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Runes: Optimal for lane domination
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Surging Tides (PASSIVE)
Nami Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Hello. First of all i want to say thank you for reading my guide. I'm N0ZOMI and i live in southeast part of Europe. I started playing League of Legends in Season 4 and since then i'm support main. I remember when Nami was popular in LCS pro scene few years ago. Ever since then i enjoy playing her. |
About Nami
Nami playmaking Possibilities are exceptional and amazing, other words limitless.
Nami is champion that really stands out of the crowd when she's in good hands, her versability is allowing her to play extremly aggressive or passive while peeling for carries.
In this guide i'm going to share my insight of Nami with you. We will go trough everything in depth, starting from basic abilities of Nami. This is my first ever guide on Mobafire, hope you'll enjoy it.
Feel free to drop comments for any suggestions you have. Lets get started :)
Surging Tides: Whenever Nami cast an ability on an ally chmpion it grant him bonus movement speed that lasts 1.5 seconds. Use it while roaming, applying pressure on enemy bot lane or just while moving back to lane, no rules. |
Aqua Prison: Great CC ability. You can deny pretty good enemy engages/ganks. Trouble bubble may be hard to land in ordinary skirmishes because they are predictable. You want to aim landing it while enemy ad carry is trying to last hit minions. It takes some practice but it pays off. |
Ebb and Flow: This is most important ability in early game. It gives a lot of sustain which puts Nami above others in laning phase. Soraka is healer also but she take heals from herself to give it to others. Maxing it is always best idea. |
Tidecaller's Blessing: Shouldn't be underestimated. Combined with Ardent Censer gives your carry significant advantage in damadge output. More dps at your teammate = less health points at enemies :). Use it almost always on your adc when he's going to trade. It will not just give him bonus damadge it will also slow enemy. Impaired enemies are always easier to hit with trouble bubble. |
Tidal Wave: Strongest ability with awesome range that provide insane CC. Great tool for engaging/disengaging in every kind of situation. You can use it as zoning tool when either sieging towers or fighting at Baron nashor pit. It also gives allies bonus movement speed. |
Sorcery is main rune tree and that should stay that way. Summon Aery is great choice since it shield your ally on Ebb and Flow proc. Manaflow Band really speak for itself since nami need a lot of mana in early game. Transcendence is key for your abilities CD. Scorch is irreplaceable part of Sorcery tree since Nami tend to poke and trade in lane a lot. With its cd of 10 seconds it synergises very well with Ebb and Flow. |
Resolve as secondary rune tree it definetly fit Nami perfectly, combining Chrysalis with Revitalize fills the gap and bring out the best possible solution for high sustain during lane phase. Revitalize is getting more impactful after completing core items Ardent Censer, Redemption and Mikael's Blessing. Bringing out max of Ebb and Flow really know to save lives in many situations |
As i mentioned above in main rune tree that we will go trough more possible builds. Magical Footwear combined with Cosmic Insight is my second good pick for Nami. Why? Answer is pretty simple, if you consider rushing Ardent Censer, Magical Footwear will save you extra 300 gold which is great for supports champs overall. Cd bonuses are very useful from this tree. Extra CD can change course of game. |
This is second secondary rune tree that i'd like to point out as a decent choice. Zombie Ward is great for additional map control and dominance. Ingenious Hunter is making this rune tree so interesting because of its item cd bonus. More item cd = more Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari spamming = more saved lives and turned fights in your favour. |
Boots options
Mobility Boots are best option when you are ahead. You want to grab them fast and roam mid + help your jungle with enemy jungle invasions. |
You really want to get Mercury's Treads when facing enemy team champions with high crowd control rating such as Alistar, Leona, Rammus, Nautilus and so on. |
Nami Core Build
Ardent Censer Is definitely among best items for Nami and you should always buy it. Synergise very well with Tidecaller's Blessing. Goes perfect with champions that are hungry for attack speed. Movement speed and ability that provide are great when you are ahead because you can roam faster. |
Redemption is my second choice. Giving that extra hp really mean a lot. Specially in transition to mid game team fights. Really can turn around fight in your favor if timed correctly. Also if you go with Ingenious Hunter rune, spamming it around will help not just in team fights. It will help with random skirmishes all around map. |
Rush Locket of the Iron Solari if you are struggling to survive in early game. Aegis of the Legion with tanky boots will give you enough time to wait for enemy mistake and you will be able to punish that. Item is late game beast. Since you are Nami, squishy in every stage of game. Will get you extra survivability and opportunity to save life. |
Ideally you want to rush Mikael's Blessing when against heavy CC matchup like Alistar, Leona, Braum and so on. But not always they play aggressive so really depends on the enemy approach to you. I like to save it for late game when enemy don't expect it. |
Remnant of the Watchers is ideal for because she is champion that tend to be aggressive and dominant in lane. Completing it after your first item is always good choice. Aim to complete it around levels 9-10. |
Choose Remnant of the Ascended if you want more defensive approach to the laning phase where you aren't sure that you will land many auto attacks. Or you are just scared of the enemy bot lane |
Oracle Lens is a must. As support you want to provide map control and vision across entire rift. Denying enemy wards you make easier ganks for your jungler. When enemy has no vision control over area of map they tend to approach either extremly safe or just facecheck bushes which can cause you and your team to potentially win fights and pick of unprepared enemies. |
Build when ahead
Athene's Unholy Grail Is great pick when ahead. It adds extra healing and ability power to your overall performance and make you even more dominant. |
Ardent Censer Is definitely among best items for Nami and you should always buy it. Synergise very well with Tidecaller's Blessing. Goes perfect with champions that are hungry for attack speed. Movement speed and ability that provide are great when you are ahead because you can roam faster. |
Extra movement speed + quite a lot of ability power from Twin Shadows are fantastic. Best to build it when ahead, it will help you to finish games faster. Spooky ghosts can help you out to reveal enemies under stealth and also catch those who manage to survive team fights. |
Shurelya's Battlesong synergise great with your passive ability Surging Tides. Use it in combination with Twin Shadows and enemies you chase will face death. |
Remnant of the Watchers in this build is unavoidable item. Having that domination in lane and ability power will mean alot to win games faster. |
Redemption is my second choice. Giving that extra hp really mean a lot. Specially in transition to mid game team fights. Really can turn around fight in your favor if timed correctly. Also if you go with Ingenious Hunter rune, spamming it around will help not just in team fights. It will help with random skirmishes all around map. |
As i mentioned above, Mobility Boots are best option when you are ahead. You want to grab them fast and roam mid + help your jungle with enemy jungle invasions and close out the game. |
Oracle Lens is a must. As support you tend to provide map control and vision across entire rift. Denying enemy wards you make easier ganks for your jungler. When enemy has no vision control over area of map they tend to approach either extremly safe or just facecheck bushes which can cause you and your team to potentially win fights and pick of unprepared enemies. |
Exhaust: Summoner spell that is used mostly as support. You can use it if enemy jungler ganked bot to disengage their all in, also in 2v2 situations Exhaust is really helpful with landing Aqua Prison. You cannot miss it. In close situations it can really be deciding factor of your success or failure. Use it wise and smart. |
Ignite: Not my prefered summoner spell. Yeah it give you more kill potential at lane but if you fall behind, Ignite is almost useless. You want to pick it depending on your overall feeling of game and specially vs Soraka. |
Flash: Flash is flash. Best getaway in bad situations. Also Flash on Nami is excellent for making aggressive plays. Combining Flash with Exhaust, Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave you are disabling enemies for good 4 seconds. 4 seconds are huge and can decide outcome of game. Use it wise. |
+ Gorgeous + Great engage/disengage + Peeling for adc + Great sustain + High team fight potential Nami is overall great support pick. Specially when your team has hard engage champions like Amumu Shen Sion and so on. With enoguh practice and skill you can basically win any matchup. Her passive Surging Tides grants her allies consistent movement speed which is great in many scenarios |
- Mana struggle early game - Vunerable to cc - Potential death on enemy all in - Skill required - Predictable Q Surging Tides Nami has weaknesses like every other champion. Her weakness is her low survivability in teamfights and all in situations. Other than that, she's good. :) |
Start the game with an point in your Ebb and Flow This allows you to heal your jungler and then get back to Lane and basically start trading immediately. Nami is one of strongest level 1 supports in entire game. Using your W isn't going to kill your opponents instantly or anything crazy tho. You can win almost every trade on bot lane with Nami All you have to do is walk up close to enemy carry and auto attack him few times then use Ebb and Flow And move out of enemy range. |
Those small trades that you are doing basically give you chance to get control over the lane faster and grab that level 2 faster than your enemies. Having level 2 faster than the enemy is great because then you can zone enemy carry and prevent him from getting CS. During entire lane phase you want to be agressive as much as possible. However if you go too aggressive you might end up dead since minions prioritize hit Nami hard. |
If you are more for passive game, chill around and help our your adc with farm. Use your W to heal back up and that's it. Many champions can deny and zone carries. However, Nami specializes in that field. Wait your enemy to go for last hit on a minion and basically predict where is he going to stand when he want to last hit that minion. |
This is Nami's great advantage in order to slow down the enemy carry farming and gold acquiring. If you decide to go with Mobility Boots (considering that you are ahead in lane) You want to start roaming. After your first/second recall always go mid to either apply pressure on enemy mid lane or to secure river map control. |
Lane Phase as Blue Side
Ideally speaking, if you play more cautious with higher defensive approach to the game always place Control Ward on number 1. 2 is bit more offensive but it can give you and your mid lane significant advantage of spotting enemy jungle pathing or invading blue side. 3 & 4 are very aggressive wards and will be likely removed soon but they will also give you and your teammates great tracking of enemy jungle. That can help your jungle to set up counter gank or go for counter jungle |
In most scenarios, 1 & 4 will keep you safe from enemy ganks.2 & 3 are aggressive wards. You should approach those positions with care. |
When it comes down to flank Teleport wards, yellow wards are best in many ways. If enemy team is pushing you under tower and you see good chance for punishing them, call for a TP from your top lane. 2 is great when it comes to early game river skirmishes over scuttle crab and vision control. |
Lane Phase as Red Side
Number 1 Control Ward is most likely ward that will stay there for quite long time and provide satisfying vision. After first recall you should go towards mid lane and see if any play can be done or in Nami case you can heal mid lane + place wards either number 3 or 2. 3 will probally stay there longer than 2 but number 2 has more advantages in terms of controling enemy jungle movement. |
Teleport is often used by top laners to make proactive plays around map. Providing them best possible wards to make things happen can benefit for both jungle and Top lane. 1 & 3 great if wave is pushed against your turret. However, number 2 is great choice if you want to get 3 man dive under bot tower, or just want to get that juicy first turret gold bonus. |
When it comes down to Mid game, you gotta know that Nami has incredible range of abilities at her disposal for any situation. Which is putting her at top of support champ picks. Engaging & disengaging teamfights are her strongest point in mid game. Staying with your team most of the time will grant them good utility for different kind of situations. |
Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari built are perfect for bigger objective fights like baron nashor You can zone enemies pretty well with Tidal Wave and your Q. |
Nami in teamfights serve great to stop any enemy intentions to inflict damage for your carries. Play around back of the line and always use Ebb and Flow on your teammates to patch them up. Spam your E on your ranged champions, preferably ad carries or simply champions that use auto attacks often. |
Crowd control that nami provide is astonishing, using and timing it properly requires days of experience with that champion and some luck as well. So, basically we came to the end and conclusion is: Practice, pay attention to details, always learn more, study, research and git gud. :) |
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