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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Bard breaks Jarvan's engage, stuns him at the Cataclysm wall and stops his whole backline.
Our beloved Jarvan IV becomes one of the most strong offensive tank jungler with the recents lethality changes. He does tons of damage in seconds and can take a lot of hits.
This guide is going to help you in some situational choices while climbing your elo.
You must know Jarvan isn't the bulkier tank, thanks to his weak damage mitigation and health regeneration. In this guide, we'll try to balance his assassin's skills with his tank behavior, explaining the whole kit and talking about the best way to create a early/mid game monster.
I played as Jarvan since season 3. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks to this guide, written by jhoijhoi, which helped me a lot with that codes
+ Extremely burst + Brush reveal + Strong early game + Strong team fights + Attack speed buff + Utility kit Jarvan IV is a great pick in solo queue. Nice engage and nice protect are his strongest points, with the capacibility to burst carries and tank them. His ultimate forces enemies flashes and deal AoE damage and his E + Q combo allows J4 to run even sticked on floor. |
- Falls of lategame - Susceptible to knock up/back - Mana dependent - Slow R animation - Low mitigation/regeneration As per all champions, Jarvan IV has his strengths and his weaknesses. Compared to other tanks, J4's kit does not provide that much of damage mitigation. His slow animation on Cataclysm makes it avoidable or flashable. Sometimes, lategame Jarvan is most support than that true Exemplar of Demacia. |
Jarvan IV's initial basic attack on a target deals bonus physical damage. This effect cannot occur again on the same target for a short duration.
Q: Dragon Strike
Jarvan IV extends his lance, dealing physical damage and lowering the Armor of enemies in its path. Additionally, this will pull Jarvan to his Demacian Standard, knocking up enemies in his path.
W: Golden Aegis
Jarvan IV calls upon the ancient kings of Demacia to shield him from harm and slow surrounding enemies. The most enemies champions near, higher is the shield hit point.
E: Demacian Standard
Jarvan IV carries the pride of Demacia, passively granting him bonus Attack Speed. Activating Demacian Standard allows Jarvan IV to place a Demacian flag that deals magic damage on impact and grants Attack Speed to nearby allied champions.
R: Cataclysm
Jarvan IV heroically leaps into battle at a target with such force that he terraforms the surrounding area to create an arena around them. Nearby enemies are damaged at the moment of impact.
Source: Jarvan IV | League of Legends.
Maximize your Q first. This skill break enemy's armor, deals a lot of damage, grants lower CD and give us mobility when used against Demacian Standard even if Jarvan is trapped on floor (with Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Trap, Morgana's Dark Binding or Lux's Light Binding, for an example).
But why do i let the Dragon Strike at the 4rd level? Hm... Pretty simple to explain. Your Demancian Standard remains for 8 seconds, so you will have one second to use your Q again toward the same Demacian Standard. Trust me: Jarvan can combo twice at level 5 if he wants to. Who dares defy his will? Surely not me.
After the Q reach the 4rd level, I usually maximize the Standard mainly to provide clear time and an attack speed boost to whole team.
Why do I max the Ultimate? Obvious. To trap my ADC and get flamed. J4 becomes unstoppable while he scream "DEMACIA!". Try to avoid CCs saving your ult and ulting like a boss at the best time.
If you accidentaly (or not) trap one of your carries in Cataclysm, reactiving your ultimate will instantly desappear.
After, look for sustain buying your Hunter's Talisman if you did not yet.
At this point, Jarvan already is a clearing camps machine, so, lets invest in movespeed and tankness. I'm talking about the Dead Man's Plate and Ninja Tabi.
Jarvan's build must be something like Stalker's Blade - Cinderhulk, Ninja Tabi, Tiamat and Dead Man's Plate, and we could call it Power spike (or wait until your Titanic Hydra were finished).
Surely, maybe if the enemy team has mages or anything dealing AP damage, buy Mercury's Treads instead of tabi and/or rush a Hexdrinker, also.
About Skirmisher's Sabre and Stalker's Blade: they both are great choices. The first one has great 1v1 potencial and also improve some tankiness. The last one gives you burst damage, movement speed and some utility. Thats why it's my prefered choice.
High mobility to offensive plays, like a Demacian Standard+ Dragon Strike+ Flash combo and a (even more) nice escape. But, again, you can change this, if you preffer, for Exhaust, Ignite or anything you think is worth.
Smite is irreplaceable once you're the jungler. You'll just need to make sure what enchance is the better for each situation (Chilling Smite against high mobility champions as Tryndamere and Kalista and Challenging Smite to deal with squishies ones like Master Yi, Caitlyn, for an example).
First, remember what is Martial Cadence: Jarvan's innate ability makes he smash enemies heads once every 10, 8 or 6 seconds, depending on his level. Make sure you're abusing that 8% of target's current health bonus physical damage and not wasting our precious time.
The very first battle starts at the bot side buff camp, because there is the best leash and the faster clear time. Save your smite for the second buff. Run straight to wolves camp and clear it faster as you can and head to your top side buff. Smite it just to execute. It will provide you more health recover, but not that much. At this point, Jarvan would be damaged and tired... Have a break kicking Rift Scuttler's booty to regain some energy to make safer ganks.
Use your Smite at early levels when you're low enough to continue jungling, when you have to leave the camp faster or when you've stacked the both charges. I recomend focus on sustain and mobility before invest in Skirmisher's Sabre or Stalker's Blade, because Jarvan has a nice engage, but he struggles a little doing the camps.
Buy Control Wards every time you can. Succesfully ganking or slaying a safe Dragon, Rift Herald or Baron Nashor for a 75g price is aways a big deal!
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