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This is a difficult matchup during laning phase, best way to counter is work around his cooldown, try to bait his hook, then hit him with your W to slow him down, run up to him and Q him, then E away. Or if you're confident in getting away without losing the trade, engage with your E.
He will counter your Q's true damage with his W shield. Only way to win this matchup is to show early lane dominance and abuse him before his level 3 and 6 power spikes. After level 6, play safe and farm, do not look to engage, build magic resist items like Hex drinker. And only engage with your jungler if he already used his ult.
You win this matchup early, and if he sucks then he'll fall off, but if he's a good Olaf, he will quickly pick up and kill you even if you're ahead.
Ohhhh Setty boy. Everyone gets their face smashed in by this guy. Camille can KINDA counter him. Keyword here is kinda. The trick is to dodge his W's true damage. You might be able to eventually kill him, but you're kinda squishy to him so you can also easily lose the lane if you make one mistake. It's possible to win though.
You can easily fall off and lose this matchup if the Fiora knows what she's doing and parries your second Q's true damage or ult. Only trade when confident and counter build. I start off with Tiamat if I'm ahead for wave clear, then I immediately start building mortal reminder + attack speed to counter her healing from her ults and ravenous hydra. Late game, have the ravenous hydra, mortal reminder, thornmail, and triforce then you'll win a 1v1 against her easy.
Really annoying matchup, just build armor and eventually she'll be useless.
He out damages you after level 6 so don't even try it. Just trade pre 6 and try to gain dominance but after that just play it safe and don't look to trade.
Annoying matchup, in low elo you can probably dominate the lane if the Garen isn't so confident. But once he gets level 6 he can all in you and win because he's just so tanky. Do short trades in quick bursts so his healing passive doesn't kick in, but if you're losing trades it's best you just back off and wait for ganks.
His new buffs makes Nasus ridiculously annoying, slowing you down with his wither, and chunking half your health with his Q. You only have a pre level 6 window to show dominance in this lane and sneak a kill or two but after level 6, I suggest playing it safe.
Skilled based matchup. You win some, you lose some. Try to minimize your laning mistakes and watch your placement. His stuns are annoying and if he gets ahead he usually stays ahead.
Poppy's kit literally counters yours, but you still outdamage her easily because most Poppy's just build tank items. Just build lethality and bait her abilities then engage with your E.
You can easily destroy him early level, but once he hits the level 9 power spike + black cleaver he's able to 1v1 you and win. Best to deal with him with your teammates after that.
Dodge his Q's and you should be fine. This should be an easy matchup, just don't make any mistakes and don't soak up the damage from his Q's like a sponge, you'll get chunked out of lane and fall behind. Or, you know... die.
EZ squish kill.
Ez squish kill.
Ez squish kill.
Annoying poke, but you'll win this matchup unless you start feeding and he starts snowballing out of control. Though, I must warn, he's an easy champ to underestimate.
Finish the game before her level 16 and its an easy matchup. You still win even after the fact though. And you can easily bully the crap out of her early game.
Play smart and he's a very easy matchup.
His magic power will hurt but if you dodge his stuns and stay away from his exploding minions you should be able to win trades. Just be careful, he could out sustain you in lane.
His magic damage hurts, but just get armor penetration + magic resist and you should be fine.
Annoying matchup because of his silence and knock up. Build magic resist and armor penetration.
Engage when he's not a monster. Stay away when he is. His poke is annoying so just be wary, and stay within good distance. Probably best that you let him push your lane.
There's some really good Ornns out there that can destroy you in this matchup, but very few of them can and many will lose. Just play smart and you can win this matchup. E to avoid his ult's knockup.
Easy matchup.
Annoying matchup, but she's squishy and easy to kill. Bait out her jump back ability, otherwise she'll use that to counter your hookshot engages to stay away from you.
Easy matchup.
Skilled matchup. He's not as bad as Nasus, but he can still out-trade you if he knows what he's doing.
Ez matchup, unless you run into a Riven main, then expect some difficulty in this matchup. Minimize your mistakes, wait for her to use up her whole combo on minions and go in. She's kinda hard to kill because she uses her dash + shield + stun abilities to keep you away.
Easy matchup.
Easy matchup.
Easy matchup.
Easy matchup.
He can be an easy matchup, but they can easily out trade you if it's a long trade because of his crit. Keep your trades short, and after he's level 6, just build cdr and max your E first, so you can keep stunning him. Ult him for the kill unless you're low health. He can easily crit you.
You lose most trades because he just keeps healing. It's annoying af, just start with dorans shield and try to build mortal reminder and make sure you have second wind in your runes to help with sustain.
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