armor, but thing is, if she targets you, she'll most likely die cause of your team. Cancel her dash (predictable since you see the grappling hooks) or E her. If she R'd an ally and is about to kill, R her away : it will break her ult. You can also E her out of it, it will break it aswell.
Katie is surprisingly easy to deal with for a very stupid reason. She has no mobility and is very static in late. R her away, and kill her team. Then, gang up on her.
Kennen is huge, but he is predictible. He will have to concetrate on your ADC, your Top, and potentially your Jng and Mid. He wont have time to acknowledge you. That's why if you land your R when he used his, or E him away when he does, he will be litteraly useless, in teamfights. You will delete his whole impact on the game regardless on how fed he might be.
You can cancel Sion's Q which is huge in a teamfight. If he splitpush, face him and R the wave so he cannot dive you alone. CC should dissuade him.
Quinn is super easy to peel from your carry thanks to your W. If your are blind, press it anyway and move when your carry is. Stun her and she's done for. Frostfire Gauntlet is sweet to slow her when she thinks she cant be touched.
Lucian deals a lot of damages, so you'll have to wait for a E stun window. He is extremely squishy, so if you do it right, you might simply kill him, canceling his dash often meaning his death.
Kha'zix is relatively easy to deal with, especially pre-6. His dash is slow, so W is easy to land, and he tends to be useless when he's not in melee of your ADC. Good Kha players will use their R to get close and one-shot the ADC before jumping away. Expect it and E on the correct frame so you can push then cancel the dash. If he is fed, the game becomes a mind game between you and him. Sweeper is your friend for his R.
Kog is a potato chips in early, you might kill him while targeting his Supp. Abuse it and only targets him. Easy to snowball on but once fed (with a Lulu most of the time) he is a legit threat. R his Supp and 2v1 him if Its the case.
Skarner cannot R if your ADC stays near a wall. Keep your E for when Skarner actually R'd and stun him then. Dont R, you would take the risk to throw and ally to the ennemy base.
Which is not ideal.
Ornn will most likely get picked to counter a Poppy Top, which is the first good thing, as he can get farmed by your toplaner if he picks a Ornn counter. Then, a Poppy Supp wont try to kill, but to cancel. W his R before he bumps the goat. R him to tempo. Annoy him. It works most of the time.
Nida spears hurt, but its the only thing she can really do. If she turns lion and even try to jump, W and bash her head.
Swain Supp will usually survive lane or even win it. But guess what? It wont matter at all. Once you have 6, just R whenever he R. He is so slow its a free hit. Just care about his flash. GG. He now has a negative impact.
Urgot's whole thing is hitting his dash so he can proc his passive. Guess what? Press W and watch him press R knowing he wont have the damages. If there is danger, press R and retreat.
Tryndamere gonna press R IRL. Your kit and role as a Supp are everything he cant deal with. Cancel his E, CC him to death, slow him, CC while he R, R him if there is a risk.
Really easy if your team is playing with you.
Varus is a danger only if you mess up Botlane bigtime. His Q slows him,and he is not tanky at all. Only his R should worry you. If he is ahead, adapt your build depending if he is Lethality or Attack Speed.
Zeri can steal your shield which is very good to frustrate you. You can cancel her wall hop and dash. Stun her and she's dead meat.
Yasuo never resist to dash on you if you are between them and their escape. They know, but they try anyway. Trust me.
When you gank one, go behind him and press W when he E. Then E him on your ally/turret. His windwall blocks your R, care.
Zed is surprisingly easy to deal with. By lvl 6 you will be tanky enough to survive him. If he R your ADC, ping near a wall and stun Zed as soon as he appears. If he R you, dodge the Q. Keep an eye out for his roams.
Xin Zhao
Xin dash is super predictible and you can cancel it with W. Be carefull to be inside his R before you R him.
If he is ahead, Frozen Heart, Antiheal and a lot of CC are your way to go.
Xerath has only one spell to annoy you, and its slow as hell. Dodge the E, its the only thing that matters. Then run him down. He often runs Barrier, prépare your aggro before going in. Also, nice dancing practice.
Zac has THE most predictible dash in the game for you to cancel. Care, he can still flash R and CC you and your ADC anywa pretty easily. Dodge his Q right after your W stopped him. Step on his blobs. Antiheal can help.
Zilean is one of my highest winrates and i have no idea why, i feel like It's a fair matchup for both sides. His E is super annoying when he slows your go in. Dodge at least one of his Q and you should be fine. Catch him lategame to make teamfight easier.
Zyra deals a lot of damages but :
You can OS her plants since your AA count as melee even with passive, which will even shield you.
Her E is slow as f*ck and easy to flash,
She is one if the squishiest champs in the game with Sona and Lux. You should be able to snowball.
Leona is trickier than it seems. Her dash is the third most predictible in the game (Zac and Vi) but her E cd is slightly shorter than your W cd. In other words, if she spams E and hit it twice, she will stun. Go on her carry to avoid that and remain the one in control. W when she R you, it will cancel the dash even while you are stunned.
Kayn fears you. He should. Poppy Jng or Poppy Top have stuff to do. Poppy Support though have only one goal:destroy Kayn. When he E on a wall, you Can still E him. It will stun him on the mentionned wall. You Can W his W. You basically counter everything he does. If he R your ADC, ping help near a wall si you can stun Sasuke as soon as he is back on the map.
Jax will often channel his stun before jumping. But more experienced players wont, they'll dash first to surprise you. Be ready to W when you actually see him start to dash. Apart from that, he should die fast. Frozen Heart works well.
Velkoz is actually a pretty easy lane if you know how to dance. Dodge his E at all costs, and his Q by going forward when you can. He is squishy so your kill pressure will be insane. Your E and R cancel his R, and guessing when he's going to R is not hard.
Tristana is your lane soulmate but if she wanna face you, well.. She really shouldnt. Your W keeps her from following her Supp, and from escaping you. Engage her before they jump your ADC and the lane is easy peasy.
Renekton is not used to see Poppy when she's not Top or Jungle, where she can solely commit on grabbing his attention. Easy to peel from your ADC, you should be okay.
Riven is yet another Toplaner underestimating how annoying a Poppy Supp can be. You're not here to kill, just to protect. Cancel her third Q, and E her far from your ADC. If she flash W both of you, dont stay too close next time.
Lux is feared by a lot of Supports. Let me tell you: Not by Poppy. She is one of the squishiest champs in the game (Sona Lux Zyra) all in her as soon as you see her and snowball. Just have to focus on dodging the Q or baiting it.
Alistar is one of the freest lane you can face in support. You NEED to play safe and take W lvl 2 since his only chance of engaging in lane without burning his flash is to engage lvl 2 when you take Q-E. So Take W and wait lvl 3 to fight, you dont lose much, and you avoid a lot. If he manages to land his combo (he shouldnt but happens), you have more damages than him. Go on his ADC and kill before they do. In lane you can also R the ADC when Ali engages, and kill Alistar 2v1. He will feel pretty useless if you do.
Rell has been underrated a lot, and it seems her days have finally arrived. That said, her dash is still easy to block. She will CC a lot, but she doesnt really deal damages and cant cancel your E. If you manage to stun her ADC, its probably a double kill.
Caitlyn is nothing to worry about as long as you maintain vision on bushes and traps. Her only escape is very predictable, and she is so squishy she will most likely die unless she flash fast. Not walking on a trap, and dodging her Q's are two perfectly doable things.
Sona will expect you to bully her. She's used to it.
...Sucks to be her. Stun her and she's dead. Abuse it pre-6. Always look for a timing, your lane can snowball to infinity and beyond. If you do it right she'll be irrelevent even with her R.
Fizz is a suberp opponent for you to have in midlane. Reason is simple, and you already know it: your W cancel both dash and damages on his Q, AND it makes him grounded, which means unable to flash or E.
Doesnt matter how fed he is, if you cancel his combo and your adc lives, he's done for. He almost always Q as soon as he is in range, his basic combo being R->E->Q.
Kalista should dodge, really. If she didnt, just wait lvl 3, then test her. If she keep dashing around, just go in with W, poke with Q, fall back. One E on a wall when she's low and it will all be over.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV's dash is super predictable. A W will make him useless unless he R's you. In which case you'll just E him and stun him on his ult walls. It's a win-win situation for you. Just be carefull if he's fed never to leave your ADC alone.
Lee Sin
Lee sin will definitely try to outplay your W... Lee sin will definitely outplay himself.
Litteraly nothing to do but wait for him to ego it. His only option is to flash R you on your team. Never give him the opportunity. Remeber that your E can also cancel him.
Rengar will probably rush Night Veil to unlock his champ against your W. Until he does, Botlane is gank-free. Abuse it. When he did buy the item, remind him that Poppy have more than one spell and E as soon as your W took the shield down. Your ADC surviving is your first priority. Rengar will hate you.
Facing a Poppy Support as Kindred is WAY HARDER than facing her jungle. You can focus on W her dash and E or R ennemies out of her R, to deny heal or invincibility. Hunt her marks botside with your jng and she should really hate you pretty fast as you take over the map.
The fish is super fun to lane, especially since she's buffed. Nami is always looking at her ADC or at a prediction to bubble, half the time she has no Idea how close she is to a wall. She wont even be able to flash. Dont mess it up though, her sustain is no joke.
Rakan's W is too fast and most of the time you wont be able to react for it, but its easy to predict when he will use it. You can also cancel his E if his carry is threatened. If you see him R, press W and R him.
Ziggs can cancel your E with W but its a perfect frame that doesnt happen a lot. You can cancel his W with yours. Kill him before he can poke you, its an easy snowbal after that. Great lane to practice your sidesteps.
Tristana is the G.O.A.T. The Yordle Botlane will absolutely destroy any target once you reach lvl 2. Her follow, mobility, and damages on time with her E are everything you can dream for to finish your opponents, and she snowballs like crazy.
Vayne Poppy is a classic. She struggles early? Thats where you shine. You struggle late? She's Vayne. Your E and hers can chain CC easily, peeling her is simple.
You even see them in the Ruination Video, i mean come on.
Demacia as one, ladies and gentlemens.
As much as i hate the guy, Draven is probably your best synergy. Hit the E stun and no matter what happens, this man will get a kill. We all know what happens after that. Run them down. Remember he does not have an escape, die for him if needed.
Jhin synergy is ridiculously strong. If he starts W to cheese, the CC chain with your E into his fourth shot can allow you both to kill before a minion has even been hit.
Kalista is really good with you, cause Poppy struggle to finish a kill alone (or KS a lot, depending on the situation). Kali E fixes both issues. She's mobile, she slows, deals a lot of damages and her R is perfect to save you after you killed a target or to position well to initiate a fight.
Best AP Lane you have, even better than Anivia. Your Supp item will slow his AP scaling but your two E's are ridiculously OP on the same lane. If he waits your E before pressing W and Q, it's almost a guaranteed kill in any situation you can imagine. Also, no one can gank your lane before lvl 6 if you have wards.
Caitlyn and Poppy are a deadly duo. Your chain CC (Her W after your E) her mobility and long range damage makes early kills super easy without taking a lot of risks.
Jinx is really good with you, her W and E works really well with your combo, and her damages in late are ridiculous. Great pair overall.
Ashe is sweet. Slows, safety poke, Long range CC ult, what's not to like? What she lacks in escape, you bring it with your abilities, she is extremely easy to peel. Love that ADC.
Ezreal may have issues to follow you. He's insane for another reason. He is so safe you can not mind to peel him and still win fights. Unless they have an assassin ofc.
D Bird is a good cheese AP Botlane if you are on a full AD team. She gives you a free wall to E ennemy onto, and she has a good burst. Te egg is easier to protect with an ally in lane. The only issue is that she needs her R a lot while you shine your best pre-lvl 6.
Senna ADC, or even duo Supp is broken. An ADC with solid range damages, heal shield and CC? She will keep you alive like crazy and get fed fast. Her E is also very good for you. Be very carefull to peel her, she can be killed super fast.
Kai'sa is broken, nothing new here. The first kill may be a little hard if she doesnt have a clear shor for W-Q but after that, it should work great.
Ziggs is doing pretty great with you. Demolish and his W, AOE ranged damages to follow up, good CC and mobility, poke, your lane should be extra easy.
Yasuo bot is a rough bet, but with Poppy, its doing ok. Wait lvl 2 before going in, Yas can follow you easily. He can R on your W, your E, and your R.
Past 6, wombos are easy and brutal.
Miss Fortune
MF is pretty strong with you, if you forget her lack of mobility. AOE slows and damages, and of course she loves your CCs for her R. You know what to do!
Quinn Poppy bringing the Demacian steel like It's a LoR game. You work really well together, the blind is super strong to allow you to retreat and let her finish the kill. Easy to peel her.
Varus works well with you on the paper, but his short range, lack of mobility and attack speed in early makes the snowballing not that smooth. A CC range R is always usefull though, and the poke and Q-E follow-up is sweet, aswell as his built-in antiheal.
Graves ADC is a very rare sight, but it can work decently. Good damages, short range though so not ideal. His smoke allows you to retreat safely after your Q which is pretty nice.
Corki's range is not very good but the guy has mobility and damages. He scales like crazy which is good for you cause you fall off. He is super squishy though.
Sivir is doing alright with you. Her Q is a decent follow up to your E, she will be safe with her spellshield, and her R can do wonders to help you go in or retreat. She usually struggle to take kills early, Poppy deals too much.
Twitch is a 50/50 and really depends on his playstyle. Some ADCs will get scared as Twitch and not follow your go-in. Let them do their thing and roam. Other will engage themselves, play with them and you can surprise opponents with a two-time engage. In both cases, late will be about protecting him in teamfights.
Lucian and Popps are super awkward to each other. The dude will always go in with E at the precise moment you retreat (after your Q) cause of your speed and his short range. You can bait him a lot. Either all in and die yourself so he kills, or counter engage rather than go in yourself. Trust me on this: ACTUALLY all in or do nothing.
Xayah is a bit hard to lane with if she plays on her own. You can E targets out of the AA passive or out of her E. If she waits your E to chain CC It's a free kill.
Zeri is hard to get used to. She moves around so much she's hard to follow. She is better paired with an enchanter. She does pretty good on her own, if you're ahead feel free to roam.
Aphelios is not the best laning you can hope for, low damages lvl 1 and slow to follow you. His lategame if you get him fed compensate a lot for the rough lane you both went into.
Samira is THE worst ADC you can pair with. Her range is too short, she's overcommitting, her AA passive can cancel your E before it stuns, your E can mess up her R , your R can mess up her R momentum... Worst synergy. She's very independant once fed so try your best in lane.
Tristana is the G.O.A.T. The Yordle Botlane will absolutely destroy any target once you reach lvl 2. Her follow, mobility, and damages on time with her E are everything you can dream for to finish your opponents, and she snowballs like crazy.
Vayne Poppy is a classic. She struggles early? Thats where you shine. You struggle late? She's Vayne. Your E and hers can chain CC easily, peeling her is simple.
You even see them in the Ruination Video, i mean come on.
Demacia as one, ladies and gentlemens.
As much as i hate the guy, Draven is probably your best synergy. Hit the E stun and no matter what happens, this man will get a kill. We all know what happens after that. Run them down. Remember he does not have an escape, die for him if needed.
Jhin synergy is ridiculously strong. If he starts W to cheese, the CC chain with your E into his fourth shot can allow you both to kill before a minion has even been hit.
Kalista is really good with you, cause Poppy struggle to finish a kill alone (or KS a lot, depending on the situation). Kali E fixes both issues. She's mobile, she slows, deals a lot of damages and her R is perfect to save you after you killed a target or to position well to initiate a fight.
Best AP Lane you have, even better than Anivia. Your Supp item will slow his AP scaling but your two E's are ridiculously OP on the same lane. If he waits your E before pressing W and Q, it's almost a guaranteed kill in any situation you can imagine. Also, no one can gank your lane before lvl 6 if you have wards.
Caitlyn and Poppy are a deadly duo. Your chain CC (Her W after your E) her mobility and long range damage makes early kills super easy without taking a lot of risks.
Jinx is really good with you, her W and E works really well with your combo, and her damages in late are ridiculous. Great pair overall.
Ashe is sweet. Slows, safety poke, Long range CC ult, what's not to like? What she lacks in escape, you bring it with your abilities, she is extremely easy to peel. Love that ADC.
Ezreal may have issues to follow you. He's insane for another reason. He is so safe you can not mind to peel him and still win fights. Unless they have an assassin ofc.
D Bird is a good cheese AP Botlane if you are on a full AD team. She gives you a free wall to E ennemy onto, and she has a good burst. Te egg is easier to protect with an ally in lane. The only issue is that she needs her R a lot while you shine your best pre-lvl 6.
Senna ADC, or even duo Supp is broken. An ADC with solid range damages, heal shield and CC? She will keep you alive like crazy and get fed fast. Her E is also very good for you. Be very carefull to peel her, she can be killed super fast.
Kai'sa is broken, nothing new here. The first kill may be a little hard if she doesnt have a clear shor for W-Q but after that, it should work great.
Ziggs is doing pretty great with you. Demolish and his W, AOE ranged damages to follow up, good CC and mobility, poke, your lane should be extra easy.
Yasuo bot is a rough bet, but with Poppy, its doing ok. Wait lvl 2 before going in, Yas can follow you easily. He can R on your W, your E, and your R.
Past 6, wombos are easy and brutal.
Miss Fortune
MF is pretty strong with you, if you forget her lack of mobility. AOE slows and damages, and of course she loves your CCs for her R. You know what to do!
Quinn Poppy bringing the Demacian steel like It's a LoR game. You work really well together, the blind is super strong to allow you to retreat and let her finish the kill. Easy to peel her.
Varus works well with you on the paper, but his short range, lack of mobility and attack speed in early makes the snowballing not that smooth. A CC range R is always usefull though, and the poke and Q-E follow-up is sweet, aswell as his built-in antiheal.
Graves ADC is a very rare sight, but it can work decently. Good damages, short range though so not ideal. His smoke allows you to retreat safely after your Q which is pretty nice.
Corki's range is not very good but the guy has mobility and damages. He scales like crazy which is good for you cause you fall off. He is super squishy though.
Sivir is doing alright with you. Her Q is a decent follow up to your E, she will be safe with her spellshield, and her R can do wonders to help you go in or retreat. She usually struggle to take kills early, Poppy deals too much.
Twitch is a 50/50 and really depends on his playstyle. Some ADCs will get scared as Twitch and not follow your go-in. Let them do their thing and roam. Other will engage themselves, play with them and you can surprise opponents with a two-time engage. In both cases, late will be about protecting him in teamfights.
Lucian and Popps are super awkward to each other. The dude will always go in with E at the precise moment you retreat (after your Q) cause of your speed and his short range. You can bait him a lot. Either all in and die yourself so he kills, or counter engage rather than go in yourself. Trust me on this: ACTUALLY all in or do nothing.
Xayah is a bit hard to lane with if she plays on her own. You can E targets out of the AA passive or out of her E. If she waits your E to chain CC It's a free kill.
Zeri is hard to get used to. She moves around so much she's hard to follow. She is better paired with an enchanter. She does pretty good on her own, if you're ahead feel free to roam.
Aphelios is not the best laning you can hope for, low damages lvl 1 and slow to follow you. His lategame if you get him fed compensate a lot for the rough lane you both went into.
Samira is THE worst ADC you can pair with. Her range is too short, she's overcommitting, her AA passive can cancel your E before it stuns, your E can mess up her R , your R can mess up her R momentum... Worst synergy. She's very independant once fed so try your best in lane.
Runes: Top : Tank Tree
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Bone Plating
Biscuit Delivery
Time Warp Tonic
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace
Cheap Shot
Relentless Hunter
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak
Relentless Hunter
Cheap Shot
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Demacian Vice Poppy by Te4moon (@lVleduza on Twitter)
❂ The Redaction Squad ❂
Let me introduce myself as Jageiko, aka Jag, or the Demacian Yordle Supp Maniac.
Rank : I climbed Diamond this season, as a final goodbye to league.
I did so while playing in SoloQ only and exclusively with this beloved pick.
Mastery : I reached 2,500,000 Pts in August 2022. (All those points are on Support Poppy I might be the one guy that played it the most I'm not sure but in any case a lot of ADCs have definitely been harmed in the process)
After the redaction of my Poppy Support guide, other mains and OTPs kindly accepted to help me in order to add other parts studying all the roles the Hero of Demacia can cover in a game.
The new project is to write the Ultimate Poppypedia combining all of our knowledge to teach the Poppy ways to players willing to try that champion.
You might recognize among them some of the most known and recognized Popp's out there !
❂ To Who is this guide adressed ? ❂
To the people looking for a pocket pick botlane, to the aggressive support players that want a pick to climb to gold plat or diamond, to people that want to learn Poppy, and to Poppy players looking to perfect their knowledge of her capacities.
This guide's objective is to make a full inventory of everything a PoppySupport can do in your game, so the main focus isn't learning the Items or the Runes (those will keep changing every season), but instead to understand the gameplay since this pick strenghts are extremely unique and independant of the meta.
The guide will be filled with clickable spoilers like this one, gorged with more detailed infos. Don't miss those :
SPOILER EXEMPLE : the builds and runes recommended are not mandatory
In the support part of the guide, the build I recommend in those pages with Iceborn Gauntlet is not designed for DuoQ or 5-man premades situation. It's a build to play your games alone and climb up until Diamond, while still playing full-tank.
For DuoQ, Flex as 5, or Master+ elo games, you'd apply the same gameplay and strategies, but you'd probably prefer either a Locket of the Iron Solari / Evenshroud build, or a full-damages one with Duskblade of Draktharr, Prowler's Claw or even Divine Sunderer while also adapting your runes.
I might do a section on those runs later, but it's truly accessory to what I want to share here.
Our main goal here is to show you the tricks, the gameplay, the versatility, the numerous strategies, the aggreessivity, the fun and the game breaking potential of a good Poppy in any imaginable game, regardless of opponents or meta.
So, dear Demacians,
Do you play Support, but want to have fun?
Do you like All-in laning and peeling your team forever from assassins?
Do you like maintaining drake control, yeet ganking ennemies on their bases, one-shotting ADCs, Junglers or Supports alike?
Do you like pressuring Jungle, Bot, Mid and bullying the river crab until people start to see you in their sleep?
And most importantly, do you like to dive?
Welcome to the Poppy Support Squad.
''A Demacian, a Noxian and a Frejlordian walk into a bar...''
Runes and Summoner Spells
Aftershock and Demolish
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
In-Depth explanation for the runes
Aftershockis your only viable option. It will give you tankyness and add damages right when nou need it: after Heroic Charge. Always take it no matter what.
-Not Grasp of the Undying because you wont be able to stack it in Botlane against ranged champions like ADCs, and your passive is your best way to get your Steel Shoulderguards stacks.
-Not Guardian because most of the time you wont be near your ADC during fights, especially in lane.
Demolishis what you need, it's easy to use it with Iron Ambassador while remaining in safety, and it brings you lots of gold to snowball your lane. You also need it to end fast, Poppy Supp doesn't scale.
-Not Font of Life mainly because you need the gold from Aftershock too much, but it can be a good rune to sustain a little more, even if your trades are often too short to heavily benefit from it.
-Not Shield Bash even if it's your go-to in Toplane. As a Support, you wont be looking for extended trades, you E, Q, and go back to pick your shield to run to safety. You simply wont prock the rune.
Bone Plating is what I recommend. The tankyness it gives you in early game gives you so much more room to get a kill and snowball that picking the other two is really not optimal.
- Second Wind is a way better option against heavy poke AP lanes, that will damage you more often than Bone Plating can prock. I also generally recommend it if you are training the pick and are not positionning safely enough.
- Conditioning is pretty good on you to increase your snowballing. The passive of Steadfast Presence makes you beneficiate much of resistances, and this tankyness buff midgame will help keeping the ennemy from shutting you down.
It all comes down to how confindent you are in snowballing: Safe enough to go Conditioning and still win lane or not. Bone Plating is what I recommend for almost every game.
Unflinching is really good against the vast majority of matchups. Remember : a slowed Poppy is a useless Poppy, positionning for Heroic Charge is the only thing that truly matters to win your lane.
- Revitalize is actually better than the other two if you have a healer in lane, Senna being the best scenario. This rune also works on your passive, and is insane when paired with a Spirit Visage.
- Overgrowth should be picked if the ennemy team has close to no CC and has heavy damages, the HP gain is not to be underestimated.
A L L - I N
When you can OS their botlane without taking too much damages.
+6 Armor If they are all AD
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive Usually
+15/140 Health Points (lvl 1-18)
+6 Magic Resist If they are all AP
Sentinel Poppy by Te4moon (@lVleduza on Twitter)
In-Depth explanation for the summoner spells
- Flash is a must have with Poppy Supp, to surprise your opponents with a suprise Heroic Charge. It should always be picked, not matter what your second spell might be.
- Ignite is also a must-have, especially with a Botlane as aggressive as yours. It's worth having it every game, be it to counter heals or just finish a target that is running for its life.
- Exhaust is the third and last spell you should really consider picking as a Supp. Always go with the other two, only replace Ignite by this if your lane partner (often a Yasuo) took it. You can also hover it if the ennemy team has a lot of damages but doesnt have CC nor sustain.
- Teleport is definitely a troll move. HOWEVER... Just kidding. Dont pick it, you need to snowball too much and it might cost you the game. The flanks are insanely fun though... In normal games... Of course...Right.
- Ghost is not bad at all since it has a fast cd and allows you to land Heroic Charge pretty easily. But Flash will be needed to escape, and you'll fall short on damages without Exhaust or Ignite to finish your trade.
''Tha Barkeeps asks: What would it be?''
Poppy Support : Presentation and Abilities
Poppy Support, Keeper of the ADC
★ DEMACIAAA: Tanky hard-engage and Dive-machine. ★ You.Sit.: Lot of CCs. ★ Bonk: Very good Early Game with insane base damages on MaxHP. ★ Up you go: Great teamfight and game changing R. ★ Nope: Anti-dash peeling ability. ★ Fool me once: Snowballs really well. ★ Mine: Very good roam potential and drake control. ★ Pocket Poppy: Exotic pick that people are still not used to play against.
★ Early hammer: Struggles late game. ★ Melee champ: Need to kill fast or she'll get poked by ranged match-ups. ★ All in champ: You're permanently one bad E away from losing the game. ★ Game-changing: Has to choose every fight between locking a target or peeling allies, which often ends up deciding the outcome of the battle.
why the hell would someone play poppy support?
I main Support since I started the game 8 years ago.
As soon as Poppy got reworked in 2015, I started playing her exclusively, as i thought the gameplay was way too rich and fun to spend time on
practicing with other Support champions.
And after all those years, boy oh boy I still regret nothing.
When played in botlane, I always thought of Poppy as a buffed-up Leona. She's a tank, but also a huge damages dealer early, she has good mobility, and decent survivability through passives buffs.
But more than anything else, Poppy is an insane peeler when she has someone to protect. Most assassins won't dare approach your carry when you're around, some junglers will litteraly avoid your lane, and your W is just one of the few abilities they should fear. You have four abilities, all of them are CCs one way or another (she's historically the first champion ever to have this particularity). Even your passive AA can be a CC with on-hit Passives like Dead Man's Plate or Iceborn Gauntlet.
With her kit, I really have trouble to understand why Pantheon or Sett can be considered an official ''Support'' and not her, and I really hope one day Riot do her right and add her to the Supp roaster.
Even with all my practice, Poppy Support gameplay is so rich that I still feel the skillcap is infinite. Believe it or not but no matter what happens, Poppy Support HAS a way to react, be it by peeling a carry, stunning a support, bursting a ganking jungler, kicking away a roaming midlaner, or so much more. You just need to be able to see it, and execute it at perfection.
Alright, here we go! This section is for people that are new to playing Poppy Support, it will cover her spells and basic identity as a champion. Important details worth noticing for experimented players will be highlighted like this.
▲ Base stats (Last updated: patch 12.10):
610 – 2378 Health regen.(per 5s)
8 – 21.6
280 – 960 Mana regen.(per 5s)
7 – 18.9
38 – 117.9 Attack damage
64 – 132
Magic resist.
32 – 66.85 Move. speed
Attack range
125 (Melee)
475 (Ranged AA) Crit. damage
▲ Abilities -I advise you to read the full abilities before focusing on what i comment about it-
Around every 10 seconds, your first AA (Auto-Attack) on any target will be a ranged AA where Poppy will throw her shield on the ennemy. It is still coded as a melee attack for the on-hit effects. (For exemple, it will one shot Zyra's plants.)
The shield then falls on the ground. Step on it and it will shield you for a few seconds. If an ennemy steps on it first, it will disappear before you can take it. If your AA killed its target, the buckler directly comes back and shields you Captain America style.
As a Support, the Steel Shoulderguardsis always your first item, meaning the minion execution will shield you if you procked it with your ranged passive.
Poppy slams her hammer in melee range, damaging and slowing all ennemies inside a small zone. The impact explodes shortly after, damaging the remaining ennemies a second time. Both hits are dealing 8% of targets's MaxHP. which means a Q hitting twice will take at least 16% of the ennemy's HP, plus the AD ratio, and the CD is very short. This is enough damages to go full tank and still 1v1 carries in Midgame.
You get it; most of your damages comes from your Q, that's why you will always max it first when levelling your abilities. It's also cheap in mana and usefull to kite, but Poppy lacks mana in general so be carefull not to spam it too much.
Poppy creates a zone around her for a short duration, that moves around with her. Ennemies that try to dash in or from that zone take a little damage and are bumped airborne, then they are grounded for two seconds, meaning they cannot flash or escape during that duration. On top of that, Poppy gains a boost of movement speed and the spell unlocks her resistances passive buff, allowing her to be tankier when she is lower on health. The dash cancel cannot be procked twice on the same opponent, and it does not cancel blinks or ennemies that are unstoppable or untargetable. Spellshield items such as Edge of Nightwill protect one dash from it.
Poppy charges at an ennemy she selected while pressing E (Point-and-Click ability). She carries the foe with her on a short distance, damaging him on impact. If she hits terrain (regular or created one such as Anivia's wall) with her ennemy, the opponent takes the same amount of damages again and is stunned for a few seconds. When she E's an ennemy that is on the other side of a terrain, Poppy will dash through it. When she E, as long as Poppy didnt touch her target and didnt began to push it, it can still flash or blink away, even if the E will already be used and on cd. This ability can easily cancel dash just as well as W if you use it at the right timing.
A good Poppy will never forget than her W on CD does not mean ennemy dashes have no counter.
★ The DoubleTap
Poppy can either hit R fast to damage and bump airborne all ennemies in melee with her, the hitbox starting a little behind her shoulders so you might actually be able to hit ennemies that are behind you. It's a huge follow up to your basic E Q combo, that can chain CC and allow an instantaneous take down on a dangerous opponent. It's a very easy set-up for the ult of the super-popular samurai we all love, Yasuo.
★ The Threat-Yeeting
Poppy can also maintain the R key to channel a different ult acting like a projectile. Releasing will shoot a linear wave of rocks that throws the ennemies hit back towards their base on a long distance. If you change your mind and dont release, the spell will only have 15 seconds of CD. You can also cancel the channel faster and before the end by pressing B, it will count as 15 seconds still.
Note well that the hitbox grows if you hit someone, and include people that were very close to the first champions hit. The wave stops at the first champion hit, but if you dont hit a champions and only minions or neutral camps, then the wave pursue to its max range, kicking every enemy. Kicking entire waves of minions will save their gold for the teamate running towards you, save your turret HP, and avoid you to get dived. It's a very unfair move for the ennemy if you do it well, but it costs you your ult, so be wise about it and learn to see when it's actually a good idea.
In late game, if you use this ability correctly, it's propably one of the most game-changing ultimate in the game, changing a doomed 5v5 into a easy 5v3 wipe for your team. People tend to underastimate it and not pay attention to the channeling Poppy in the backline, often giving you a free R on primordial targets.
▲ Conclusions
Poppy's peeling kit is one of the best you can find, while also being very offensive and allowing you to hard engage extremely well. Overall, she's an insanely versatile champion that can shine on very different ways depending on your playstyle.
You can also see that all your spells can CC and deal more damages if you use them at max efficiency. Being successful in lane means managing to hit your E stun, hit both Q, and cancel dashes as often as you can to deal as much damages as possible. Practice a lot to learn the utilisation pattern of dash users in Botlane.
I described a lot of countering mechanics on the Threats and Synergies pannel, at the top of this guide. Feel free to check it out, there is a lot to learn for inexeperienced Poppys!
Dragon Trainer Poppy by monorirogue
''The Demacian says: I'll have a wine. No, wait.. An ale! ... Yeah...''
As said above, items are not the main focus of the guide, so although this section is very detailed, I put it entirely inside spoilers so you know it's for people rhat are really willing to look into it.
The thing is, Poppy Support is about your playstyle and your elo, and those two parameters will heavily influence how you build her stuff.
Those are the items you might want to choose from.
Everything else:
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If you really want to run the same stuff than me
Main Build
1) Starting Lane
No matter what you'll build as a Support Poppy, this is what you should buy at the start of the game.
>You can instantly take Oracle Lens and invade to take an early ward, don't E an ennemy unless you're positive he's alone.
> Recall to switch back to Stealth Ward before helping your Jungler or going back in lane. If you have no time to back, it's no big deal (as long as your ADC wards the river)since Oracle Lens will help you maintain bush control when the laning phase is starting. If they have a grab champ, be carefull taking wards down though.
2) First Back
Here is what my first back or first two backs will looks like most of the time:
>Your absolute priority is to take Boots to be able to dodge spells, roam easier, and position faster to stun with your E.
Then, if you feel confortable in lane and dont need Health right now, you can take a Tear of the Goddess to carry your midgame with easier extended trades. In any other situations, pick [[Ruby Crystal to build your Mythic parts and buy the tear later;
>Your rush is always Bami's Cinder or Kindlegem,to build into your chosen Mythic. The goal is to stack HPs to snowball with tankyness with Steadfast Presence, and rush resistances later. Since both of your options have a Health part, start with it.
If you face two AD or two AP in lane, you can also choose to get an early Cloth Armor or Null-Magic Mantle.
Any additional 75 G is a mandatory Control Ward: this is a vision game and your job is to be at least 20 vision score ahead of anyone in every game. Get used to it, it'll bring you more gold than you spend if you use them correctly.
3) Mythic and Boots
Your next move will be to buy your Mythic as fast as possible to snowball the game as hard as you can. I tried all Mythics you can think of, one being by far the one winning the most lanes and games by itself, allowing you to 1v1, to peel, to catch and to survive all kinds of fights way easier:
Frostfire Gauntlet
Poppy's gauntlet
❂ Your passive synergy with this item maximizes its potential with a 25% slow ranged attack. ❂ It allows you to rush HPs with Bami's Cinder (which also deals damages to close targets as a bonus since you've been nice). ❂ Mythic passive stacks even more Health with other items, so you actually scale a little during midgame.
Even if she is a Tank, Poppy doesnt have that much base HP. Rushing this item brings your midgame everything you need to keep snowballing.
That's why as a Support it's by far the best item you can get, and it's often your core build in itself.
Why is Gauntlet the best Mythic for you in my opinion? Let's see your other options:
about others Mythic items
❂ Evenshroud and Locket of the Iron Solari ❂
The Full Support Build - If your ADC is reliable
I put those two together because they are built with the same base items, and have the exact same Mythic Passive, giving off more resistances to allies nearby (you're not included) with each item. Since Poppy lacks Health in early game, building it for your allies will actually makes you a lot squishier, that's why you should adapt your runes to run those Mythics.
Drop Unflinching for Overgrowth, and focus on getting the Kindlegem first. Biscuit Delivery and Magical Footwear can also improve your lane even more and save you gold if you dont feel right with the usual secondary runes. Mobility Boots will help to save gold and partially cover the Unflinching loss with more flat speed out-of-combat.
-Evenshroud will be insane to obliterate your targets at all stages of the game, it's the most offensive one, and the damages it adds is way more efficient in late than what Iceborn Gauntlet does in midgame. It's probably the item helping you the most past the 30 minutes bar, even if it's one of the cheapeast.
-Locket of the Iron Solari is a classic Support item and it works extremely well with Poppy if you can trust your ADC, cause you can forget locking targets and simply pass the game peeling him with yet another tool to save him. It means abandonning your dual gameplay and focusing only on defense, making it actually easier, but if your ADC cannot play your lane is doomed.
Running those two will destroy your potential to 1v1 junglers or flat out assassinate targets alone during midgame, but it will be worth it in late or in your ADC defense adventure. Basically, Iceborn Gauntlet is for solo Q, or to be independant, and Evenshroud / Locket of the Iron Solari are to play with a good ADC duo, to play with a full team, or simply to play above Master Elo.
❂ Sunfire Aegis ❂
burn them up
In a ideal situation, with the tenacity and slow resist it brings via passive, it would be an okay choice, but it costs way too much, and you wont have the money to rush anything if you need antiheal or a lot of resistances fast. If you still feel like tou can go for it, you should swap Unflinching for Overgrowth. Again, it takes up a lot of gold, and slows your adaptativity to what happens early game, so either snowball or go for another item if you dont win lane.
❂ Turbo Chemtank ❂
run them down
This mythic is tricky to use with its active and doesnt give you a lot of time to prepare your engage. Poppy takes time to engage, and when she does she'll be too fast to even rely on the Chemtank anyway. Its passive gives you CD reduction and half the health you'd gain with Iceborn Gauntlet. I feel like it's a viable option, but it needs yet even more practice not to achieve that much, while the other builds work fine by themselves.
❂ Divine Sunderer ❂
Dab on them
Sure, Divine Poppy is insane in toplane, but it's less good without a stacked Grasp of the Undying, which is not stackable at all when you're in botlane. If you're ahead and still consider it, just think about how much they can come back into the game if you mess up. An item costing 3300 G is really hard to get early as a support especially if you'll need antitheal, or Plated Steelcaps to counter a AD hypercarry, without even talking about pinkwards that should be mandatory at each back. That's why I do not recommend it. If you manage to get it anyway, focus, cause it means a lot of gold that should be on your carry is on you, and you do not scale as well as him. No pressure though, have fayth, it can work with a little luck success, cause your damages and survivability will indeed be insane.
Vintage Poppy by DishOut
Then you want to finish your boots, most of the time roaming in jungle and positionning for your E being the core of your impact on early. Here's the best options for you. Check the detailed section to help you choose shoes.
Detailed Section : Regarding boots
+ Highest Movement Speed choice out of combat: good for roaming and positionning to stun. + Cheapest choice, will allow you to rush your items faster, which is huge for a Support Snowball.
Take it if :
-You are ahead.
-They don't have a duo AD or duo AP botlane, or an annoying hypercarry to melt you.
-They dont have a lot of slows in botlane.
+ High Movement Speed choice while being cheaper than the defensives choices. + It reduces slows that are very annoying against you.
Take it if :
-Balanced damages and no immediate threat.
-They have a lot of slows.
-They outrange you so much they can break Mobility Boots passive every time before a fight.
-You have no idea what to pick or you are still training Poppy Support.
+ Additionnal Armor. + Its passive is reducing 12% damages of AA, which happen to be the ADC's main source of damages.
Take it if :
-They are full AD.
-You are facing two AD champs in botlane.
-You are facing a Vayne or a Draven in lane (and at least one other AD).
-They have a cave troll a Master Yi, a Nocturne or stuff like that. Pair it with a Frozen Heart if possible.
+ Additional Magic Resist. + Additional Tenacity.
Take it if :
-They are full AP.
-They have a lot of CC and no AD Hypercarry.
-They have no slows and are majoritary AP.
-You are facing two AP champs in botlane.
Even if you need to rush your HP, Mobility Boots are so cheap that if you go for it you can buy it at any given time. Just study what should take priority based on your laning so far.
4) Choosing what to build next
Poppy Tank has a few very viable items to choose from the inventory, and taking the right one can insanely impact your game.
Here are the differents options, check the detailed section to see my personal decision-making regarding it.
Detailed section : how to dress properly
Against AD champions
Dead Man's Plate has a very good synergy with your kit. Bonus Movement Speed and a 50% slow to allow you to reposition to E, it's of course even better with a Iceborn Gauntlet. If you dont need any specific item, this one will never disappoint you. Be sure no immediate AP threat is onto you before buying it.
Thornmail is often something you'll have to rush as soon as you can, as facing ADCs or Jungler like Viego or Warwick can be pretty doomed with their regen. Sometimes, only buying Bramble Vest can be enough.
Frozen Heart has an insane value against some late game Attack-Speed ADCs or some very specific champs ( Master Yi, Kayle, Nocturne, etc..) so dont underestimate it. Dont forget their AP carry if they have some, though.
Randuin's Omen is not something I commonly build since Poppy can already stun when you are in range to use it, it's too short to reposition and her Q already slows. But it's a very usefull item against crit champs and AD champs overall. It doesnt give you that much health so you might want to find some elsewhere.
Against AP champions
Force of Nature is your go-to in terms of Magic Resist. It gives of a good amount of MR, but also augment your movespeed. Consider it your Jack-of-all-trades.
Spirit Visage is always a huge plus on your stuff, since it enhances your already pretty good passive shield. If you team has healers, I recommend buying it. The prime exemple being of course Senna as your ADC.
Abyssal Mask can do wonders if your team has a lot of AP, as it will both reduces damages your receive and augment damages of your teamates. A must-have in that situation.
Maw of Malmortius can be a good choice if they have a lot of squishies AP, as a little more damages might make you able to one-shot some of them. I wouldnt recommend starting with it, but it's definitely a good item to snowball.
Against mixed damages
Fimbulwinter is the natural next step after Tear of the Goddess, so it's obvious it would end up in your inventory in late if you picked it up early. It's passive is actually pretty good on you, but it will start burning your mana on extended trades. The shield while going in is obviously a realy good thing to add to your kit.
Anathema's Chains have a lot of qualities for you: It's cheap and affordable, it gives you a lot of HPs, and it reduces your target's tenacity, allowing you to catch her longer with CC's. Definitely a good item, but you will need more resistances at some point.
Warmog's Armor is always a very good item to finish your build, as the regen allows you to sustain between late games fights, that often leave you very low HP in HP. It cost a lot, but all composants are HP so it's still good to buy as a last item without even finishing it.
Sterak's Gage is a good item in late aswell, being more offensive that Warmog's Armor. Remember that shields are not part of your max HP, which means if you're under 30%HP, but have a shield, your resistances will still be buffed by Steadfast Presence's passive for the shield health.
Gargoyle Stoneplate would ideally be a godlike item on you if it wasnt so damn expensive. It lacks HP, so it's usually not something you'll buy, but, as said on previous item, shields are insane on you, and having more Armor and Magic Resist when you're being attacked, doubled when you are low with Steadfast Presence, it's not something you can overlook. Alas, it costs way too much for you usually.
Guardian Angel can actually be considered in late, if you have a lot of money and already are tanky enough to be sure to stun, as reviving you after an important catch usually means you can go for two 1 for 1 trades in a row. It also of course allows a little window to save you if you get caught, but dont bait your team with it, ping back if you see they're all gonna die trying.
Black Cleaver has a unique property that can heavily advantage your lane : It shreds the armor of your target, allowing you and your ADC to deal way more damages to anyone you engage. The item is pretty expensive, but it gives you Health and damades, pretty much everything you could hope hope.
Ruined Poppy by Unknown (If you know tell me)
''Then the Noxian says : I'll have a... A wine... Yeah, he wants a wine...''
Combos and Tricks
Basic combos and mechanics
On the spoiler below is a list of all the most common combos you want to use while playing Poppy. Remember that fighting as Poppy Supp is often either about bursting all your damages and run away, or counter-engaging everything that approach your ADC, so be sure to use those combos accordingly.
Happy learning !
Basic - Combos List
Basic - E Q Combo
In depth
This is your main combo, pretty easy to execute as long as Heroic Charge connects and hit a wall, which is the real difficulty about your champ. Once the target is stunned, use your Passive AA if it's not already in CD, then Q, AA, W to keep them from dashing away, AA and your Q will explode, dealing more damages. Aftershock will hit around that timing if you have it up. Ignite as soon as you pressed W if you go for the kill, especially if you canceled a dash.
You want to use Steadfast Presence at the last possible second, precisely when your stun is ending. Use it too soon and your target will hold his dash and wait the W to disappear. Use it at the last time and either it will block a dash or take a flash. Notice the W AA Cancel mechanic, as explained on the next section.
This is your one-shot all-in combo post-Level 6.
You want to use this combo on any target potentially having Flash up or any blink abilities, cause your R chain CC will be gauranteed anyway. This combo is a rush to 100%-0% your target befire it can react, so you want to be sure to CC for as long as possible.
After your traditionnal E, Passive AA, Q, just as the stun is about to end, you want to R instead of W. It will deal a little more damages, knock the target airborne and lock your victim in your extended damages from Aftershock and Hammer Shock. Then just as the target finally hits the ground, you use W to cancel any potential dash that would allow the foe to survive. Be sure to W as late as possible.
When you are sure your target doesnt have Flash nor a blink ability, you can simply reproduce your basic Combo and add the Doubletapped [[Keeper's Verdict at the end of the W duration for maximum CC. It's your longest CC Combo since the W duration enables you to do damages without the risk of ennemy dashing away, while locking it even longer with the ultimate. If you have the right timing, you should be able to W and hit two AA before pressing R, as showed in the video.
By far your cheesiest combo. The goal is to chase down and use the ennemy dash to kill him. Be it with Flash or Heroic Charge, use your W to engage your target, then apply full damages with Q-R.
in depth
Basically you want to either E a minion then W, or W then E a minion. Doesnt really matter since your E is so fast it's pretty much the same.
The key is actually to land your Q, cause in this situation, even if Lucian holds his dash until the end of Steadfast Presence, Hammer Shock slow will keep him in R range, so it doesnt even change anything about the combo damages and efficiency.
His only option is to flash away then dash as soon as you E, which is, well, worth, especially if you didnt use R yet.
Carefull not to use this when other ennemies are nearby, cause E and W are your only escape tools.
The previous combo is a bet "will he dash?" while the flash W is a reaction.
As powerfull and game-changing as it is, it's not hard at all to do, especially on some very specific predictable or slow dashes like Thresh's Dark Passage or Tristana's Rocket Jump.
In Depth
Not much to explain. Just Flash and use Steadfast Presence whenever your target is dashing. Doesnt matter to W and flash at the last moment, as long as you're in range to counter the dash. Of course you're comitting your Flash so be sure the ennemy will dash at your timing before trying it.
Dont forget that Steadfast Presencegrounds its target after you canceled its dash, so engageing with it allows you to reposition and stun without the ennemy being able to flash away.
BASIC - Directing abilities on secondary targets
Poppy's main damages are all coming from Area Of Effect abilities, which are good to target multiple people, especially in a 2v2 lane.
Due to the hitboxes of Hammer Shock and Keeper's Verdict, you always want to aim for the people you didnt stun with Heroic Charge when you engaged, because the stunned ennemy will be hit no matter what due to the large hitboxes.
Here's the difference of impact it can make:
Bad AOE use
Good AOE use
As you can see, the damages on your main target (the stunned one) are the absolute same. Only collateral damages and CC's make a difference, which is huge in teamfights situation.
A big part of Poppy Support is holding to your W to use it just at the right time, be it to counter an escape or an engage. Always keep in mind what ennemies you are facing, and what threats should take priority on a kill securing.
According to that, during those combos, (unless you used it to be able to stun with Heroic Charge) do not use Steadfast Presence if your target and nearby ennemies have no dash abilities but their jungler has one.
BUT always use it if litterally no one near your position have a dash.
The most important and fight-changing mechanic to learn first while playing our dear Demacian Hero is the E-Flash.
If you Flashthen use Heroic Charge it will allow you to change your mind, but it will be significantly slower than pressing E on a target and wait until Poppy run towards it close enough to Flash in range of launching her E which will then be done automatically and way faster than manual execution, often surprising even the quickest and safest ADC's around (Looking at you Ezreal).
Learn in which case use each one of those.
Be sure to practice first, as this mechanic is trickier than it looks, flash on a slightly wrong timing or distance and Poppy will stop moving after her flash.
Flash then E :
E then Flash :
The W-AA animation cancel
As you can see here, Poppy's W doesnt cancel a autoattact if you press it during the animation, it will even looks like your Steadfast Presence did damages, which can sometimes confuse the ennemy into thinking the dash-cancel is already used on them. Not a thing to bet your game on, but a nice trick to be aware of.
Passive AA-E Burst
As seen here, timing your E right after the ranged attack of Iron Ambassador will cause the two damages to stack up at the same timing for a decent burst. On top of it, since the passive AA animation is a little longer than your normal AA's, getting it to play before your E-stun saves a little more time to stack regular autos during the CC duration.
Flash Q
Without surprise, Hammer Shock can also be used with Flash to extend its range. Q-Flash is faster than Flash-Q. Very usefull to finish off targets than dashed or are escaping. You can easily follow it up with a Knock-Up R on the slowed ennemy.
E-W Dash Absolute Cancel
If you manage to both land Heroic Charge and cancel a dash on the same target at the same time, even if the dash was already pretty advanced, Poppy will actually bring the target back at the place it was before dashing.
It's probably a bug or spagetthi code, but it's consistant and easily doable in game, so feel free to use it as you may, since it's often a very important part of your kit. It would be way harder to play if a dash countered by Steadfast Presence would still escape Heroic Charge anyway, so fair enough.
Most of the time, when you cast Steadfast Presence, you're reacting to cancel a dash. But know that if you're feeling fancy and the ennemy is in range without dashing, you can also use it very offensively paired with a Flash E R to force a chain-CC.
This move is a massive punition. As soon as LeBlancentered the W range to poke, her only option was to Flash out. The main difference is in the execution: playing around the W fear rather than an actual dash cancel.
E-AA combo
Not that it's that spectacular, but remember this is a thing. After Heroic Charge, Poppy will usually launch her next attack automatically on the target you just rushed. But if you are fast enough to right-click your actual target, it will cancel the AA and throw the shield on the intended ennemy after a weird animation.
It's very situationnal sure, but hey, it can happen :
R Tricks
1 - Back to cancel the R
If you start recalling with B during the channeling of your ultimate, it will instantly stop it and the cooldown will be reduced at 15 seconds, as if you didnt use it and waited the whole time for its reset. It's a very good timing tool when people dont expect you to be able to use your other abilities so soon. There is still a little time gap before pressing recall and being able to move so be careful.
2 - W while channeling R
As you can see, even if Steadfast Presence doesn't cancel any of your abilities or actions, you still wont be able to press it during your R channeling, leaving an open window for ennemies to dash on you.
To cover up for it, be sure to press W before channeling Keeper's Verdict, as showed here.
3 - The long R Hitbox
As showed here, The hitbox of the long version of Keeper's Verdict is calculated around the first target you hit.
4 - Flash R
As you can guess, it is possible to use Flash to extend the range of both of Keeper's Verdict. Use it to surprise the opponent, either to stun them or send them far from a teamfight, an ally or an objective. In both cases, you press R first, and flash during or shortly before the animation.
Long R Flash
Instant R Flash
Country Poppy by Unknown (If you know please tell me)
''And the Frejlordian says: I'll drink anything so long as... Wait.. Hold on, let me start over !!''
Wards , Traps and Wall Hops
This section will be dedicated to either special strategies linked to emplacements on the map, or general tips to play around bushes or walls.
Heroic Charge on Jungle Camps
Heroic Charge can allow you to escape foes by using it on jungle camps. You'll need vision on the monsters, so it often requires a ward. Here's all the camps you can use (applies to their other side of the map counterparts, of course). As you can see, it doesnt work on the big wall near red buff.
E-flash Escape
Remember that you cannot cancel your Heroic Charge once Poppy started her rush. It means that if you press Flash, she will use it as soon as the E ended. Combine that fact to your E often ending stuck to a wall, and you've got a great combo to leave your opponent screen in no time.
Cheese lvl 1
You can of course trap your foes when they helped their jungler while yours started topside or didnt need a pull.
As with every other supports, you have two options to cheese lvl 1: using either Lane Bushes or Outside Bushes.
Lane bushes
Your goal is to enter the third lane bush (farthest from your own tower) before the ennemy minions reach lanes, so they dont give you away. Once you're in, wait until the ennemy laners are coming and E their ADC (never against Alistar, Thresh or other supports that can cancel your E or grab you under tower. If you land E successfully, the ADC will have to back away, losing his EXP, and will then be late for lvl 2.
jungle bushes
Redside (cheese in Tribush)
Note the ward I put at the beginning : it's very usefull to avoid your target escaping if it flashes or to stun it if they take the safe way under the bush.
Golden Cheese :The third one is the cheesiest and the strongest: It pushes the target far from his tower safety, often forcing it to Flash on the drake pit, which is terrible for them since you can then keep the target from going back to lane by watching the river. Only do it if you KNOW they are using the classic way straight from Redbuff to lane.
Blueside (cheese in River bush)
This cheese is often depending of your wards: If your ADC is not in the bush with you of if he is farming, exiting the bush to stun the target with Heroic Charge (as seen in the video) will make you lose vision. Always bring wards for this one!
Wait until the last moment when they enter the bush to use your E, for maximum surprise, guaranteed stun and better damages since they'll be closer.
The main objective while doing those cheesy traps is not necessarily to kill if it requires too much ressources (unless you're facing an enchanter. If you do, hard commit on one target and kill either him or his ADC). In any other scenario, you mainly want two thingd: burn the ADC's Flash while chunking a good portion of his health, and denying the EXP/color] from the first three melee minions.[
Once it's done, you'll still have your own Flash, and most likely will reach lvl 2 first aswell. Killing with that advantages shouldn't be hard.
This is what a successfull cheese looks like in an ideal situation:
Alcove and Plants
The Alcove Botlane is a weird zone where you can stun no matter where they stand, so even if you're at an obvious disadvantage don't panic and apply your stun. You can also be ewtremely aggressive if you see the ennemy ADC steps into this place. It's your territory.
Jungle plants
Pretty sure you already know that, but Steadfast Presence can block dashes from Jungle Plants, so be sure to use it if you see it can lock a target with the grounded effect on top of it.
Perfect Spots for Heroic Charge
As you can see, there are some tiny secret spots on the maps you can use to stun a target into a surprising turret range. If you use this correctly, it's a guaranteed kill, as it surprises most of players.
I will enlist those secret spots passed on by generations of Poppy players here:
Undertower E-spots secret list
Side lanes (Same spots on Topside)
Mid Lane (Same when Mirrored)
Common E-spots not so secret list
The Birds spot
The Wolves spot
Base door stuns
As you can see here, no matter if it's your base door or theirs, if it's either a wall for you or for them, the base doors will stun an ennemy when pushed with Heroic Charge.
Bee Poppy by Harimii
''What do you mean my hammer's too big?''
The Poppy Support Gameplay
The huge aspect of Poppy Support is that she can do so much that it's sometimes hard to know what's best at a given moment. Those calls are up to you. What i can do for you though, is showing you all the possibilities.
pull the buff for jungle
Sounds dumb, but doing a decent pull for the jungle buff can help your jungler a lot in early game if he needs his HP, and your kit is perfect for it. Start with Heroic Charge to stun the monster (care and time it if the jungler throws a skillshot first like Nidalee spear or you can make it miss). Then, Iron Ambassador passive will protect you, so you can actually tank the buff, which is huge. To be able to tank 2 hits, be sure to pick the shield while the buff is starting his first AA on you. To maintain the aggro, stay in melee range. After the second hit, run straight at lane. Usually, the jungler will be so delighted you'll see pop an emote.
''The jungler will remember this.''
Laning Phase
Despite the different playstyles, one thing is certain regarding Poppy Support laning phase : It's about snowballing. Late game wont go your way.
Botlane is a wild place, but we can roughly sum up your possible supports matchups in four categories (even if most champions are a mix between at least two of those):
Engagers (That will try to kill you or your ADC before you kill them or their ADC),
Ex: Pantheon, Sett, Pyke Skill matchups most of the time, but also where you shine the most.
You'll need to disengage before doing anything, as most of them can kill you if you try to kill their ADC before they react. Once they lost their CC, they're way less scary. If it's a Leona or a Rakan it's different : Go in, they wont be able to counter you since you'll have Steadfast Presence
Grabbers (That.. well.. have a grabbing ability),
Ex: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Nautilus. Truly not a big deal.
The only thing to do is bait their grab. Trust in your dodges, and if you can flash to both escape the grab and stun their ADC, it's even better.
Pokers (That can poke you and slowly eat away your chance of surviving an engage),
Ex: Brand, Xerath, Zyra Either extremely violent lanes or very slow chess games, depending on your ability to dodge spells.
Those matchups are all about dodging their CC and hard-bursting them before they can poke you. First blood should happen before lvl 3. They're squishy as hell. If they run Barrier, just go on their ADC instead. Easy to maintain pressure once you get control of the lane bushes.
Enchanters (That can heal and sustain with low kill pressure)
Ex: Soraka, Lulu, Nami Hardest lanes.
Go in before lvl 2-3, and all in either the ADC or the Enchanter. If your lane bursts correctly, you should kill easily. Care their CC if they have something to counter or cancel your E ( Janna, Lulu, Soraka, most of them do etc..)
They outscale you but they cant roam as well, if you win lane, take over mid and drake.
1) Look for early trades or lvl 1 stuns
Your damages early can easily bait a flash. Do not ignite lvl 1 if you are not sure to kill soon after, especially if they have an enchanter that will heal your damages right back after the trade, cause you likely wont kill on the first stun if the target has a flash or a cleanse.
If you are facing a grabber, either always bait his grab before going in, or dodge it after your Heroic Charge.
Here are what your early laning should look like:
1 - Bait CC's, contest bushes, focus lvl 2, maintain pressure to get it first
2 - Never hesitate to flash in a squishy target when you're getting lvl 2 first
3 - Dont panic if your ADC gets engaged, keep eyes on their damages and on their CC cooldowns, E their carry and trust your damages
4 - Concede lvl 2 if their guard is too solid, once at same level be aggressive before they poke you too much
If you're laning a Poker, the more you dodge spells and wait, the more they'll get greedy and go forward to hit. Do not rush: farm, protect yourself with Iron Ambassador and dodge their CC before everything else. One mistake should be enough, but of course, the more they hit spells, the harder it will become for you. The key is to maintaning attention on you, either by going forward everytime you're shielded, by using oracle to take a ward, or threatening their ADC. Most ADCs in the game have poke on their own, so if you're patient and convincing enough, your lane partner may even outpoke them.
Always try to rush lvl 2 by using your Steel Shoulderguardson two melee minions of the second wave. If you manage to do it and get lvl 2 before your opponents, a flash-E-Q-Ignite on a lvl 1 ADC/mage will often mean first blood. You can also flash-E just before getting lvl 1, as you'll have time to level up your Q during the animation.
Regarding the item quest, use your stacks very strategically.
First of all, you need gold, so never use it on ranged minions, they're not worth it. Take every cannon with Iron Ambassador, it's easy and super safe. Poke with your passive if you dont have stacks or dont want to use them right away.
You're at your strongest between level 3 and level 6, as your kit doesnt need Keeper's Verdict to deal enough damages to kill early. Abuse it on champions that rely on their ultimates to be at their max potential.
2) Always fight for vision in lane bushes
Poppy is a massive threat when she gets control of lanes bushes. I recommend using your Oracle Lens to clear them as soon as you can, even bringing it lvl 1 is viable as long as your ADC wards the river. If they have a grab, it's way harder to keep control of it but for other lanes, maintaining them under constant pressure should be super easy. I recommend using a Control Ward on the closest bush of their turret, to paralize their lane. Again, you'll need your ADC to put one of his Stealth Wards on the river.
If you manage to take control of the lane, remain hidden in the bushes and dodge the poke if there is some, wait for a window, it will quickly becomes frustrating and pressuring for them, since you'll deny CS and threaten to kill.
Here's what it looks like on their side.
3) Avoiding ganks
Getting ganked is less scary when you play our dear keeper of the hammer.
Always hold W for emergencies
You're a Tank: Go on the jungler, focus the attention on you, you have enough mobility and tools to survive, just get your ADC to safety.
Enter a bush to press R, kick either the jng or the laners depending on situations
Dont be afraid to hard commit on a squiqhy jungler if you're ahead, even in a 2v3
Wait until they are grouped before using your ultimate
Bonus round on a troll lane : focus on cancelling the gank CCs before anything else. (Also, always keep the attention on you and use Q to AOE damages and slows.)
First of all, your burst with CC can easily one shot an overconfident jungler coming from behind if your Heroic Charge stun connects. If he dashes while staying far from walls, Steadfast Presence comes in.
In any case, always remember that entering an unwarded bush and channeling R will almost guarantee you to hit it on whoever is coming, as people dont expect it to channel that fast if they dont see or hear Poppy starting it.
4) Holding 1v2 - Poppy Support Special
Poppy wont kill 1v2, that's for sure. But you have another excellent tool at your disposal. If Keeper's Verdict is available, place right at the foot of your own turret, and wait their lane to advance. Channel it and cast your ultimate on minions. It will have three different results, all perfectly usefull:
1- They wont be able to push.
2- The farm for your ADC wont be lost, negating their advance
3- They wont be able to dive you as easily, which is even more frustrating for them if their jungler was around.
Diving a Poppy is a ****ty idea anyway.
It's also a valid strat to counter a group push in lategame when you defend a tower alone, or to hold a splitpushing fed ennemy by yourself.
Their only counterplay is to CC you durring R channel, be aware of that and it's free. If they ego it and go forward anyway, i'm glad to show you here what it looks like, as I call it the Poppy Support Special ™ or the Reverse-Dive.
It's pretty easy to do and rely exclusively on their mistake of trying to dodge your R. Remember: Your main goal was simply to save the wave for your ADC: this is a bonus. If they dont do the same mistake as Lucian, just dont do it. But trust me, they often does, especially before High-Gold/Low-Platinum. Overall, it's a very powerfull and reprodictable play, and probably the most badass thing you can do as a Support.
So, to do it right, be very carefull of your placements and your R timing. Leave one minion on the lane and the turret aggro wont go on ennemies. And you need to save all the wave anyway. So learn the correct placement and path to do it, which is surprisingly precise.
Look at those exemples to see what it looks like with mistakes.
Roaming and playing for Objectives
When to roam?
Usually after a kill you'll still have a decent amount of Health. Help your ADC to clear the wave -or push it alone-, then use demolish if it's available. Once it's done, head to the river, while clearing wards if you see some.
Jungle Chill
Since you're in the jungle, take the regen plants as soon as they spawns to sustain the laning phase. As a Tank, you're heavily beneficiating from those free heals.
If mid looks gankable, go for it but be sure not to be seen with Oracle Lens, a simple roam to clear those wards is already really usefull for future moves. At last, if you see both junglers top, never hesitate to do the bot crab yourself, as it allows you to roam so much faster and maintain some vision around drake. Break his shield with Heroic Charge. I usually straight go for it if mid is not gankable, and rush back bot with the move speed buff. If your jungler is around, of course, give it to him, simply start it and protect it from ennemy jungler, as your jungler gets more EXP out of it.
Good vision on the river is the first step to successfull drakes and ganks mid.
Always keep an eye on your lane if you're not that ahead, cause their lane will freeze and deny creeps to your ADC if you roam for too long, or dive him if they have enough CC.
gank mid
In this clip, if you watch the minimap, I'm constantly playing the map. My ADC backed after a kill, I roamed asap to dive the Swain, then I rush to take vision on drake and claim it with the jungler, I show up bot to cover Jhin, but their botlane backed under tower so i'm able to come back Mid for the save.
Your aim while ganking Mid is either to burn the opponent Flash when he sees you arrive with a stun angle, or to be a diving-HP bar for your ally. It needs to be brutal and fast cause react to a move mid is always easy for anyone on the map.
It also means you'll probably need to back or head bot right after.
Saving the Midlaner from a gank with your kit or simply pressing R while you were passing by is also extremely tilting for them and satisfying for you.
from base
Poppy's kit is perfect for a quick in-an-out fight, and she already has good mobility, without counting your Mobility Boots, so it's actually pretty easy to do those and still come back bot before something dramatic happens.
Keep an eye on Herald and Drake timers before making those calls, to rotate faster on objectives.
As with any Support, when you return from base, always check if Mid or Jungle needs help.
There's no magical formula to determine when it's worth, but if your ADC is safe, is backing or with your jungler and if you have enough time, a gank Top or Mid can help regaining control of the game when the ennemy started snowballing.
Or it can bury them deeper if your mate is already winning.
counter roaming
If you warded river correctly and keep an eye on your minimap, you should see or guess pretty early when your ennemy Support roams. Poppy already has a good mobility and a good kit to fight or escape in the jungle, dont be afraid to rotate with him.
If it's too late to join, be sure to ping your mates for the threat, and either freeze to deny CS or push your lane as fast as you can to hard engage/dive their ADC : Your kit is built for it.
If you manages to connect your Heroic Charge even under their turret (sometimes actually onto the turret) you should still be able to kill before taking too much damages.
Dont do it too much if you see the support doesnt come back to botlane and keeps roaming, because it means your other lanes will definitely need you. Keep your ADC safe but if you see where their team is and they are not threatening to gank or assassinate your ADC, try to roam aswell.
Objective : Defense
As a support, is it your job to maintain vision on Drake Pit, and when your team engages it, to put down a Control Ward or use your Oracle Lens to ensure the call is unseen. Once those aspects are done, some Stealth Wards outside the pit can help to see potential stealers approach. Tip to know: you can use Iron Ambassadorto use the vision stone near the pit as showed below.
When the call is contested, you have a lot of tools to help your jungler or counter the steal, either by staying near the drake and peeling it from ennemy team or by exiting it to engage the ennemy jungler and maintain the attention on you.
-Use your W to cancel the plant near drake (as seen below) or any jungler dashes.
-Use your E on the pit walls to stun on sight any jungler getting too close to the big lizard, or simply to push them away.
And of course, if you can follow their jungler movement with certainty, a good R will solve the equation instantly.
Objective : Offense
Attacking an objective is extremely easy aswell. Indeed, you can use the exact same tool to delete a jungler from the picture. A single E on the pit walls then Q Ignite on a half-health jugnler soloing drake will most of the time kill, the Ignite diminishing the heal of his Smite.
You're a constant threat for his sneaky drakes and are able to solo ruin it all the time, so be sure to abuse it. If they are too many and you dont have backup, you can still try to use R to cancel the call or to tempo your team arrival.
Be very carefull when trying to E in an objective pit, as the epic monsters are huge. I recommend to always use the''target ennemy champions only"mouse in this situation to be sure to use Heroic Chargeon the jungler and not on the drake or nash, which would often mean death and loosing the objective aswell.
Late-Game Teamfight
Peeling style
Poppy Support has two jobs :
-keeping her team (and particulary her ADC) safe from hard engages or assassins
-lock down an ennemy with chain CC until he's dust
When your ADC is reliable, and your team doesnt really have another tank but have pleanty of damages or pressuring tools, Poppy will mainly have to cancel as many engages as they try on your team. Remember that your R can mess up their timing and back-up or focusing potential, and that your W is perfect to delete their gap-closing abilities.
Then you can start looking for a stun or to lock their damages dealers.
Some exemples of what you can acheive, pay attention to the uses of W that are the core of your plays in lategame:
Sometimes being a Support Tank just means being an mobile HP bar for your team. Once again, after your allies are saved from the initial threat, go in and lock the main target.
Solari Poppy
As the title says. Locket of the Iron Solari is definitely huge if your ADC is reliable, it's definitely the best build above Diamond or when you're in DuoQ/Flex.
When they have fed Assassins or Hypercarries
Peeling is all fun and games until they have a 17 / 0 / 153 assassin like Talon, Kayn, Master Yi etc. Luckily, assassinating assassin is Poppy's bread and butter in early, and perma-blocking them is her mission in lategame.
The first thing you need to learn as a Support in general is to think like them. Stay around your carry when he goes for buffs, and bring the fight to them before they try to jump him.
CC is the Key, always.
You're a good peeler, but you don't have Kayle's ultimate. Recognize when your ADC is dead after an engage and switch to a different ally to protect, or more importantly watch a window to lock down their carry.
The Rengar Experience
Peeling a Rengar R is really easy if your ADC stay close to you. There are a few rules to respect though. Everything you need to know is perfectly showed here:
1) Stay close to your ADC. Use the eyes above your head to roughly guess from where the cat is arriving. If you have a good set of emotes, don't hesitate to spam it to dare Rengar to actually go in.
2) Do NOT press W until you see him jump. I know, you're scared, and stressed, and Rengar damages can kill in less than a second, but his dash is slow enough for you to react if you expect it. Wait the last moment to use Steadfast Presence.
3) If he didnt dash so far, he may be trying to make you waste your W or to change target. Stay around your ADC unless you see him. If you see Rengar, you can try to scare him into going near walls to keep his stealth. Then you E him. Keep W until your Stun ends, that's when he'll use his R dash.
...Proceed to emotes again.
Engaging style
If your team has no one else to do it, or if their team has no way to access your backline, it often falls off to you to engage the decisive fight.
The main key for a good engage as Poppy is patience. Unfortunately, you're not able to go in all the time: you need a wall, or a good flank.
Indeed, your champion is made to punish positionning mistakes, which often means waiting the ennemy does one. If the long version of Keeper's Verdict doesnt create an advantage by itself, you'll have to play slow until you see the window.
Once you stunned your target, aim a short version of Keeper's Verdict onto the most ennemies you can hit, and tank/add damages where is needed.
In a general fashion, keep in mind where the damages are. For exemple, as you can see below, it's not a big deal to have two tanks threatening one of your carry if the only source of ennemy damage around is being bursted and locked by your combo.
Solo-mission/The diversion strategy
When the game is very hard and their teamfight seems to be way better than yours, you can try to split the attention by full engaging a carry 1v1. You will almost never kill (unless you got Thornmail, it's an ADC, and he actually try to kill you), but the mayhem you cause can actually turns the fight around.
It's truly when you have absolutely no options left.
Pizza Delivery Poppy by Te4moon (@lVleduza on Twitter)
''I'm not good at staying down.''
Skins Concepts and Fanarts
Classic Popps Fanarts
Why doesn't Poppy have a "DEMACIAAAAA" line, for real? I get that she's not super patriotic but come on. That scream is so hype.
Personal Highlights
Video to be done soon =)
And on that note...
Thank you all for all the wonderfull time I spent on League.
And yes, YES, thank you RIOT GAMES, and everyone working really hard in it, for this ******** thrilling and fun game, even if we all insult the hell out of you from time to time from how passionate it makes us.
Thank you a million times to Shini, Oude and Moldhof, my crew, my mates from forever, my brothers from another life, The Boys, The Homies, and always the first squad on the breach.
You guys taught me what it is to have brothers-in-arms, loyalty without bounds, understanding and care. No one I would trust more than you to jump after me under that tower. And you know that if I have to tank those R's, I'll do it tenfold.
You're the most precious people any dumbass gamer would ever hope for in its squad.
Thanks Floki my best friend and my ultimate bro, my twin brother GT Purple that put me into this game, Katsuukii that I put into it, MurderOfBirds and Masterjust for all the NA-RAM and fun times.
Thanks to all my Poppy friends and mentors from Discord, Youtube and everywhere else.
Thanks Chibi Miku for being the absolute boss that he is, holding way more than twice my points alone while being the chillest guy out there. Thank you also for your Discord Server for Poppy mains and all the wonderful people in it.
Of course thanks NA Tactician for his tutorials and videos, he's not the rank 1 Poppy without reasons trust me.
I never heard any Poppy player talking **** about him. It proves how clean he is, but also and most importantly, that he's just nice enough to be liked by his peers. We ain't aiming at the king here. The king's chill.
Thank you SweetAvocados ''Avocabro'' for the Poppy Jungle insights and Okonaye and his community for the laughs and the streams.
Thank you Dacnomaniak and PixelPoppyHD for the fun contacts.
Thank you SKT T1 Oner for briefly giving us all the hope of a SKT T1 Poppy skin.
Thank a lot to the chad that destroyed my *** with the old Poppy back in 2015 to give me the idea to try her rework botlane.
Thanks Tea4moon for the super friendly answers, and thanks to you again and to all the others artists that allowed me to display their art in the guide, that I quoted under their respective Skin Concepts in the pages.
Thank you Kate Higgins for your flawless voice acting performance on Poppy. You cannot comprehend how many times I heard your voice crack the same two lame jokes, at a period of my life when I really needed a laugh.
Thank you John O'Bryan, for having written one of the most beautifull and poetic lore in the game with our little dense yordle. Your story inspired me to play her further, and helped me a lot on a personnal level, and I want you to know it if you ever read this.
And of course
Thank you Poppy for the fun times and laughs. You rock.
Thannk you for every dive, every kill, every save, every call we did. Even every time we died cause of your stupid all-in E and solo lost the game while being flamed, or every time we ulted the ennemy carry to safety cause brain diff.
Thank you for teaching me perseverance.
Thank you for teaching me patience.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for teaching me confidence.
I'll move on from LoL, but I'll always be alone to know what impact every bit of knowledge I wrote here had on me, and how slowly getting better and learning more proved me I was capable of so much.
I never thought I'd be Platinum one day. Today, I leave as Diamond.
Thank you, you knucklehead.
One day, you'll find that ****ing hero, and that day, you better present it to me. Glad we could work together in that botlane for so long!
Take care partner.
Time to pass the Hammer onto someone else.
If any of you want to reach me to discuss strategies or anything else, Discord: Jageiko#4393, IG EUW: Jageiko, IG NA: Prof Poppy
''Some things are just too important to give up on.''
-Poppy of Bandle City, Keeper of the Hammer of Orlon and True Hero of Demacia
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