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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
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Can use his smoke when your in a bush so you cant jump to him. Can also clear way faster than you.
Bush man
Bush man
Champion Build Guide
+ Extremely Fun + Lots of different builds + Satisfying to one shot + Can be played jungle or top + Easy to stomp games on + Good at jungle skirmishes Even while being in a weak place in high elo. At low elo he can definetely carry games in the right hands. He is super fun with the various amounts of builds that can fit your specific playstyle. |
- Weak against tanks - Hard to master - No disengage - Needs to be ahead - Struggles in group fights With Rengar you need to be ahead to feel relevant but when you are ahead its an amazing feeling. A couple big flaws are his weak ganks pre 6 and him not having any form of disengage so in groupfights where the enemies are grouped up its hard for him. |
Eclipse This is a well rounded mythic item for Rengar. It gives sustain, good damage, and has a good mythic passive for shredding tanks. |
Axiom Arc For beginners this is the second item I suggest because of its passive. Since ganking is a lot harder without your ultimate, having 20% of its cooldown reduced after a takedown is super nice. Unless your behind id go for it also because it allows you to dominate the map early-mid game by being able to ult constantly. |
Rengar's early game is strong as you need to snowball early. It's easier than other snowball champs because of his strong early game. It's important to know the matchup against the other jungler since most of the time you win 1v1 against them pre 6. This makes it important to invade and take scuttle fights.
When invading the others jungle its all about knowing their character so you can predict what camp they will be at and also what abilities they have. For example a common strat I use is to be in a bush in jump range of a camp and when the enemy jungler is clearing it I wait until an important ability is used to clear like a Master Yi Q. Then once they use it you can jump on em. Most of the time in early game you wont one shot so its important to go back to the bush and constantly jump back and forth to get passive stacks. Same thing when going for scuttle you always want to try and force the fight near a bush which will almost garuntee a kill.
Ganks with Rengar pre 6 are tricky since hes slow with no gap close. This is why its important to know when to gank. If the enemy laner is full HP and close to tower you are just wasting time trying to gank them. The easiest way to get a gank is to communicate to your teammate to try and get them close to a river bush but only if you know they don't have any vision in it. This is why first back getting a control ward if you can afford it and serrated dirk is important. Also when ganking you need to know the enemy's abilities and if they have an ability they can used to escape. For example if you are ganking a Zed than you would want to wait until he uses his shadow on your mid laner otherwise if you try and gank he can just use it to get away. If there arent any gank opprotinunites then you should just focus on getting level 6 as soon as possible. When you get level 6 thats when you want to immediatly gank a lane as its a big power spike for you.
In the early game you also want to make sure your using your empowered E if you know your burst wont kill them as if they flash or have a mobility you can root them to chase them down.
First back you really want to ideally have 1100 gold which would be after a full clear and a scuttle crab. Serrated Dirk is a big powerspike because of the lethality so you should be looking for kills once you get it.
When invading the others jungle its all about knowing their character so you can predict what camp they will be at and also what abilities they have. For example a common strat I use is to be in a bush in jump range of a camp and when the enemy jungler is clearing it I wait until an important ability is used to clear like a Master Yi Q. Then once they use it you can jump on em. Most of the time in early game you wont one shot so its important to go back to the bush and constantly jump back and forth to get passive stacks. Same thing when going for scuttle you always want to try and force the fight near a bush which will almost garuntee a kill.
Ganks with Rengar pre 6 are tricky since hes slow with no gap close. This is why its important to know when to gank. If the enemy laner is full HP and close to tower you are just wasting time trying to gank them. The easiest way to get a gank is to communicate to your teammate to try and get them close to a river bush but only if you know they don't have any vision in it. This is why first back getting a control ward if you can afford it and serrated dirk is important. Also when ganking you need to know the enemy's abilities and if they have an ability they can used to escape. For example if you are ganking a Zed than you would want to wait until he uses his shadow on your mid laner otherwise if you try and gank he can just use it to get away. If there arent any gank opprotinunites then you should just focus on getting level 6 as soon as possible. When you get level 6 thats when you want to immediatly gank a lane as its a big power spike for you.
In the early game you also want to make sure your using your empowered E if you know your burst wont kill them as if they flash or have a mobility you can root them to chase them down.
First back you really want to ideally have 1100 gold which would be after a full clear and a scuttle crab. Serrated Dirk is a big powerspike because of the lethality so you should be looking for kills once you get it.
This is the stage of the game where you can consistently one shot the enemy squishies like the ADC. You want to be constantly using your ult to put pressure on lanes. Your job is to carry the game and prevent their carries from scaling.
You can easily be shut down when the enemy team groups so you want to have smart positioning and never be engage for your team.
You want to be playing for objectives aswell and making sure that you are in a position to go for the enemies backline after your team engages. You can also shred objectives as Rengar. When having two core items or more on Rengar chances are you can take baron at 20 minutes with 1-2 teammates but never try to finish it if the enemies contest.
You can easily be shut down when the enemy team groups so you want to have smart positioning and never be engage for your team.
You want to be playing for objectives aswell and making sure that you are in a position to go for the enemies backline after your team engages. You can also shred objectives as Rengar. When having two core items or more on Rengar chances are you can take baron at 20 minutes with 1-2 teammates but never try to finish it if the enemies contest.
At this point in the game when you have The Collector / Infinity Edge and you can one shot almost anybody on their team you dont need to really clear camps anymore but instead always apply pressure on anyone on the enemy team whos out of position as at this point of the game if there isnt anyone on their team who isnt grouped up then that should be your target.
The enemy team should be aware of your one shot potential by now so using your R to zone them out is a good idea if they are taking an objective.
In teamfights patience will be key as you need to wait for the enemy CC to be used to go in. You should never be diving their frontline as its probably a garunteed death.
The enemy team should be aware of your one shot potential by now so using your R to zone them out is a good idea if they are taking an objective.
In teamfights patience will be key as you need to wait for the enemy CC to be used to go in. You should never be diving their frontline as its probably a garunteed death.
Here a couple of useful tips and tricks I would keep in mind as they can come in handy.
- Your Savagery is an auto attack reset so this makes it useful to maximize dps especially when clearing
- You reset your ferocity timer by either taking damage or giving damage to anything. This includes plants and and jungle camps so you can use it to keep ferocity while moving inbetween camps.
- In 12.2 you can now jump when camouflaged after level 6
- Your Savagery is an auto attack reset so this makes it useful to maximize dps especially when clearing
- You reset your ferocity timer by either taking damage or giving damage to anything. This includes plants and and jungle camps so you can use it to keep ferocity while moving inbetween camps.
- In 12.2 you can now jump when camouflaged after level 6
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