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Ability Order
Cursed Touch (PASSIVE)
Amumu Passive Ability
I. Preface / Table of Contents
Jungle Guide
Please comment and try the build and strategies before voting. Thank you.
Last Updated: 9.16.2011
LeagueDB version
Solomid version
Table of Contents
I. Preface
II. Introduction
III. Skill Explanations
IV. Summoner Spell Explanations
-- Considerable Summoner Spells
V. Rune Explanations
-- Alternative Runes
VI. Mastery Explanations
-- Defensive Tree
-- Utility Tree
VII. Core Item Build Sequence
-- Situational Items - Physical
-- Situational Items - Magical
-- Situational Items - Balanced
-- Situational Items - On the Offensive
VIII. Jungling
-- Basic Jungling
-- Leashing
-- Step-By-Step Jungling
IX. Type II Jungling
-- Pros/Cons
-- Jungle Route
-- Playstyle
X. Counter-Jungling
-- Responding to Counter-Jungling
XI. Mid to Late Game Playstyle
-- Mid Game Phase
-- Late Game Phase
XII. Tricks & Strategies
XIII. Closing
XIV. Special Thanks
XVI. Change Log
This guide will lead you on a walkthrough of Jungling Amumu and his nuances. Amumu excels late game but has difficulty in the early phases - however, Jungling Amumu has no problem powering through neutral creeps early game. This build will provide the optimal build order for an Amumu to dominate the early game jungle, still be an efficient ganker, and tank like a boss late game.
Abbreviated Terms
AA = Auto-attack (Basic Attacks)
AD = Attack Damage
AP = Ability Power
AS = Attack Speed
AoE = Area of Effect
CC = Crowd Control (Stun, fear, slow, snare, etc)
CDR = Cooldown Reduction
DoT = Damage over Time
ELO = Elo rating (Rating system designed by Arpad Elo that is now used in gaming communities worldwide)
FB = First Blood
GP10 = Gold Per 10
HP = Health
LS = Life Steal
MD = Magic Damage
MP = Mana
MR = Magic Resistance
MS = Movement Speed
OOM = Out of Mana
SV = Spell Vamp
DPS = Damage Per Second; also: Strong Auto-attacker
MDPS = Magical Damage Per Second; also:Strong spells; casters
MP5 = Mana Regeneration per 5 seconds
HP5 = Health Regeneration per 5 seconds
ArPen = Armor Penetration
MPen = Magic Penetration
I added Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold into the main item build. I've been using them for a while, since GP10 became popular, but I hesitated to put them into the guide because we all knew that GP10 would be nerfed soon. With the recent patch nerfing gold per 10 but still keeping them as powerful early game items, I now feel comfortable enough to put them into the guide knowing that they hopefully won't be nerfed again in a patch or two.
I have made some alterations as to how I play Amumu. Recently I have been experimenting with flat Armor seals instead of mana regen and I found the results satisfactory. In addition,

Everything else is, for the most part, unchanged.
I created this guide because the other jungling Amumu guides were not satisfactory enough to me. This Amumu guide shows what I believe to be one of the optimal item, rune, and mastery builds for this particular champion.
This guide will go over two different ways to start jungle Amumu - type I and type II jungling. Type I starts at the blue buff and is faster and allows for an earlier gank. It generally ganks right after finishing the route, around level 4.
Type II jungling starts at the wraith camp, making it much safer from enemy 5-man ganks in your jungle. It ideally jungles until level 6, but can stop at any time to gank.

-Very fast jungler with a passive in his

-Extremely good ganker coming out of the jungle with a stun in his

-Very effective tank late game; potentially reaching well over 300 armor/magic resist
-Extremely high AoE magic damage through

-Superior to other junglers like

-Jungling lets your team have three extremely fast levelers - jungling is typically a must in any higher-ELO game

-Deceptively strong 1v1 champion with his Despair, burst from Tantrum, and burst from his ultimate and Bandage Toss.

-Not as fast as some other junglers like

-Weak autoattacking, which can lead to some ganks getting away
-Sometimes difficult to skill-shot his

-Mana starved and almost useless without the Golem buff early game
-Terrible in 1v1s early game - very poor burst damage and is much more useful as a tank/initiator
-Incapable of ganking enemies early game without the help of allies, unless the enemy is at extremely low health
-Jungles with very low health - very vulnerable to ganks and counter-jungling
-Usually a predictable jungler, as 90% of all jungle Amumu start at blue buff

-Extremely good at initiating ganks and for chasing runners.
-Very useful for jumping walls in the jungle to either escape ganks or to save a few seconds while jungling.
-Pulls you into melee range to start dealing heavy AoE damage with your W and your ultimate.
While it can be hard to aim at times, practice will have you consistently hitting enemies. Primarily you will be using this in early game to gank mid or bottom. You pull yourself to an enemy, and as you call for the gank, your teammates will react accordingly and move in just as you throw the bandage toss. It is very difficult to escape this kind of gank - albeit still possible, as this video clip from the WCG 2010 finals shows:
(Skip to 2:10 for the action).
As you can see from this example, Amumu probably communicated with his team beforehand. As the commentator (Phreak) says afterwards, he probably told Ashe to shoot her arrow at that point, and he timed his Q accordingly. This is important to note: While your Bandage Toss is great for the stun and for the initiation, it is sometimes better to save it for when you know you can use it to stop a fleeing enemy. The perfect time for this is ganking enemies who are pushed up to your tower - it takes them longer to notice and to flee. While your team may not have this championship level of coordination, it is an important theme to note.
You want to get one rank in this at either level 4 or 5, based on how badly a gank is needed. In lower ELO matches or in solo queue, where a jungler is not necessarily on every team, you'll want to go get their golem buff after you get Lizard. There, it is acceptable to get

In addition, Despair can be useful when taking out other tanks like

While Despair may not be as practical late-game as it is early-mid game, it does have its uses - one of the most prominent being catching up with a fleeing enemy. Despair can easily give the damage you need to kill a fleeing enemy at low health, while autoattacking can slow you down enough so that you cannot catch up to them. My analogy for those Starcraft 2 players out there: Think of the Great Train Robbery mission, where your Diamondbacks were able to strafe and keep up with the train while attacking, while your Marines were unable to catch up to the train as they shot without stimming (analogous to, say,

Put one point in Despair first because of its effectiveness against Golem. After that, focus on maxing Tantrum (your E) and then Despair to increase your overall AoE DPS.

Get one rank in Tantrum at level 2 and focus on maxing it, since it will increase survivability in the jungle and your burst damage significantly. Tantrum is also the reason you do not take dodge masteries or runes - you want to be hit so that you can deal more damage with Tantrum.

-Initiation: What better way to start a planned team fight than to pop in with your

-Chasing: Use this sparingly, only when your Q is too far on recharge to use in the near future. Say that there's a very fed

-Fleeing: Similarly, your ultimate can be used to flee chasing enemies. If you can get away without using it, please try to, but in the event that you are hounded by a Mundo with

-Setup: Finally, you can use your ultimate to give the time that other champions like

Basically, if you know when and where to place

One of the best lines concerning Smite, from Faro in his video guide to Udyr -
13:00 - "A lot of people in this game are terrible at Smiting and a lot of people are bad at League of Legends, and those two things are not unrelated. Trust me."
Amumu cannot jungle without Smite. He becomes so much slower and cannot go to the jungle straight from level 1, defeating the purpose of having a jungler in the first place.

I would not advise taking any other summoner spells on Amumu, unless you need to take

I run a slightly strange 1/14/15 mastery set, but you can see that I grab everything that is essential. Improved

Tier 1 - Improved armor and magic resist. Max both of these, as it gives you a significant advantage early game.
Tier 2 - Increased health regeneration. This is taken over Evasion because you don't really want to dodge attacks, as that slows down your

Tier 3 - Reduced damage from minions and physical attacks. Because

Tier 1 -

Some arguments have been made that since you get blue buff,

Tier 2 - Improved experience gain. This is a must. Without

Tier 3 - The absolute most important mastery here is

Tier 4 - This is where you stop. Grab a point in improved

Finally, get improved

This is the item build that I use on

This is where the new additions come in - you should aim to get both Philosopher's Stone and

The gold you get from these gold per 10 items allow you to not only pass up farm and give them to your carries, but also allow you to buy many more Sight Wards for your team. Around this phase in the game,

Alternatively, if your team is doing very well and you feel that you can get away with not running defensive boots, try

-Very strongly recommended - should almost never be skipped.

-Strongly recommended - can be skipped if facing little crowd control and magic damage.
Late-game, if you aren't going to build your gold per 10 items into anything, remember to sell them! If you're 45 minutes in and the next team fight is going to decide the game, don't keep around those two items that provide minimal benefit at this stage. Sell them and finish a core item, or turn your

At this point, you absolutely must branch off your item build based on the composition of the enemy team. The mark of a good Amumu, or any good tank, is that he adjusts his item build to tailor the builds of the enemy team. This also means that you should pay especially close attention to hybrid characters, like

When facing a team that deals mostly physical damage (define mostly here as 3 and above), there is a certain course of items that you should buy to maximize your own efficiency in fighting them.

DISCLAIMER: These items are situational; try to stick to tanking items unless your team starts to win, in which case it is acceptable to begin building Ability Power or more offensive items.

Do note that the change to

Jungling refers to the act of having a character not stay in the lanes, but instead travel around the jungle, taking out neutral minion camps. When done correctly, jungling can level a champion as quickly as a solo-laner. This lets your team have, essentially, three carries - the solo champion in middle, the solo champion in top, and the jungler - all of whom level extremely quickly.
As a jungler, your job is to take out these camps while not dying (unless playing

Higher-level games will always have a jungler, as the advantages are too good to pass up. As such, when your ELO rises and you notice more and more enemy junglers in normal games, you need to be able to deal with them. For now, however, this guide will take you through how to jungle with just Amumu, not how to counter others.

Red lines represent optimal ganking paths. Yellow stars represent essential ward placement.
When starting off, you will need to assign roles - who is the mid carry, who is the top soloer, and who will be dual laning at bottom. Try to assign your support characters, like

Start off at the patch of grass between your blue buff and mid lane. This allows you to scout for an early gank at your own golem and prevents first blood. If wanted, you can have your team stand guard with you as well.
Go to the blue buff golem and take him out with your

Then go to the Lizard buff and kill it with your W and E,

Leashing is simply the act of having a teammate stand on the other side of the wall by blue buff and doing a bit of damage to it, whether it's from a spell or an autoattack. This will cause the blue golem to start trying to attack your ally. When it loses aggro, it will switch targets to you - but during all that time, you've been attacking it and crying by it.
LeagueTopTen has a pretty good video illustrating a good jungle leash (although do note that you really only needed Sona and Amumu didn't have to tank that one Golem hit).
Like LTT says, there's no disadvantage to getting a leash. Your teammate that does the leashing usually takes around 30 damage which is healed by the time he gets back to lane, while you save around 200 health in total. Always get a leash in your games.
Stand here at 1:55. Immediately pop

Attack the big brown wolf and use

Walk into the center of the four wraiths. Initiate with

Move on to the Lizard camp - note that it is difficult to kill the Lizard without masteries and runes. I recommend you be at least level 21 before attempting this. Anyway, your Smite should have 10-15 seconds left on its cooldown. Pop a

Finally, move on to the small golems and take them out with your standard combo. Use Tantrum to initiate (try to catch both of them with it) and keep Despair up. However, you probably won't have enough mana for any more Tantrums at this point - it's fine. Just use Despair while autoattacking and you can handily clear both camps without dying.
Blue pill back to base. At this point, I generally have close to 550 gold, so buy your

If their team lacks a jungler, go ahead and take out their blue buff. If they do have a jungler, however, go back to the wolf camp, then clear wraiths and the small golems again before ganking. Make sure to ward either Dragon or their Golem/Lizard buff to create some very easy ganks.
This is a new form of jungling introduced to me by YouTube user and LoL player Stonewall008. His channel is filled with jungle videos for just about every champion that can do it, and I highly recommend it for any aspiring junglers out there. The video in question that showed this way of jungling with Amumu is:
This jungling does work with the patch that increased neutral monster magic resistance to 0. You actually don't need to start with a

-Begins at the wraith camp, and therefore is much safer from ganks, since everyone assumes that Amumu starts at blue
-Generally jungles until level 6 rather reliably and quickly
-Able to gank anytime after red buff - flexible path

-Slower than classic jungling
-Vulnerable to the enemy jungler stealing your blue before you can get it
-More vulnerable to being scouted with

Skilling order:

^Picture obtained with Leaguecraft's champion builder.
Start with a

At 1:40, go to the Wraiths. Put a point in

After that, go to the small golems and spam Tantrum while keeping Despair up.

At this point, if you started with Cloth Armor+5 health pots, you should have barely enough money for your

At blue buff, keep

Continue through the camps, clearing Wolves and Wraiths in the way you usually would. Now you need to go to the small golems, skipping Lizard for now. Kill them with only Despair and Tantrum - don't blow your Smite here. After golems, go to red buff. Focus the big lizard, keep Despair on, and spam Tantrum - smite at 495 health. Recall back, or gank if you feel like it. Continue to follow the skill order shown at top during the course of your jungle - HOWEVER, if you feel comfortable ganking directly after red buff, make sure you put an early point in Bandage Toss at level 4.

Green dots represent essential ward locations. Yellow dots represent optional ward locations. The red arrows going into top, middle, and bottom lane represent your ganking paths.
Upon recalling back, buy your

The first thing you need to know is "When am I going to use this route over the regular route?" There are a few cases where you may very well want to consider this.
Let's say that the entire enemy team has infiltrated your jungle in hopes of an early gank. Your team is weak at level 1 team fights, whether it's because they have multiple

This also works when you've got one or two people who you know are going to try and dedicated counter-jungle you, or are just hanging around, not in their lane, waiting to kill you at blue buff. Characters like this all include

Finally, this is a viable jungle route for when you know that the enemy team will play passively, or when your team has a lot of characters that push the lane out, such as

As for the style of game you'll be playing, it'll be extremely similar to standard jungle play. It just relies less on those early ganks and focuses more on leveling.
Regarding that Sight Ward that I said I'd talk about - Feel free to get it at level 1 if you're against a jungler that you're confident you can gank in jungle easily. Place it at their red or their blue, depending on where they're most likely to start, and grab 2 health pots and be prepared to steal a buff. If you didn't get this ward, it's not terrible at all. Amumu isn't the most reliable ganker in the jungle, compared to

Counter-jungling is a term that refers to when a champion enters the enemy jungle and attempts to cripple the enemy jungler by stealing his creep camps (denying him experience and gold) or just killing him outright.
The most common way is the first - simply steal creeps.

A recent game where HotshotGG played jungle Amumu:
He demonstrates knowledge of the game - he skips red buff when he realizes that the enemy team has a jungle Shaco, who is a strong counter-jungler. He also knows that Shaco doesn't pick up blue buff for a while, and manages to steal it before the opposing Shaco realizes. This is a great example of a game where knowledge of other junglers and their paths can turn the tide.
Know that the majority of jungle

Know that the majority of

Know that the majority of

Knowledge like this is essential to your counter jungle - it lets you know if it's a better idea to steal his wraiths, his golems, or his blue buff.
While a lot of people may think differently, Amumu can counter-jungle quite effectively. Any jungler can, really. A lot of games, I'll do this if I'm feeling aggressive or if I know that I'm up against a jungler that's dependent on XP and buffs to complete his/her route.
In higher ELO games, people will move out as a team from level 1 and do one of three things: Guard one of their buffs, move out to attack an enemy buff, or wait in the river or a similar neutral zone in case the enemy moves out. Therefore, at these levels, it is extremely risky to try to counter jungle. Example:
Skip to 0:53 for the derp.
So one option you do have in the beginning is to move out as a team and steal their red buff. But you don't have to - if you're confident that you're not going to get ganked, the best way to counter-jungle with Amumu is to go to their Wraith camp. Level up

Another option is to go to their small golems, Smite one of them, and take just that one out with your Tantrum. A lot of junglers rely on small golems to get to level 4 and usually their key ganking skill, so taking this one out early can really cripple a lot of junglers, including

A great series of videos about counter-jungling, by Stonewall008:
So this may have happened to you before - you're jungling, you kill blue buff and wolves, and you get to your wraiths - and the blue one isn't there. You kill the small red wolves and you go to your small golems - and one is missing. You've been counter-jungled, and now you're trying to do Lizard buff at level 3 with only a quarter health, and can't do it, so you're forced to retreat.
How do you respond to that?
Against any good counter jungler, you won't know they're there, unless you've taken the liberty to ward your own jungle or if your support has been very loyal with his/her

Judgment is very important here - and no, not the

In addition, if you know that your opponent is aggressively counter-jungling you, ask your support to Clairvoyance your own jungle more often, ward their jungle, and ward your own.
One of the most important things to know about counter-jungling is that it slows down the person doing it. Therefore they'll be under-leveled as well - use this opportunity and ward their buffs, invading their jungle.
The most important thing is to not be crippled - above all, don't die and lose your buffs to their jungle.
As a jungler, your job is to gank as many champions as possible early game, preferably their mid carry. As a tank, you should be expecting to get assists, not kills. As a tank, you also have the right to initiate a tower dive, but only at full health or close to full health. Try to start ganks as soon as possible - ideally, you'll be in a position to gank right after grabbing the small golems and porting back to base, but more realistically, you'll start around level 5 or so.
Remember to protect your carries late-game and that your

You are the main character on your team responsible for warding and grabbing

I define mid-game for Amumu as when you've stopped jungling full-time. The ganks have started. Your record is now positive, with hopefully zero deaths. You've completed your

Try to clear neutral creeps whenever possible. Grab Golem and Lizard, but now your priority is to let your physical DPS take the Lizard buff and your mage carry take Golem - if neither of them need it or can afford to leave the lane for it, feel free to take it.
Buy Sight Wards. Whenever you have spare money after buying an item, it helps greatly to grab one or two of these and ward Dragon and Baron, as well as the jungle passways leading to your mid lane. Your strategy for mid-game is to continually gank while preventing ganks on your own team. You do the latter by buying wards.
One or two towers are destroyed by now. Your aggressive buying of wards has led to complete control of Dragon throughout the game. You have an

Team fights are breaking out everywhere. Your job is to run to these fights, if you're not the one initiating them, and tank for your carries and casters.

Your role at this point? Don't die. Simply stick to the following dogma:
-Initiate with

-As a tank, you are the one who initiates. Likewise, you are also the one who organizes the retreat. Never, ever retreat before your squishies do without announcing it.
-Try to use Bandage Toss on the enemy team's squishy. That not only stops their damage for a second, but it also clearly marks a priority target for the rest of your team to see.
In the World Cyber Games, the championship was between America's own Counter-Logic Gaming, or team CLG (containing big names like HotshotGG, Bigfatjiji, Elementz, Chauster, and Kobe24). They faced off against EU team SK Gaming in a best of 3. In game 3, CLG had, quite literally, the single best Amumu initiate+ultimate I have ever been privileged to witness.
Skip to 11:15 for the action. CLG is in green.
Creep Bandaging - Very simple. Aim your

Jungle Jumping - This refers to using your Bandage Toss on neutral creeps to either escape chasers, pursue runners, or simply to speed up jungling. Say that your

Creep Clearing - This refers to the act of pushing ahead of your minions and tanking the upcoming enemy creep waves. Since they're all attacking you, the cooldown on your

Jungle Juking - You can use your Bandage Toss to pull off some extremely efficient 1v1 jukes in the jungle. Say that you're being chased by an enemy or enemies - simply run through the brush, then as soon as you see them exit the brush as well, Bandage Toss to them and run away in the opposite direction from where you were running before. The best example of "jungle juking" that I've seen thus far:
If that's not enough, you can actually double juke them and double back in the brush again to throw them off your trail. Just don't do it too much, or this happens:
Those should be all the tricks you need as

I hope that this guide has increased your understanding of Jungle Amumu and how to play him. As always, comments are appreciated, as are ratings. Correctly played, Amumu is one of the most potent tanks in the game and can pump out some serious, tear-wrenching DPS. Don't expect to get a really high K/D ratio with Amumu, but instead go for a very high K+A/D ratio. Most importantly, have fun.

-Endless thanks to SixSonatas for his build format, which has been instrumental in creating this build. See his original work on Taric here.
-Thanks to DEWO for his Jungle Warwick guide and Restrictnine for his Jungle Udyr guide, both of which I used as a backbone for my own jungling section.
-HUGE thanks to Stonewall008 for his informative Amumu jungle video that introduced me to Type II Jungling and his videos about counter-jungling.
-Thanks to Grasshyren, MachinimaRealm, and Caketown for some very useful lines and videos that contributed to this guide.
-Thanks to Faro for his gameplay and commentary in MachinimaRealm's video.
-Thanks to Matt, FlashJ, and everyone else who keeps this site running! Without you guys, this guide wouldn't even be possible.
-Thanks to the community for taking the time to read this guide!

Q. Why is

Q. Why not go 21 in defense? Aren't you a tank?
Q. Why don't you max

Q. Why don't you build Ability Power? Amumu's abilities have great AP scaling!

Q. How early can this Amumu get Dragon? When should he?

However, it is not recommended to solo Dragon in most games. As you get into higher-level play, teams will have Dragon warded almost constantly, and any attempt to solo dragon will be crushed by the entire enemy team. Ideally, you need at least 3 people doing Dragon, preferably after a successful kill or gank.
Q. Why don't you get

Q. Why is

-Added armor marks and armor quints as optional
-Updated icons in the mastery section
-Changed masteries to 1/14/15
-Added Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold into the core item build
-Removed all other summoner spells except Smite, Flash, and Ghost
-Emphasized the importance of buying wards and Oracle's Elixir on Amumu
-Fixed a tooltip saying that the Utility Mastery mastery extended the time on Baron Buff when it actually does not - many thanks to Tehcolin for pointing this out!
-Changed masteries to 1/13/16 to get those points in Quickness - Veteran's Scars just isn't as strong anymore
-Added the "Leashing" section
-Centered all videos
-Added guide to LeagueDB
-Added a video of HotshotGG playing Amumu to the Counter-Jungling section
-Transferred guide to
-Added section in the FAQ answering why I max Tantrum over Despair
-Finished changing core item build to use Aegis instead of Sunfire
-Finished Counter-Jungling section
-Changed mana regen Seals to flat armor
-Changes published
-Began work on the "Counter-Jungling" section
-Fixed some minor numbering and coding issues
-Edited the "Dragon" section of the FAQ to reflect that Amumu should not be soloing dragon in higher level games.
-Removed the "old format" link as it was unnecessary.
-Finished an in-depth Type II Jungling guide.
-Accommodated for the Patch buffs to Amumu and change to Smite.
-Added an "Alternative Runes" section.
-Added the Type II jungling section after seeing Stonewall008's video, linked in the same section.

-Finally updated to accomodate for patch, which slightly raised the magic resist of some neutral creeps.
-Fixed a minor coding error in the items section.
-Removed the "MOBAFire database may still be inaccurate" comment now that

-Completely revamped the BBcode to be less lengthy. Drop-down icons will now display

-Found the correct video - it was MachinimaRealm's video of Faro's Udyr guide where he commented. Sorry, PinktyGRRR, but I hope you at least enjoyed the little attention that this got you!
-Changed skill build from W-E-E-W-Q to the more common order of W-E-E-Q-E, which is better for early ganks and slightly speeds up early jungling.
-Changed photos to Tinypic URLs as my Photobucket trial period has apparently expired >.>
-Updated build completely to the new guide format. Created another guide in the classic format for those who liked that style.
-Realized that I forgot to put "Special Thanks" in the table of contents - edited accordingly
-Fixed a slight typo in the Jungling section
-Wrote a more in-depth analysis of Amumu's early jungling phase, for those people who need step-by-step jungling instructions (I used to be one of these people >.>)
-Added a screenshot of my completed item build
-Alphabetized the "Abbreviated Terms" section, except for closely related terms.
-Added ELO rating to the "Abbreviated Terms" section - thanks, Johndevl, for pointing that out!
-Slightly modified sections about wards - my thanks go to member Mastarwe for his constructive criticism
-Slight errors fixed
-Slightly modified the section on

-Finished guide
-Finished Jungling section
-Revamped guide to reflect patch - "Sunfire Cape - Passive is now Unique"
-Added DoT in the Abbreviated Terms section
-Added Mid-Game Phase, Late-Game Phase, Tricks and Strategies, and FAQs
-Wrote part of the jungling guide
-Updated the Closing
-Edited jungling pictures
-Added Special Thanks section
-Added win streak image
-Wrote up Items and all Situational Items
-Edited and fixed up Masteries
-Started Jungling section
-Wrote up Skills, Summoner Skills, Runes, and Masteries
-Guide created
-Wrote up the Preface and the Introduction
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